Class 12 | CHEMISTRY |
Number Of Questions | 36 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
What is the nature of an antacid ?
What class of durgs in ranitidine ?
How do omeprazole and lansoprazole act as antacids ?
What is the cause of depression in human beings ? Name two medicines to reduce depression ?
What are barbiturates ? To which class of drugs do they belong ?
Which class of drugs is used in sleeping pills ?
What are tranquilizers ?
Give one important use of each of the following in pharmacy:
(i) Equanil (ii) Morphine
Write two side effects of Aspirin.
What is an antipyretic ? Give an example.
How does aspirin act as analgesic ?
The drug used for the prevention of heart attacks is
What is salvarsan To which class of drugs does it belong and for what disease is it used ?
Broad spectrum antibiotics.
(i) What are tranquilizers ?
(b) Give on example each of bactericidal and bacteriostatic antibiotics.
What are antimalarials. Give examples.
Classify the following into antihistamine, antacid, tranquilliser, antibiotic drug : penicillin, meprobamate, terfenadine, ranitidine.
Give one example of sulpha drugs.
Define antiseptics?
Name the chemical responsible for the antiseptic properties of dettol.
Why is bithional added to soap ?
Why iodoform show antiseptic properties ?
Name one substance which can act as both :
(i) Analgesic and antipyretic .
(ii) Antiseptice and disinfectant .
Which of the following is an antiseptic :
0.2% phenol or 1% phenol
Name one estrogen which forms a part of an oral contraceptive
Which one of the following is a food preservative ? Equanil, Morphine, Sodium benzoate.
What is aspartame and what is its use ?
Give one example of an artificial sweetener used by diabetic patients.
Name the antioxidants commonly used to increase the storage of butter.
Name the antioxidant used in wine and beers.
Why are detergents preferred over soap?
What type of detergents are used for dish washing ?
Which structural unit present in a detergent makes it non-biodegradable?
What are the consequences of using non-biodegradable detergents ?
Give one example for each of the following : (i) An artificial sweetener whose use is limited to cold drinks , (ii) A non-ionic detergent , (iii)A pain reliever for relief from severe post-operative pain or pain due to terminal cancer.
Classify the following into artificial sweetners, preservatives , soap , detergent : Sodium palmitate, sucrolose, salt of sorbic acid, cetytrimethylammonium bromide.
ADDITIONAL (VERY SHORT ANSWER ) questions and complete solutions for chapter CHEMISTRY IN EVERYDAY LIFE of PRADEEP CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12