Complete Solutions to Exercise 4 of chapter SURFACE CHEMISTRY of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

P BAHADURExercise 4
Number Of Questions3
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The activity of a catalyst has been explained in terms of spontaneous adsorption of reactant moleculse on the surface of catlyst and ther by forming an activated adsorbed complex along with evolution of heat . The adorbed activated complex undergoes to decompositio to regencerate catlyst and give products . adorpton is of two types :
    (i) Physical adsorptio due to van der Waal's forces of attraction between reactant and catalyst molecules , weak , less exothermic, mulitlay and non-dirctional .
    (ii) Chemical dasorpton due to free valencies , strong, more exothermic, unilayer. The extent of adormpotion `( x//m)` vs temperature at constant pressure gives isobars. Freundilish studied influence of pressure on the phusical adorptons and reported that log `x/m log K + 1/n log P`.
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  2. The activity of a catalyst has been explained in terms of spontaneous adsorption of reactant moleculse on the surface of catlyst and ther by forming an activated adsorbed complex along with evolution of heat . The adorbed activated complex undergoes to decompositio to regencerate catlyst and give products . adorpton is of two types :
    (i) Physical adsorptio due to van der Waal's forces of attraction between reactant and catalyst molecules , weak , less exothermic, mulitlay and non-dirctional .
    (ii) Chemical dasorpton due to free valencies , strong, more exothermic, unilayer. The extent of adormpotion `( x//m)` vs temperature at constant pressure gives isobars. Freundilish studied influence of pressure on the phusical adorptons and reported that log `x/m log K + 1/n log P`.
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  3. The activity of a catalyst has been explained in terms of spontaneous adsorption of reactant moleculse on the surface of catlyst and ther by forming an activated adsorbed complex along with evolution of heat . The adorbed activated complex undergoes to decompositio to regencerate catlyst and give products . adorpton is of two types :
    (i) Physical adsorptio due to van der Waal's forces of attraction between reactant and catalyst molecules , weak , less exothermic, mulitlay and non-dirctional .
    (ii) Chemical dasorpton due to free valencies , strong, more exothermic, unilayer. The extent of adormpotion `( x//m)` vs temperature at constant pressure gives isobars. Freundilish studied influence of pressure on the phusical adorptons and reported that log `x/m log K + 1/n log P`.
    Select the correct statements .

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Exercise 4 questions and complete solutions for chapter SURFACE CHEMISTRY of P BAHADUR CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12