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Complete Solutions to Objective Problems of chapter CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

RC MUKHERJEEObjective Problems
Number Of Questions57
Academic Year2023-24
  1. 120g of urea is present in 5L of solution, the active mass of urea is

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  2. For the equilibrium `A+B Leftrightarrow C+D,` equilibrium constant may be equal to

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  3. For which of the following reactions, `K_p` may be equal to 0.5 atm?

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  4. Which of the following is correct?

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  5. `K_p//K_c` for the reaction `CO+1/2O_2 Leftrightarrow CO_2` is

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  6. If the initial number of moles/L of `N_2, H_2, and NH_3, ` are 1, 2 and 3 respectively, their concentrations at equilibrium will be `N_2+3H_2 Leftrightarrow 2NH_3`

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  7. A 1-litre container contains 2 moles of `PCI_5` initially. If at equilibrium, `K_c` is found to be 1, the degree of dissociation of `PCI_5` is

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  8. The vapour density of undecomposed `N_2O,` is 46. When heated, the vapour density decreases to 24.5 due to its dissociation to `NO_2.` The percentage dissociation of `N_2O_4` at the final temperature is

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  9. If the equilibrium constant of the following equilibrium `SO_(2)+1//2O_(2) Leftrightarrow SO_(3) and 2SO_(3) Leftrightarrow 2SO_(2)+O_(2)` are given by `K_1 and K_2` respectively, which of the following relations is correct?

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  10. For the reactions `A Leftrightarrow B " "K_c=2 `
    `B Leftrightarrow C" "K_(c)=4`
    `C Leftrightarrow D " "K_(c )=6`
    `K_c` for the reaction `A Leftrightarrow D` is

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  11. For the equilibrium `CaCO_3 (s) Leftrightarrow CaO(s)+CO_2(g)` which of the following expression is correct?

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  12. For the reaction `C(s) + CO_2(g) Leftrightarrow 2CO(g),` the partial pressures of `CO_2` and Co are respectively 4 and 8 atm. `K_p` for the reaction is

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  13. `K_c" for "A+B Leftrightarrow 3C` is 20 at `25^@C`. If a 2-litre contains 1,2 and 4 moles of A, B and C respectively, the reaction at `25^@C` shall

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  14. `K_(c)` for `A+BhArrC+D` is `10` at `25^(@)C`. If a container contains `1`, `2`, `3`, `4` `mol//litre` of `A`, `B`, `C` and `D` respectively at `25^(@)C`, the reaction shell proceed:

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  15. A 1-litre vessel contains 2 moles each of gases A, B, C and D at equilibrium. If 1 mole each of A and B are removed, K. for A+B C +D will be

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  16. Two samples of HI each of 5 s were taken separately in two vessels of volume 5 and 10 litres respectively at `27^@C.` The extent of dissociation of HI will be

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  17. For a reversible reaction if the concentrations of the reactants are doubled, the equilibrium constant will be

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  18. If one-third of HI decomposes at a particular temperature, `K_C` for `2HI Leftrightarrow H_2+I_2` is

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  19. 28 g of `N_(2)` and 6 g of `H_(2)` were mixed. At equilibrium 17 g `NH_(3)` was produced. The weight of `N_(2)` and `H_(2)` at equilibrium are respectively

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  20. For the reaction
    `H_(2)(g)+I_(2)(g) hArr 2HI(g)`
    The equilibrium constant `K_(p)` changes with

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  21. The oxidation of `SO_2" by "O_2" to "SO_3` is an exothermic reaction. The yield of `SO_3` will be maximum if

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  22. For the gas phase reaction
    `C_(2)H_(4)+H_(2) hArr C_(2)H_(6)(DeltaH=-32.7 "kcal")`
    carried out in a vessel, the equilibrium concentration of `C_(2)H_(4)` can be increased by

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  23. Pure ammonia is placed in a vessel at a temperature where its dissociation constant `(alpha)` is appreciable. At equilibrium,

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  24. An example of a reversible reaction is

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  25. When `NaNO_3` is heated in a closed vessel, `O_2` is liberated and `NaNO_2` is left behind.

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  26. The equilibrium , `SO_2Cl_2(g) hArr SO_2(g)+Cl_(2)(g)` is attained at `25^@C` in a closed container and an inert gas , helium , is introduced. Which of the following statement is are correct ?

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  27. The decomposition of `N_(2)O_(4)` to `NO_(2)` is carried out at `280^(@)C` in chloroform. When equilibrium is reached, `0.2` mol of `N_(2)O_(4)` and `2xx10^(-3)` mol of `NO_(2)` are present in a `2L` solution. The equilibrium constant for the reaction
    `N_(2)O_(4) hArr 2NO_(2)` is

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  28. The equilibrium constants for the reaction `Br_(2)hArr 2Br`
    at 500 K and 700 K are `1xx10^(-10)` and `1xx10^(-5)` respectively. The reaction is:

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  29. Which oxide of nitrogen is most stable at 273 K?

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  30. If a chemical reaction is at equilibrium, which of the following is not correct?

