Class 12 | CHEMISTRY |
Number Of Questions | 55 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
What is an interface?
What do you mean by positive adsorption?
What do you mean by negative adsorption?
Define adsorption isobar.
Define adsorption isotherm.
What are limitations of Freundlich adsorption isotherm?
What are the concepts of catalysis that intermediate compound formation theory throws light on?
What are the limitations of intermediate compound formation theory?
What is a dispersed phase in a colloid ?
What is a dispersion medium in a colloid ?
What are the methods by which colloids are prepared?
What is ultrasonic dispersion?
When are condensation methods used for the preparation of colloids?
Why are colloids purified?
What are main impurities in a colloidal solution?
Give the methods of purification of colloids
Write a note on dialysis.
What is Ultrafilteration?
What is collodion?
What is Helmholtz double layer?
What are the two types of emulsion?
Define emulsification.
Give three examples of emulsifiers.
Define Deemulsification.
What do you mean by inversion of phase?
What is difference between sol, gel and emulsion?
How do aquasol and aerosol differ?
What causes Brownian movement in a colloid?
What happens when a colloidal sol of `As_2S_3` and `Fe(OH)_3` are mixed?
Gelatin acts as a protective colloid. Explain.
A solid catalyst is more effective in its finely divided form - Justify.
Tanning makes leather get hardened - Explain why?
What is the formula for Ziegler - Natta catalyst?
Define colloidal solution.
What is electrophoresis?
What is catalysis?
What are the two types of catalysis?
Why colloidal system in gas in gas does not exist?
What are emulsions?
What is Tyndall effect?
Define adsorbent
Define adsorbate
What are the factors affecting adsorption?
What are promoters?
What are lyophobic colloids? Give examples.
What are lyophilic colloids? Give examples.
What is peptisation? Give an example.
Explain the kinetic property of colloids.
Explain the formation of delta.
Explain O/W and W/O types of emulsions with examples.
Why is a colloidal sol stable?
Name the factors that affect adsorption.
Which will adsorb more gas, a lump of charcoal or its powder and why?
Write the Freundlich adsorption isotherm?
Name the types of emulsions.
VERY SHORT ANSWER questions and complete solutions for chapter SURFACE CHEMISTRY of SURA CHEMISTRY (TAMIL ENGLISH) of Class 12