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Complete Solutions to QUESTIONS of chapter DPP of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. 1 mole by definition represents same number of particles as

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  2. The weight of a molecule of the compound `C_6H_12O_6` is about :

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  3. The mass of half mole of electrons is about (Given: Mass of electron `=9.1 xx10^(-28)` g)

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  4. 39.4 kg of gold was recovered from a smuggler. The number of atoms of gold recovered are :

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  5. The charge on 1 gram ions of `AI^(3+)` is .
    (a). `(1)/(27) N_(A)e` coulomb
    (b). `(1)/(3) N_(A)e` coulomb
    (c). `(1)/(9) N_(A)e` coulomb
    (d). `3 xx N_(A)e` coulomb

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  6. Calculate the number of atoms in 0.5 mole atoms of nitrogen.

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  7. In which of the following pairs do 1 g of each have an equal number of molecules .

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  8. The number of atoms in 4.25 g of `NH_(3)` is approximately

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  9. Total number of neutrons present in 4g of heavy water `(D_(2)O)` is : (Where `N_(A)` represetns Avogadro's number)

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  10. The atomic weight for a triatomic gas is a. The correct formula for the number of moles of gas in its w g is:

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  11. 124 g of `P_4` will contain which of the following :
    (1) 4 atoms of Phosphorus
    (2)`4N_A` atoms of Phosphorus
    (3) `N_A` molecules of Phosphorus
    (4) 1 molecule of Phosphorus

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  12. Among the following samples, select the sample which contains maximum number of atoms.

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  13. A gaseous mixture contains oxygen and nitrogen in the ratio of `1 : 4` by weight therefore the ratio of their number of molecules is

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  14. Sulphur exist in different allotropic forms like `S_(2),S_(6)` and `S_(8)` etc. If equal moles of these three forms are taken in separate containers, then the ratio of number of atoms present in them respectively is `:`

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  15. The one which has least mass, is

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  16. Which of the following contains the greatest number of atoms?

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  17. Cinnabar (HgS) is a prominent ore of mercury. How many grams of mercury are present in 225g of pure HgS? Molar mass of Hg and S are 200.6 g `mol^(-1)` and `32g mol^(-1)` respectively.

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  18. An element is found in nature in two isotopic forms with mass numbers (A-1) and (A+3). If the average atomic mass of the element is found to be A, then the relative abundance of the heavier isotope in the nature will be :

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  19. What is the ratio of weights of `O_2` and `SO_2`, the mixture of which contains equal number of molecules of each gas?

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  20. 360 amu of Glucose `(C_6H_12O_6)` contains :

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  21. If 42 g of an unknown gas X occupies a volume of 125 L at 0.3 bar pressure and 300 K temperature then the gas X could be :

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  22. Consider a sample containing `(NH_4)_2Cr_2O_7`
    Mass of nitrogen present in sample if mass of oxygen present is 11.2 g

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  23. Calculate mass of carbon in 0.01 mole of `K_4[Fe(CN)_6]` Report your answer after dividing by 0.08

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  24. Find the number of `g`-molecules of oxygen in `6.023xx10^(24)CO` molecules.

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  25. A gaseous mixture contains `SO_(3)(g)` and `C_(2)H_(6)(g)` in a 16:15 ratio by mass. The ratio of total number of atoms present in `C_(2)H_(6)(g)` and `SO_(3)(g)` is:

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  26. A gaseous mixture is composed of equal number of moles of `CH_4, C_2H_6 and C_2H_2`. Determine the average molecular mass of mixture (in amu)

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  27. Which is not true with respect to cathode rays :

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  28. Select the correct statement

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  29. The e/m ratio for cathode rays:

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  30. Select the correct statement(s)

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  31. The e/m ratio for Anode rays

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  32. The highest value of e/m of anode rays has been observed when the discharge tube is filled with:

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  33. Which of the following shows an increasing value of `e//m`?

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  34. The ratio of the e/m values of a proton and an `alpha`-particle is:

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  35. Which has highest specific charge?

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  36. Rutherford's scattering experiment, which established the nuclear model of the atom, used a beam of

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  37. The mass of an electron in amu is

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  38. How many moles of protons will have total charge equal to about 4825 coulombs

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  39. Which of the following samples does not contain a total of `1.8066xx10^24` atoms

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  40. Total number of `H_2` molecules that can be obtained from all hydrogen atoms of 10 formula units of `CH_3COONH_4` is :

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  41. The number of neutrons present in 7 gm of phosphonium `(PH_4^+)` ion is `[._15^31P, ._1^1H]` :

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  42. Total number of ions in 17.1 g `Al_2(SO_4)_3` is `[N_A=6xx10^23]`

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  43. If 36 grams of ozone gas is replaced by an another unknown gas 'X' keeping all other parameters same and the gas X weighs 24 g. then the unknown gas may be

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  44. The potential energy of the electron present in the ground state of ` Li^(2+)` ion is represented by :

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  45. a-particles are projected towards the following metals,with the same kinetic energy. Towards which metal, the distance of closest approach is minimum?

