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Complete Solutions to EXAMPLES of chapter PROPERTIES OF GASES of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions57
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A large cylinder for storing compressed gas has a volume of `1.5 f t^(3)`. If the gas is stored under a pressure of 150 atm at 300 K, how many moles of the gas cylinder ? `(1 f t^(2) = 28.32 "litre")`

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  2. 5g of ethane is confined in a bulb of one litre capacity .The bulb is so weak that it will burst if the pressure exceeds 10 atm. At what temperature will the pressure of gas reach the bursting value ?

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  3. A gas cylinder containing cooking gas can withstand a pressure of 14.9 atm. The pressure gauge of cylinder indicates 12 atm at `27^(@)C`. Due to sudden fire in the building, its temperature starts rising. At what temperature the cylinder will explode ?

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  4. How high a column of air would be necessary to cause the barometer to read 76 cmHg, if the atmosphere were of uniform density `1.2 kg//m^(3)` ? The density of `Hg = 13.6 xx 10^(3) kg//m^(3)`.

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  5. The density of the vapour of a substance at 373 K and `1.013 xx 10^(5)` Pa is 2.55 g/lit. Calculate its molecular weight.

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  6. Oxygen is present in a one-litre flask at a pressure of `7.6 xx 10^(-10)` mm Hg. Calculate the number of oxygen molecules in the flask at `0^(C)`.

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  7. A 10-cm column of air is trapped by an 8-cm long column of hg in a capillary tube horizontally fixed as shown in the figure at 1 atm pressure. Calculate the length of air column when the tube is fixed
    (a) vertically with open end up
    (b) vertically with open end down
    (c) at `45^(@)` from horizontal with the open end up

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  8. An open bulb containing air at `19^(@)C` was cooled to a certain temperature at which the number of moles of the gaseous molecules increased by 25%. What is the final temperature ?

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  9. An open vessel at `27^(@)C` is heated until three-fifths of the air in it has been expelled. Assuming the volume of the vessle remains constant, find the temperature to which the vessle has to be heated.

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  10. A stockroom supervisor measured the contents of a partially filled 25.0 gallon acetone drum on a day when the temperature was `18^(@)C` and atmospheric pressure was 780 mm Hg and found that 15.4 gallon of the solvent remained. After tightly sealing the drum a student assistant dropped the drum while carrying it upstairs to the organic laboratory. The drum was dented and its internal volume was decreased to 20.4 gallon. What is the total pressure inside the drum volume was decreased to 20.4 gallon. What is the total pressure inside the drum after the accident ? The vapour pressure of acetone at `18^(@)C` is 400 mm Hg.

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  11. A mixture of `C_(2)H_(6)` and `C_(4)H_(4)` occupies 40 litres at 1 atm and at 400 K. The mixture reacts completely with 130 g of `O_(2)` to produce `CO_(2)` and `H_(2)O`. Assuming ideal gas behaviour, calculate the mole fractions of `C_(2)H_(4)` and `C_(2)H_(6)` in the mixture.

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  12. A bulb of unknown volume V contains an ideal gas at 1 atm pressure. This bulb was connected to another evacuated bulb of volume 0.5 litre through a stopcock. When the stopcock was opened the pressure at each became 530 mm while the temperature remained constant. Find V in litres.

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  13. A bulb of unknown volume contained an ideal gas at 650 mm pressure. A certain amount of gas was withdraw and found to occupy 1.52 cc at 1 atm pressure. The pressure of the gas remaining in the bulb was 600 mm. If all measurements were made at a constant temperature, find the volume of the bulb.

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  14. The stopcokc, connecting the two bubls of volumes 5 litres and 10 litres containing an ideal gas at 9 atm and 6 atm respectively, is opened. What is the final pressure in the two bulbs if the temperature remained the same ?

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  15. A large irregularly-shaped closed tank is first evacuated and then connected to a 50-litre cylinder containing compressed nitrogen gas. The gas pressure in the cylinder, originally at 21.5 atm, falls to 1.55 atm after it is connected to the evacuated tank. Calculate the volume of the tank.

