Complete Solutions to Evaluation based question with answers of chapter ORGANISING of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

POONAM GANDHIEvaluation based question with answers
Number Of Questions19
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Alliance Ltd is enagaged in manufacturing plastic buckets.The objective of the company is to manufactiure 100 buckets a day to achieve this the efforts of all depatements are coordinated and interlinked and authority responsibility reletionship established among various job positions .There is clarity on who is to report oto whom
    Name the function of management discussed above.

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  2. In a school tweleve students work for the school library in the summer afternoon they are told to unload a shipment of new releases stock the bookshelees and then disponse off all waste (packing paper etc) one student supervises the work by grouping students divides the work identify the fucntion of management highlighted above

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  3. In a school fete the whole activity is divided in to task groups each dealing with a specific area like the food committee the decoration committee the ticketing committee and so on these are under the overall supervison of the ofical in charge of the event coordinating relationships are established among the various groups to enable smooth inteacttion and clarity about each group contribution towards the event
    (a) Identify and state the function of mansagement highlighteed above
    (b) state the steps involved in the funciton of management identified in part (a) by qunoting the lines from the above paragraph.

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  4. Rish, Ashu and Ravi have deicded to start a business of manufactureing toys They identified the following main activities which they have ot perform (i) purchase of raw materials (ii) purchases of machineery (iii) prodcution of toys (iv) Arrangement of finance (v) sale of toys (viu) indentifiying the areas where they can sell their toys (vii) selection of employees
    (a) production (b) finacnce (c ) marketing , (d) personnel
    A Identify the funciton of management involved in the above mentioned para
    B Quate the lines from hte above para which help you in indenfiying this function
    C state the steps followed in the process of this funciton of management

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  5. Ramadas aged 49 is working in anviation company he is the senior most empolyee in his division .He is even senior to the division manager kanaputti ramdas is considered one of the most comitted capable and hard working employee as a resutl of his abilities and seniroty he generally recived the work assignements of his choice although threr as a matter of routine a problemm developed when an eable adn intelligent perosn nagarjuna aged 33 was appointed by kanaputti nagarjun s pervious three years experience in the closely related work made it possible for him to catch on to htee routine work of his new job more rapidly wthan was customary for a new emplyoee however he did n't want to get involved in their personal issueds as longs as the work was completed effectively and efficiently by them one day the tension between them reached the boiling point and ramadas compained to kanapoutti stating that his duties were being largely taken over by nagarjun . this helped in reducing the workload enhancing productivity and removing ambiguity.
    (i) Identigy and state the step of organising porcess which has not been carried bout properly and contributed ot htis problem
    (ii) state the two steps of the organising process whihc have been taken by kanaputti to respond to the complaint of ramdas
    (iii) also state two points of importance of organising as reflected in the above case

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  6. A company which manufactures a popular brand of toys has been enjoying good market reputation .It has separate departements for prodcution marketing human resources and research and development
    Lately to use its brand name and alos to cash on to new business appoptunites it is thinking to diversify into manufacture of new range of electronic toys for which a new market is emerging
    (a) Identify the type of the organicational structure the company should adopt with diversification givew reasons in support of your answer
    (b) state any your benefits the company will derive from the organisation structure identified in part (a)

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  7. Neh runs a factory where in she manufactures shoes .The business has been doing well and shee intednds to expand by diversifying in to leather bags as well as western formal wear ther by making her company a complete provider of corporate wear this will enable her to market her business unit as the one stop for working women which type of structure would you recommend for her expanded organisation and why ? state any four benefits the company will derive form the organisatioal structure

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  8. A truck manufacturing company has its registered office in delhi manufacturing unit at gurgaon and marketing departemnt is located at faridabad .Which type of organisational structure should it adopt to achive its target? Give reasons st ate any four advantages of this organisasion structure.

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  9. Shan spices Ltd are the manufactureer of different food specific spices like rajmaa masala cholley masala aaloo parantha masala etc Mr raghav the owner of the company has created different department for puchase porduction marketing finance and human resource .There are thirty employee working in the organisation planning is of paramount importance to the company as Mr Raghav belives that effective planning leads to achievemnet of organisational objectives so in order to make employees focus on objectives he issued instrucitons that during working hours only offical matters will be discussed he made certain rules and code of conduct ofrm the employees to follow according to which employees are not allowed to visit and talk to the employees of other departments except for offical work he emphasied on work perfor which resulted in smooth functioning of the organisation
    (i) Identify and state the type of organisation mentioned in the above para
    (ii) state one feature of the concept identified in part (1) as mentioned in the above para
    (iii) what was lthe purpose behind the fomulation of rules for the employees that restricted their personal communication with the employee of other departments ?
    (iv) state two values violated by mr raghav.

