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Complete Solutions to Example of chapter ELECTROCHEMISTRY of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions29
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Sketching and labeling a galvanic cell: Design a galvanic cell that uses the redox reaction
    `Fe(s) + 2Fe^(3+)(aq.) rarr 3Fe^(2+)(aq.)`
    Identify the anode cathode half-reactions and sketch the experimental setup. Label the anode and cathode, indicate the directon of elecron and ion flow, and identify the sign of each elctrode.
    Strategy: First sepreate the overall cell reaction into anode (oxidation) and cathode (reduction) half-reactions. Then, set up two half-cells that use half-reactions, and connect the half-cells with a conducating wire and a salt bridge.

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  2. Writing the cell reaction from the cell notation:
    Given the following shorthand notation
    `Pt(s) | Sn^(2+) (aq., 1 M), Sn^(4+)(aq., 1 M) || Fe^(3+)(aq., 1 M),Fe^(2+)(aq., 1 M) | Pt(s)`
    Write a balanced equation for the cell reaction and give a brief description of the cell.
    Strategy: We can write the overall cell reaction from the cell notation by first writing the approprite half-cell reactions. We can obtain the cell half-reactions simply by reading the short-hand notation. The shorthand notation specifies the anode (on the extreme left), the cathode (on the extreeme right), and the reactants in tghe half-cell compartments. To find the balanced equation for the cell reaction, we first write the approprite half-cell reactions. two half-reactions after multiplying each (if necessary) by an approprite factor so that the electrons will cancel. The result is the cell reaction.

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  3. Determining the realtive strengths of oxidizing and reducing agents
    a. Arrange the following oxidizing agents in order of increasing strength unde standard-state conditions: `Br_(2)(1), Fe^(3+)(aq.), Cr_(2)O_(7)^(2-)(aq.)`
    b. Arrange the following reducine agents in order of increasing strength under standard state condition: `Al(a), Na(s), Zn(s)`
    Strategy: Pick our the half reactions in Table 3.1 that involve the given oxidizing or reducing agents and list them, along with their `E^(@)` value increases (i.e. becomes more positive) whereas the strength of a reducing agent increases as the `E^(@)` value decreases (i.e. becomes more negative).

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  4. Determining the directiom of spontaneity from electrode pot`Na^(+)(aq.) + e^(-) rarr Na(s) E^(@) = -2.71 V`entials : Predict from Table 3.1, whether `Pb^(2+)(aq.)` can oxidize `Al(s)` or `Cu(s)` under standard conditions. Calculate `E^(ɵ)` for each reaction at `25^(@)C`.
    Strategy: To predict whether a redox reaction is spontaneous, remember that an oxidizing agent can oxidize any reducing agent that lies below it in the table but can't oxidize one that lies above it.
    Alternatively, write the expected reaction. Find the oxidizing agents in the equations, one is on the left side and the other on the right side. Locate these oxidizing agents in a table of electrode potentials (the oxidizing agent is on the left side of the reduction half-reaction). The stronger oxidizing agent is the one involved in the half-reaction with the more positive standard electrode potential.

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  5. Calculating the emf from standard potentials:
    A galvanic cell consists of an `Al` electrode in a `1.0M Al(NO_(3))_(3)` solution and an `Fe` electrode in a `1.0M Fe(NO_(3))_(2)` solution. Calculate the standard emf of this electrohemical cell at `25^(@)C`. Also write the cell reaction.
    Strategy: From the table of standard electrode potentials, write the two reduction half reaction and standard electrode potentials for the cell. Change the direction of the half-cell reaction corresponding tol the smaller (or more negative) electrode potential. Multiply the when the half-reactions are added the electrons cancel. The sum of the half-reactions is the cell reaction. Add the electrode potentials to get the cell emf.

