Class 12 | MATHS |
RS AGGARWAL | Solved Examples |
Number Of Questions | 71 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
`(i) |{:(6, -3), (7, -2):}| " " (ii) |{:(x^(2)-x +1, x-1),(x+1, x+1):}|`
If `|{:(3x, 7), (-2, 4):}| = |{:(8, 7), (6, 4):}|`, find the value of x.
If `|{:(x+1, x-1), (x-3, x+2):}| = |{:(4, -1), (1, 3):}|`, find the value of x.
Show that `|{:("sin"10^(@), -"cos"10^(@)), ("sin"80^(@), "cos"80^(@)):}| =1.`
Find the minors and cofactors of the elements of the determinant `Delta = |{:(a_(11), a_(12), a_(13)), (a_(21), a_(22), a_(23)), (a_(31), a_(32), a_(33)):}|`
Write the minor and cofactor of each element of the following determinants and also evaluate the determinant in each case: ` |[1,3,-2],[4,-5,6],[3,5,2]| `
Evaluate `Delta = |{:(3, 4, 5), (-6, 2, -3), (8, 1, 7):}|`
If ` |[a,h,g],[h,b,f],[g,f,c]| ` is equal to x then value of ` | [h,2b,f], [a,2h,g],[g,2f,c]| `
Evaluate `|{:(2, 7, 24), (6, 16, 72), (5, 9, 60):}|`
Using the property of determinants and without expanding in questions 1 to 7 prove that ,
prove that `|[1,a,b+c],[1,b,c+a],[1,c,a+b]|=0`
Without expanding prove that `|[x+y ,z,1],[y+z,x,1],[z+x,y,1]|=0`
Evaluate `|(1,omega,omega^2),(omega,omega^2,1),(omega^2,omega,omega)|` where `omega` is cube root of unity.
Find value of `|{:(2, 3, 4), (5, 6, 8), (6x, 9x, 12x):}| `
Find the value of `|{:(1, " "1, " "1), (1, 1+x, " "1), (1, " "1, 1+y):}|.`
Prove that the determinant `[xsinthetacostheta-sintheta-x1costheta1x]`is independent of 0.
Let `A=[[0,sin alpha,sin alpha sin beta],[-sin alpha,0,cos alpha cos beta],[-sin alpha sin beta,-cos alpha cos beta,0]]` then
Show that `|a b c a+2x b+2y c+2z x y z|=0`
Without expanding the determinant, prove that
`|{:(a+b, 2a+b, 3a+b),(2a+b, 3a+b, 4a+b), (4a+b, 5a+b, 6a+b):}|=0.`
Evaluate `|{:(265, 240, 219),(240, 225, 198), (219, 198, 181):}|`
`|(sin alpha, cos alpha, cos(alpha+delta)) ,(sin beta, cos beta , cos(beta +delta)),(sin gamma, cos gamma, cos (gamma+delta))|=0`
Using properties of determinants, prove that `|[a, a+b, a+b+c],[2a,3a+2b,4a+3b+2c],[3a,6a+3b, 10a+6b+3c]|=a^3`
Prove that :
(i) `|{:(a,c,a+c),(a+b,b,a),(b,b+c,c):}|=2 abc`
(ii) Prove that : `|{:(a^(2),bc,ac+c^(2)),(a^(2)+ab,b^(2),ac),(ab,b^(2)+bc,c^(2)):}|=4a^(2)b^(2)c^(2)`
Using properties of determinants, prove that
`|{:(0, ab^(2), ac^(2)),(a^(2)b, 0, bc^(2)),(a^(2)c, cb^(2), 0):}|=2a^(3)b^(3)c^(3)`
Q. `|(x+y,x,x),(15x+4y,4x,2x),(10x +8y,8x,3x)|=x^3`
Prove that `|(1,a,a^2),(1,b,b^2),(1,c,c^2)|=(a-b)(b-c)(c-a)`
Prove that `|{:(1, 1, 1),(a, b, c),(a^(3), b^(3), c^(3)):}|=(a-b)(b-c)(c-a)(a+b+c)`
Prove that: `|(alpha,beta,gamma),(alpha^2,beta^2,gamma^2),(beta+gamma,gamma+alpha,alpha+beta)|``=(alpha-beta)(beta-gamma)(gamma-alpha)(alpha+beta+gamma)` .
