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Complete Solutions to Solved Examples And Exercises of chapter BINARY OPERATIONS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
MathematicsSolved Examples And Exercises
Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Discuss the commutativity and associativity of the binary operation * on R defined by `a*b=a-b+a b` for all `a , b in R ,` where on RHS we have usual addition, subtraction and multiplication of real numbers.

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  2. If `a*b=a^2+b^2,` then the value of `(4*5)*3` is

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  3. Let * be a binary operation on set of integers I, defined by `a*b=2a+b-3.` Find the value of `3*4`.

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  4. Discuss the commutativity and associativity of the binary operation * on R defined by `a*b=(a b)/4 ` for `a l la ,b in Rdot`

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  5. Define a binary operation `**` on the set `A={0,1,2,3,4,5}` as `a**b=(a+b) \ (mod 6)`. Show that zero is the identity for this operation and each element `a` of the set is invertible with `6-a` being the inverse of `a`.
    A binary operation `**` on the set `{0,1,2,3,4,5}` is defined as `a**b={[a+b if a+b<6] , [a+b-6 if a+b >= 6]}` Show that zero is the identity for this operation and each element `a` of the set is invertible with `6-a` , being the inverse of `a`.

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  6. Consider the set `S={1,-1,i ,-1}` for fourth roots of unity. Construct the composition table for multiplication on S and deduce its various properties.

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  7. On `R-[1]` , a binary operation * is defined by `a*b=a+b-a b` . Prove that * is commutative and associative. Find the identity element for * on `R-[1]dot` Also, prove that every element of `r-[1]` is invertible.

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  8. Let * be a binary operation on `Q_0` (set of non-zero rational numbers) defined by `a*b=(3a b)/5` for all `a , b in Q_0dot`Find the identity element.

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  9. If the binary operation * on the set Z of integers is defined by `a*b=a+3b^2,` find the value of `2*4` .

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  10. Let `n` be a positive integer. Prove that the relation R on the set Z of all integers numbers defined by `(x , y) in R iff x-y` is divisible by `n ,` is an equivalence relation on Z.

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  11. Define a binary operation * on the set `A={1,2,3,4}` as `a*b=a b` (mod 5). Show that 1 is the identity for * and all elements of the set A are invertible with`2^(-1)=3` and `4^(-1)=4`

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  12. On the set `R-{-1}` a binary operation `*` is defined by `a*b=a+b+a b` for all `a , b in R-1{-1}` . Prove that * is commutative as well as associative on `R-{-1}dot` Find the identity element and prove that every element of `R-{-1}` is invertible.

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  13. `Q^+` denote the set of all positive rational numbers. If the binary operation `o.` on `Q^+` is defined as a `o.b=(a b)/2,` then the inverse of 3 is `4/3` (b) 2 (c) `1/3` (d) `2/3`

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  14. Let `'*'` be a binary operation on `Q_0` (set of all non-zero rational numbers) defined by `a*b=(a b)/4` for all `a , b in Q_0dot` Then, find the identity element in `Q_0` inverse of an element in `Q_0dot`

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  15. If the binary operation * on Z is defined by `a*b=a^2-b^2+a b+4` , then value of `(2*3)*4` is`

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  16. Is * defined by `a`*`b=(a+b)/2` is binary operation on Z.

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  17. Let `'*'` be a binary operation on N given by `a*b=LdotCdotMdot(a , b)` for all `a , b in Ndot` Find `5*7,20*16` (ii) Is * commutative? Is * associative? Find the identity element in N Which element of N are invertible? Find them.

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  18. On the set `M=A(x)={[xxxx]: x in R}of2x2` matrices, find the identity element for the multiplication of matrices as a binary operation.

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  19. Let `+_6` (addition modulo 6) be a binary operation on `S={0,\ 1,\ 2,\ 3,\ 4,\ 5}` . Write the value of `2+_6 4^(-1)+_6 3^(-1)` .

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  20. Let `A=Q x Q` and let * be a binary operation on A defined by `(a , b)*(c , d)=(a c , b+a d)` for `(a , b),(c , d) in Adot` Then, with respect to * on A Find the identity element in A Find the invertible elements of A.

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  21. Let `A=NxN ,` and let * be a binary operation on A defined by `(a , b)*(c , d)=(a d+b c , b d)` for all `(a , b),c , d) in NxNdot` Show that : `'*'` is commutative on `A` `'*^(prime)` is associative on`A` `A` has no identity element.

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  22. Discuss the commutativity and associativity of binary operation * defined on `Q` by the rule `a*b=a-b+a b` for all `a , b in Q`

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  23. Let * be a binary operation on N, the set of natural numbers, defined by `a*b=` `a^b` for all `a , b in Ndot` Is `'*'` associative or commutative on `N ?`

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  24. Let *, be a binary operation on N, the set of natural numbers defined by `a*b = a^b`, for all `a,b in N`. is * associative or commutative on N?

