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Complete Solutions to PHYSICAL CHEMITRY (SOLID STATE) of chapter SOLID STATE of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions45
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Sodium `(Na=23)` crystallizes in `bc c` arrangement with the interfacial separation between the atoms at the edge `53.6 pm`. The density of sodium crystal is `:`

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  2. In F.C.C. arrangement of identical spheres, distance between two nearest octahedral void is `89.51 A`. The distance between two nearest tetrahedral voids would be ?

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  3. In a hypothetical solid `C` atoms form C C P lattice with A atoms occupying all the Tetrahedral Voids and B atoms occupying all the octahedral voids A and B atoms are of the appropriate size such that there is no distortions in the CCP lattice. Now if a plane is cut ( as shown ) then the section would like

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  4. Which of the following is incorrect

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  5. In the fluorite structure if the radius ratio is `(sqrt((3)/(2))-1)`, how many ions does each cation touch ?

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  6. The density of `KBr` is `2.75 gm//c c` length of the unit cell is `654pm` ( atomic masses of `K=38,Br=80)` then what is true about the predicted nature of the solid

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  7. A hypothetical ionic compound `AB ( mol. Wt. =240 g//mol e)` , having co`-` ordination number of anion equal to 6, has a closest anion`-` anion distance of `4sqrt(2)A`. Determine the density of ionic compound `AB` in `gm//c c`

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  8. An fcc lattice has a lattice parameter `a = 400` pm. Calculater the molar volume of the lattice including all the empty space.

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  9. A metal crystallizes into two cubic phases, face-centred cubic and body-centred cubic, which have unit cell lengths `3.5` and `3.0 A`, respectively. Calculate the ration of densities of fcc and bcc.

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  10. The arranegement `ABC, ABC, ABC …….` is referred as

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  11. Following three planes `(P_(1),P_(2),P_(3))` in an FCC unit cell are shown `:`

    Consider the following statement and choose the correct option that follow`:`
    `(i) ` `P_(1)` contains no voids of three dimensions.
    `(ii)` `P_(2)` contains only Octahedral voids.
    `(iii)` `P_(3)` contains both Octahedral and Tetrahedral voids.

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  12. `KCl` has `NaCl` type face centred cubic crystal structure and `CsF` has `CsCl` type cubic crystal structure. Calculate the ratio of densities of `CsF` and `KCl` it is given that the molar mass of `CsF` is two that of `KCl` and edge length of `KCl` unit cell of `1.5` times that for `CsF`.

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  13. In an ionic solid `r_((+))=1.6A` and `r_((-))=1.864A`. Use the radius ratio to determine the edge length of the cubic unit cell in `A`.

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  14. A crystal is made up of particals `X`, `Y`, and `Z`. `X` froms `fcc` packing. `Y` occupies all octahedral voids of `X` and `Z` occupies all tetrahedral voids of `X`. If all the particles along one body diagonal are removed. Then the fromula of the crystal would be

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  15. In hexagonal close packing of shpere in three dimesions, which of the following statements is correct.

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  16. An alloy of copper and gold crystallizes in cubic lattic, in which the `Au-` atoms occupy the lattice points at the corners of cube and `Cu-` atoms occupy the centre of each face. The formula of this alloy is `:`

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  17. The following diagram shows the arrangement of lattice points with `a = b = c` and `alpha = beta = gamma = 90^(@)`. Choose the correct options.

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  18. The silver perchlorate benzene complex, `AgClO_(4).C_(6)H_(6)` is orthorhombic with unit cell dimensions `a_(0)=7.96,b_(0)=8.34` and `,c_(0))=11.7 Å`. The formula weight is 285 and there are four molecules per unit cell. Calculate the density of the crystal.

