Complete Solutions to CASE STUDY of chapter PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENTS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions23
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Ram is a calss twelfth commerce student in a reputed schol in Punjab. Mohan is his elder brother who is doing his Masters in Hospital administration from Delhi after competing his B.Sc course. During vacations when Mohan comes home, Ram shows him the business studies project that he is preparing on the topic Principles of Management'. Mohan teles him that these principles are also a psrts of MBA course curriculum at the beginner is level as they from the core of management in paractive. But he finds these principle different from those of pure science. In context of the above case:
    (i) Outline the feature of principle of management highlighted above.
    (ii) How management principle are formed?

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  2. After finishing he BBA degree course, Tanya gets a job of Assistant Manager in a retail company through the reference of her cousing Taruna who works in the same company as a Senior Manager. Taruna decides to guide Tanya through her experience by making her awar of the important facts about management in paracice. She talls heer that neighter the principles of management provide any readymade, straitjacket solutions to all managerial problems nor they ar not rigid prescriptions, which have to be followed absolutely.
    (i) Identify the two features of priciples of management mentioned in the above paragraph by quoting lines from the paragraph.
    (ii) Why do the principles of management not provide readymade, straitjacket solution to all managerial problems ?

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  3. Manager of ABC Ltd. Does not allocate work as per the capability of workers. Which principle is volated by them.

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  4. Productino manager of Beta Ltd, took special care of the interest and ability of his subordinated while distributing work among them. He was of the firm opinion that a worker should be given one work again and again so that he may become expert in it. State the principle of management followed here ?

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  5. A manager should have the right to punish a subordinate for wilfully not obeying a legitimate order but only after sufficient opportunity has been given to his/her case. Identify the principle of management highlighted here.

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  6. The salesman of ABC Ltd. Could not achiece his sales target of 1000 units on enquiry it was found that he was root allowed to take decision releated to give discount or credit to any of his coutomer. State the Principle of Management violated in this case.

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  7. Voltech India Ltd. Is manufacturing LED ulbs to save electriclty running under heavy losses. To revive from the losses, the management thought of shifting the unit to a backward area where labour is available at a low cost. The management also asked the workers to work overtime without any additional payment and promised to increased to wages of teh workers after achieving its mission. Within a short peiod the company started earing profits because both the management and the workwers honoured their commitments.
    State the principle of management described in the above para.

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  8. Vijay work as a Plant Superintendent in a shoe manufaturing company. Due to increase in demand the sales manager insisted the workers to faster the production, the production manager asked the work overtime instead of increasing the speed to maintain the equliy of productin. Whereas the finance manager is strictly agiainst this parctice of overtime. Because ot will increase the cost of production. Identify and example the principle of management violated in above case.

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  9. Suraj as enganed in the business of carpet marking handmade carpet as well as machine made carpet. There log of overlapping of actvi tive, so the production manager advised there should be two separate division for bath of them where in each dividion should have its own inchange, plans and excution.

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  10. Mr malhotra, Finance manager of ABC Ltd. Applied for leave to attend a family function in Amritsar. The directior of the company requested him to cancel his leave as there is an important meeting schedule on that date. Mr.Malhotra immediately agreed and cancelled his trip as he thought attending meeting is more important for company's benefit.
    Which pronciple of Fayol is applied by Mr. Malhotra ?

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  11. Mr. Ram stared a small business with limited investment, he hired labour and them very less wages over the time with broad vision of Ram and hard work of his employees. The business started earning very good revenure but with increase in earning capacity of campany also Ram did not increases the wages and salary of his employees, they were not able to maintain a reasonable standared of living.
    Identify the principle of management, overlook by Mr. Ram.

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  12. ABC Limited permits their sales to give discount upto `10%` as per their discretion and cerdit to their regular customer. If the sales men wants to give more than `10%` discount for special order thaen they have tot take permission from top level.
    This is related to which principle of managcmcnt

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  13. In a school principal makes sure that every instructin, order or information given by him must be passed to ovice-principal then Head to the department and then to teachers and students must be respective teachers only. He never allows teahers to directily communicate with him.
    (i) State the Principle of Henry Fayol followed by the school principal.
    (ii) In case of emergency which cancept of Scalar Chain can be used by teacher to pass unrgent massage directly to principal.

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  14. In a school books are keept in office, chalks in the library, officer records and files in staff room.
    Which principle of management is violated here.

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  15. Tina and Anshu compleed their MBA and started working in a multinational company at the same level. Both are working hard. Anshu has the habit of backbiting and wrong reporting about his calleagues to impress the boss. All the employees in the organisation known about it. At teh time of performance apraisal also Tina'a performance was rated better than Anshu. Even then their boss decided to promoter Anshe stating that being a female, Tina will not be able to handle the complications of higher post.
    Identify and explain the principle of management that was not followed by this company.

