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Complete Solutions to 7.2 Test Your Understanding (Understanding based question). of chapter DIRECTING of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

POONAM GANDHI7.2 Test Your Understanding (Understanding based question).
Number Of Questions28
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Balram is very hungry since he did not have breakfast in the morning. By 2.00 pm, he became restless and started walking on the road in search of a hotel for snacks or meals. After walking for 1k, he could find a hotel where roti and dal was available for Rs 50. Since he had only Rs 70 in his pocket, he paid Rs50 and had a satisfying meal. After taking a meal, he felt that he had regained energy.
    The above paragraph is an exmple explaining the process of one of the elements of directing functions of management. Identify it.

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  2. Which of the following is a functional incentive?
    a) Promotion
    b) Stock option
    c) Job Security
    d) Employee Participation.

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  3. "All needs cannot be satisfied by money alone". Name any two such needs.

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  4. Ankur is working as a production manager in an organisation. His subordinate Saurabh discussed with him a method of productions which would reduce the was cost of production. But due to some domestic problems and Ankur's mind being pre-occupied he is not a position to understand the message. Saurabh got disappointed by this. Identify the factor which acts as a communication barrier.

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  5. In an organisation all the employees take things easy and are free to approch anyone for minor queries and problems. It has resulted in loss of secrecy and confidential information being leaked out. What system do you think the manager should adopt to improve communications?

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  6. Status comes under which of the following types of barriers to communication?
    a) Semantic barrier
    b) Organisational barrier.
    c) Non-semantic barrier.
    d) Psychological barrier.

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  7. Match the example of need in column-1 with type of need in column-2 as per Maslow's need hierarchy theory of motivation.

    Select from the options given below.
    a) 1.(e), 2.(c), 3.(a), 4.(e), 5.e)
    b) 1.e), 2.b), 3.a), 4.c), 5.d)
    c) 1.(e), 2.(b), 3.(d), 4.(a), 5.(c)
    d) 1.(e), 2.(b), 3.(d), 4.(c), 5.(a)

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  8. Unclarified Assumption' is which type of communication barrier?
    i) Psychological barrier
    b) Semantic barrier,
    c) Organisation barrier,
    d)Personal barrier.

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  9. "One of the incentives is concerned with jobs that include greater varieity of work content and require higher level of knowledge." Identify the incentive highlighted in the given statement.
    a) Job enrichment, b) Carrer advancement opportunity
    c) Job security
    d) Employee recognition programme.

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  10. The following table contains two column on the elements of directing and main purposes thereof. You are required to indicate the best alternative combination of the element and main purpose.
    Element of directing Main purpose.
    1) Supervision i) Instructing, feedback
    2) Motivation ii) Influencing behaviour
    3) Leadership iii) Fulfilment of needs
    4) Communication iv) Overseeing performance.
    Select from the options given below.
    a) 1). (iv), 2.(iii), 3.(ii), 4.(i)
    b) 1.(i), 2.(ii), 3(iv), 4(iii)
    c) 1(iii), 2(ii), 3(iv), 4(i)
    d) 1)iii), 2(iv), 3(ii), 3(i)

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  11. In a company, Mr. Kshitij always explains management policies to workers and brings worker's problems to the notice of management. At what psot does Mr. Kshitij workers I this company?

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  12. Ms. Umang, production manager of Creative Concepts discusses with her staff about the new export order. All the staff members unanimously agree tha they all will work together to do overtime to complete the order and meet the deadlines. State the leadership style being followed by M.S. Umang.

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  13. Ayushi worked in a call center. Her team manager did not wish to be contracted and gave rewards depending on the result. State one benefit of the style of leadership being followed by Ayushi's team manager.

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  14. Dhruv is working as a supervisor with 'Neer Purifier Ltd'. Which is producing water purifiers. The target of the company is to produce 200 water purifiers every day. His job is to make sure that work goes on smoothly obeyed. He believes that reward or punishment both can be given depending upon the performance. Identify the leadership style being adopted by Dhruv.

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  15. Gopal, a manager in a company, sets the targets for his subordinates without discussing it with them. He firmly tells them that if the task is not completed within time, strict action will be taken against the defaulter. Which form of leadership is he following?

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  16. Shyamsundar , a manager in a pharmeceutical company, is really appreciativeof fresh ideas given by his subordiantes. He frames policies only after consulting them. Which style of leadership is he following?

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  17. Manmohan, a manager in a pharmaceutical company, is really appreciative of fresh ideas given by his subordinates. He frames the use of power and depends largely upon the group to establish its own goals and work out its own problems. Which style of leadership is he following?

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  18. Idenfify the Maslow's hierarchy needs highlighted in the following statements.
    i) Autonomy, status and prestige in the society help to satisfy this need.
    ii) Informal groups are often formed to satisfy this need.

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  19. Sarthak is working in a company on permanent basis. As per the job agreement, he had to work for 8 hours a day and was free to work overtime. Sarthak worked overtime. Sarthak worked overtime, due to which he fell ill and had to take leave from his work. No one showed concern and enquired about his health. Identify the needs of Sarthak whihc he is able to fulfil.

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  20. Sanjana Ltd. Assured their employees that in spite of recession no worker will be retrenched from the job. Name the type of incentive offered to the employees.

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  21. Job security provides stability of income. However, there is one negative aspect of job security. What is the negative aspect?

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  22. Rajat a sales Manager, achieved his sales target one month in advance. This achievement was displayed on the notice board and the CEO of the Company awarded a certificate for the best performance to him. Name the incentive provided to Rajat.

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  23. Prachi is woking in an MNC. She has been given an option to buy the shares of the company at an account less than the market price because of her performance as an incentive. Identify which incentive is being given to her.

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  24. Trendz Industries provides free car, rent free home and medical allowance to Ramesh (director of the company). Identify the incentive offered to Ramesh.

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  25. Mohan and Sohan are friends working in Surya Ltd. As production Manager and Sales Manager respectively. In an interdepartmental meeting, Sohan informed Mohan about a change in the marketing policy of the company. Identify the type of communication used in the above example.

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  26. Radha and Meera are working in the same organisation but in different departments. One day is at lunch time organisation. Which type of communication is this?

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  27. Rakesh is working under his superior Neeraj. He always communicate useful ideas and suggestions to his superior regarding reduction of cost, improvement in the product, etc. Neeraj implements his suggestions and has always found favourable results, but he never appreciates Rakesh for his suggestions. Now Rakesh decided not to communicate any suggestion or idea to Neeraj. Identify the factor which acts as a communication barrier.

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  28. KPM Ltd'. Is manufacturing breads and biscuits for many years. It has approximately 150 employees and most of them are not happy with the working environment. Because of this, the labour turnover rate is very high. Therefore, the company appoints a new Human Resources Manager, Naveen, to analyse the situation. Naveen finds that there is no free flow of communication and there is no suggestion box for the employees to voice their suggestions or grievances. the company rarely organises a social or cultural gathering, the employees just come, finish their work and leave the organisation. Identify the communicationi barrier discussed and the category of this communication barrier.

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7.2 Test Your Understanding (Understanding based question). questions and complete solutions for chapter DIRECTING of VK GLOBAL PUBLICATION BUSINESS STUDIES (HINGLISH) of Class 12