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Complete Solutions to NEET BASED QUESTIONS of chapter NEET BASED QUESTIONS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions98
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Rutherford's alpha-particle scattering experiment eventually led to the conclusion that

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  2. The number of `alpha" and "beta`-prticles emitted in the nuclear rection
    `""_(90)Th^(228) to ""_(83)Bi^(212)`.

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  3. Principal quantum number determines

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  4. Corrct electronic configuration of Cr is

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  5. The bond order of individual coarbon-corbon bond in benzene is

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  6. Hybridisation of sulphur in `SO_2` is

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  7. Hybridisation states of carbon in diamond, graphite and acetylene respectively, are

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  8. `NaHCO_3` decomposes into:
    `2NaHCO_(3(s)) hArrNa_(2)CO_(3(s))+CO_(2(g))+H_(2)O_((g))`
    The equilibrium pressure is 1.04 atm the `K_(p)` for the reaction is

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  9. For the reaction
    `H_(2(g))+l_(2(g)) hArr 2Hl_((g))`
    `Kc=66.9" at "350^(@)C` and `50.0" at "448^(@)`. The reaction has

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  10. A mixture of `SO_3,SO_2" and "O_2` gases in a 10.0 litre flask is maintained at a temperature at which the equilibrium constant Kc of the reaction is 100.
    `2SO_(2(g))+O_(2(g)) hArr 2SO_(3(g))`
    . If the number of moles of `SO_2" and "SO_3` in the flask are equal, the number of moles of `O_2` present is

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  11. For the reaction
    `C_((s))+CO_(2(g)) hArr 2CO_((g))`
    the partial pressures fo `CO_2" and CO` are 2.0 and 4.0 atm respectively at equilibrium. Kp for the reaction is

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  12. For the reversible reaction
    `2H_2S_((g)) hArr 2H_(2(g))+S_(2(g))`
    The equilibrium concentrations, are
    `[H_2S]=0.5` mole/litre
    `[H_2]=0.4` mole/litre
    `[S_2]=0.4` mole/litre
    The value of 'K' would be

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  13. 'The molecularity of a reaction can be 0,1,3 etc.'' The statement is

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  14. For first order reation the ratio of `t_(0.75)" to "t_(0.25)` would be

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  15. which is the first order reaction?

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  16. Which of the following aqueous solutions of sodium aceate will show a minimum pH?

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  17. Pure water dissociates to a small extent as per equilibrium
    `2H_2O_((i)) hArr H_3O_((eq))^(+) +OH_((eq))^(-)`
    The pH of pure water at 298 K is 7, what will be pH of pure water at 310 K?

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  18. A solution has pH=3. If its hydrogen ion concentration is decreased 1000 times, the pH of the solution will be

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  19. The brown ring compound is formulated as `[Fe(H_2O)_5.NO]SO_4`. The oxidation number of iron is

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  20. In the reaction `l_(2)+2Na_(2)S_(2)O_(3) to Na_(2)S_(4)O_(6)+2Nal`
    the equivalent weight of oxidant is [M= Molecular weight of oxidant]-

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  21. Active mass is

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  22. An acid solution may have the pH

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  23. The process of converting hydrated alumina to anhydrous alumina is called

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  24. Auto-reduction is used in the extraction of

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  25. What is the percentage of silver in german silver?

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  26. Metals present in gun metal are

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  27. Alkaline earth metals are

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  28. Oil of vitriol is

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  29. Which of the following ions has maximum magnetic moment?

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  30. `H_2O_2` and heavy water were discovered respectively by

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  31. Which of the following compounds on reaction with `H_2SO_4" gives "H_2O_2`?

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  32. Boron compounds behave as lewis acid because of their _____________

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  33. Ordinary glass is

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  34. Blue glass is obtained by adding

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  35. On strong heating `Pb(NO_3)_2` gives

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  36. Which of the following is formed when oxalic acid is dehydrated by conc. `H_2SO_4`?

