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Complete Solutions to Exercise-1 of chapter QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS (ANION) of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions59
Academic Year2023-24
  1. What is importance of dry tests and it is applicable to which kind of substances ?

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  2. Give the observation when each of the following is heated in a dry test tube. Also give balanced equations :
    (a) `HgCO_(3) " " (b) NH_(4)NO_(2)`
    (c ) `(NH_(4)Cl+NaNO_(3)) "mixture" " " (d) Pb(NO_(3))_(2)`

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  3. Why compounds shows colours in flame test ?

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  4. Is intensity of colour in flame test, depends upon the concentration of metal present ?

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  5. Why is a green flame not obtained in the case of barium sulphate or barium phosphate ?

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  6. colourless salt `(A) underset(740^(@)C) overset(Delta)to (B) +(C ) overset(Cu^(2+),Delta)to` blue coloured bead (D)
    Identify the compound (A),(B),(C ) and (D).

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  7. Why is sodium carbonate extract acidified before performing the confirmatory test for anions ?

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  8. Can sodium carbonate extract be used test for `CO_(3)^(2-)` ions ?

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  9. What will happen if a solution of `Ca(HCO_(3))_(2)`, formed by passing the carbon dioxide through a milky solution of `CaCO_(3)` for a longer time if, ammonia solution is added ?

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  10. What will happen if bromine water is added in a white precipitate of `BaSO_(3)` ?

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  11. Salt (A) + lime water `to` white precipitate `darr`
    white precipitate + prolong passage of gas (B) `to ` it forms soluble salt (C ), gas (B) has burning sulphur smell Identify the anion of salt (A) and (C ).

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  12. What will happen ? (Also write the chemical equations).
    (a) When a filter paper moistened with potassium iodate and starch solution is brought in contact with sulphur dioxide gas.
    (b) When `H_(2)S` gas is made to react with sodium tetrahydroxidoplumbate (II) solution.
    (c ) When sulphite reacts with dilute `H_(2)SO_(4)` in presence of zinc

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  13. A nitrite solution is added to a saturated solution of iron (II) acidified with dilute acetic acid or with dilute sulphuric acid. If any reactions occurs then write the name and chemical composition of the products formed. Also write the chemical equations involved.

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  14. Why is it necessary to test for the acid radicals first with dil. `H_(2)SO_(4)` and then with conc. `H_(2)SO_(4)` ?

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  15. Why chromyl chloride test is carried out in a dry test tube ?

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  16. Why bromides and iodides do not respond to chromyl chloride test ?

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  17. NaCl on heating with conc. `H_(2)SO_(4)` gives HCl where as NaBr and NaI give `Br_(2)` and `I_(2)` respetively, why ?

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  18. Dilute Hydrochloric acid contains chloride ions but it doesnot give positive chromyl chloride test, why ?

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  19. Identify the gas A, B and C.

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  20. Why heavy metal chlorides such as `Hg_(2)Cl_(2), AgCl, PbCl_(2)` etc. do not respond to chromyl chloride test.

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  21. Why is a freshly prepared solution of `FeSO_(4)` used for the detection of nitrate and nitrite ?

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  22. `Cu^(2+) " and" Ba^(2+)` interfere in the flame test for borate, why ?

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  23. In which of the following reagents, the white precipitate fo `PbSO_(4)` is solutble ?
    dilute HCl, hot concentrated `H_(2)SO_(4)`, ammonium acetate (6M), ammonium tartrate 6M in the presence of ammonia, sodium hydroxide solution.

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  24. How will you distinguish between sulphite and sulphate ions ?

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  25. When a metal sulphate is heated in dry test tube, the colour changes from blue to white. Then metal sulphate may be :

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  26. Which of the following can not evolve more than one gas (vapour) if heated in dry test tube.

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  27. On heating, a white amorphous inorganic compound becomes yellow and on cooling, turns white again. The salt may be

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  28. Which of the following metal carbonates liberate. `CO_(2)(g)` on heating :

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  29. In which of the following reactions a brown coloured gas is evolved ?

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  30. Why is concentrated HCl used to dissovle the given metal salt in the flame test ?

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  31. The hottest part of the flame of a Bunsen burner is the

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  32. Metal (M) shows crimson red colour in flame test and its halide is deliquescent then metal (M) could be :

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  33. In Borax bead test, metal oxides react with `B_(2)O_(3)` and form a coloured bead. This bead contains

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  34. Which does not give borax bead test?

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  35. In the Borax bead test of `Co^(2+)`, the blue colour of bead is due to the formation of :

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  36. A salt gives white residue in charcoal cavity test but in cobalt nitrate test it gives pink mass. It represents :

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  37. Which of the following anions are identified by dil. HCl :

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  38. Two inorganic compounds A and B were heated in a dry test tube. A evolved a colourless gas which turned lead acetate paper black and B evolved a gas which turned lime water milky. The anions in A and B respectively are :

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  39. If addition of conc. `H_(2)SO_(4)` is made to an unknown salt, a colourless and odouriess gas is produced then which of the following can be present ?

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  40. A gas turns lime water milky and acidified `K_(2)Cr_(2)O_(7)` solution green then gas is :

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  41. A gas has smell like rotten egg and turns lead acetate paper black. The gas is :

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  42. Anion `(X^(2-))` is :

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  43. The acidic solution of a salt produced a deep blue colour with starch iodine solution. The salt may be

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  44. Sulphide ion reacts with `[Fe(CN)_(5)NO]` to form a purple coloured compound (X). In this reaction oxidation state of iron .

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  45. Which of the following pair of anions are identified by conc. `H_(2)SO_(4)`.

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  46. Which of the following anion behaves in a different manner than other on heating with conc. `H_(2)SO_(4)` ?

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  47. Which of the following reagents turns white precipitate of AgCl yellow ?

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  48. A Unknown salt (S) when heated with dil `H_(2)SO_(4)` does not evolve brown vapours but with conc. `H_(2)SO_(4)` brown vapours are obtained. The vapours when brought in contact with `AgNO_(3)` solution do not give any precipitate. The salt (S) contains.

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  49. When a mixture of solid NaCl, solid `K_(2)Cr_(2)O_(7)` is heated with conc. `H_(2)SO_(4)` orange red vapours are obtained. These are of the compound

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  50. AgCl dissolves in ammonia solution giving

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  51. A mixture upon along adding conc. `H_(2)SO_(4)` gives deep red fumes. It may contain the anions pair `:`

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  52. The acidic solution of a salt produced a deep blue colour with starch iodine solution. The salt may be

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  53. A colouless solution of a compound gives a precipitate with `AgNO_(3)` solution but no precipitate with a solution of `Na_(2)CO_(3)`. The action of concentrated `H_(2)SO_(4)` on the compound liberates a suffocating reddish brown gas.
    The compound is `:`

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  54. Which of the following gas turn starch iodide paper blue ?

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  55. Nitrate is confirmed by ring test. The brown colour of the ring is due to formation of

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  56. When a mixture containing phosphate is heated with conc. `HNO_(3)` and ammonium molybdated solution, a canary yellow precipitate is formed . The formula of the yellow precipitate is

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  57. A metal salt solution gives a yellow precipitate with silver nitrate. The precipitate dissolves in dilute nitric acid as well as in ammonium hydroxide. The solution contains

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  58. Match the anions with the changes observed on qualitative analysis :

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  59. Match the reagent which are used in qualitative analysis of given anions :

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Exercise-1 questions and complete solutions for chapter QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS (ANION) of PHYSICAL, INORGANIC, AND ORGANIC CHEMISTRY of Class 12