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Complete Solutions to Examples of chapter EMPIRICAL, MOLECULAR AND STRUCTURAL FORMULAE of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions32
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Find the empirical formula of chromium oxide containing 68.4% of chromium. (Cr=52, O=16)

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  2. Find the molecular formula of a compound of boron with hydrogen if the mass of 1 litre of this gas equals the mass of 1 litre of nitrogen under same condition and the boron content in the substance is 78.2%. (B=11, N=14, O=16)

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  3. A mineral contained MgO= 31.88%, `SiO_(2)=63.37% and H_(2)O=4.75%`. Show that the simplest formula for the mineral is `H_(2)Mg_(3)Si_(4)O_(12)`. (H=1, Mg=24, Si=28, O=16)

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  4. 0.596g of a gaseous compound containing only boron and hydrogen occupies 484 mL at NTP. When the compound was ignited in excess of oxygen, all its hydrogen was recovered as 1.17g of `H_(2)O` and all the boron was present as `B_(2)O_(3)`. Find the molecular formula of the compound (B=10.8, H=1)

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  5. A hydrocarbon contains `10.5 g` of carbon per gram of hydrogen. `1 L` of vapour of the hydrocarbon at `127^(@)C` and 1 atm pressure weighs `2.8 g`. Find the molecular formula of the hydrocarbon.

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  6. `0.30g` of an organic compound containing `C, H`, and `O` an combustion yields `0.44g` of `CO_(2)` and `0.18g` of `H_(2) O`. If its molecular mass is `60 mu` the molecular mass is formula will be

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  7. 02g of a monobasic organic acid containing C, H and O on combustion gave 0.505g of `CO_(2)` and 0.0892 g of `H_(2)O`. 0.183g of this acid required 15cc of N/10 NaOH for exact neutralisation. Find the molecular formula of the acid.

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  8. One volume of a gaseous compound of carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen on combustion produced 2 volumes of `CO_(2)`, 3.5 volumes of `H_(2)O` and 0.5 volume of nitrogen under identical conditions of temperature and pressure. Find the empirical and molecular formulae of the compound.

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  9. A gaseous compound which contains only C, H and S is burnt with oxygen under such conditions that individual volumes of the reactant and product can be measured at the same temperature and pressure. It is found that 3 volumes of the compound react with oxygen to yield 3 volumes of `CO_(2)`, 3 volumes of `SO_(2)` and 6 volumes of water vapour. What volume of oxygen is required for teh combustion? What is the formula of the compound ? Is this an empirical formula or molecular formula ?

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  10. 500cc of a hydrocarbon gas burnt in excess of oxygen yields 2500cc of `CO_(2)` and 3 litres of `H_(2)O` vapour, all the vapours being meausred at the same temperature and pressure. What si the formula of the hydrocarbon gas?

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  11. 0.45g of a dibasic organic acid upon combustion produced 0.44g of `CO_(2)` and 0.09g of `H_(2)O`. 0.76g of its silver salt when ignited gave 0.54g of pure silver. What is the fomula of the acid? (Ag=108)

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  12. 0.465g of an organic compound upon combustion produced 1.32g of `CO_(2)` and 0.315g of `H_(2)O`. 0.2325g of the same compound gave 27.8 mL of dry `N_(2)` at NTP. If the compound contained C, H and N find its formula

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  13. 0.220g of a sample of a volatile compound, containing carbon, hydrogen and chlorine yielded on combustion in oxygen 0.195g of `CO_(2)`, 0.0804g of `H_(2)O`. 0.120g of the compound occupied a volume of 37.24mL at `105^(@)C` and 768mm Hg pressure. Calculate the molecular formula of the compound.

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  14. A monoacid organic base gave the following data on analysis
    (a) 0.2790g of the base gave 0.7920g of `CO_(2)` and 0.1890g of `H_(2)O`
    (b) 0.1163g of the base gave 14mL of dry nitrogen at NTP
    (c ) 0.2980g of the platinichloride left 0.0975g of Pt
    Calculate the molecular formula of the base.

