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Complete Solutions to Solved Examples And Exercises of chapter DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
MathematicsSolved Examples And Exercises
Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Solve the following differential equations: `(1+x)(1+y^2)dx+(1+y)(1+x^2)dy=0`

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  2. Solve the differential equation `(dy)/(dx)=(x(2logx+1))/(siny+ycosy)`, given that `y=0,w h e nx=1.`

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  3. Solve the following differential equations: `(dy)/(dx)=e^(x+y)+e^y x^3`

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  4. Solve the following differential equations: `(dy)/(dx)=(e^x(sin^2x+sin2x))/(y(2logy+1))`

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  5. Solve: `(x+y)^2(dy)/(dx)=a^2`

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  6. Find the solution of the differential equation `cos ydy+cosxsinydx=0` given that `y=pi//2` , when `x=pi//2.`

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  7. Find the particular solution of the differential equation `(dy)/(dx)=-4x y^2` given that `y=1,w h e nx=0.`

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  8. Solve the initial value problem: `cos(x+y)dy=dx ,y(0)=0.`

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  9. Solve: `dy/dx = sin(x+y) + cos(x+y)`

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  10. The equation of the curve passing through the point `(1,pi/4)` and having a slope of tangent at any point (x,y) as `y/x - cos^2(y/x)` is

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  11. A curve `y=f(x)` has the property that the perpendicular distance of the origin from the normal at any point P of the curve is equal to the distance of the point P from the x-axis. Then the differential equation of the curve

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  12. The slope of a curve at any point is the reciprocal of twice the ordinate at that point and it passes through the point(4,3). The equation of the curve is:

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  13. The slope of the tangent to a curve at any point `(x ,y)` on its given by `y/x-cot(y/x) . cos(y/x) ,(x >0,y >0)` and the curve passes though the point `(1,pi/4)`. Find the equation of the curve.

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  14. The slope of the tangent any point on a curve is `lambda` times the slope of the joining the point of contact to the origin. Formulate the differential equation and hence find the equation of the curve.

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  15. Show that the curve for which the normal at every point passes through a fixed point is a circle.

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  16. The slope of the tangent at `(x , y)` to a curve passing through a point `(2,1)` is `(x^2+y^2)/(2x y)` , then the equation of the curve is

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  17. Find the equation of a curve passing through the point `(1, 1)`, given that the segment of any tangent drawn to the curve between the point of tangency and the y-axis is bisected at the x-axis.

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  18. Solve the differential equation `( x + y) dy + (x - y) dx = 0`; given that y = 1 when x = 1.

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  19. Solve the following differential equations: `(dy)/(dx)+1=e^(x+y)`

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  20. Solve: `(x^3-3x y^2)dx=(y^3-3x^2y)dydot`

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  21. Solve: `x^2ydx=(x^3+y^3)dy=0`

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  22. Solve the following differential equations: `(x+y)^2(dy)/(dx)=1`

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  23. Solve the following differential equations: `(dy)/(dx)=((x-y)+3)/(2(x-y)+5)`

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  24. Solve the following differential equations: `(x+y+1)(dy)/(dx)=1`

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  25. Solve the following differential equations: `(x+y)(dx-dy)=dx+dy`

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  26. Solve `x (dy)/(dx)sin(y/x)+x-ysin(y/x)=0` given `y(1)=pi/2`

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  27. Solve: `x(dy)/(dx)=y-xtan(y/x)dot`

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  28. A thermometer reading `80^@F` is taken outside. Five minutes later the thermometer reads `60^@F` . After another 5 minutes the thermometer reads `50^@F` . What is the temperature outside?

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  29. The doctor took the temperature of a dead body at 11.30 Pm which was `94. 6^@F`. He took the temperature of the body again after one hour, which was `93. 4^@F`. If the temperature of the room was `70^@F` , estimate the time of death. Taking normal temperature of human body as `98. 6^@F`. [Given: `log(143/123)=0. 15066 ,log(123/117)=0. 05` ]

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  30. If is given that radium decomposes at a rate proportional to the amount present. If `p %` of th original amount of radium disappears in `l` years, what percentageof it will remain after `2l` years?

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  31. A radioactive substance disintegrates at as rate proportional to the amount of substance present. If 50% f the given amount disintegrates in 1600 years. What percentage of the substance disintegrates i 10 years ? `(-log2)/(160)`Take `e=0. 9957`

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  32. If is known that, if the interest i s compounded continuously, the principal changes f the rate equal to the product of the rate of bak interest per annum, and the principal. If the interest is compounded continuously at 5% per annum, in how many years will Rs. 100 double itself? At what interest rate will Rs. 100 double itself in 10 years `((log)_e2=0. 6931)` How much will Rs. 1000 be worth at 5% interest after 10 years? `(e^(0. 5)=1. 648)dot`

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  33. Bacteria multiply at a rate proportional to the number present. If the original number N double in 3 hours, the number of the bacteria will be 4N is (in hours).

