Class 12 | MATHS |
Chapter | II PUC APRIL 2020 CLASS - XII |
Number Of Questions | 2 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
Prove that `int_(-a)^(a) dx = {(2int_(0)^(a) f(x) dx, if f(x) "is even"),(0, if f(x) "is odd"):}` and hence evaluate
(a) `int_(-1)^(1) sin^(5)x cos^(4)xdx`.
(a)Maximise z = 4x + y
subject to constraints :
x + y `le` 50
3x + y `le ` 90
x `ge ` 0
y `ge` 0
by graphical method.
(b) Find the value of K, if f(x) = `{{:(Kx + 1, "if"x le pi),(cos x, "if " x gt pi):}` is continuous at x = `pi`.
PART - E questions and complete solutions for chapter II PUC APRIL 2020 CLASS - XII of OSWAAL PUBLICATION MATHS (KANNADA ENGLISH) of Class 12