Using properties of determinants, prove that `|(a+x, y, z),( x, a+y, z),( x, y, a+z)|=a^2(a+x+y+z)`
Using properties of determinants, prove the following: `|(1,x,x^2),(x^2, 1,x),(x,x^2, 1)|=(1-x^3)^2`
Using properties of determinants, prove that `|2yy-z-x2y2z2z z-x-y x-y-z z x2x|=(x+y+z)^3`
Using properties of determinants, prove the following: `|3"a"-"a"+"b"-"a"+"c""a"-"b"3"b""c"-"b""a"-"c""b"-"c"3"c"|=3("a"+"b"+"c")("a b"+"b c"+"c a")`
Prove that
`|{:(b+c, c+a, a+b),(c+a, a+b,b+c),(a+b, b+c, c+a):}| =2(a+b+c)(ab+bc+ca-a^(2)-b^(2)-c^(2)).`
Solve the determinant using properties `|[a-b-c,2a,2a],[2b,b-c-a,2b],[2c,2c,c-a-b]| = (a+b+c)^3`
Using properties of determinants, prove that following: `|"a"+"b"+2"c""a""b""c""b"+"c"+2"a""b""c""a""c"+"a"+2"b"|=2("a"+"b"+"c")^3`
Using properties of determinants, prove the following : `|a a^2b c bb^2c a cc^2a b|=(a-b)(b-c)(c-a)(b c+c a+a b)`
Using properties of determinants, Find the value of `|[a,b,c],[a-b,b-c,c-a],[b+c,c+a,a+b]|` if the value of `|[a,b,c],[b,c,a],[c,a,b]|`=`a^3+b^3+c^3-3abc`
Prove that :
(i) `|{:(a,c,a+c),(a+b,b,a),(b,b+c,c):}|=2 abc`
(ii) Prove that : `|{:(a^(2),bc,ac+c^(2)),(a^(2)+ab,b^(2),ac),(ab,b^(2)+bc,c^(2)):}|=4a^(2)b^(2)c^(2)`
If a, b, c are positive and unequal, show that value of the determinant `Delta=|(a,b,c),(b,c,a),(c,a,b)|` is negative
Evaluate `|{:(""^(m)C_(1),""^(m)C_(2),""^(m)C_(3)),(""^(n)C_(1),""^(n)C_(2),""^(n)C_(3)),(""^(p)C_(1),""^(p)C_(2), ""^(p)C_(3)):}|`
Prove that: `|((b+c)^2,a^2,a^2),(b^2,(c+a)^2,b^2),(c^2,c^2,(a+b)^2)|=2a b c(a+b+c)^3`
Prove that`|[b+c,a,b],[c+a,c,a],[a+b,b,c]|=(a+b+c)(a-c)^2`
Prove that `|{:(1, a, a^(2)-bc),(1, b, b^(2)-ca), (1, c, c^(2)-ab):}|=0`
If `|(x, x^2, x^3 +1), (y, y^2, y^3+1), (z, z^2, z^3+1)|` = 0 and x ,y and z are not equal to any other, prove that, xyz = -1
Prove that `[[x, x^2 , 1+px^3], [y, y^2, 1+py^3] ,[z, z^2, 1+pz^3]] = (1+pxyz)(x-y)(y-z)(z-x)`
Prove that `|[1+a,1,1],[1,1+b,1],[1,1,1+c]|=(abc)(1/a+1/b+1/c+1)=(bc+ca+ab+abc)`
`|[1/a, a^2,b c],[1/b,b^2,c a],[1/c,c^2,a b]|`
Prove that `|[a^2+1,ab,ac],[ab,b^2+1,bc],[ac,bc,c^2+1]|=1+a^2+b^2+c^2`
Prove `|[-bc, b^2+bc, c^2+bc] , [a^2+ac, -ac, c^2+ac] , [a^2+ab, b^2+ab, -ab]|`=`(ab+bc+ca)^2`
Prove that `|{:(a^(2), a^(2)-(b-c)^(2), bc), (b^(2), b^(2)-(c-a)^(2), ca), (c^(2), c^(2)-(a-b)^(2), ab):}|= (a^(2)+b^(2)+c^(2))(a-b)(b-c)(c-a)(a+b+c)`
Evaluate `|(cosalphacosbeta,cosalphasinbeta,-sinalpha),(-sinbeta,cosbeta,0),(sinalphacosbeta,sinalphasinbeta,cosalpha)|`