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  34. A spherical rain drop evaporates at a rate proportional to its surface area at any instant `tdot` The differential equation giving the rate of change of the radius of the rain drop is _____

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  35. Water at temperature `100^@C` cools in 10 minutes to `88^@C` in a room of temperature `25^@C`. Find The temperature of water after 20 minutes

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  36. Solve the following differential equations: `(dy)/(dx)=sin^3xcos^2x+x e^x`

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  37. Solve: `(dy)/(dx)=1/(sin^4x+cos^4x)`

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  38. Solve the initial value problem `e^((dy//dx))=x+1; y(0)=5.`

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  39. Solve the following initial value problems: `(22-26)` `sin((dy)/(dx))=k ; y(0)=1`

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  40. Solve the initial value problem `e^((dy//dx))=x+1; y(0)=5.`

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  41. Solve the following initial value problems: `(22-26)` `x(x^2-1)("dy")/("d"x)=1; y(2)=0`

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  42. Solve: 1.`(x+1)(dy)/(dx)=2x y` 2.`cosx(1+cosy)dx-s in y(1+sinx)dy=0`

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  43. Solve the following differential equations: `y-x(dy)/(dx)=a(y^2+(dy)/(dx))`

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  44. Solve: `log((dy)/(dx))=a x+b y`

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  45. Solve the initial value problem `y^(prime)=ycot2x ,y(pi/4)=2.`

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  46. if `a,b` are two positive numbers such that ` f(a+x)=b+[b^3+1-3b^2f(x)+3b{f(x)}^2-{f(x)}^3]^(1/3)` for all real `x`, then prove that `f(x)` is peroidic and find its peroid?

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  47. Solve the initial value problem: `dy=e^(2x+y)dx ,y(0)=0.`

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  48. Solve the initial value problem: `x(xdy+ydx)=ydx ,y(1)=1.`

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  49. Solve: `(dy)/(dx)=ysin2x` it being given that `y(0)=1.`

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  50. Solve the initial value problem: `(xdy+ydx)=xy dx ,y(1)=1.`

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  51. Find the equation of the curve passing through origin if the slope of the tangent to the curve at any point `(x ,y)i s` equal to the square of the difference of the abscissa and ordinate of the point.

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  52. Find the equation of the curve passing through the point `(1,0)` if the slope of the tangent to the curve at any point `(x ,y)i s(y-1)/(x^2+x)dot`

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  53. Find the equation of the curve passing through the point `(-2,3)` given that the slope of the tangent to the curve at any point `(x ,y)i s(2x)/(y^2)dot`

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  54. Find the equation of the curve passing through the point `(1,1)` whose differential equation is : `xdy=(2x^2+1)dxdot`

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  55. Solve the following differential equation : `xcosy\ dy=(x e^xlogx+e^x)dx`

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  56. Solve the following differential equations: `xcos^2y \ dx=ycos^2x \ dy`

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  57. Experiments show that the rate of inversion of cane sugar in dilute solution is proportional to the concentration `y(t)` of the unaltered solution. Suppose that the concentration is `1/100` at `t = 0` and `1/300` at `t = 10` hrs. Find `y(t)`

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  58. In a culture, the bacteria count is 1,00,000. The number is increased by 10% in 2 hours. In how many hours will the count reach 2,00,000, if the rate of growth of bacteria is proportional to the number present?

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  59. A bank pays interest by continuous compounding, that is ,by treating the interest rate as the instantaneous rate of change of principal. Suppose in an account interest accrues at 8% per year, compounded continuously. Calculate the percentage increase in such an account over one year. [take `e^(0. 08)~~1. 0833` ]

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  60. Experiments show that radius disintegrates at a rate proportional to the amount of radium present at the moment. Its half life is 1590 years. What percentage will disappear in one year? [Use `e^(-log2/1590)=0. 9996`]

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  61. The equation of the curve passing through the point `(1,pi/4)` and having a slope of tangent at any point (x,y) as `y/x - cos^2(y/x)` is

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  62. Find the equation to the curve satisfying `x(x+1)(dy)/(dx)-y=x(x+1)` and passing through `(1,0)dot`

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  63. The curve is such that the length of the perpendicular from the origin on the tangent at any point `P` of the curve is equal to the abscissa of`Pdot` Prove that the differential equation of the curve is`y^2-2x y(dy)/(dx)-x^2=0,` and hence find the curve.

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  64. The normal to a given curve at each point `(x ,y)` on the curve passes through the point `(3,0)dot` If the curve contains the point `(3,4),` find its equation.

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  65. Find the equation of a curve passing through the point (0, 1). If the slope of the tangent to the curve at any point (x, y) is equal to the sum of the x coordinate (abscissa) and the product of the x coordinate and y coordinate (ordinate) of that point.