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  25. On Q, the set of all rational numbers, a binary operation * is defined by `a*b=(a b)/5` for all `a , b in Qdot` Find the identity element for * in Q. Also, prove that every non-zero element of Q is invertible.

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  26. Let * be a binary operation on set `Q-[1]` defined by `a*b=a+b-a b` for all`a , b in Q-[1]dot` Find the identity element with respect to `*onQdot` Also, prove that every element of `Q-[1]` is invertible.

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  27. On the set `C` of all complex numbers an operation `'o'` is defined by `z_1\ o\ z_2=sqrt(z_1z_2)` for all `z_1,\ z_2 in C` . Is `o` a binary operation on `C` ?

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  28. Let `S={1,2,3,4}` and * be an operation on `S` defined by `a*b=r ,` where `r` is the last non-negative remainder when product is divided by `5.` Prove that * is a binary operation on S.

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  29. Let `S=(0,1,2,3,4,)` and * be an operation on S defined by `a*b=r` , where`r` is the least non-negative remainder when `a+b` is divided by 5. Prove that * is a binary operation on S.

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  30. Define a binary operation * on the set `A={0,1,2,3,4,5}` given by `a*b=a b` (mod 6). Show that 1 is the identity for *. 1 and 5 are the only invertible elements with `1^(-1)=1` and `5^(-1)=5`

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  31. Let `S={a+sqrt(2)b : a , b in Z}dot` Then prove that an operation * on S defined by `(a_1+sqrt(2)b_1)*(a_2+sqrt(2)b_2)=(a_1+b_2)+sqrt(2)(b_1+b_2)` for all `b_1,a_2 in Z` is binary operation ofn `Sdot`

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  32. Let A be a set having more than one element. Let * be a binary operation on A defined by `a*b=sqrt(a^2 + b^2)` for all `a , b , in Adot` Is `'*'` commutative or associative on A?

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  33. Let `A=NxNa n d^(prime)*'` be a binaryoperation on A defined by `(a , b)*(C , d)=(a c , b d)` for all `a , b , c , d , in Ndot` Show that `'*'` is commutative and associative binary operation on A.

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  34. Let S be the set of all rational numbers except 1 and * be defined on S by `a*b=a+b-a b ,` for all`a , b in Sdot` Find its identity element

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  35. Q, the set of all rational number, * is defined by `a*b=(a-b)/2` , show that * is no associative.

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  36. Find the identity element in set `Q^+` of all positive rational numbers for the operation * defined by `a*b=(a b)/2` for all `a , b in Q^+dot`

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  37. If * defined on the set R of real numbers by `a*b=(3a b)/7` , find the identity element in R for the binary operation *.

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  38. Let S be a non-empty set and `P(s)` be the power set of set S. Find the identity element for all union `()` as a binary operation on `P(S)dot`

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  39. If * is defined on the set R of all real numbers by `a*b=sqrt(a^2+b^2)` , find the identity element in R with respect to *.

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  40. If the binary operation * on the set Z is defined by a*b`=a+b-5,` then find the identity element with respect to *.

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  41. Let * be a binary operation o Q defined by a*b= `(ab)/4` for all a,b`in` Q ,find identity element in Q

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  42. If the binary operation `o.` is defined on the set `Q^+` of all positive rational numbers by `ao.b=(a b)/4dot` Then, `3o.(1/5o.1/2)` is equal to `3/(160)` (b) `5/(160)` (c) `3/(10)` (d) `3/(40)`

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  43. Let `S={a+sqrt(2)\ b\ : a ,\ b in Z}dot` Then, prove that an operation * on `S` defined by `(a_1+sqrt(2)b_1)*(a_2+sqrt(2)b_2)=(a_1+a_2)+sqrt(2)(b_1+b_2)` for all `a_1,\ a_2,\ b_1,\ b_2 in Z` is a binary operation on `Sdot`

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  44. Let `S={1,\ 2,\ 3,\ 4}` and `*` be an operation on `S` defined by `a*b=r ,` where `r` is the least non-negative remainder when product is divided by 5. Prove that `*` is a binary operation on `Sdot`

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  45. Let `S=(0,1,2,3,4,)` and * be an operation on S defined by `a*b=r` , where`r` is the least non-negative remainder when `a+b` is divided by 5. Prove that * is a binary operation on S.

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  46. Show that the operation `vv` and `^^` on `R` defined as `avvb=` Maximum of `a` and `b` ; `a^^b=` Minimum of `a` and `b` are binary operations of `Rdot`

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  47. On the set Q of all rational numbers an operation * is defined by `a*b = 1 + ab`. Show that * is a binary operation on Q.