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  15. The analysis of an organic compound gave the following data:
    (a) 0.4020g gave 0.6098g and 0.2080g of `CO_(2) and H_(2)O` respectively.
    (b) 1.01g by Kjeldahl method produced amonia whise was neutralised by 23.2mL of N/2HCl
    (c ) 0.1033g of the compound gave 0.2772g of `BaSO_(4)`
    (d) 0.1015g when vaporised in Victor Meyer's apparatus displaced 27.96mL of air at `15^(@)C` and 766 mm pressure
    Calculate the molecular formula. (Aqueous tension at `15^(@)C=16`mm)

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  16. An organic compound (A) contains C and H only (C=90%). (A) produces another compound (B) on treatment with HBr. (B) contains 79.2% of Br. If the molecular weight of (A) is 40, find the formulae of (A) and (B). (Br= 80)

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  17. A certain hydrocarbon `(A)` was found to contain `85.7 %` carbon and `14.3 %` hydrogen. This compound consumes `1` molar equivalent of hydrogen to give a saturated hydrocarbon `(B)`. One gram of hydrocarbon `(A)` just decolourised `38.05 gm` of a `5 %` solution (by weight) of `Br_2` in `C Cl_4`. Compound `(A)` on oxidation with concentrated `KMn_4` gave compound `(C)` (molecular formula, `C_(4) H_(8) O)` and acetic acid. Compound `(C)` could easily be prepared by the action of acidic aqueous mercuric sulphate on 2-butyne. Determine the molecular formula of `(A)` and deduce the structures of `(A), (B)`, and `(C)`.

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  18. An organic compound (X) containing C, H and O has a vapour density 37. 0.2750g of (X) produced 0.6540g of `CO_(2)` and 0.3375 of `H_(2)O`. The compound (X) on dehydration gave a hydrocarbon (Y) containing 85.71% of C. (Y) on treatment wit HI followed by hydrolysis, gave (Z) which was isomeric with (X). Give structural formulae of (X), (Y) and (Z)

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  19. An organic compound (X) (vapour density= 37.5) contains C (32%), H (6.66%), N (18.67%) and O (42.67%). (X), on reduction, gave a primary amine (Y) which, on treatment with `HNO_(2)`, gave `C_(2)H_(5)OH`. (Y), on warming with `CHCl_(3)` and KOH, gave (Z). (Z) having an offensive odour, on reduction, produced `C_(2)H_(5)NHCH_(3)`. Assign structures of (X), (Y) and (Z) .

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  20. An organic compound (A) (mol. Wt. =74) contained C(48.65%), H(8.11%) and O(43.24%). (A) on treatment with bromine, gave (B) containing 52.3% of Br, while on treatment with phosphorus and bromine, gave (C ) containing 74.1% of bromine. Both (B) and (C ), on boiling with water, gave the same product (D). (A), on distillation with soda lime, gave ethane. Assign structural formulae to (A), (B), (C ) and (D)

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  21. An ester has a molecular weight of 102. On aqueous hydrolysis, it produces a monobasic acid and an alcohol, If 0.185g of the acid produced completely neutralises 25mL of 0.1N NaOH, find out the structural formulae of the produced alcohol, acid and the ester.

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  22. An organic compound (A) contains 40% carbon 6.7% hydrogen and rest, oxygen. Its vapour density is 15. On reacting with a concentrated solution of KOH, it gives two compounds, (B) and (C ). When (B) is oxidised, the original compound (A) is obtained. When (C ) is treated with concentrated HCl, it gives a compound (D) which reduces Fehling's solution as well as ammoniacal `AgNO_(3)` solution and also gives effervescence with `NaHCO_(3)` solution. Write the structures of (A), (B), (C ) and (D)

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  23. n-butane is produced by the monobromination of ethane followed by Wurtz reaction. Calculate the volume of ethane at NTP required to produce 55g of n-butane, if the bromination takes place with 90% and the Wurtz reaction with 85% yield.

