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Complete Solutions to INORGANIC CHMISTRY(Qualitative analysis) of chapter QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions35
Academic Year2023-24
  1. `S_(1) :` Silver iodide is fairly soluble in hypo solution.
    `S_(2) :` Heavy metal chloride like `AgCl,HgCl_(2)` etc. also respond to Chromyl chloride test.
    `S_(3) :` Bromine reacts with `KI` liberating violet vapours of iodine.
    `S_(4) :` Diphenylamine reagent test is also given by nitrites chlorates, bromates, iodates, etc. in addition to `NO_(3)^(-)`

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  2. Three test tubes, `A,B,C,` contain `Pb^(2+),Hg_(2)^(2+)` and `Ag^(+)` ( but unknown ) . To each aqueous solution, `NaOH` is added is excess . Following changes occur.
    `A :` Black p p t, `B:` Brown ppt `, C :` White ppt but dssolves in excess of `NaOH`
    `A,B` and `C` contain respectively.

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  3. Ammonium salts on heating with slaked lime liberates a colourless gas `(X)`. Identify the correct statement for gas `(X)` and ammonium salt.

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  4. A white powder when strongly heated gives off brown fumes. A solution of this powder gives a yellow ppt with a solution of KI. When a solution of barium chloride is added to a solution of powder, a white ppt results. This white powder may be `:`

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  5. Consider the following statements `:`
    `S_(1) :` A metal chloride on heating with an aqueous solution of `K_(2)Cr_(2)O_(7)` and concentral `H_(2)SO_(4)` produces deep red vapours.
    `S_(2) :` Lead nitrate dissolved in water responds to brown ring test.
    `S_(3) :` Deep red solution of ferric acetate on boiling with water turns to brownishred solution.
    `S_(4) : NaNO_(2)` solution acidified with acetic acid produces blue colour with iodide solution and starch paste of these.

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  6. Which one of the following statement is correct ?

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  7. All nitrates on heating with conc. `H_(2)SO_(4)` in presence of paper pellet evolve `NO_(2)` gas. The function of the paper pellet is `:`

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  8. `Na_(2)S+Na_(2)[Fe(CN)_(5)NO]rarrNa_(4)[Fe(NH)_(5)nos],` oxidation number of Fe in reactant ( complex ) and product ( complex) are `:`

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  9. A sodium salt on treatment with `MgCl_(2)` gives white precipitate only on heating. The anion of the sodium salt is `:`

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  10. A substance on treatment with dilute `H_(2)SO_(4)` liberates a colourless gas which produces `(I)` turbidity with baryta water and `(ii)` turns acidified dichromate solution green. The reaction indicates the presence of `:`

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  11. Which of the following combines with `Fe(II)` ions to form a brown complex ?

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  12. Which of the following reagents can be used for making the distinction between `AgCl` and `Agl` ?

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  13. A colouless solution of a compound gives a precipitate with `AgNO_(3)` solution but no precipitate with a solution of `Na_(2)CO_(3)`. The action of concentrated `H_(2)SO_(4)` on the compound liberates a suffocating reddish brown gas.
    The compound is `:`

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  14. `H_(2)S` in the presence of HCl precipitates II group but not IV group because `:`

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  15. A metal chloride original solution `(i.e. O.S)` on mixing with `K_(2)CrO_(4)` solution gives a yellow precipitate soluble in aqueous sodium hydroxide. The metal may be `:`

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  16. When `NH_4OH` is added to copper sulphate solution, blue colour is obtained due to formation of

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  17. When `NH_(4)Cl` is added to a solution of `NH_(4)OH :`

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  18. Tumbuli's blue is a `……………………….`

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  19. `Fe(OH)_(3)` and `Cr(OH)_(3)` precipitates can be completely separated by `:`

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  20. `Cu^(2+)` and `Ag^(+)` are both present in the same solution.To precipitate one of the ions and leaves the other in solution, add

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  21. Nessler's reagent is `:`

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  22. When sodium carbonate is added in excess to a metal chloride solution followed by the bromine water and then mixture is slightly heated , the solution turns apple green. The metal chloride is `:`

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  23. Barium sulphate on fusion charcoal and sodium carbonate yields a compound `(X).(X)` on reaction with dilute HCl liberates a gas `(Y)`. The gas `(Y)` can be identified by `:`

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  24. Which of the following compound is formed in borax bead test ?

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  25. A substance responds to the following test `:`
    `(a)` It gives a green precipitate with ammonia solution which dissolves in excess reagent forming deep blue solution.
    `(b)` it gives green precipitate with potassium cyanide solution which dissolves in excess reagent forming a yellow solution.
    `(c )` It gives green a reddish`-` brown`//` brown `-` borax bead test in the oxidising flame.
    The substance is `:`

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  26. An original solution of an inorganic salt in dilute `HCl` gives a brown colouration with potassium hexacyanidoferrate `(III)` and reddish brown colouration with sodium acetate solution. The cation of the salt is `:`

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  27. Which of the following statements is`//` are correct ?
    `(I)` White precipitate of `Zn(OH)_(2)` is soluble in excess ammonia and in solutions of ammonium salts.
    `(II)` Yellow precipitate of barium chromate is soluble in dilute acetic acid as well as in mineral acids.
    `(III)` Green precipitate of `Ni(OH)_(2)` is soluble in excess sodium hydroxide.

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  28. Match the List -I (containing anions ) with List -II (containing reagent used in testing ) using the codes as given below in the column.
    `{:("List"-I,,"List"-II),(("anions"),,("reagents")),((a)S^(2-),,(p)"Barium chloride solution in presence of HCl"),((b)NO_(3)^(-),,(q)"Sodium nitroprusside"),((c)I^(-),,(r)"chlorine water and chloroform"),((d)SO_(4)^(2-),,(s)"iron"(II)"sulphate solution and conc."H_(2)SOS_(4)):}`
    Code `:`

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  29. List-I contains the reactants and the List-II contains the particulars about the reaction products. Match the entries of List-I with the correct entris of the List-II using the codes as given below .
    `{:("List"-I,,"List"-II),((a)NH_(4)Cl","Na_(3)[Co(NO_(2))_(6)],,(p)"Red complex"),((b)MgCl_(2)","Na_(2)HPO_(4)","NH_(3),,(q)"Brown complex"),((c)CuSO_(4)","K_(4)[Fe(CN)_(6)],,(r)"Yellow complex"),((d)C_(4)H_(8)O_(2)N_(2)","NiCl_(2)","NH_(3),,(s)"White crystalline compound"):}`
    Code `:`

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  30. A substance `(A)` is water insoluble On bubbling `Cl_(2)` through its suspension in water, it produces a coloured aqueous solution, forming a single product, `(A)` may be `:`

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  31. A solution of a sodium salt gives yellow precipitate with both `Pb^(2+)` and `Ag^(+)` ions. Moreover, the acidified solution of sodium salt with `KNO_(2)` liberates a coloured gas which turns starch paper blue. The anion is `:`

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  32. Which of the following statements is incorrect ?

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  33. How do we differentiate between `CO_(3)^(2-)` and `SO_(3)^(2-)` in dilute `H_(2)OSO_(4)` group ? ( Note `:` These are sodium salts ?

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  34. Ferric alum gives deep red colour with `NH_(4)SCN` due to the formation of `:`

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  35. A mixture upon along adding conc. `H_(2)SO_(4)` gives deep red fumes. It may contain the anions pair `:`

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INORGANIC CHMISTRY(Qualitative analysis) questions and complete solutions for chapter QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS of PHYSICAL, INORGANIC, AND ORGANIC CHEMISTRY of Class 12