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  6. Using the data in Table 3.1, predict whether `Cl_(2)` disproportionates in alkaline solution:
    Strategy: Chlorine can exist in manu oxidation states. Chlorine in the `0` oxidation state, as in `Cl_(2)`, can be reduced. Chorine can also be oxidized to one of several positive oxidation states. so `Cl_(2)` can react with itself in a redox reaction, which means that it is possible for chlorine to disproportionate. Search out two different half reactions involving `Cl_(2)`

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  7. The Nearst Equation: Calcualte the nonstandard electrode potential, `E`, for the `Fe^(3+)//Fe^(2+)` electrode when the concentration of `Fe^(2+)` is exactly firve time that of `Fe^(3+)`
    Strategy: The Nearst equation helps us calculate electrode potentials for concentrations other than one molar. The Tabulation of standard electrode potentials gives us the value of `E^(@)` for the reduction half-reaction. Use the balanced half-reaction and the given concentration ratio to calculate the value of `Q`. Finally substitude this into the Nearst equation with `n` equal to the number of moles of elecrons involved in the half-reaction.

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  8. The Nearst Equation: A galvanic cell is constructed at `25^(@)C` as follows. Once half-cell consists of the `Fe^(3+)//Fe^(2+)` couple in which `C_(Fe^(3+)) = 1.00 M` and `C_(Fe^(2+)) = 0.100 M`, the other involves the `MnO_(4)^(-)//Mn^(2+)` couple in which `C_(MnO_(4)^(-)) = 1.00 xx 10^(-2)M, C_(Mn^(2+)) = 1.00 xx 10^(-4) M`, and `C_Mn^(2+) = 1.00 xx 10^(-3) M`. (a) Find the elecrode potential for each half-cell with these concentrations, and (b) calculate the overall cell potential.
    Strategy: (a) Apply the Nernst equation to find the electrode potential of each half-cell with the given concentrations.
    Write the half-reaction with the more positive (or less negative) potentikal (after correction) as the cathode reaction along with its potential. Reverse the other half-reaction (to make it anode reaction) and change the sign of its `E` value. Finally balance the electron transfer and then add the half-reactions and their electrode potentials to find the overall cell potentail.

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  9. Calculating the cell emf for Nonstandard condition : A galvanic cell is constructed at `298 K` as follows. One half-cell consists of a chlorine gas electrode (i.e. `Cl_(2)//Cl^(-)` couple) with the partial pressure of `Cl_(2) = 0.100` bar and `C_(CI-) = 0.100 M`. The other half-cell involves the `MnO_(4)^(-)//Mn^(2+)` couple in acidic solution with `C_(MnO_(4)^(-)) = 0.100 M, C_(Mn^(2+)) = 0.100 M`, and `C_(H+) = 1.00 M`. Apply the Nernst equation to datermine the cell potenital for this cell.
    Strategy: First datermine the overall cell reaction and then calculate the standard cell potential `(E_("cell")^(@))` from the standard electrode potenital in Table 3.1. then use the Nernst equation to find the cell potential `(E)` under cited conditions.

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  10. Predicating the spontaneity of cell reaction: Predict whether following reaction would spontaneously as written at `298 K`:
    `Co(s) + Fe^(2+)(aq.) rarr Co^(2+)(aq.) + Fe(s)`
    given that `C_(Co^(2+)) = 0.15 M` and `C_(Fe^(2+)) = 0.68 M`
    Strategy: Calculate `E_("cell")` by applying the Nernst equaltion to the overall cell reaction. The cell is spontaneous in the direction written, for the concentration given, if `E_("cell")` is positive. However the reverse reaction would be favoured at those concentrations, if resulting cell potential is negative.