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  16. A spherical balloon of 21 cm diameter is to be filled up hydrogen at NTP from a cylinder containing the gas at 20 atmosphere at `27^(@)C`. If the cylinder can hold 2.82 litres of water, calculate the number of balloons that can be filled up.

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  17. Two bulbs of equal volumes connected through a stopcock, contained 0.7 mole of `H_(2)` gas at 0.5 atm pressure and `27^(@)C` (at the open position of the stopcock). IF the first bulb was heated to `127^(@)C` keeping the other at the same temperature, i.e, `27^(@)C`, what will be the final pressure and moles in each bubl ?

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  18. Two gases in adjoining vessels were brought into contact by opening a stopcock between them. One vessel measured 0.25 litre and contained NO at 800 torr and 220 K, the other measured 0.1 litre and contained `O_(2)` at 600 torr and 220 K. The reaction to form `N_(2)O_(4)` (solid) exhausts the limiting reactant completely. (a) Neglecting the vapour pressure of `N_(2)O_(4)` what is the pressure of the gas remaining at 220 K after completion of the reaction ? (b) What weight of `N_(2)O_(4)` is formed ? (torr = mm)

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  19. The density of a mixture of `O_(2)` and `N_(2)` at NTP is 1.3 g/L. Calculate partial pressure of `O_(2)`.

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  20. Two gases A and B having molecular weight 60 and 45 respectively are enclosed in a vessel. The weight of A is 0.5 g and that of B is 0.2 g. The total pressure of the mixture is 750 mm. Calculate the partial pressure (in mm) of gas A.

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  21. When `2 g` of a gas `A` is introduced into an evacuated flask kept at `25^(@)C`, the pressure is found to be `1 atm`. If `3 g` of another gas `B` is then heated in the same flask, the total pressure becomes `1.5 atm`. Assuming ideal gas behaviour, calculate the ratio of the molecular weights `M_(A)` and `M_(B)`.

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  22. A long rectangular box is filled with `CI_(2)` (at wt 35.45) which is known to contain only `CI^(35)` and `CI^(37)` if the box could be divided by a partition and the two type of chlorine molecules put into the two compartments respectively calculate where should partition be made if the pressure on both sides are to be equal Is this pressure the same as original pressure ? .

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  23. A mixture of `H_(2)O` vapour, `CO_(2)` and `N_(2)` was trapped in a glass apparatus with a volume of `0.731 mL`. The pressure of the total mixture was `1.74 atm` at `27^(@)C`. The sample was transferred to a bulb in contact with dry ice `(-75^(@)C)` so that the `H_(2)O` vapour was frozen out. When the sample was returned to the measured volume, the pressure was `1.32 mm Hg`. The sample was then transferred to a bulb in contact with liquid nitrogen `(-95^(@)C)` to freeze out the `CO_(2)`. On the measured volume, the pressure was `0.53 mm Hg`. How many moles of each consituent there are in the mixture?

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  24. A mixture of nitrogen and water vapour is admitted to a flask which contains a solid drying agent. Immediately after admission, the pressure of the flask is 760 mm. After some hours the pressure reached a steady value of 745 mm.
    (a) Calculate the composition, in mole per cent, of the original mixture.
    (b) If the experiment is done at `20^(@)C` and the drying agent increases in weight by 0.15 g, what is the volume of the flask ? (The volume occupied by the drying agent may be ignored.)

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  25. 2.69 g of a sample of `PCl_(5)` was placed in a 1 litre flask and completely vaporised to a temperature of `250^(@)C`. The pressure observed at this temperature was 1 atm. The possibility exists that some of `PCl_(5)` may have dissociated according to the equation.
    `PCl_(5)(g) hArr PCl_(3)(g) + Cl_(2)(g)`.
    What are partial pressure of `PCl_(5), PCl_(3)` and `Cl_(2)` under these experimental conditions ?

