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Complete Solutions to ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS of chapter CHEMICAL KINETICS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions36
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Introduction: average rate and instantaneous rate

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  2. Define Rate law and Rate constant.

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  3. Derive integrated rate law for a zero order reaction `A rarr` product.

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  4. Define half life of a reaction, Show that for a first order reaction half life is independent of initial concentration.

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  5. What is an elementary reaction ? Given the differences between order and molecularity of a reaction.

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  6. Explain the rate determining step with an example.

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  7. Describe the graphical representation of first order reaction.

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  8. Write the law for the following reactions.
    A reaction that is 3/2 order in x and zero order in y.

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  9. Write the law for the following reactions.
    A reaction that is second order in NO and first order in `Br_(2)`.

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  10. Explain the effect of catalyst on reaction rate with an example.

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  11. The rate law for a reaction of A, B and C has been found to be rate `= [A]^(2)[B][L]^((3)/(2))`. How would the rate of reaction change when
    Concentration of [L] is quadrupled

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  12. The rate law for a reaction of A, B and C has been found to be rate `= [A]^(2)[B][L]^((3)/(2))`. How would the rate of reaction change when
    Concentration of both [A] and [B] are doubled

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  13. The rate law for a reaction of A, B and C has been found to be rate `= [A]^(2)[B][L]^((3)/(2))`. How would the rate of reaction change when
    Concentration of [A] is halved

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  14. The rate law for a reaction of A, B and C has been found to be rate `= [A]^(2)[B][C]^((3)/(2))`. How would the rate of reaction change when
    Concentration of [A] is reduced to `((1)/(3))` and concentration of [C] is quadrupled.

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  15. The rate of formation of a dimer in a second order reaction is `7.5xx10^(-3)"mol L"^(-1)s^(-1)` at `0.05"mol L"^(-1)` monomer concentration. Calculate the rate constant.

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  16. For a reaction `x + y + z rarr` products the rate law is given by rate `k=[x]^((3)/(2))[y]^((1)/(2))` what is the overall order of the reaction and what is the order of the reaction with respect to z.

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  17. Explain briefly the collision theory of bimolecular reactions.

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  18. Write Arrhenius equation and explains the terms involved.

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  19. The decomposition of `Cl_(2)O_(7)` at 500 K in the gas phase to `Cl_(2)` and `O_(2)` is a first order reaction. After 1 minute at 500 K, the pressure of `Cl_(2)O_(7)` falls from 0.08 to 0.04 atm. Calculate the rate constant in `s^(-1)`.

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  20. Hydrolysis of methyl acetate in aqueous solution has been studied by titrating the liberated acetic acid against sodium hydroxide. The concentration of an ester at different temperatures is given below.
    `{:("t (min)",0,20,40,60,prop),("v (mL)",20.2,25.6,29.5,32.8,50.4):}`
    Show that the reaction is the first order reactions.

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  21. Explain pseudo first order reaction with an example.

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  22. Identify the order for the following reactions
    Rusting of Iron

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  23. Identify the order for the following reactions
    Radioactive disintegration of `._(92)U^(238)`

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  24. Identify the order for the following reactions
    `2A+3B rarr` products , rate `= k [A]^(1//2)[B]^(2)`

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  25. A gas phase reaction has energy of activation `200 "kJ mol"^(-1)`. If the frequency factor of the reaction is `1.6xx10^(13)s^(-1)`. Calculate the rate constant at 600 K. `(e^(-40.09)=3.8xx10^(-18))`.

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  26. For the reaction `2x + y rarr L`. Find the rate law from the following data.
    `{:([X],[Y],"rate"),("(min)","(min)",(M s^(-1))),(0.2,0.02,0.15),(0.4,0.02,0.30),(0.4,0.08,1.20):}`

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  27. How do concentrations of the reactant influence the rate of reaction ?

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  28. How do nature of the reactant influence rate of reaction ?

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  29. The rate constant for a first order reaction is `1.54xx10^(-3)s^(-1)`. Calculate its half life time.

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  30. The half life of the homogeneous gaseous reaction `SO_(2)Cl_(2)rarr SO_(2)+Cl_(2)` which obeys first order kinetics is 8.0 minutes.
    How long will it take for the concentration of `SO_(2)Cl_(2)` to be reduced to 1% of the initial value ?

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  31. The time for half life change in a first order decomposition of a substance A is 60 seconds. Calculate the rate constant. How much of A will be left after 180 seconds ?

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  32. A zero order reaction is 20% complete in 20 minutes. Calculate the value of the rate constant. In what time will the reaction be 80% complete ?

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  33. The activation energy of a reaction is 22.5 k Cal `mol^(-1)` and the value of rate constant at `40^(@)C` is `1.8xx10^(-5)s^(-1)`. Calculate the frequency factor, A.

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  34. Benzene diazonium chloride in aqueous solution decomposes according to the equation `C^(6)H^(5)N^(2)Cl rarr C_(6)H_(5)Cl+N_(2)` Starting with an initial concentration of `10 g L^(-1)`, the volume of `N_(2)` gas obtained at `50^(@)C` at different intervals of time was found to be as under :
    `{:("t (min)":,6,12,18,24,30,oo),("Vol. of "N_(2) (ml):,19.3,32.6,41.3,46.5,50.4,58.3):}`
    Show that the above reaction follows the first order kinetic. What is the value of the rate constant ?

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  35. From the following data, show that the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide is a reaction of the order :
    `{:("t (min)",0,10,20),("V (ml)",46.1,29.8,19.3):}`
    Where t is the time in minutes and V is the volume of standard `KMnO_(4)` solution required for titrating the same volume of the reaction mixture.

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  36. A first order reaction is 40% complete in 50 minutes. Calculate the value of the rate constant. In what time will the reaction be 80% complete ?

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ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS questions and complete solutions for chapter CHEMICAL KINETICS of SURA CHEMISTRY (TAMIL ENGLISH) of Class 12