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  11. The Nernst equation: Consider the following galvanic cell
    `Pb(s) | Pb^(2+)(aq.) || Ag^(2+)(aq.) | Ag(s)`
    (a) What is the quantitative change in the cell voltage on increas-ing the ion concentrations in the anode compartment by a factor of `10`?
    (b) What is the quantitative change in the cell voltage on increas-ing the ion concentration in the cathode compartment by a factor of `10`
    Strategy: The conventional notation of the cell tells us that lead is the anode while silve is the cathode. Therfore, the cell reaction is
    `Pb(s) + 2Ag^(+)(aq.) rarr Pb^(2+)(aq.) + 2Ag(s)`
    The cell potantial (at `25^(@)C`) is given by the Nernst equation, where `n = 2` and `Q = C_(Pb^(2+))//C_(Ag^(+))`:
    `E_("cell") = E_("cell")^(@)-(0.0592 V)/(n) "logQ"`
    `E_("cell")^(@)-(0.0592 V)/(n) "logQ" C_(Pb^(2+))/C_(Ag^(+))^(2)`

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  12. Converting measured potentials to standard potentials: In investigating the properties of rare and expensive metal such as rhenium `(Z = 75)`, it is both impractical and uneconomical to prepare cells with standard concentrations. The find the standard potential of the `Re^(3+)(aq.)//Re(s)` electrode, the following cell is constructed:
    `Pt(s) | Re(s)| Re^(3+)(aq., 0.018 M)|| Ag^(+)(aq., 0.010 M) | Ag(s)`
    The potential of this cell is found to be `0.42 V` with the `Re` electrode as the node. Calculate the standard potential of the half reaction
    Strategy: Table 3.1 lists the `E_(@)` for the `Ag^(+)(aq.) | Ag(s)` electrode as `0.80`. We can find the `E^(@)` of the other electrode by finding the `E^(@)` of the cell through the application of the Nernst equation.

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  13. Determine of `pH`: The following cell has a potential of `0.55 V` at `25^(@)C`:
    `Pt(s)|H_(2)(1 bar)|H^(+)(aq. ? M)||Cl^(-)(1 M)|Hg_(2)Cl_(2)(s)|Hg(l)`
    What is the `pH` of the solution in the anode compartment?
    Strategy: First, read the shorthand notation to obtain the cell reaction. Then, calculate the half cell potential for the hydrogen electrode from the observed cell potential and the half cell poten-tial for the calomel reference electrode. Finally, apply the Nernst equation to find the `pH`.

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  14. Calculating the thermodynamic equilibrium constant from the cell `emf`: The standard emf for the following galvanic cell is `0.46 V`
    Calculate the equilibrium cosntant `K_(C)` for the reaction `Cu(s)+2Ag^(+)(aq.)hArr Cu^(2+)(aq.)+2Ag(s)`
    Strategy : Substitute the standard `emf` into the Equation (3.9) realting this quantity to the thermodynatmic equilibrium constant,
    `K_(eq.).` Solve `K_(eq.).` Note that `K_(eq.). = K_(C^(.))`

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  15. Calculating the Gibbs Energy change from electrode Potentials: Using standard electrode potentials, clacu-late the standard Gibbs energy change at `25^(@)C` for the following cell reaction.

    Strategy: To calculate `DeltaG_("cell")^(@)`, we use the equation `DeltaG_("cell")^(@) = -nFE_("cell")^(@)`, where `E_("cell")^(@)` is obtained by using a table of standard potentails and `n` can be inferred from the balanced chemical equation. The cell reaction equals the sum of the half-cell reactions after they have been multiplied by factors so that the electrons cancel in the summation. Note that `n` is the number of electrons involved in each half-reaction.

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  16. Calculating the cell `emf` from free-energy change: Suppose the reaction of zinc ions and chloride ions are formed in aqueous solution.
    `Zn(s) + Cl_(2)(g) overset(H_(2)O)rarrZn^(2+)(aq.) + 2Cl^(-)(aq.)`
    Calculate the standard `emf` for this cell at `25^(@)C` from standard free energies of formation.
    Strategy: Calculate `Delta_(r)G^(@)` and substitute it along with the value of `n` into the equation `Delta_(r)G^(@) = -nfE_("cell")^(@)`. Solve for `E_("cell")^(@)`

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  17. Calculating half-reaction potential: Using the data in Table 3.1, find the standard potential of the half-reaction for the reduction of iron from the `+3` to the `0` oxidation state.
    Strategy: Write the desired half-cell reaction:
    Inspect the table for half-reactions that include these oxidantion states of iron.

