Class 12 | CHEMISTRY |
Chapter | POLYMERS |
Number Of Questions | 40 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
What is polymer?
What are monomers?
What is polymerisation process?
How polymers are classified based on source.
How polymers are classified based on structure?
Discuss the classification of polymers on the basis of their structures.
Name the type of attractive forces present in
(1) Fibrous polymers. (ii) Fibrous polymers.
What are thermoplastics polymers ? Give an example.
Give an example for thermosetting polymer.
Bakelite is an example for which type of plastic.
Explain addition polymerisation with an example.
Explain the manufacture of LDPE (Low Density Polyethylene).
Explain the manufacture of HDPE (High Density Polythene).
Give self-explanatory equation for the preparation of Teflon.
Give self-explanatory equation for the preparation of Polyacrylonitrile (PAN).
Name the monomers present in the polyvinyl chloride. Give partial structure.
What is condensation polymerisation?
Explain the preparation of Nylon-6,6 with equation.
What are condensation polymers? Given an example.
Give monomers used and partial structure of
Nylon -6,6
Give monomers used and partial structure of
Nylon -6
Give monomers used and partial structure of
Terylene (Dacron)
Give monomers used and partial structure of
Give monomers used and partial structure of
Give monomers used and partial structure of
Melamine formaldehyde polymer.
Give an example for a polyster fibre.
Name the dicarboxylic acid used in the manufacture of terylene.
What is copolymerization? Give example.
What are co-polymers? Give example.
Give the monomer and partial structure of natural rubber.
What is vulcanisation of rubber?
Name the element used for vulcanization of natural rubber.
Explain with equation preparation of neoprene.
Write the partial structure of neoprene.
Explain the preparation of Buna-N.
Explain the preparation of Buna-S.
Name the monomers used in the preparation of polythene and natural rubber.
Name the monomers used for getting following polymers:
i) PVC ii) Bakelite iii) Polystyrene
What is bio-degradeable polymers ? Give example.
Give an example for biodegradable polymer.
QUESTIONS questions and complete solutions for chapter POLYMERS of JEEVITH PUBLICATIONS CHEMISTRY (KANNADA ENGLISH) of Class 12