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Complete Solutions to SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS of chapter HUMAN HEALTH AND DISEASE of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions57
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Name the main classes of general drugs. Give their source and one example of each.

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  2. What is morphine? Give its use and abuse.

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  3. Why do some addicts use combinations of durgs? How is it harmful?

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  4. What are distilled and undistilled alcohols? Give one or two examples of each.

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  5. Give three reasons for which alcoholics start drinking.

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  6. Alcohol is absorbed rapidly. Why ?

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  7. In which part of the gastrointestinal tract is the alcohol absorbed?

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  8. How is the alcohol disposed of by the body?

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  9. How does CO interfere with `O_(2)` transport in the blood?

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  10. Name four organs that suffer most with smoking.

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  11. Give the effect of smoking mother on the developing baby.

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  12. Smoking mars personality. Comment on this statement.

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  13. In what different forms is the tobacco used ? Name its addicting component.

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  14. How do nonspecific defense mechanisms resist infection?

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  15. Which acids are present in the sweat and sebum ? How do they help?

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  16. What is the role of range intestine in natural defence of body?

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  17. List the fluids which contain Iysozyme.

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  18. What do the abbreviations AMIS and CMIS denots?

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  19. Why is using tobacco in any form injurious to the health?

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  20. Why do sports persons ofter fall victims to cocaine addiction?

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  21. The figure given below represents a molecule present in the body of a mammal.

    (a) Name the parts labelled 'a' and 'b' in the molecule shown above.
    (b) Name the type of cells that produce this molecule.

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  22. List the specific symptoms of amoebiasis. Name the causative organism.

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  23. (a) Name the lymphoid organ in humans where all the blood cells are produced.
    (b) Where do the lymphocytes produced by the lymphoid organ mentioned above migrate and how do they affect immunity?

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  24. List the specific symptoms of typhoid. Name its causative agent.

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  25. Name the type of cells the AIDS virus enters into after getting inside the human body. Explain the sequence of events that the virus undergoes within these cells to increase their progeny.

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  26. Name one plant and the addictive drug extracted from its latex. How does this drug affect the human body?

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  27. Name the host and the site where the following occur in the life cycle of a malarial parasite:
    (a) Formation of gametocytes
    (b) Fusion of gametocytes.

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  28. Define the term 'health'. Mention any two ways of maintaining it.

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  29. Why does a doctor administer tetanus antitoxin and not a tetanus vaccine of a child injured in a roadside accident with a bleeding wound? Explain.

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  30. Name an opiod drug and its source plant. How does the drug affect the human body?

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  31. Match the items listed in column I with suitable items from column II.
    `{:("Column I","Column II"),("(i) Prevent sleep","(i) Ergot fungus"),("(ii) Induce sleep","(ii) Papaver somniferum"),("(iii) Lung cancer","(iii) Cannabis indica"),("(iv) Ganja","(iv) Smoking"),("(v) Codeine","(v) Barbiturates"),("(vi) LSD","(vi) Amphetamines"),("(vii) Quinine","(vii) Health hazard"),("(viii) Tobacco","(viii)Natural Drug"):}`

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  32. Name the plant from which following drugs are obtained :
    (i) Opium and its derivatives (ii) Charas (iii) Marijuane (iv) Caffeine (v) Cocanie (vi) LSD

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  33. Name drug yielding part of plant from which following drugs are obtained:
    (i) Bhang (ii) Caffeine (iii) LSD (iv) Marijuana (v) Opium and its derivatives (vi) Cocaine.

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  34. The immune system of a person is suppressed. In the Elisa test, he was found positive to a pathogen.
    (a) Name the disease the patient is suffering from.
    (b) What is the causative organism?
    (c) Which cells of body are affected by the pathogen?

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  35. Given below are the pairs of pathogens and the diseases caused by them. Which out of theseis not a matching pair and why?
    `{:((a)"Virus","common cold",(b)"Salmonella","typhoid"),((c)"Microsporum","filariasis","(d) Plasmodium","malaria."):}`

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  36. What would happen to immune system if the thymus gland is removed from the body of a person?

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  37. Many microbial pathogens enter the gut of humans along with food. What are the preventive barriers to protect the body from such pathogens? What type of immunity do you observe in this case?

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  38. If a regular does of drug or alcohol is not provided to an addicted person, he shows some withdrawl symptoms. List any four such withdrawl symptoms.

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  39. Differentiate between benign and malignant tumours.

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  40. Write the scientific names of plant from which morphine and cocaine are obtained.

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  41. Write the withdrawl syndrome of drug/alcohol dependence.

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  42. What are lymphoid organs? Name two primary lymphoid organs.

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  43. Give the differences between carcinoma and sarcoma cancer in two points.

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  44. Name three diseases caused by alcohol.

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  45. What is drug dependence?

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  46. A student on a school trip started sneezing and wheezing soon after reaching the hill station for no explaied reasons. But, on return to the plains, the symptoms disappeared. What is such a response called? How does the body produce it?

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  47. A yound boy when brough a pet dog home started to complain of watery eyes and running nose. The symptoms disappeared when the boy was kept away from the pet. (a) Name the type of antibody and the chemicals responsible for such a response in the boy. (b) Mention the name of any one drug that could be given to the boy for immediate relief from such a response.

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  48. A student on a school picnic to a park on a windy day started sneezing and having difficulty in breathing on reaching the park. The teacher enquired whether the student was allergic to something.
    (a) What is an allergy?
    (b) Write the two unique charactristics of the system involved in the response observed in the student.

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  49. Write the events that take place when a vaccine for any disease is introduced into the human body.

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  50. Why is a person with cuts and bruises following an accident administered tetanus antitoxin? Given reasons.

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  51. Mention one application for each of the following : (a) Passive immunization (b) Antihistamine (c) Colostrum (d) Cytokinin-barrier.

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  52. Name the type of immunity the colostrum provides to a newborn baby. Write giving an example where this type of immunity should be provided to a person.

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  53. Name the group of cells the HIV enters after getting into the human. What happens in these cells and what are these cells subsequently referred to as? Name the next group of cells the HIV attacks from here.

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  54. (a) Name the source plant of heroin drug. How is it obtained from the plant?
    (b) Write the effects of heroin on the human body.

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  55. Why is the structure of an antibody molecule represented as `H_(2)L_(2)`? Name anu two types of antibodies produced in a human body.

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  56. The figure given below represents a molecule present in the body of a mammal.

    (a) Name the parts labelled 'a' and 'b' in the molecule shown above.
    (b) Name the type of cells that produce this molecule.

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  57. Explain the impact of removal of thymus gland on the immune system of a human body.

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SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS questions and complete solutions for chapter HUMAN HEALTH AND DISEASE of PRADEEP BIOLOGY (HINGLISH) of Class 12