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  18. Calculating cell constant: Conductivity of a decimolar solution of potassium chloride at `180^(@)C` is `1.12 Sm^(-1)`. The resistance of a conductivity cell containing the solution at `180^(@)C` was found to be `55 ohm`. What is the cell constant.
    Strategy: Use Equation (3.18) and solve for cell constant.

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  19. Calculating molar conductance: The resistance of `0.01 M` solution of an electrolyte was found to be `210 ohm` at `25^(@)C`. Calculate them molar conductance of the colution at `25^(@)C`, if the cell constant is `0.88 cm^(-1)`
    Strategy: First conductivity in `Sm^(-1)` (SI units) and then divide it by molar concentration in mole `m^(-3)` (SI units) to get molar conductance in `Sm^(2) mol^(-1)`.

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  20. Calculating conductivity and molar conductivity: Resistance of a conductivity cell filled with `0.1 M KCl` solution is `100 Omega`. If the resistance of the same cell when filled with `0.02 M KCl` solutions `520 Omega` and the conductivity of `0.1 KCl` solution is `1.29 S m`, calculate the conductivity and moalr conductivity of `0.02 M KCl` solution.
    Strategy : Calculate the cell constant with the help of `0.01 M KCl` solution (both `R` and `kappa` are Known). Use the cell constant to determine the conductivity of `0.02 M KCl` solution and finally find its molar conductivity using the molarity

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  21. Calculating resistivity, conductivity and motor conductivity : The electrical resistance of a column of `0.05` mol `L^(-1) NaOH` solution of diameter `1 cm` and length `50 cm` is `55 xx 10^(3) ohm`. Calculate its resistivity, conductivity and molar conductivity
    Strategy: Assuming the column of solution to be cylindrical determine the area of cross-section, `A`. Using it along with the length of column, calculate resistivity. Reciprocal of resistivity yields conductivity. When we divide conductivity by molar concentration, we get molar conductivity.

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  22. Calcualting limiting molar conductivity: Calculate the limiting molar conductivity of acetic acid at `298 K` Given that at that temperature the limiting molar conductivites infinit dilution of hydrochloric acid, sodium chloride and sodium acetate are `426, 126` and `91 S cm^92) mol^(-1)`.
    Strategy: `A_(m)^(0)` for electroyles is obtained by using Kohlrausch law of independent migration of ions

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  23. Calculating The Degree of ionization: The molar conductance of an infinitely dilute solution `NH_(4)Cl` is `150 S cm^(2) mol^(-1)` and the limiting ionic conductacnes of `Cl^(-)` and `OH^(-)` ions are `76` and `198 S cm^(2) mol^(-1)` respectively. If the molar conductivity of a `0.01 M` solution of `NH_(4)OH` is ` 9.6 S cm^(2) mol^(-1)`, what will be its degree of ionization
    Strategy: At any concentration `C`, if `alpha` is the degree of ionization then it can be approximented to the ratio of molar conductivity `Lambda_(m)^(c)` at the concentration `C` to limiting molar conducting, `Lambda_(m)^(0)`. We are given `Lambda_(m)^(c)` but we need to find `Lambda_(m)^(0)`.

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  24. Calculating the value of dissociation constant of weak electrolyte: The conductivity of `0.001028 mo L^(-1)` acetic acid is `4.95 xx 10^(-5) S cm^(-1)`. Calculate its dssociation constatnt if `Lambda_(m)^(0)` for acetic acid is `390.5` S `cm^(2) mol^(-1)`. Strategy: We can determine the value of the dissociation constant for week electrolytes once we know the `Lambda_(m)^(0)` and `Lambda_(m)` at any given concentration `C`.