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  46. Which of the following pairs has different values of e/m:

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  47. As an electron (at rest) is brought towards a proton from infinity, its

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  48. Rutherford model: The approximate size of the nucleus can be calculated by using energy conservation theorem in Rutherford's `alpha`-scattering experiment. If an `alpha`-particle is projected from infinity with speed v towards the nucleus having Z protons, then the `alpha`-particle which is reflected back or which is deflected by `180^@` must have approached closest to the nucleus .It can be approximated that `alpha` particle collides with the nucleus and gets back. Now if we apply the energy conservation equation at initial point and collision point then:

    `(P.E.)_i= 0`, since P.E. of two charge system separated by infinite distance is zero. Finally the particle stops and then starts coming back.
    `1/2m_alpha v_alpha^2+0=0+(Kq_1q_2)/Rimplies 1/2m_alphav_alpha^2=K(2exxZe)/R implies R=(4KZe^2)/(m_alphav_alpha^2)`
    Thus the radius of nucleus can be calculated using above equation. The nucleus is so small a particle that we can't define a sharp boundary for it
    An `alpha`-particle with initial speed `v_0` is projected from infinity and it approaches up to `r_0` distance from a nuclie. Then, the initial speed of `alpha`-particle, which approaches upto `2r_0` distance from the nucleus is :

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  49. If the diameter of two different nuclei are in the ratio 2: 1, then calculate the ratio of their mass number

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  50. For a broadcasted electromagnetic wave having frequency of 1200 KHz, calculate number of waves that will be formed in 2 km distance

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  51. Calculate the ratio of the energy of a photon of wavelength 3000 Å to that of a photon of wavelength 6000Å respectively

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  52. What volume (in mL) of liquid `H_2O_2` has same number of molecules as there are number of molecules in 22.4 ml `H_2O(g)` at 2 atm and 546 K. [Given Density of liquid `H_2O_2=6.8xx 10^(-3)` gm/ml]

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  53. If the atomic number (Z) and mass number (A) of an element X are related by the equation A+Z= 46 and the total number of neutrons in one atom of X is 16, then the total number of protons and electrons in one atom of element X='a'. Find value of 'a'

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  54. If the frequency of violet radiation is `7.5xx10^14` Hz, then the value of wavenumber in `m^(-1)` for it is `pxx 10^5`. Give the value of p?

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  55. A photon of ` 300 nm` is absorbed by a gas and then re-emits two photons . One re-emitted photon has wavelenght ` 4967 nm`, the wavelength of second re-emitted photon is :

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  56. Identify the correct statement(s)

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  57. In which of the following conditions the de Broglie wavelength of particle A will be less than that of particle `B(m_(A) gt m_(B))`?

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  58. Select the correct statement

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  59. What change in molar energy (in J) would be associated with an atomic transition giving rise to a radiation of 1 Hz frequency: `(h=66xx10^(-34)` Js) Report your answer after multiplying by `10^10`

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  60. For a wave frequency is 10 Hz and wavelength is 2.5 m. How much distance (in metres) it will travel in 40 seconds?

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  61. A certain dye absorbs 4000 Å and fluoresces at 8000 Å. These being wavelengths of maximum absorption that under given conditions 50 % of the absorbed energy is emitted. Calculate the ratio of the no. of quanta emitted to the number absorbed.

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  62. In Rutherford formula, maximum number of a-particles deflecting is for which among the following angles `theta`:

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  63. If the volume of nucleus of an atom V is related to its mass number A as V prop A^n`according to Rutherford's formula, find the value of n :

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  64. Photon of which light has minimum energy

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  65. Visible spectrum contains light of following colours ''Violet - Indigo - Blue - Green - Yellow - Orange - Red'' (VIBGYOR).
    Its frequency ranges from violet `(7.5xx10^(14) Hz)` to re `(4xx10^(14) Hz.)` Find out the maximum wavelength `("in" "Å")` in this range.

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  66. Assume that `10^(-17)`J of light energy is needed by the interior of the human eye to see an object . How many photons of green light `(lambda = 495nm)` are needed to generate this minimum energy .
    `[h=6.6xx10^(-34) Js]`

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  67. The work function for a metal is 4eV. To emit a photoelectron of zero velocity from the surface of the metal, the wavelength of incident light should be :

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  68. The energies `E_1` and `E_2` of two radiations are `25 eV` and `50 e V` respectively. The relation between their wavelengths, i.e., `lamda_1` and `lamda_2` will be.