If `A+B+C=pi,`
then the value of
`|(sin(A+B+C),sin(A+C),cosC),(-sinB,0,tanC),(cos(A+B),tan(B+C),0)|` is equal to
(a) `0`
(b) `1`
(c) `2sinBtanAcosC`
(d) none of these
If A+B+C =`pi`, show that
`|["sin"^(2)A, "sin A cos A", "cos"^(2)A],["sin"^(2) B, "sin B cos B", "cos"^(2)B],["sin"^(2)C, "sin C cos C", "cos"^(2)C]| =-"sin (A-B)"sin"(B-C)"sin"(C-A)"`
Without expanding evaluate the determinant `|(sinalpha,cosalpha,sin(alpha+delta)),(sinbeta,cosbeta,sin(beta+delta)),(singamma,cosgamma,sin(gamma+delta))|`
Prove that ` /_\ |[a+bx, c+dx, p+qx],[-ax+b, cx+d, px+q],[u,v,w]|=(1-x^2) [[a,c,p],[b,d,q],[u,v,w]] `
Show without expanding at any stage that: ` [a,a^2,bc],[b,b^2,ca],[c,c^2,ab]|=|[1,a^2,a^3],[1,b^2,b^3],[1,c^2,c^3]| `
5. Using the properties of determinants, prove that `|[a+b,b+c,c+a] , [b+c,c+a,a+b] , [c+a,a+b,b+c]|`=`2|[a,b,c] , [b,c,a] , [c,a,b]|`
Using properties of determinants, prove that `|b+c q+r y+z c+a r+p z+x c+b p+q x+y|=2\ |a p x b q y c r z|`
Show that `Delta =Delta_(1)`, where
`Delta = |[Ax,x^(2), 1],[By, y^(2), 1],[Cz, z^(2),1]| "and "Delta_(1) = |[A,B, C],[x, y, z],[zy, zx,xy]|`
If `Delta_(1)=|[a,b, c],[x, y, z],[p,q ,r]|"and "Delta_(2) |[q,-b, y],[-p, a, -x],[r,-c ,z]|` then without expanding `Delta_(1) " and "Delta_(2), "prove that "Delta_(1) + Delta_(2) =0`
Using properties of determinants, solve for `x:|(a+x, a-x, a-x),( a-x, a+x, a-x),( a-x, a-x, a+x)|=0`
Using properties of determinants, solve the following for x: `|x-2 2x-3 3x-4x-4 2x-9 3x-16 x-8 2x-27 3x-64|=0`
If `a+b+c=0` and `|[a-x,c,b] , [c,b-x,a] , [b,a,c-x]|=0` then prove that either `x=0` or `x=sqrt(3/2(a^2+b^2+c^2))`
Find the area of the triangle whose vertices are: `(-2,-3),(3,2),(-1,-8)`
Show that points`A (a , b + c)`, `B (b , c + a)`, `C (c , a + b)`are collinear.
If the points (a, b), (a', b') and (a-a', b-b') are collinear, show that ab' =a'b.
Find the value of k in order that the points (5, 5), (k, 1) and (10, 7) are collinear.
Let A(1, 3), B(0, 0) and C(k, 0) be three points such that `ar(triangle ABC) =3` sq units. Find the value of k.
(i) Find equation of line joining (1,2) and (3,6) using determinants, (ii) Find equation of line joining (3, 1) and (9,3) using determinants.
Solved Examples questions and complete solutions for chapter DETERMINANTS of RS AGGARWAL MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 12