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  25. Conductivity water (prepared by repeated distillation of water containing a small quantity of `NaOH` and `KMnO_(4))` has conductivity `5.50 xx 10^(-6) S m^(-1)`. If `lamda_(H+)6(0) = 3.498 S m^(2) mol^(-1)` and `lamda_(OH-)^(0) = 1.980 xx 10^(9-2) S m^(2) mol^(-1)`, then calculated lthe ionic product of water.
    Strategy : Water is known to be slightly ionized as `{:(,H_(2)O(1)hArr,H^(+)(aq.)+,OH^(-)(aq.)),("I.C",C,0,0),("F.C",C(1-alpha),C alpha,C alpha):}`
    According to the law of chemical equilibrium
    Since water ionizes only very slightly, the concentration of `H_(2)O` may be taken as constant. Thus
    `K_(eq) xx "constant" = K_(w) = [H^(+)][OH^(-)]`
    The product of the concentrationof `H^(+)` and `OH^(-)` ions expressed in mol `L^(-1)` is known as ionic product of water `(K_(w))`:
    `(K_(w)) = [H^(+)][OH^(-)]`
    `= (Calpha)(Calpha)`
    `= C^(2)alpha^(2)` Thus we need to find `C` and `alpha`

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  26. Calculalting the amount the product from the amount of charge in an electrolysis: A constant current of `0.452 A` is passed through an electrolytic cell containing molten `CaCl_(2)` for a time of `1.50` hours. Write the electrode reactions and calculate the quantity of products (in grams) formed at the electrodes. Also find the volume (at STP) of any gaseous product formed.
    Strategy: to convert the current and time to grams or litres of product, carry out the sequence of conversions in Figure 3.9.

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  27. Calculating the amount of charge from the amount of product in an electrolysis: How many amperes must be passed through a Downs cell to produce sodium metal a rate of `30.0 Kg//h.`
    Strategy : Producted through a sequence of conversion similar to that in worked Example 3.26 but in reverse order
    `Na^(+1) + e^(-) rarr Na`
    The electrode equation for sodium says that `1` mol `Na` is equiva-lent to `1` mole `e^(-)`. We can use this in the conversion of grams of `Na`. The Faraday constant (which says that one mole of electrons is equivalent to `9.65 xx 10^(4)C`) converts mole of electrons to cou-lombs. The conversions are
    `g Na rarr mol Na rarr mol e^(-) rarr "coulombs" (C)`
    The current in ampres `(A)` equals the charge in coulombs divided by the time in seconds.

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  28. Application of Faraday's laws: An acidic solution of `Cu^(2+)` salt containing `0.4 g` of `Cu^(2+)` is electroysed until all the copper is deposited. The electrolysis is futher continueed for seven more minutes with the volume of the solution kept at `100 mL` and the current at `1.0 amp`. Calculate the volumes of gases evolved at `NTP` during the entire electrolysis.
    Strategy: Since we do not know which `Cu^(2+)` salt is electrolysed, we can say that (in the first stage of electrolysis)`Cu^(2+)` is reduced at the cathode to deposit `Cu` while `H_(2)O` is oxidized to liberate `O_(g)` at the anode. In the second stage of electrolysis, only water gets oxidized to librate `O_(g)` as well as reduced to librate `H_(2)g`

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  29. Predicating the products of electrolysis: What do you expect to be the half reactions in the electrolysis of aqueous `Na_(2)So_(4)` solution.
    Strategy: Before we look at the electrode reations, we should consider the following facts: (1) Since `Na_(2)So_(2)` does not hydrolyze in water, the `pH`of the solution is close to `7. (2)` The `Na^(+)` ions are not reduced at the cathode and the `SO_(4)^(2-)` ions are not oxidized at the anode. These conclusions are drawn from the electrolysis of water in the presence of sulphuric acid in aqueous sodium chloride solution.

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Example questions and complete solutions for chapter ELECTROCHEMISTRY of R SHARMA CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12