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  48. On the set `W` of all non-negative integers `*` is defined by `a*b=a^b` . Prove that `*` is not a binary operation on `Wdot`

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  49. On the set `C` of all complex numbers an operation `'o'` is defined by `z_1\ o\ z_2=sqrt(z_1z_2)` for all `z_1,\ z_2 in C` . Is `o` a binary operation on `C` ?

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  50. Let `M` be the set of all singular matrices of the form `[xxxx]` , where `x` is a non-zero real number. On `M` , let `*` be an operation defined by, `A*B=A B` for all `A ,\ B in Mdot` Prove that `*` is a binary operation on `Mdot`

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  51. Determine whether * on `N` defined by `a*b=a^b` for all `a ,\ b in N` define a binary operation on the given set or not:

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  52. Determine whether O on `Z` defined by `a\ O\ b=a^b` for all `a ,\ b in Z` define a binary operation on the given set or not:

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  53. Determine whether * on `N` defined by `a*b=a+b-2` for all `a ,\ b in N` define a binary operation on the given set or not:

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  54. Determine whether `'xx_6'` on `S={1,\ 2,\ 3,\ 4,\ 5}` defined by `axx_6b=` Remainder when `a b` is divided by 6 define a binary operation on the given set or not:

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  55. Determine whether `'+_6'` on `S={0,\ 1,\ 2,\ 3,\ 4,\ 5}` defined by `a+_6b={a+b ,\ if\ a+b<6a+b-6,\ if\ a+bgeq6` define a binary operation on the given set or not:

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  56. 'o' on N defined by a o b= a b + b a for all a, b∈N define a binary operation on the given set or not:

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  57. `'*'` on `Q` defined by `a*b=(a-1)/(b+1)` for all `a ,\ b in Q` define a binary operation on the given set or not:

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  58. Determine whether or not the definition of * On `Z^+` , defined * by `a*b=a-b` gives a binary operation. In the event that * is not a binary operation give justification of this. Here, `Z^+` denotes the set of all non-negative integers.

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  59. Determine whether or not the definition of * On `Z^+` , defined * by `a*b=a b` gives a binary operation. In the event that * is not a binary operation give justification of this. Here, `Z^+` denotes the set of all non-negative integers.

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  60. Determine whether or not the definition of * On `R` , define by `a*b=a b^2` gives a binary operation. In the event that * is not a binary operation give justification of this. Here, `Z^+` denotes the set of all non-negative integers.

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  61. Determine whether or not the definition of * On `Z^+` , define * by `a*b=|a-b|` gives a binary operation. In the event that * is not a binary operation give justification of this. Here, `Z^+` denotes the set of all non-negative integers.

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  62. Determine whether or not the definition of * On `Z^+` , define * by `a*b=a` gives a binary operation. In the event that * is not a binary operation give justification of this. Here, `Z^+` denotes the set of all non-negative integers.

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  63. Determine whether or not the definition of * On `R` , define * by `a*b=a+4b^2` gives a binary operation. In the event that * is not a binary operation give justification of this. Here, `Z^+` denotes the set of all non-negative integers.

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  64. Let * be a binary operation on set of integers I, defined by a*b=2a+b-3. Find the value of 3*4.

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  65. Is * defined on the set `{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}` b y a * b = L.C.M. of a and b a binary operation? Justify your answer.

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  66. Let `S={a ,\ b ,\ c}` . Find the total number of binary operations on `Sdot`

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  67. Find the total number of binary operations on `{a ,\ b}` .

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  68. Prove that the operation * on the set `M={[(a,0),( 0,b)]: a ,\ b in R-{0}}` defined by `A`*`B=A B` is a binary operation.

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  69. Let `S` be the set of all rational numbers of the form `m/n` , where `m in Z` and `n=1,\ 2,\ 3.` Prove that * on `S` defined by `a`*`b=a b` is not a binary operation.

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  70. The binary operation`**: RxxR->R` is defined as `a**b=2a+b`. Find `(2**3)**4`.

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  71. Let * be a binary operation of `N` given by a `a`*`b=L C M (a , b)` for all `a , b` in N. Find `5`*`7`

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  72. Let * be a binary operation on `Q-{0}` defined by `a*b=(a b)/2` for all `a ,\ b in Q-{0}` . Prove that * is commutative on `Q-{0}` .

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  73. Let A be a set having more than one element. Let * be a binary operation on A defined by `a*b=sqrt(a^2 + b^2)` for all `a , b , in Adot` Is * commutative or associative on A?

