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Complete Solutions to THINK AS YOU READ of chapter FINANCIAL MARKETS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions41
Academic Year2023-24
  1. What is meant by a financial market ?

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  2. What is financial intermediation ?

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  3. Name the two major alternative mechanisms used for allocation of funds

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  4. On what basis are the financial markets classified ?

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  5. What are the two segments of capital market ?

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  6. What are the other name of primary market and secondary market ?

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  7. Instruments with a maturity period of less than one year are traded in the ________
    (a) capital market (b) money market
    (c) Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) (d) National Stock Exchange (NSE)

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  8. Money market has no physical location. Then, how is trading done ?

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  9. List four major participants of money market.

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  10. Mention any two major instruments of capital market

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  11. Which method of short-term finance do the banks adopt to maintain their Cash Reserve Ratio ?

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  12. Which of the following money market instruments is also known as zero coupon bond ?
    (a) Treasury bills (b) commercial paper
    (c) Call money (d) Certificate of Deposits

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  13. Treasury bills are available for a minium amount of ______ and in multiples therof.
    (a) Rs 10,000 (b) Rs 15,000
    (c) Rs 20,000 (d) Rs 25,000

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  14. Commercial paper is a short-term unsecured promissory note having a maturity period of _____
    (a) 91 days to one year (b) 15 days to one year
    (c) one day to 15 days (d) one year

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  15. It is an instrument of short term borrowin issued by RBI on behalf of India government
    (a) Call money (b) Certificate of deposit
    (c) Commercial paper (d) Treasury bill

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  16. What is difference between trade bill and commercial bill ?

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  17. Money market is essentially a market for short-term funds'. In the light of this statement, state any three features of money market.

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  18. List any two characteristics of secondary market.

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  19. Give two reason why money market instruments are much safer than capital market instruments

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  20. What is the effect of a rise in call money rates on other short-term debt instruments ?

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  21. What is the main function of a primary market ?

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  22. How do primary and secondary market promote capital formation ?

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  23. Enumerate the conditions for raising funds in the primary market by the method of 'offer through prospectus'

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  24. Primary and secondary markets ________
    (a) complete with each other (b) complement each other
    (c) function independdently (d) control each other

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  25. Naina has 1,000 equity shares of a company. She wants to sell 500 of these shares. Which market should she approach ? Give reason in support of your answer.

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  26. Identify the method of floatation in the following cases:
    (i) X Ltd. offered the entire new issue of shares to life insurance company.
    (ii) Sunil has 500 shares in Y Ltd. He received an offer to buy 1 share of Y Ltd. for every 5 shares held by him.

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  27. AB Ltd. has sold 1 lakh equity shares of Rs 10 each at Rs 12 per share to a stock broker, who offered them to the public at Rs 20 each. Identify the method of floatation

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  28. What is the least trading system in stock exchange ?

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  29. What is meant by 'Dematerialisation ?

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  30. What is Demant Account ?

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  31. How many depositories are operational in India ? Name them.

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  32. How does depository interact with the investors ?

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  33. What settlement system does the Equity spot market follow ?

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  34. Which of the following explains the meaning of 'Depository' ?
    (a) Depository buys shares and securities from a company and sells to the general public at a higher price
    (b) Depository is like a bank which keeps securties in electronic form on behalf of investor
    (c) Depository holds the funds received in the form of deposits.
    (d) Depository buys and sells the shares and securities on the instructions of clients.

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  35. What does the abbreviation SEBI stand for ?

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  36. In which year the SEBI was estabilshed by the Government of India ?
    (a) 1980 (b) 1988 (c) 1992 (d) 1993

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  37. What is the overall objective of SEBI ?

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  38. Which of the following is not the function of SEBI ?
    (a) Registration of brokers and sub-brokers
    (b) Undertaking measure to develop financial markets
    (c) Prohibition of inside trading
    (d) Holding the securities in electronic form

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  39. Give two protective functions of SEBI

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  40. Give two regulatory functions of SEBI

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  41. Give two developmental functional of SEBI

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