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  19. `CsBr` has bcc stucture with edge length `4.3` pm .The shortest interionic distance in between Cs and Br is

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  20. A solid has a `b.c.c.` structure . If the distance of closest approach between the two atoms is `1.73 Å`. The edge length of the cell is `:`

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  21. The radius of the metal atom can be expressed in terms of the length of a unit cell is `:`

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  22. The fraction of total volume occupied by atoms in a simple cube is

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  23. Lithium borohydride crystallizes in an orthorhombic system with 4 molecule per unit cell. The unit cell dimensions are `a=6.8Å,b=4.4Å` and `c=7.2Å`. If the molar mass is `21.76`, calculate density of crystal.

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  24. Tetragonal crystal system has the following unit cell dimensions `:`

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  25. The most unsysmmetrical and the most symmetrical crystal systems based on lattice parameters `( i.e.,` unit cell lengths and angles `)` , are respectively represented by the examples.

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  26. Three elements `P,Q` and `R` crystallize in a cubic solid lattice. The `P` atoms occupy the corners. `Q` aroms the cube centres and `R` atoms the edges. The formula of the compound is

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  27. In the fcc arrangement of `A` and `B` atoms whose `A` atoms are at corners of the unit cell and `B` are at the face centres one of the `A` atom is missing from one corner in each unit cell. What is the simplest formula of the compound?

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  28. How many 'nearest' and 'next nearest' neighbours respectively does sodium have in f.c.c. lattice

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  29. if a metal has a bcc crystal structure, the coordination number is 8,because `:`

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  30. In a ccp structure, the `:`

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  31. The numbers of tetrahedral and octahedral holes in a ccp array of 100 atoms are respectively

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  32. In a face centred cubic arrangement of metallic atoms, what is the relative ratio of the sizes of tetrahedral and octahedral voids ?

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  33. An element `X (At,wt = 80 g//mol)` having fcc structure, calculate the number of unit cells in `8g of X`

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  34. The atomic radius of strontium `(Sr)` is `215 p m` and it crystallizes with a cubic. Closest packing . Edge length of the cube is `:`

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  35. In the spinel structure, oxides ions are cubical`-` closest packed whereas `1//8 th` of tetrahedral voids are occupied by `A^(2+)` cation and `1//2` of octahedral voids are occupied by `B^(2+)` cations. The general formula of the compound having spinel structure is `:`

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  36. Select the incorrect statement `:`

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  37. When `NaCl` is dopped with `10^(-8) ` mole `%` of `SrCl` . What is the no. of cationic vacancies?

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  38. The ionic radii for `Na^(+)` and `Br^(-)` ions a `1.012Å` and `1.973Å` respectively. What the coordination number of `Na^(+)` is predictaed on the basis of the radii ratio. `(r_(+))/(r_(-))`?

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  39. The size of `Cl^(-)` ion is `1.8Å` . The size of a cation for which a change in coordination just becomes possible from 6 to 8 in an ideal ionic crystal would be `:`

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  40. `Li` forms a body-centred cubic lattice. If the edge of the cube is `3.5 xx 10^(-10)m` and the density is `5.3 xx 10^(2) kg m^(-3)`, calculate the percentage occupancy of `Li` metal.

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  41. Calcium crystallises in a face `-` centred cubic unit cell with `a=556nm`. Calculate the density if it contained `0.1%` Vaccancy defects.

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  42. How many 'nearest' and ' next nearest' neighbours respectively does potassium have in s.c. lattice

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  43. An fcc lattice has a lattice parameter `a = 400` pm. Calculater the molar volume of the lattice including all the empty space.

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  44. Copper has a face`-` centred cubic structure with a unit`-` cell edge length of `3.61Å`. What is the size of the largest atom which could fit into the intersectices of the copper lattice without distorting if ?

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  45. Consider the plane shown in the figure `:` A rock sale `(NaCl)` lattice is cut across this plane in which anions occupy fcc positions. It passes through centers of how many cations ?

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PHYSICAL CHEMITRY (SOLID STATE) questions and complete solutions for chapter SOLID STATE of PHYSICAL, INORGANIC, AND ORGANIC CHEMISTRY of Class 12