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Complete Solutions to A.L.P of chapter QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS PART 1 of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions39
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A red solid is insoluble in water.However it becomes soluble if some `KI` is added to water.Heating the red solid in a test tube results in liberation of some violet coloured fumes and droplets of a metal appear on the cooler parts of the test tube.The red solid is :

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  2. When a salt is heated with dilute `H_(2)SO_(4)` and `KMnO_(4)` solution, the pink colour of `KMnO_(4)` is discharged, the salt is:

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  3. Solution of a salt in dilute `H_(2)SO_(4)` or acetic acid produces deep blue colour with starch iodide solution.The salt contains:

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  4. A test tube containing a nitrate and another containing a bromide and `MnO_(2)` are treated with concentrated `H_(2)SO_(4)`.The reddish brown fumes evolved are passed through water.The water will be coloured by :

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  5. An inorganic salt when heated with concentrated `H_(2)SO_(4)` evolves a colourless pungent smelling gas but with concentrated `H_(2)SO_(4)` and `MnO_(2)` evolves a coloured pungent smelling gas which bleaches moist litmus paper.The coloured gas is:

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  6. Chromyl chloride vapours are dissolved in water and acetic acid and barium acetate solution is added then:

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  7. When `CS_(2)` layer containing both `Br_(2)` and `I_(2) (2:1)` is shaken with excess of chlorine `(Cl_(2))` water, the violet colour due to `l_(2)` disappears and a pale yellow colour appears in the solution.The disappearance of violet colour and appearance of pale yellow colour is due to the formation of:

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  8. A metal salt solution gives a yellow precipitate with silver nitrate.The precipitate dissolves in dilute nitric acid as well as in dilute ammonia solution.The solution contains :

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  9. Which of the following will not give positive chromyl chloride test ?

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  10. A white sodium salt dissolves in water to give a solution which is neutral to litmus.When silver nitrate solution is added to the solution, a white precipitate is obtained which does not dissolve in dilute `HNO_(3)`.The anion is

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  11. A one litre flask is full of reddish brown bromine fumes.The intensity of brown colour of vapour will not decrease appreciably on adding to the flask some:

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  12. Identify the compound which turns black with ammonia solution.

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  13. A white crystalline substance dissolves in water.On passing `H_(2)S` in this solution, a black precipitate is obtained.The black precipitate dissolves completely in hot `HNO_(3)`.On adding a few drops of concentrated `H_(2)SO_(4)`, a white precipitate is obtained which is soluble in ammonium acetate.The white precipitate is that of ,

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  14. The composition of golden spangles is:

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  15. Select the incorrect statement(s).

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  16. Original solution of salt or mixture should not be prepared in concentrated `HNO_(3)` because it:

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  17. White precipitate of `PbSO_(4)` gets dissolved in:

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  18. What final product(s) is/are formed in the following series of reactons ?
    Concentrated borax solution + silver nitrate solution `to` Precipitate `underset("boiling")overset(H_(2)O)to` Products (final)

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  19. Which of the following sulphides do not dissolve in `50% HNO_(3)` but dissolve in aquaregia ?

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  20. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct ?

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  21. The following can be used to regulate the concentration of `OH^(-)` ions for the scheme of basic radical analysis (`III` group)

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  22. Select the correct statement(s)

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  23. Which of the following statement(s) is/are not correct?

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  24. Which of the following will give the same colour in oxidising flame as well as in the reducing flame in borax be test (when cold) ?

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  25. `Ni+H_(2)SO_(4)` (hot and concentrated) `to X(g)`
    The liberated gas (select the correct statement)

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  26. `Co^(2+) + KCN` (not in excess) `to` precipitate.
    Select the correct statement(s) with respect to the precipitate.

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  27. Potassium ferrocyanide is used for testing

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  28. Which of the following statements is/are correct ?

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  29. Which of the following imparts green/apple green colour to the Bunsen flame ?

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  30. `CoCl_(2) + KNO_(2) + CH_(3)COOH to [X] +H_(2)O +KCl + CH_(3)COOK +NO`
    (Unbalenced equation)

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  31. How many of the following salts impart characteristic colours to the Bunsen flame ?
    `NaCl, KCl, CuCl_(2), BaCl_(2), CaCl_(2),SrCl_(2), ZnCl_(2), MgCl_(2),AlCl_(3)`

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  32. How many of the following liberate coloured vapour/gas with concentrated `H_(2)SO_(4)`?
    `KCl(s)+K_(2)Cr_(2)O_(7)(s), KNO_(2)(s),Kl(s), KBr(s),KCl(s)`

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  33. How many of the following pairs of ions can be separated by `H_(2)S` in dilute `HCl`?
    `Bi^(3+)` and `Sn^(4+),Al^(3+)` and `Hg^(2+),Cd^(2+)` and `Zn^(2+),Fe^(3+)` and `Cu^(2+),As^(3+)` and `Sb^(3+)`

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  34. Amongst the following, the total number of compounds soluble in concentrated `NH_(3)` solution is:
    (A)`Ag_(2)CrO_(4)` , (B)`Cu(OH)_(2).CuSO_(4)` , ( C)`PbSO_(3)` , (D)`Al(OH)_(3)` , (E)`Ni(OH)_(2)`
    (F)`Zn_(3)(PO_(4))_(2)` , (G)`BaSO_(4)` , (H)`Bi(OH)_(2)NO_(3)` , (I)`Mn(OH)_(2)`

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  35. An alcoholic solution of dimethylglyoxime is added to an aqueous solution of nickel(II) chloride.Slow addition of ammonium hydroxide led to the precipitation of a bright-red coloured metal complex.
    Find out the number of hydrogen bonds present in the structure of the complex.

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  36. `Fe^(2+) (aq)+NO_(3)^(-) (aq)+H_(2)SO_(4) (conc.) to` Brown ring
    The brown ring is due to the formation of complex, `[Fe(H_(2)O)_(5)NO]SO_(4)`. What is the oxidation state of iron in the complex ?

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  37. An aqueous solution contains `Hg^(2+),Hg_(2)^(2+),Pb^(2+),Ag^(+),Bi_(3+)` and `Cd^(2+)`.Out of these, how many ions will produce white precipitate with dilule `HCl` ?

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  38. What happen when `4`-nitrobenzene diazonium chloride reagent reacts with an ammonium salt in the presence of sodium hydroxide solution ?

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  39. (i)A black coloured compound `(B)` is formed on passing `H_(2)S` through the solution of a compound `(A)` in `NH_(4)OH`
    (ii)`(B)` on treatment with `HCl` and potassium chlorate or aquaregia gives `(A)`
    (iii)`(A)` on treatment with `KCN` gives a buff/reddish-brown coloured precipitate which dissolves in excess of this reagent forming a compound `( C)`.
    (iv)The compound `( C)` is changed into a compound `(D)` when its aqueous solution is boiled in air.
    (v)The solution of `(A)` was treated with excess of `NaHCO_(3)` & then with bromine water. On cooling & shaking for some time, a green colour of compound `(E)` is formed.No change is observed on heating.
    Identify `(A)` to `(E)` and give chemical equations.

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A.L.P questions and complete solutions for chapter QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS PART 1 of PHYSICAL, INORGANIC, AND ORGANIC CHEMISTRY of Class 12