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  37. Chlorine is manufactured by

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  38. Aniline is purified by

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  39. Ethylene can be prepared by electrolysis of an equeous solution of

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  40. Photochemical chlorination of alkanes is initiated by a process of

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  41. On cracking petrol we get

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  42. `C Cl_4` does not give a precipitate with `AgNO_3` be because

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  43. The oxygen atom in a either molecule is

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  44. Schiff's regeant gives colour with

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  45. In a chemical reaction
    `K_2Cr_2O_7+xH_2SO_4+ySO_2 to K_2SO_4+Cr_2(SO_4)_3+zH_2O` the values of x,y and z are

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  46. The number of molecules present in one gm of hydrogen, is

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  47. The maximum number of electrons in a sub-shell for which l=3, is

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  48. The ratio of energy of photons of `ddote= 2000 dotA" to that of " ddote= 4000 dotA` is

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  49. The correct set of quantum numbers for the unpaired electron of chlorine atom is

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  50. The hydrogen phosphate of a metal has the formula `M_2(HPO_4)_3`, the formula of metal nitrate will be

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  51. The first ionization potentials of Na,Al,Mg and Si are in sequence

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  52. Which of the following decreases in going down the halogen group?

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  53. Which of the following statements is correct?

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  54. Lucas test is used to distinguish between

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  55. Which of the following is the most acidic?

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  56. Diethyl ether can be decomposed with

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  57. Aldehydes can be oxidised by

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  58. When acetamide reacts with `Br_2` and caustic soda, then we get

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  59. Aromatic aldehydes in the presence of cyanide ions are converted into a acyloins. This reaction is known as

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  60. The product of the reaction `CH_3COOH overset(P_2O_5)(to)"......."` is

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  61. Fog is colloidal solution of

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  62. The catalyst

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  63. Milk can be preserved by adding a few drops of

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  64. In a nuclear reactor, the function of moderator is

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  65. Which of the following is not an endothermic reaction?

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  66. A chemical reaction will not be feasible, if

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  67. The enthalpy of neutralisation of `NaOH` with `H_2SO_4 " is "-57.3` kJ/mol. Which of the following is the best explanation of this difference?

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  68. Entropy of a system may depend upon

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  69. A first order reaction has half-life of 69.3s. At `0.1 " mol " lit^(-1)` reaction concentration, the reaction rate will be

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  70. Which one of the following noble gases is the least polarizable?

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  71. The molecular geometry of `XeF_6` molecule is

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  72. In the aluminothermic process

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  73. Which of the following minerals does not contain aluminium?

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  74. Which of the following statements is not correct regarding boron triffiluoride?

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  75. Positive carbylamine test is not shown by?

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  76. Which of the following statements is not correct?

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  77. Identify 'Z' in the following reaction sequence?
    `CH_3COONH_4 underset(P_2O_5)overset(" Heat ")(to)Y overset(H_2O(H^+))(to)Z`

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  78. The pH of a solution, obtained by mixing 50 ml of 0.4 HCl and 50 ml of 0.2 N `NaOH`, is

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  79. When equal volume sof the following solutions are mixed, precipitation of `AgCl(Ksp= 1.8xx10^(-10))` will occur only with

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  80. The equilibrium constant in a reversible reaction at a given temperature

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  81. For which of the following reactions, Kp=Kc?

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  82. Which of the following conditions is not satisfied by an ideal solution?

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  83. Which of the following equeous solutions exhibits lowest boiling point?

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  84. Butter is a colloid formed when

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  85. Which of the following nuclear reactions is incorrect?

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  86. In the radioactive decay of an element, the emitted electrons come from-

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  87. The blocks of Mg metal are often strapped to the steel hulls of ocean going ships in order to

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  88. In benzene the `sp^3` orbitals of each carbon atoms constitute

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  89. The IUPAC name of
    `HC equivC CH_2CH_2CH =CH_2` is

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  90. In separate 0.1 M aqueous solution of each of the following salts, which one will record the highest pH value?

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  91. Real gases show an ideal-like behaviour at

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  92. The value of Planck's constant is `"___________"`.

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  93. The maximum number of molecules will be present in

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  94. Geometrical isomers differ in

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  95. The reduction of `RCOCl" with "H_2.Pd-BaSO_4` would give

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  96. In electroplating copper with silver the bath solution used is of `K[Ag(CN)_2]` instead of `AgNO_3` because on account of complex formation.

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  97. The atomic numbers of chromium and iron are 24 and 26 respectively. Which one of the following complexes exhibits paramagnetic character due to electronic spin?

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  98. Enzymes are basically

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NEET BASED QUESTIONS questions and complete solutions for chapter NEET BASED QUESTIONS of SURA CHEMISTRY (TAMIL ENGLISH) of Class 12