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Complete Solutions to ASSERTION AND REASON of chapter Living World of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

ChapterLiving World
Number Of Questions47
Academic Year2023-24
  1. [A] :Biology is regarded as science of exceptions.
    [R]: Biological sciences deal with living organisms found in different climatic conditions .

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  2. [A] : Energy transformations are important for living cells.
    [R] : Organisms show variation and changes due to mutations and genetic recombinations.

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  3. [A]: Dhanvantari is regarded as the god of medicine .
    [R] : Susruta is acknowledged as the father of surgery.

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  4. [A] : Susruta is one of the earliest scientists who studied human anatomy
    [R] : Susruta carried out plastic surgery of human nose and used leeches for preventing man nose and used leeches for preventing clotting of blood in post operative cases.

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  5. [A] : Control experiment is meant for confirming the validity of experiment .
    [R] : Control experiment has no relationship with the actual experiment .

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  6. [A] : Living organisms do not interact with each other.
    [R] : All living organisms have originated independently.

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  7. [A] : Living organisms are like a close system .
    [R] : Energy in the organisms neither can be lost nor gained from the another environment .

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  8. [A] : Energy can be transformed from one form to another by living organisms.
    [R] : All organisms can not manufacture energy but they transform it

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  9. [A] : Study of internal structure is called Anatomy.
    [R] : It is useful for phylogenetic study.

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  10. [A] : Saline drop contains sodium chloride.
    [R] : Sodium chloride cause plasmolysis of all germ cells .

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  11. Assertion. Lysosomes help in the process of photorespiration.
    Reason. Lysosomes contain basic enzymes.

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  12. [A] : The plasmalemmas of animals cells typically have the oligosaccharide chains of their glycolipids and exposed freely on their surfaces .
    [R] : These play important roles in immunological responses , in cell-cell adhesion and identification of cell surface changes.

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  13. [A] : Mitochondria are called power houses of the cell.
    [R] : Mitochondria produces ATP by the break-down of carbohydrates into carbon dioxide (of carbohydrates) and water .

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  14. [A] : Lysosomes are also known as Suicidal bags of the cells .
    [R] : Lysosomes digest food contents of the phagosomes .

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  15. [A] : Chloroplasts contain circular DNA , rRNA , mRNA and are also able to conduct protein synthesis .
    [R] : Origin of chloroplasts is from the proplastids.

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  16. [A] : Mitochondria synthesize energy rich compounds called ATP .
    [R] : Mitochondria perform important functions such as oxidation , dehydrogenation and oxidative phosophorylation .

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  17. [A] : Chloroplasts have 75% chlorophyll a and 25% chlorophyll b
    [R] : Chloroplasts have 50% chlorophyll a and 50% chlorophyll b .

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  18. [A] : Peroxisomes occur , both in plants and animals .
    [R] : Peroxisome is a microbody .

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  19. [A] : Glyoxysome are present only in plant cells .
    [R] : They are found in yeast , Neurospora and oil rich seeds .

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  20. Assertion. The nuclear envelope acts as an interface between the genetic component of the cell and the cytoplasm.
    Reason. It thus protects DNA against the mutagenic effect of cytoplasmic enzyme

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  21. [A] : One or many nucleoli are present in a nucleus .
    [R] :The nuclei of polyploids have more nucleoli than those of diploids .

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  22. [A] : Nucleus controls metabolic as well as hereditary activities of the cell.
    [R] : Size of nucleus is related to the size of the chromosomes .

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  23. [A] : Homeostasis is the maintenance of a stable internal environment .
    [R] : Homeostasis involves the coordination of cells , tissues and organ systems .

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  24. [A] : Usually the cells of animals and plants have controlled growth .
    [R] : In certain special circumstances the cells begin to grow and multiply continuously , forming tumors.

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  25. [A] : Behavioural activities that are correlated with a one week cycle under fairly constant conditions are called circadian rhythms .
    [R] : Experiments have proved that biological clock is entirely internal.