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  31. If pressure is applied to the equilibrium of solid-liquid. The melting point of the solid:

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  32. If pressure is applied to the following equilibrium, liquid `hArr` vapours the boiling point of liquid

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  33. For the equilibrium, `PCl_(5) Leftrightarrow PCl_(3)+Cl_(2), K_(c)=alpha^(2)//(1-alpha)V`, temperature remaining constant

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  34. When `CaCO_3` is heated at a constant temperature in a closed container the pressure due to `CO_2` produced will

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  35. For the reaction
    `PCl_(5)(g) hArr PCl_(3)(g)+Cl__(2)(g)`
    The forward reaction at constant temperature is favoured by

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  36. Which of the following curves represents a very rare standard reaction at equilibrium?

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  37. Which of the curves given in Q. 36 represents a standard reaction spontaneous in forward direction?

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  38. Which of the curves given in Q. 36 represents a standard reaction for which `triangleG^(0) gt 0?`

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  39. Which of the curves given in Q. 36 represents a standard reaction with K=1?

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  40. Each of the mixtures listed below was placed in a closed container and allowed to stand. Which of the following mixtures is not capable of attaining the equilibrium: `CaCO_3(s) Leftrightarrow CaO(s)+CO_2(g)?`
    (a) Pure `CaCO_3`
    (b) CaO and a pressure of `CO_2` greater than `K_p`
    (c) Some `CaCO_3` and a pressure of `CO_2` greater than `K_p`
    (d) `CaCO_3` and Co

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  41. Consider the following equilibrium in a closed container
    At a fixed temperature, the volume of the reaction container is halved. For this change, which of the following statements hold true regarding the equilibrium constant `(K_(p))` and degree of dissociation `(alpha)`?

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  42. The value of the reaction quotient before any reaction occurs is

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  43. What is the minimum mass of `CaCO_3(s)`, below which it decomposes completely, required to establish equilibrium in a 6.50 litre container for the reaction :
    `CaCO_3(s)hArr CaO(s)+CO_2(g), K_c=0.05`

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  44. The energy profile of the reaction: is shown as `A+B Leftrightarrow C` is shown as,
    The equilibrium constant for the said equilibrium

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  45. NiO is to be reduced to Ni in an industrial process by the use of the reaction
    `NiO(s)+CO(g) Leftrightarrow Ni(s)+CO_(2)(g)`
    At 1600 K, the equilibrium constant for the reaction is 600. If a CO pressure of 150 mmHg is to be employed in the furnace and the total pressure never exceeds 760 mmHg, will the reduction occur?
    (a) Yes (b) No

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  46. Which of the following curves between log K and `1/T` is correct?

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  47. The thermal dissociation of equilibrium of `CaCo_(3)(s)` is studied under different conditions
    For this equilibrium, the correct statement (s) is/are

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  48. For the reaction, `SO_(2)(g) + (1)/(2)O_(2)(g)hArrSO_(3) (g)`, If `K_(p) = K_(c) (RT)^(x)` where the symbols have usual meaning then, the value of x is (assuming ideality).

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  49. The following reaction is performed at 298 K ?
    The standard free energy of formation of NO(g) is 86.6 kJ/mol at 298 K. What is the standard free energy of formation of `NO_(2)(g)` at 298 K ?

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  50. The standard Gibbs energy change at `300K` for the reaction `2AhArrB+C` is 2494. `2J`. At a given time, the composition of the reaction mixture is `[A]=1/2, [B]=2` and `[C]=1/2`. The reaction proceeds in the

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  51. The percentage yield of ammonia is a function of time in the reaction `N_(2)(g)+3H_(2) (g) Leftrightarrow 2NH_(3) (g), triangleH lt 0`
    at `(p T_(1))` is given below
    If this reaction is conducted `(p_(1) T_(1))" with "T_(2) gt T_(1)`, the percentage yeild of ammonia as a function of time is represented by.

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  52. The equilibrium constant at `298K` for a reaction, `A+BhArrC+D` is 100. If the initial concentrations of all the four species were 1M each, then equilibirum concentration of `D` (in mol`L^(-1)`) will be

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  53. Thermal decomposition of gaseous X, to X at 298 K takes place according to the following equation
    `X_(2) (g) Leftrightarrow 2X(g)`.
    The standard reaction Gibbs energy, `triangle_(r)G^@` of this reaction is positive. At the start of the reaction, there is one mole of `X_2` and no X. As the reaction proceeds the number of moles of X formed is given by `beta.` Thus B equilibrium is the number of moles of X formed at equilibrium. The reaction is carried out at a constant total pressure of 2 bar. Consider the gases to behave ideally. (R = 0.083 L bar K'moll) The equilibrium constant K, for this reaction at 298 K in terms of `beta_("eqb")` is

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  54. The incorrect statement among the following for this reaction is

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  55. Which of the following lines correctly show the temperatrue dependence equilibrium constant,K, for an exotehrmic reaction?

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  56. At a certain temperture in a 5L vessel 2 moles of carbon monoxide and 3 moles of chlorine were allowed to reach equilibrium according to the reaction
    `CO+CI_(2) rarr COCI_(2)`
    at equlibrium if one mole of CO is present then equilibrium constant `(k_(c ))` for the reaction is :

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  57. In which of the following reactions, an increase in the volume of the container will favour the formation of products ?

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Objective Problems questions and complete solutions for chapter CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM of BHARATI BHAWAN CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12