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  26. Helium is contained at `30.2^(@)C` in the system as shown in the figure. The levelling bulb (L) can be raised so as to fill the lower bulb with mercury and force the gas into the upper part of the devide. The volume of bulb A to the mark 'a' is `100.5 cm^(3)` and the volume of bulb B between the marks 'a' and 'b' is `110 cm^(3)`. The pressure exerted by the helium is measured by the difference between the mercury levels in the device and in the evacuated arm of the manometer. When mercury level is at 'b' the pressure is 20.12 mm Hg. What is the mass of helium in the container ?

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  27. A vertical cylinder closed at both ends is divided into two parts by a frictionless piston, each part containing one mole of air. At `300K` the volume of the upper part is 4 times of the lower part. At what temperature will the volume of the upper part be three times that of the lower part?

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  28. Three footballs are respectively filled with nitrogen, hydrogen and helium. In what order are these footballs to be reinflated ?

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  29. A rubber balloon permeable to hydrogen in all its isotopic forms is filled with deuterium `(D_(2))` and then placed in a box containing pure hydrogen. Will the balloon expnad or contract or remains as it is ?

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  30. 32 cc of hydrogen diffuses through a fine hole in 1 minute. What volume of `CO_(2)` will diffuse in 1 minute under the same conditions ?

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  31. A tube with a porous wall allows 0.53 litre of `N_(2)` to escape per minute from a pressure of 1 atm to an evacuated chamber. What will be the amount escaping under the same conditions for He, `C Cl_(4)` vapour and `UF_(6)` ?
    (He = 4, N = 14, C = 12, Cl = 35.5, F = 19, U = 28)

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  32. The reaction between gaseous `NH_(3)` and HBr produces the white solid `NH_(4)Br`. Suppose that `NH_(3)` and HBr are introduced simultaneously into the opposite ends of an open tube that is 1 metre long. Where would you expect the white solid to form ?

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  33. At room temperature, ammonia gas at `1 atm` pressure and hydrogen chloride gas at `P atm` pressure are allowed to effuse through identical pin holes from opposite ends of a glass tube of `1 m` length and of uniform cross- section. Ammonium chloride is first formed at a distance of `60 cm` from the end through which `HCl` gas is sent in. What is the value of `P`?

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  34. The composition of the equilibrium mixture for the equilibrium `Cl_(2) hArr 2Cl` at 1470 K may be determined by the rate of diffusion of the mixture through a pinhole. It is found that at 1470 K, the mixture diffuse 1.16 times as fast as krypton (83.8) diffuses under the same conditions. Find the degree of dissociation of `Cl_(2)` at equilibrium.

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  35. 75 cc of gas was collected over mercury in a tube closed a the top by a porous plug. On standing in air for some time, and when the mercury level became constant again, the volume was found to be 123 cc. What is the molecular weight of the gas ? `" "` (1 litre of air weighs 1.293 g at NTP)

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  36. A mixture of `H_(2) and O_(2)` in `2:1` volume is allowed to diffuse through a porous partition what is the composition of gas coming out initially

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  37. A gaseous mixture of `O_(2)` and X containing 20% (mole %) of X, diffused through a small hole in 234 seconds while pure `O_(2)` takes 224 seconds to diffuse through the same hole. Find the molecular weight of X.

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  38. The pressure in a bulb dropped from `2000` to `1500 mm Hg` in `47 min` when the contained oxygen leaked through a small hole. The bulb was then evacuated. A mixture of oxygen and another gas of molecular weight `79` in the molar ratio of `1:1` at a total pressure of `4000 mm` of mercury was introduced. Find the molar ratio of the two gases remaining in the bulb after a period of `74 min`.

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  39. What would the molecular of a gas have to be if the pressure of the gas is to fall one-half of its value in a vertical of a 1 metre ? `(T = 25^(@)C)`. What type of molecules have molecular weight of this magnitude ?