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  69. Which of the following statements is correct

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  70. The energy required to remove an electron from metal X is E = `3.31 xx 10^(-20)J`. Calculate the maximum wavelength of light that can be photoeject an electron from metal X :

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  71. For which of the following species, Bohr theory doesn't apply

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  72. If radius of third stationary orbit (in Bohr's atom) is R. Then radius of fourth orbit will be

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  73. The radius of the first orbit of H-atom is r. then the radius of the first orbit of `Li^(2+)` will be:

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  74. The number of `Br^-` Ions in 2.1 g `CaBr_2` is [`N_A=6xx10^23`]

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  75. If the mass of `10^22` molecules of a hydrocarbon is about 1.2 g, then the gram molecular mass of hydrocarbon is :

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  76. The value of R will be maximum for which of the following gases :

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  77. Volume occupied by an ideal gas at one atmospheric pressure and `0^@C` is V ml. Its volume at 273 K will be

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  78. Select the correct option

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  79. 11.2 litre of a gas at STP weighs 14 g The gas could not be

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  80. x g Urea `(NH_2CONH_2)` contains y total number of atoms 4x g Acetic acid `(CH_3COOH)` contains py total number of atoms Find the value of p

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  81. The triad of nuclei that is isotonic is

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  82. `"A^(+2)"` is isoelectronic with `N_2O` and has (Z+1) neutron (Z is atomic number of A) then mass number of A is

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  83. The de-Broglie wavelength of a particle with mass `1 g` and velocity `100 m//sec` is.

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  84. If the kinetic energy of a particle is doubled, De-Broglie wavelength becomes :

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  85. Momentum of a photon of wavelength `lambda` is :

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  86. When an electron drops from a higher energy level to a low energy level, then

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  87. In hydrogen atom, energy of second state is-3.4 eV. The, KE of electron in same orbit of hydrogen atom is

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  88. In a certain electronic transition in the Hydrogen atom from an initial state i to a final state the difference in the orbit radius `( r_i-r_f)` is seven times the first Bohr radius. Identify the transition

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  89. The energy of an excited H-atom is -1.51 eV. Angular momentum of `e^-` in the given orbit will be

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  90. The radius of the an orbit of `Be^(+3)` ion is 0.529Å. The velocity of electron in this orbit will be

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  91. The ratio of radius of two different orbits in a H-atom is 4: 9 Then, the ratio of the frequency of revolution of electron in these orbits is

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  92. In a gasseous mixture, if alkane `(C_(x)H_(2x +2))` and alaene `(C_(y)H_(2y))` are taken in `2 : 1` mole ratio, the average molecular weight of mixture is observed to be 20. If the same alkane and alkene are taken in `1 : 2` mole ratio, the average molecular weight of mixture of mixture is observed to be 24. Then, the valule of 'x' and 'y' and respectively :

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  93. Which of the following charge (s) can exist on an oil drop (in Millikan's oil drop experiment)

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  94. A single electron orbits around a stationary nucleus of charge +Ze. It requires 47.2 eV to excite the electron from the `2^"nd"` to `3^"rd"` Bohr orbit. Find atomic number 'Z' of atom .

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  95. Which one of the following relationships when graphed does not give a straight line for helium gas?
    I. K.E. and T at constant pressure and volume
    II. P v/s V at constant temperature for a constant mass
    III. V v/s 1/T at constant pressure for a constant mass

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  96. Infrared lamps are used in restaurants to keep the food warm. The infrared radiation is strongly absorbed by water, raising is temperature and that of the food. If the wavelength of infrared radiation is assumed to be `1500nm`, then the number of photons per second of infrared radiation produced by an infrared lamp that consumes energy at the rate of `100W` and is `12%` efficient only is `y xx 10^(19)`. Find the value of `y`.

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  97. The number of revolutions/sec made by an electron in lind orbit is 8 times of the number of revolutions/sec made by an electron in `n^"th"` orbit. Give the value of "n".

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  98. In the Bohr's model , for unielectronic species following symbols are used
    `r_(n,z)to` Radius of `n^"th"` orbit with atomic number "z"
    `U_(n,z)to` Potential energy of electron in `n^"th"` orbit with atomic number "z"
    `K_(n,z)to` Kinetic energy of electron in `n^"th"` orbit with atomic number "z"
    `V_(n,z)to` Velocity of electon in `n^"th"` orbit with atomic number "z"
    `T_(n,z)to` Time period of revolution of electon in `n^"th"` orbit with atomic number "z"
    Calculate z in all in cases.
    (ii)`r_(1,z):r_(2,1) =1:12`
    Report your answer as (2r-p-q-s) where p,q,r and s represents the value of "z" in parts (i),(ii),(iii),(iv).

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  99. What is the ratio of the wave lengths of last lines of Balmer and Lyman series

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  100. Number of possible sepectral lines which ,may br emitted in bracket series in H atom , if electron present in `9^(th)` excited level returns to ground level ,are

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QUESTIONS questions and complete solutions for chapter DPP of PHYSICAL, INORGANIC, AND ORGANIC CHEMISTRY of Class 12

All Exercises from RESONANCE NEW Class 12 CHEMISTRY DPP