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  16. Mr. Rajiv the senior manager of unique enterprise considered himself very wise and used to take all the decisions himself without consulting the employees, he never used to help any one nor he used to take help of anyone. The employees of unique enteprise were not working efficiently and company's profit margin started declining to declining to tackle the problem, the company appointed a new manager from IM Banglore. The new manager after joining made a policy that all the decisions will be taken after consulting employees in the meeting. All employees must give some suggestions and best suggestions will be rewarded with fincncial and nonfinancial incentives. This policy haca very positive effecs on company.
    State and explanin the principle of Henery Fayol used by new manager.

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  17. School principal announced in ameeting that every month there will an inter-class capetition to check the cleanliness, discipline and decoration of class board. All the class techers requested the students that each one of you must take care of clanliness, didcipline and decoration. But miss Aditi, formed three them in class and made them incharge of cleanliness, discipline and decoration, there was a spirit or unity and harmony among the students and al members suported each other as a result Miss Aditi's class got best class trophy. Identify the principle of management used by Miss Aditi.

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  18. Nutan Tiffin Box service was started in Mumbai by Mumbai Dobbawalas. The Dabbawalls who are the solu of entire Mumbai aim to provide prompt and efficient service by providing tasty homemade tiffin to all office gorrs at right time and place. The service is uninterrupted even on the days of bad weather, political unrest and social disturbances. Recentaly they have started online booking system through their website "mydabbawala. com' Owing to their tremendous propularity amongst the hasppt and satisfied customer and members, teh dabbawalas sperater in a group of 25-30 people along with a group leader. Each group team up with other groups in order to deliver teh tiffin on time. They are not reansferred on frequent basis as they have to remember the addresses of their customers. They follow certain rules while doing treade-No alcohol during working hours, No leave without pemission, Wearing of withe cap & carrying ID ardsduring business hours.
    Recently on the suggestion of few self motivated fellow men, the dabbawalls though out and executed a plan of providding food leaf in tiffins by costomeers to slum children. They have instructed their customers to place red sticker if food is left in the tiffin, to be fed to poor children later.
    State four principles of management given by Fayol.

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  19. Alpha Ltd. Was engaged in business of garment manufacturing and selling its products uder a popular brand. The demand for their product was increasing. In order to keep the market share in short run, the company directed its existing workforce to wirk overtime but this resulted in many problems. Due to increase pressure of work the eficiency of workers declined. Sometimes workers worked under more than one superior. The departments which were producing one product where asked to produce more than one type of products. This resulted in lot of overlopping and wastage. The workers were becoming indisciplined.The spirit of team was also reducing. Workers were feeling cheated and their morale was declining. The quality of garments started declining and mrket share decreased. Based on this case answer the following questions:
    Identify which principles of Henery Fayol were violated in above case.

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  20. Rohan is desirous of setting up a small factory to manufacture packing materials. He planned to use logical approach and take every decision with factor and figure, with proper reasoning rather than relying an Hit or Miss method.
    State the principle of Scientific Management used by Rohan.

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  21. ABC Ltd., a tyre manufaturing concern has been established for more than ten years. Having made good profits in the past, company wanted to expand further and hence did not declare bonus for the previous year. The workers got agitated and trade union decleared strike and demanded bonus and other facilities.The management decided not to give into their demands.
    Which principle of scientific management is overlooked in the given case?

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  22. The top leavel managcment of ABC organisc regular training session of their employes and even during selectio process, they make sure only capable and competent persons join their organisation. State the scientific principle followed by ABC Ltd.

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  23. Sanchit, after completing his entrepreneurship course from Sweden returned to India and started a coffee shop 'Aroma Coffee Can' in a famous mal in New Delhi. The speciality of the coffee shop was the special aroma of coffee and a wide variety of flavorus to choose from. Somehow, the business was neither profitable nor popular. Sanchit was keen t find out the reason. He appointed Sandhya, and MBA from a reputed college, as a manager to find out the causes for the same.
    Sandhya took feedback from the clients and found out that though thet loved the special unique aroma of coffee but were not happy with the long waiting time being taken to process the order. She analysed and found out that there were many unnecessary obstructions in between which could be eliminated. She fixed a standard time for processing the order.
    She also realised that there were some flavours whose demand was not enough. So, she also decided to stop the salw of such flavours. As a result with in a short period Syndhya was able to attract the costomers.
    Identify and explain any two techniques of scienctific management used by Sandhya to solve the problem.

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