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  26. [A] : Prokaryotic cell shows no cyclosis.
    [R] : Eukaryotic cell shows the absence of cytoplasmic streaming .

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  27. [A] : No energy can be released in the cell in the absence of mitochondria.
    [R] : Because all the enzymes of the cell respiration are present in it.

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  28. [A] : The lymphocytes have well developed lysosomes .
    [R] : Because they defend the body during bacterial infection.

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  29. [A] : Prokaryotes lack Mitochondria.
    [R] : Their plasma membrane bears respiratory enzymes .

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  30. [A] : Nuclear membrane of karyotheca forms an envelope-like structure called nuclear envelope around the nuclear contents .
    [R] : Each membrane is about 75-90 Å thick and lipoproteinous in nature .

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  31. [A] : The space between nuclear envelope and nucleolus is filled by karyoplasm .
    [R] : The nuclear components such as chromatin , threads , nucleoprotein granules , nucleolus , etc . Remain suspended in nucleoplasm.

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  32. [A] : Leucocytes can digest any thing harmful they eat .
    [R] : Leucocytes contain large number of lysosomes .

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  33. [A] : The nuclear membrane forms envelope like structure called nuclear envelope around nuclear contents .
    [R] : The nuclear envelopes separate the nuceloplasm from protoplasm .

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  34. [A] : The nuclear envelope is the derivative of membrane of mitochondria .
    [R] : Nuclear membrane does not allow free exhange of ions between the nucleus and the cytoplasm .

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  35. [A] : Rods and cones of retina are modified cilia .
    [R] : Cilia are contractile structure in which metachronic and isochronic rhythms produce wave of contractions .

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  36. [A] : Golgi bodies and dictyosomes are synonymous .
    [R] : In plants the name of Golgi bodies is dictyosomes .

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  37. [A] : Mitochondria have evolved from bacteria .
    [R] : Mitochondria and Bacteria both have circular DNA .

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  38. [A] : Calcium carbonate crystals are called cystoliths .
    [R] : The main body of a cystolith is a cellulose extension of cell wall in which calcium carbonate is deposited .

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  39. [A] : `F_(0) - F_(1) - ATP`ase complex is embedded in inner membrane of mitochondrion.
    [R] : It has five polypeptides in `F_(1) ` and four in `F_(0)` . Protons enter the mitochondrion through `F_(0)` . ATP synthesis is catalysed by ATPase present in `F_(1)` .

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  40. [A] : Centromere is concerned with splitting of chromosomes .
    [R] : Oxysome is present in centromere to split it .

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  41. [A] : Peroxisomes and basal bodies are called microbodies .
    [R] : Microbodies use free molecular oxygen like mitochondria.

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  42. [A] : A microtubule structure that brings about chromosomal movement during cell division .
    [R] : A carbohydrates that cycles in quantity as the cell cycle progresses , combines with and activities kinases to promote the events of cell cycle .

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  43. [A] : Active transport results in solute movement against a concentration gradient .
    [R] : Acitve transport of `Na^(+) , K^(+)` is energized by ATP .

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  44. [A] : Plasma membrane is thin and not visible as a separate layer .
    [R] : It apears merely as a surface layer of cytoplasm .

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  45. [A] : Pectins are abundant in middle lamella in plant cells .
    [R] : Some cells in woody plants have a secondary wall that is found inside the primary wall .

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  46. Assertion : Mitochondria and chloroplasts are semiautonomous organelles.
    Reason : They are formed by division of pre-existing organelles as well as contain DNA but lack protein synthesizing machinery

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  47. Assertion: Among the primates, chimpanzee is is the closest relative of the present day humans.
    Reason : The banding pattern in the autosome numbers 3 and 6 of man and chimpanzee is remarkably similar.

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ASSERTION AND REASON questions and complete solutions for chapter Living World of TRUEMAN'S BIOLOGY (ENGLISH) of Class 12

All Exercises from TRUEMAN BIOLOGY Class 12 BIOLOGY Living World