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  74. If the operation * is defined on the set `Q` of all rational numbers by the rule `a`*`b=(a b)/3` for all `a ,\ b in Q` . Show that * is associative on `Q`

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  75. Examine whether the binary operation `**` defined on `R` by `a**b=a b+1` is associative or not.

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  76. Let A be a set having more than one element. Let * be a binary operation on A defined by `a`*`b=sqrt(a^2 + b^2)` for all `a , b , in Adot` Is * commutative or associative on A?

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  77. Discuss the commutativity and associativity of the binary operation * on R defined by `a`*`b=a-b+a b` for all `a , b in R ,` where on RHS we have usual addition, subtraction and multiplication of real numbers.

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  78. Discuss the commutativity and associativity of the binary operation * on R defined by `a`*`b=(a b)/4for all a ,b in R.`

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  79. Discuss the commutativity and associativity of binary operation * defined on `Q` by the rule `a*b=a-b+a b` for all `a , b in Q`

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  80. Let * be a binary operation on N, the set of natural numbers, defined by `a`*`b=` `a^b` for all `a , b in Ndot` Is `'*'` associative or commutative on `N ?`

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  81. Let * be a binary operation on `N` given by `a`*`b=H F C(a ,\ b)` for all `a ,\ b in N` , then find: `12`*`4,\ 18`*`24 ,\ 7`*`5`

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  82. Let `**` be the binary operation on N defined by `a" "**" "b" "=" "HdotCdotFdot` of a and b. Is `**` commutative? Is `**` associative? Does there exist identity for this binary operation on N?

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  83. Consider the binary operations`*: RxxR->R` and `o: RxxR->R` defined as `a*b=|a-b|` and `aob=a` for all `a ,\ b in Rdot` Show that `*` is commutative but not associative, `o` is associative but not commutative. Further, show that * is distributive over `o` . Dose `o` distribute over * ? Justify your answer.

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  84. Let `A` be a non-empty set and `S` be the set of all functions from `A` to itself. Prove that the composition of functions `'o'` is a non-commutative binary operation on `Sdot` Also, prove that `'o'` is an associative binary operation on `Sdot`

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  85. Let `A=NxNa n d^(prime)*'` be a binaryoperation on A defined by `(a , b)*(C , d)=(a c , b d)` for all `a , b , c , d , in Ndot` Show that `'*'` is commutative and associative binary operation on A.

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  86. Let `A` be a set having more than one element. Let * be a binary operation on `A` defined by `a*b=a` for all `a ,\ b in Adot` Is * commutative or associative on `A` ?

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  87. Let * be a binary operation on `N` defined by `a*b=1. cdotmdot(a ,\ b)` for all `a ,\ b in Ndot` Find `2*4,\ 3*5,\ 1*6` .

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  88. Let `'*'` be a binary operation on N given by `a*b=LdotCdotMdot(a , b)` for all `a , b in Ndot` Find `5*7,20*16` (ii) Is * commutative? Is * associative? Find the identity element in N Which element of N are invertible? Find them.

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  89. Determine whether `*` on `N` defined by `a*b=1` for all `a ,\ b in N` is associative or commutative?

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  90. Determine whether `*` on `Q` defined by `a*b=(a+b)/2` for all `a ,\ b in Q` is associative or commutative?

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  91. Let `A` be any set containing more than one element. Let * be a binary operation on `A` defined by `a*b=b` for all `a ,\ b in Adot` Is * commutative or associative on `A` ?

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  92. Check the commutativity and associativity of * on `Z` defined by `a*b=a+b+a b` for all `a ,\ b in Z` .

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  93. Check the commutativity and associativity of * on `N` defined by `a*b=2^(a b)` for all `a ,\ b in N` .

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  94. Check the commutativity and associativity of * on `Q` defined by `a*b=a-b` for all `a ,\ b in Q` .

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  95. Check the commutativity and associativity of O on `Q` defined by `a\ \ b=a^2+b^2` for all `a ,\ b in Q` .

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  96. Check the commutativity and associativity of o on `Q` defined by `a\ o\ b=(a b)/2` for all `a ,\ b in Q` .

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  97. Check the commutativity and associativity of * on `Q` defined by `a*b=a b^2` for all `a ,\ b in Q` .

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  98. Check the commutativity and associativity of * on `Q` defined by `a*b=a+a b` for all `a ,\ b in Q` .

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  99. Check the commutativity and associativity of * on `R` defined by `a*b=a+b-7` for all `a ,\ b in Q` .

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  100. Check the commutativity and associativity of * on `Q` defined by `a*b=(a-b)^2` for all `a ,\ b in Q` .

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Solved Examples And Exercises questions and complete solutions for chapter BINARY OPERATIONS of RD SHARMA MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 12

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