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  24. An aromatic hydrocarbon (A) (mol. Wt.= 78) contains 92.3% of carbon (A), on treatment with bromine in the dark, produced (B) which contains 48.85% of carbon, 3.19% of hydrogen and 50.96% of bromine. (B), on heating with `CH_(3)Br` and Na in etherical solution, gave (C ) containing 91.3% of C and 8.7%of H. (C ) on oxidation, produced a monobasic acid (D). The sodium salt of (D), on distillation with soda lime, gave (A). Determine the structures of (A), (B),(C ) and (D).

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  25. An organic compound contains C(30.6%), H(1.7%) and Br(67.7%). 0.706 g of this compound, when dissolved in 10g of acetone, increased the b.p. of acetone by `0.5^(@)`. If `K_(b)` for acetone is 1.67, find the molecular formula of the compound (Br=80).

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  26. An organic compound (X) (mol. Wt= 94) containing C, H and O gave on analysis 76.6% C, 6.38%% H and 17.02%O. A solution of (X) in aqueous NaOH with `FeCl_(3)` gave a violet colour while when heated with `C Cl_(4)`, it produced an acid (Y) of molecular weight 138. Find (X) and (Y)

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  27. An organic compound (A) contains 69.42% C, 5.78% H and 11.57% N. Its vapour density is 60.5. It evolves ammonia when boiled with caustic potash. On heating with `P_(2)O_(5)`, it gives a compound (B) containing 81.55%C, 4.85% H and 13.59% N. On reduction with Na and alcohol, (B) forms a base which reacts with `HNO_(3)` giving off nitrogen and yielding and alcohol (C ). The alcohol can be oxidised to benzoic acid. Assign structural formulae to (A) , (B) and (C )

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  28. An aromatic compound (A), on treatment with a saturated solution of sodium bisulphite, produced a solid crystalline product. (A) gave a compound (B) and a sodium salt of an aromatic monobasic acid (C ) on treatment with alkali. (B) contained 77.8% C and 7.4% H and rest, oxygen. The sodium salt on distillation with soda lime gave benzene. If (B) may be oxidised with `KMnO_(4)` to (C ), find the structural formulae of (A), (B) and (C )

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  29. An organic compound `C_xH_(2y)O_y` was burnt with twice the amount of oxygen needed for complete combustion to `CO_2` and `H_2O`. The hot gases when cooled to `0^@C` and 1 atm pressure, measured `2.24` litre. The water collected during cooling weighed 0.9 gm. the vapour pressure of pure water at `20^@C` is 17.5 mm Hg and is lowered by 0.104 mm when 50 gm of the organic compound is dissolved in 1000 gm of water. Give the molecular formula of the organic compound.

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  30. An aromatic compound contains 69.4% C and 5.8% H. A sample of 0.303g of this compound was analysed for nitrogen by Kjeldahl method. The ammonia evolved was absorbed in 50mL of 0.05M `H_(2)SO_(4)`. The excess acid required 25mL of 0.1M NaOH for neutralisation. Determine the molecular formula of the compound if its molecular weight is 121. Draw two possible structures for this compound.

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  31. The f.p constant of benzene is 4.9 and its m.p is `5.51^(@)C`. A solution of 0.816g of compound (A) when dissolved in 7.5g of benzene freezes at `1.59^(@)C`. The compound (A) has C, 70.58% and H, 5.88%. Determine the molecular weight and molecular formula of (A). Compound (A) on heating with soda lime gives another compound (B) which on oxidation and subsequent acidification gives an acid (C ) of equivalent weight 122. (C ) on heating with soda lime gives benzene. Identify (A), (B) and ( C) and explain the reaction involved.

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  32. The sodium salt of a carboxylic acid `(A)` was produced by passing a gas `(B)` into an aqueous solution of caustic alkali at an envolved temperature and pressure `(A)` on heating in the presence of sodium hydroxide followed by the treatment with sulphuric acid gave a dibasic acid `(C)`. A sample of `0.4 gm` of acid `(C)` on combustion gave `0.08 gm` of water,`.39gm` of `CO_2` and weighting `1.0 gm` on ignition yielded `0.71 gm` of silver as residue. Identify `(A), (B),` and (C)`.

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Examples questions and complete solutions for chapter EMPIRICAL, MOLECULAR AND STRUCTURAL FORMULAE of BHARATI BHAWAN CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12