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  40. Calculate rms speed of oxygen molecules in the lungs at normal body temperature, `37^(@)C`.

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  41. Calculate the temperature at which the root-mean-square speed of `SO_(2)` molecules is the same as that of oxygen at `27^(@)C`.

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  42. Calculate the root mean square velocity of ozone kept in a closed vessel at `20^(@)C` and `82 cm Hg` pressure.

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  43. A gas has a density of 1.2504 g/L at `0^(@)C` and a pressure of 1 atm. Calculate the rms, average and the most probable speeds of its molecules at `0^(@)C`.

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  44. Calculate the rms speed in cm/s at `25^(@)C` at a free electron and of a molecule of `UF_(6)`. (H = 1 , U = 238, F = 19)

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  45. The average speed at `T_(1)K ` and the most probable speed at `T_(2) K` of `CO_(2)` gas is `9 xx 10^(4) cm s^(-1)`. Calculate the value of `T_(1)` and `T_(2)`.

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  46. The kinetic molecular theory attributes an average kinetic energy of `(3)/(2)` kT to each particle. What rms speed would a mist particle of mass `10^(-12)` g have at room temperature `(27^(@)C)` according to the kinetic molecular theory ?

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  47. Calculate r.m.s speed of `N_2` at 298 K in metre/s .

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  48. At `627^(@)C` and 1 atm pressure, `SO_(3)` undergoes partial dissociation into `SO_(2)` and `O_(2)`
    `SO_(3) hArr SO_(2) + (1)/(2)O_(2)`
    if the observed density of the equilibrium mixture is 0.925 g/L, calculate degree of dissociation of `SO_(3)`.

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  49. A sample of `O_(2)` gas initially at NTP is transferred from a 1-litre container to a 2-litre container at a constant temperature. What effect does this change have on
    (a) the average kinetic energy of `O_(2)` molecules
    (b) the average speed of `O_(2)` molecules
    (c) the rms speed of `O_(2)` molecules
    (d) the total number of collisions of `O_(2)` molecules with the container waals in a unit time.

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  50. Consider the arrangement of bulbs shown below :

    What is the pressure of the system when all the stopcocks are opened ?

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  51. A mixture of `CH_(4)` and `C_(2)H_(2)` occupies a certain volume at a total pressure of 70.5 mm Hg. The sample is burnt, formed `CO_(2)` and `H_(2)O`. The `H_(2)O` is removed and the remaining `CO_(2)` is found to have pressure of 96.4 mmHg at the same volume and temperature as the original mixture. What mole fraction of the gas was `C_(2)H_(2)` ?

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  52. Calculate the compressibility factor, `((p_("real"))(V_("real")))/(RT)` for a 1.0- mole sample of `NH_(3)`, under the following conditions : in a 500 mL-vessel at `-10.0^(@)C` in a 500-mL vessel ?

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  53. Two moles of ammonia were found to occupy a volume of 5 L at `27^(@)C`. Calculate the pressure using van der Waals equation `(a="4.17 bar L"^(2)"mol"^(-2), b="0.0371 L mol"^(-1)).`

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  54. van der Waals constant 'b' for a real gas is 0.02788 lit `"mole"^(-1)`. Calculate the radius of the molecule of the gas.

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  55. Calculate the weight of water in grams per litre of air at `20^(@)C` and 45% relative humidity. Vapour pressure of water at `20^(@)C` is 17.5 mmHg.

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  56. One way of writing the equation of state for real gases is
    where `B` is a constant. Derive an approximate expression for `B` in terms of the van der Waals constants `a` and `b`.

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  57. Calculate the viscosity of molecular oxygen in Pa s at 273 K and 1 bar. Given that molecular diameter `= 0.36 xx 10^(-9) m`,
    `k = 1.38 xx 10^(-23) JK^(-1)` and Av. const. `= 6.022 xx 10^(23)`

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EXAMPLES questions and complete solutions for chapter PROPERTIES OF GASES of BHARATI BHAWAN CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12