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  66. Form the differential equation corresponding to `y^2=m(a^2-x^2)` by eliminating parameters m and a

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  67. Form the differential equation not containing the arbitrary constants and satisfied by the equation `y=a e^(b x),`a` and `b` are arbitrary constants.

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  68. if `(log)_a `x=b for permissible values of a and x then identify the statements which can be correct.
    (a) If a and b are two irrational numbers then x can be rational
    (b) if a is rational and b is irrational, then x can be rational
    (c) if a is irrational and b is rational, then x can be rational
    (d) If a and b are two rational numbers then x can be rational .

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  69. Form the differential equation corresponding to `y^2=a(b-x)(b+x)` by eliminating parameters `a`and`bdot`

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  70. In each of the following differential equations indicate its degree, wherever possible. Also, give the order of each of them. `(dy)/(dx)+sin((dy)/(dx))=0`

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  71. Form the differential equation of the family of curves represented `c(y+c)^2=x^3, w h e r e` is a parameter.

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  72. Determine the order and degree of each of the following differential equations. State also if they are linear or non-linear. (i)`({1+((dy)/(dx))^2}^(3//2))/((d^2y)/(dx^2))=k`

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  73. Show that the differential equation that represents the family of all parabolas having their axis of symmetry coincident with the axis of `xi sy y_2+y1 2=0.`

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  74. Find the differential equation of All non-vertical lines in a plane.

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  75. Solve the following differential equations: `(dy)/(dx)=ytanx-2sinx`

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  76. Solve the following differential equations: `(dy)/(dx)+y cotx=x^2cotx+2x`

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  77. Solve the following differential equations: `(dy)/(dx)+(4x)/(x^2+1)y+1/((x^2+1)^2)=0`

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  78. Solve the following differential equations: `x(dy)/(dx)-y=(x-1)e^x`

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  79. Solve each of the following initial value problems `sqrt(1-y^2)dx=(sin^(-1)y-x)dy ,y(0)=0`

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  80. Solve the following differential equations: `x(dy)/(dx)+y=x e^x`

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  81. If `y(t)` is a solution of `(1+t)(dy)/(dt)-t y=1a n dy(0)=-1` then show that `y(1)=-1/2dot`

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  82. Solve: `(x+2y^3)dy=ydxdot`

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  83. Solve each of the following initial value problems: `x(dy)/(dx)+y=xlogx ,y(1)=1/4`

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  84. Solve each of the following initial value problems: `(dy)/(dx)+(2x)/(x^2+1)y=1/((x^2+1)^2),y(0)=0`

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  85. Solve the following differential equations: `(2x-10 y^3)(dy)/(dx)+y=0`

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  86. Solve the following differential equations: `(dy)/(dx)+y cotx=x^2cotx+2x`

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  87. Solve the following differential equations: `(dy)/(dx)+ycosx=sinxcosx`

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  88. Solve the following differential equations: `(x+tany)dy=sin2ydx`

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  89. Solve the following differential equations: `(dy)/(dx)-y= xe^x`

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  90. Solve the following differential equations: `(1+x^2)(dy)/(dx)-2x y=(x^2+2)(x^2+1)`

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  91. The surface are of a balloon being inflated changes at a constant rate. If initially, its radius is3 units sand after 2 seconds, it s 5 units, find the radius after t seconds.

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  92. Solve the following differential equations: `(dy)/(dx)+2y=x e^(4x)`

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  93. Suppose the growth of a population is proportional the umber present. If the population of a colony double in 25 days, in how many days will the population become triple?

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  94. A population grows at the rate of 8% per year. How long does it take for the population to double? Use differential equation for it.

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  95. Verify that `y=log(x+sqrt(x^2+a^2))^2` satisfies the differential equation `(a^2+x^2)(d^2y)/(dx^2)+x(dy)/(dx)=0.`

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  96. Verify that `y=c e^(t a n-1_x)` is a solution of differential equation `(1+x^2)(d^2y)/(dx^2)+(2x-1)(dy)/(dx)=0.`

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  97. Show that the differential equation of which `y=2(x^2-1)+c e^(-x^2)` is a solution, is `(dy)/(dx)+2x y=4x^3dot`

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  98. Form the differential equation corresponding to `y^2-2a y+x^2=a^2` by eliminating `adot`

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  99. Show that `y=A x+B/x ,x!=0` is a solution of the differential equation `x^2(d^2y)/(dx^2)+x(dy)/(dx)-y=0`

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  100. Form the differential equation having `y=(sin^(-1) x)^2 +A cos^(-1) x +B` where A and B are arbitrary constants, as its general solution

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Solved Examples And Exercises questions and complete solutions for chapter DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION of RD SHARMA MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 12

All Exercises from Mathematics Class 12 MATHS DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION