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Complete Solutions to ILLUSTRATION_TYPE of chapter UNIVERSE of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions38
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Find the distance of the moon from the earth if the parallactic angle as measured from two places located `6.4xx10^(6)`m apart is `1^(@)`.

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  2. The moon subtends an angle of 57 minutes at the base line equal to radius of earth. What is the distance of moon from earth. Given radius of earth is 6400 km.

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  3. The parallax of a heavenly body measured from two points diametrically opposite on equator of earth is 1.0 minutes. If the radius of the earth is 6400 km, find the distance of the heavenly body from the centre of the earth in AU. Given `1 AU=1.5xx10^(11)`m.

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  4. The distances of the satellites of Mars are 25'' for phobos and 62'' for Deimos at mean opposition when Mars is `0.524AU` from earth. Calculate distances of theh two satelife for Mars in astonomical units and in meters.

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  5. Assuming that the orbit of the planet Mercury around the sun to be a circle, Copernicus detrmined the orbital radius to be `0.38AU`. From this determine the angle of maximum elongation for Mercury and its distance from the earth when the elongation is maximum .

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  6. In case of venus, the angle of maximum elongation is found to be approximately `47^@.` Determine the distance between venus and sun `(r_(upsilon e).` and the distance between venus and earth `(r_(upsilon e).`

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  7. If the distance of venus from sun is 0.73 AU, find out the orbital period of the venus in days.

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  8. Suppose there existed a planet that went around the sun twice as fast as the earth. What would by its orbital size?

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  9. A Saturn year is 29.5 times that earth year. How far is the Saturn from the sun if the earth is `1.50xx10^(8)` km away from the sun ?

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  10. A rada signal is sent towards a planet and its echo is received after 600 seconds. Find the distance of the planet from the earth.

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  11. When planet Jupiter is at a distance of 824.7 million km from earth, its angular diameter is measured to be 35.72'' of arc. Calculate the diameter of Jupiter.

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  12. The sun's angular diameter is measured to be 1920''. The distance of the sun from the earth is `1.496xx10^(11)m.` What is the diameter of the sun?

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  13. It is a well known fact that during a total solar eclipes the disc of the moon almost completely covers the disc of the sun. From this fact and from the information you can gather from Solved Examples 3 and 4 on page 1//44, determine the approximate diameter of the moon.

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  14. One of the satellite of jupiter, has an orbital period of `1.769` days and the radius of the orbit is `4.22 xx 10^(8) m`. Show that mass of jupiter is about one thousandth times that of the mass of the sun. (Take `1` year `= 365.15` mean solar day).

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  15. Period of revolution of the moon is 27.32 days and its mean distance from earth is `384,400km`. Use the equation
    to calculate the sum of the masses of the earth and moon. Further, using the known fact that the earth moon system lies ate `4.75xx10^(6)m` from earth's centre, calculate the mass of each.

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  16. For the moon `M=7.349xx10^(22)kg` and `R=1.738xx10^(6)m`, calculate the mean density and acceleration due to gravity at its surface. What will be the weight of a man on the moon if he weighs `60kg` on the earth? Take `G=6.668xx10^(-11)Nm^(-2)kg^(-2)`.

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  17. The mass of planet Jupiter is `1.9xx10^(7)kg` and that of the Sun is `1.9x10^(30)kg`. The mean distance of Jupiter from the Sun is `7.8xx10^(11)`m. Calculate te gravitational force which Sun exerts on Jupiter. Assuming that Jupiter moves in circular orbit around the Sun, also calculate the speed of Jupiter `G=6.67xx10^(-11)Nm^(2)kg^(-2)`.

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  18. Talking the mass and radius of the earth as the units of mass and distance respectively, the mass of Mars turns out to be 0.107 unit and radius 0.53 units. What is the acceleration due to gravity on the Mar's surface? What will be the weight of a person on Mars if he weighs `98kg` on earth.

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  19. Assuming that earth's orbit around the sun is a circle of radius `R=1.496xx10^(11)m` compute the mass of the sun. `(G=6.668xx10^(-11)Nm^(2)kg^(-2))`

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  20. The earth receives at its surface radiation from the sun at the rate of `1400 Wm^-2.` The distance of the centre of the sun from the surface of the earth is `1.5xx10^11 m` and the radius of the sun is `7xx10^8m.` Treating the sun as a black body, it follows from the above data that its surface temperature is ......K

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  21. The surface temperature of the sun is `6000K`. If we consider it as a perfect black body, calculate the energy radiated away by the sun per second. Take radius of the sun `=6.92xx10^(5)km` and `sigma=5.67xx10^(-8)Jm^(-2)s^(-1)K^(-4)`

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  22. Suppose the sun was located at the position occupied by the star nearest to us, namely `alpha`- Centauri, which is at a distance of about 14 from us. By what factor would the radiation received per unit area per second at the earth be reduced?

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  23. Calculate the value of solar constant at the distance of Jupiter, which is `5.2AU` away from the sun. Hence calculate the temperature of a black body on Jupiter's Stefan's law.

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  24. Compute the surface temperature of the sun from the following data:
    Distance of earth from the sun `R=1.469xx10^(11)m`
    Radius of the sun `r=6.928xx10^(8)m`
    Solar constant `S=1.39xx10^(3)Wm^(-2)`
    Stefan's constant `sigma=5.73xx10^(-8)Wm^(-2)K^(-4)`

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  25. Suppose the sun shrank from its present size so that its radius is halved. What would be the change in its gravitatioinal potential energy? (Calculate the acutal number in joules)

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  26. There are certain types of stars called variable stars which undergo periodic change in their light output. If such a star doubles its light output, how much does its magnitude change?

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  27. The phenomenon of a nova involves the sudden outburst of a star. The star then beocmes much brighter than usual, for a few days or weeks. In 1975 a nova appeared in the constellation of Cygnus (The Swan). In two days the magnitude of the star changed from `+15` to `+2`. By what factor did its brightness increase?

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  28. Assume that the dimmest star visible to the naked eye has a magnitude of `+6`. Compare its brightness with that of planet Venus of magnitude `-4`

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  29. The luminousity of a star is 10,000 times that of the sun and its surface temperature is `3000K`. Assuming the surface of temperature of the sun to be `6000K`, compare the radius of the star with that of the sun.

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  30. Calculate the temperature of a star which has maximum energy emission at `4500Å`. Given temperature of the sun is `6000K` and it has maximum energy emission at `5000Å`.

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  31. Work out the ranges of temperature corresponding to which a star will appear blue and red respectively. Given
    Wavelength range of blue colour: `4500Å` to `5000Å`
    Wavelength range for red colour: `6500Å` to `7000Å`

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  32. Consider a binary star system consisting of two stars of masses `M_(1)` and `M_(2)` separated by a distance of `30AU` with a period of revolution equal to 30 years. If one of the two stars is 5 times farther from the centre of mass than the other, show that the masses of the two stars are 5 and 25 times that of the sun.

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  33. Consider a white dwarf and a neutron star each of one solar mass. The radius of the white dwarf is same as that of the earth (=6400km) and the radius of the neutron star is 10 km. Determine the densities of the two types of the stars. Take mass of the sun `=2.0xx10^(30)`kg.

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  34. The two components of Procyon have a separation of 4.55'' and period o 40.6 uears. If the distance of the binary is 11.3 light years, calculate the sum of the masses of the two stars in solar units. If the ratio of their masses is `3:1`, find the mass of each star.

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  35. Let us consider that our galaxy consists of `2.5xx10^(11)` stars each of one solar mass. How long will this star at a distance of `50,000` light year from the galastic entre take to complete one revolution? Take the diameter of the Milky way to be `10^5ly. G=6.67xx 10^(-11) Nm^(2) Kg^(-2). (1 ly= 9.46xx10^(15)m)`

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  36. Certain characteristic wavelength in the light from a galaxy in the constellation virgo are observed to be increased in wavelength, as compared with terrestrial sources, by about `0.4%`. What is the radial speed of this galaxy with respect to earth ? Is it approacing or receding ?

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  37. What is known as the K-line of singly ionized calcium has a wavelength of `393.3nm` as measured on earth. In the spectrum of one of the observed galaxies, this spectrial lines is located to `401.8nm`. Determine the speed with which this galaxy is moving away from us.

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  38. Consider a galaxy moving away from us with a speed of `6480kms^(-1)`. It is a at a distance of 430 million light year from us, determine Hubble's constant `H` and corresponding age of universe `t_(0)`

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ILLUSTRATION_TYPE questions and complete solutions for chapter UNIVERSE of DHANPAT RAI & CO PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 12

All Exercises from SL ARORA Class 12 PHYSICS UNIVERSE