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  10. Kiran industires is a company manufacturing office furniture .The company chose to diversify its operation to improve its growth potential and increase market share. As the project was important many alternatives were generated for the purpose and were thoroughly discussed amongst the member of the organisation after evaluating the various alternative sukhvinder the managing director of the company decided that they should add home interiors and furnishing s as a new line of business acitivity
    (a) name the framwork which the diversified organisation should adopt to enable it to cope with the emerging complexity ? give one reasons in support of you answer
    (b) state any two limitations of this framework

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  11. Aradhana and gandhar are heads of two differnet department in youmc Ltd they are efficient managers and are able to motivate the employee of their respective departments to imporve performance howerver their drive to excvel in their own sphere of activity instead of giving emphaiss on objectives of the enterprise has hindered the interecaction between the depatments that aradhana and gandhar are heading often there are inter departmental conflicts and they have become incompatible after studiyng the situation closely rashmi found that the problem has arisen due to infledibility nad a narrow perpective on the part of both araghanan and gandharv she is of the view that this situation is a result of the type of organisational st ructure yumco ltd has adopted from the above information identify the organisation structure adopted by yumco Ltd and state any three advantage of the structure so identified

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  12. A.V.M Ltd set up its electric appliances manufacturing factory in a backward are of himeachal pradesh where subsidies are proveded by the government and labour is available at cheaper rates.
    A.V.M Ltd was able to produce its products at low cost there by generating enough profit in the first year itself it was because of the fact that the limits of authoirty and responsibility of the empoloyee were celarly defined and the activites of various departments were corrdinated and integrated the production manager of the company also came to know about the avilability of raw material at cheaper rates from a vendoe for this he wrote a letter to the managingh director of the comapny for getting sacntion but because of porcedural delays in getting this sanction and procuring funds form the finanace amanger the orer could not be placed
    (a) Identify the type of organisation tht led to procedual delays and because of which the comapny could not get the agvantage of procuring raw material cheaper rates
    (b) state an advantage of the type of organisation identified in (a) above other than those discussed in the above case
    (c ) Aslo state any two values communicated A.V.M Ltd to the society

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  13. Steelo Ltd decided to set up its steel manufacturing factory in the backward area of odisha where very less job apportunities were available people of that area welcomed this affort of steelo Ltd to attract people to work in its factory it also decided to provided many other facilityes like school hospital market etc in the factory premises
    Steelo Ltd started earning huge profits another cometing company asked its production manager aslam found tht in both the companines there was systematic co-ordination among the various to whom the only difference was that in his organisation communcation took place only throught the scalar chain were steelo Ltd was allowing flow of communication in all the direction as per the requirment which lead to fastr speread of informaion as well as quick feedback
    (a) Identify and state the type of organisation which permits steelo Ltd the flow of communication in all the directions
    (b) state another advantages of the type of organisation identifed in (a) above

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  14. A company is manufacturing washing machine .There is well defined system of jobs with clear and definite authority responsibility and accountablility in the company but people are not allowed to interact beyond thri officially defined roles s a result the company is not able to adapt to the changing business enviroment .The workforce is also not motivated due to lack of social interaction The company is facing problems of procedural delays and inadequates recongintion to creative talents
    (i) suggest how the organisation can overcome the problem faced by it
    (ii) Give any two benefits it will derive from uyours suggestion

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  15. Progress Ltd is facing difficulties in introduction of machinery of latest technology as they are facing resistance from the informal groups who are pressurising th memebers to work against organisational interest as the human resources manager of the company would you advise the management of the company to confront them or give them some other suggestion to deal with the informal groups

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  16. Samir gupta started a telecommunication company donira Ltd manufacture economical mobile phones for the indian rural market with 15 employees the company did very well inits initial year as the product was good nad marekted well the demant of its products went up. to increase production the company decided to recruit additional employees .samir gupta who was earlier taking all the decisions for the company had too selectively disperrese the authority he believed that subordinates are competent capable and resourceful and can assurme responsibility for effective implementation of their decisions this paid off and the company was not only able to increase its produciton but also expanded its product range
    (A) Identify the concept used by samir gupta through which he was able to steer his company to greater height s
    (b) also explain any three points of importance of this concept

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  17. Aman chandha started bulls eyes company for provinding cyber security solutions to businesses .Its objective is to prevent detect and respond to cyber attacks and protect critical data he was a harworking software engineering and an exper to in cyber security his reputation grew by leaps and bounds as he was not only a person of integrity but also did his work wiht utmost honesty and sincerity the business started growing day by day he was delighted when he was offered a big progject by the mainisty of defence while working on the project he found that the volume of work made it impratical for him to handle all the work by himself .he found that hte volume of work made it impratical for him to handle all the work by himself he decide to expand the team .The company maintained a close liasions with a local engineering college .during a compus placement ishan and vrindra were appointed to work for the new porject
    He found the new employees capable enthusiastic and trustworthy aman chadha was thus able to focus on objectives and with the help of ishanand vrinda the project was completed on time not only this aman chadha was also able to extend his area of operations .On the other hand ishan and vrinda also got apportunities to develop and exercise intitiative
    (i) Identify and briefly explanin the concept used by aman chadha in the above case which helped him in foucusing on objectivie
    (ii) also state any four points of importance of the concept identified in (i) above

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  18. The directors of gunjanLtd an oranisation manufacturing colour televisions have asked their prodcution managaer to achieve a target produciton of 150 televisions per day the produciton manager has asked his foeman to achieve this target but he did not give him the authority for the requistionof tools and materials form the stores department .The foreman could not achieve the desired target .Can the directrores blame the production manager and can the production manager blame his foreman for not achieving the target? explain in brief the relevent principal relating to this situtaion in support of your answer.

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  19. National vritech Ltd has gron in size .It was a market leader but with changes in business enviroment and with the entry of MNCs its market share is delining to cope up with the situation CEO starts delegating some of his authority to the general manager who also felt himself overburdened and with the approal of CEO disperses some of his auhority to various levels throughout the organisation .Identify the concepts of management discussed above

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Evaluation based question with answers questions and complete solutions for chapter ORGANISING of VK GLOBAL PUBLICATION BUSINESS STUDIES (HINGLISH) of Class 12