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Complete Solutions to Practical Application of chapter INCOME DETERMINATION AND MULTIPLIER of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

RADHA BHUGANAPractical Application
Number Of Questions24
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Estimate the value of ex-ante AD, when autonomous investment and consumption expenditure (A) is 50 crore and MPS is 0.2 and level of income is 300crore.

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  2. An economy is in equilibrium. From the following data about an economy calculate autonomous consumption:
    (i) Income=5000
    (ii) Marginal Propensity to save=0.2
    (iii) Investment expenditure=800

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  3. An economy is in equilibrium. From the following data about an economy investment expenditure.
    (i) Income=10000
    (ii) Marginal propensity to consumption=0.9
    (ii) Autonomous Consumption = 100

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  4. In an economy an increase in investment by 100 crore led to an increase in national income by 1000 crore. Find MPC.

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  5. Calculate change in income when MPC=0.8 and change in investment=1000

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  6. In an economy, investment expenditure is increased by 700 crore and MPC is 0.9. Calculate total increase in income and consumption expenditure

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  7. As a result of increase in investment by 20 crore, national income increases by 100 crore. Find the MPC.

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  8. In an economy, investment increases by 240 crore. The value of multiplier is 4. Calculate MPC.

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  9. In an economy an increase in investment leads to an increase in national income three times more than increase in investment. Calculate MPC.

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  10. Calculate MPC from the following data about an economy which is in equilibrium: National income=4000, Investment expenditure=200, Autonomous consumption expenditure=400

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  11. Calculate autonomous consumption expenditure from the following data about in an economy which is in equilibiru: National income=1000, MPS=0.3, Investment expenditure=200.

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  12. Calculate investment expenditure from the following data about an economy which is in equiilbirum: National income=1000, MPS=0.25, autonomous consumption expenditure=200.

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  13. An increase ₹250 crores in investment in an economy resulted in total increase in income of ₹1000 crore. Calculate the following : (a) MPC (b) Change in savings (c ) Change in consumption expenditure (d) Value of multiplier.

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  14. An economy is in equilibrium. From the following data, calculate MPS.
    (i) Income=10,000
    (ii) Autonomous consumption =500
    (iii) Consumption expenditure = 8,000

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  15. Calculate investment expenditure from the following data about an economy which is in equilibrium : National Icome = 1000, MPs = 0.2, Autonomous consumption expenditure = 100

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  16. In a two-section ecnomy the income and consuption fuction are as follows: ltbrlt `Y = C+1 , C = 40 + 0.75 Y`
    If the investments are ₹ 60 crose, calculate , (a) Equilbrium level of iccome , (b) level of consuption at equilbrum, (c) Saving at equilibrium .

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  17. In a two sector economy the saving (s) and investment (I) functions are:
    S = - 10 +0.2Y , I = -3+0.1Y
    What will be the equilibrium level of income (Y)?

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  18. In an economy S= - 50+50Y is the saving function and investment expenditure is ₹ 7000. Calculate : (i) Equilibrium level of income (ii) Consumption expenditure at equilibrium level of national income.

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  19. In an economy, investment increases from 300 to 500. As a result of this equilibrium level of income increase by 2000. Calculate the marginal prepensity to consume.

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  20. In an economy, level of income is ₹ 2000 crore and MPC= 0.75. Calculate total income if investment is increased by ₹ 200 crore.

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  21. In an economy, the actual level of income is ₹ 500 crores whereas full employment of Y is ₹ 800 crore. MPC = 0.75. Calculate how much change in investment is required to achive full employment level in the economy.

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  22. In an economy, 20 % of increasec income is saved. How much will be the increase in income if investment rises by 10, 000 ? Calculate.

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  23. An economy is in equilibrium MPC, National income=1000, Autonomous consumption expenditure=200, Investment expenditure=100.

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  24. An economy is in equilibrium, Find investment expenditure : National income=1200, Autonomous consumption expenditure=150, MPC=0.8

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Practical Application questions and complete solutions for chapter INCOME DETERMINATION AND MULTIPLIER of RADHA BHUGANA ECONOMICS (HINGLISH) of Class 12