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Complete Solutions to MATHEMATICS of chapter AP EAMCET ( ONLINE QUESTION PAPER 2018 SOLVED) of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
Number Of Questions80
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If f (x) is a polynomial function satisfying `f(x).f((1)/(x))=f(x)+f((1)/(x))` and f(4) =257 then f(3) =

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  2. The set of all real values of x for which the real valued function f(x)= `(1+(1)/(x))^(x)` is defined is

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  3. Let `S_(n)=sum_(k=1)^(n)(-1)^(k-1).K^(2)` for `n gt=1.` Given that `S_(2n)=-n(2n+1)` For n=1,2,3,`cdots`then `S_(n)=`

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  4. `|{:(5,-3,0),(-3,5,0),(0,0,2):}|`=

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  5. Let A = `[{:(5,-3,0),(-3,5,0),(0,0,2):}]` X be a non zero matrix of order `3xx1` and c be a real number . If `A^(2)X =cAx` then number of distinct values of c is

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  6. The system of equations `(sin 3 theta) x - y+z=0,(cos 2 theta)x+4y+3z=0, 2x+7y+7z=0` has non trivial solutions if

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  7. The maximum value of the modulus of `e^(z)` on the set `{ z in C //0 lt="Re" (z) lt= 1,0 lt=Im (z) lt=1}` is

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  8. IF Z `ne +-1` is a complex number and Arg `((Z-1)/(Z+1))= (pi)/(4)` then the locus of Z in the Arg and plane is

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  9. If `C_(r)= ""^(n)C_(r)`, then `C_(0)+C_(4)+C_(8)+C_(12)+cdots= `

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  10. One of the complex roots of the equation `x^(11)-x^(6)-x^(5)+1` =0 is

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  11. If the quadratic equation `4^("sec"^(2)alpha).X^(2)+2x+(beta^(2)-beta+(1)/(2))=0` has real roots , then the value of `cos^(2)alpha + cos^(-1)beta` is

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  12. The sum of the non real root of `(P^(2)+P-3)(P^(3)+P-2)-12=0 `is

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  13. The solution set of the inequation `sqrt(x^(2)+6x+5)gt (8-x)` is

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  14. The difference of the irrational roots of the equation `x^5 -5x^4 + 9x ^3 -9x^2+5x -1=0` is

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  15. Let m be a natural number such that 2000`lt m lt 60000` and let k be the sum of all the digits in m. Then the number of numbers m for which k is even is

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  16. There are three sections in a question paper each containing 4 questions. If a candidate has to answer only 5 questions from this paper without leaving any sections then number of ways the candidate can make the choice of questions is

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  17. The coefficient of `x^(4)` in the expansion of `(1+x-x^(2)-x^(3))^(11)` is

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  18. If |x| is so small that `x^(2)` and higher powers of x may be neglected then the approximate value of `(sqrt(4+x)+root(3)(8-x))/((1-(2x)/(3))^(3/2))` when x = `(6)/(25)` is

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  19. The coefficient of `x^(4)` in the power series expansion of `(x^(2)-1)/((x^(2)+1)(x^(2)+2))` is

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  20. The smallest positive root of the equation tan x-x =0 lies in the interval

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  21. `(1+cos""(pi)/(8))(1+cos""(2pi)/(8))(1+cos""(3pi)/(8))(1+cos""(4pi)/(8))(1+cos""(5pi)/(8))(1+cos""(6pi)/(8))(1+cos""(7pi)/(8))=`

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  22. If A is in the third quadrant and tan A = `(sqrt(7))/(3)` then 18 - 16 `sin^(2)^(A)/(2)-32 sin""(A)/(2)sin""(5A)/(2)` =

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  23. Let P`(alpha,beta)` and `Q(gamma,delta)` be two points that lie on the curve `tan^(2)(x+y)+cos^(2)(x+y)+y^(2)+2y=0` in the XY - plane . If the distance between P and Q is d then cos d=

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  24. `"tan"^(-1)2 + cot^(-1)(-3)+cot^(-1)""(1)/(3) + tan^(-1)(-(1)/(2))` =

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  25. If `x=-(1)/(2) "sin h"^(-1)x +"cos ech"^(-1)x` =

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  26. In `DeltaABC` if `(s-a)/(11)=(s-b)/(12)=(s-c)/(13)` then `tan^(3)((A)/(3))+tan^(2)((C )/(2))=`

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  27. In `DeltaABC` ,
    `(a-b)^(2)sin^(2)((A+B)/(2))+(a+b)^(2)sin^(2)((C )/(2))` =

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  28. In a triangle if the ex-radii `r_(1),r_(2),r_(3)` are in the ration `1: 2: 3` , then its sides are in the ratio

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  29. In `DeltaABC` if D and E are the mid-points of the sides BC and CA respectively then 2(AD+EB)=

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  30. If n = `2hati-3hati+4hatk,m=hati-hatj,I=2hati-hatj+hatk`, then the Cartesian equation of the plane passing through the line of intersection of two planes r.n = 1 and r.m =-4 and perpendicular to the plane r.1= -8 is

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  31. If a,b,c are vectors of equal magnitude such that (a,b)= `alpha`, (b,c)= `beta`, (c,a)= `gamma,` then the minimum value of cos `alpha +cos beta +cos gamma` is

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  32. In `DeltaABC` if A`(alpha), B (beta) "and" C (gamma)` are the position vectors of the vertices then the length of the perpendicular from A to BC is

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  33. If a,b,c are three non-coplanar vectors then match the items of List -I with those of List -II.

    The correct answer is

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  34. a,b and c are three unit vectors such that no two of them are collinear. If b=2 `{axx(bxxc)}` and `alpha` is the angle between a,c and `beta` is the angle between a,c and `beta` is the angle between a,b then cos `(alpha+beta)` =

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  35. If the variance of 4,7,8,9,10,11 is `sigma^(2)` then the variance of 12 14, 16,18,20,22 is

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  36. Consider the frequency distribution

    If the variance of this distribution is 60000, then the coefficient of variation of the distribution is

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  37. If two numbers a and b are chosen from the set of integers 1 to 39 then the prodability that those numbers satisfy the equation 7a-9b=0 is

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  38. Two balls are drawn from an urn containing 7 white 6 red and 8 black balls one after the other without replacement . Then the probability that atleast one of them is white is

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  39. In a manufacturing company three machines A, B and C respectively produce 20%, 30% and 50% of the total product . The defictive products from A ,B and C are respectively 5% 3% and 2%. If an article produced by the company is selected at random and is found to be defective then the probability that it is produced by machine B is

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  40. The variance of the random variable X having the following distribution

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  41. Given that the probability of a man hitting a target with a gun is `(1)/(3)`. If he fires 8 times then the probability of his hitting the target atleast twice is

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  42. A variable line 'L' Passing through the origin cuts two parallel lines x-y+10=0 and x-y+20=0 at two points A and B respectively . If P is a point on line 'L' such that OA , OP, OB are in harmonic progression then the locus of P is

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  43. When the axes are rotated through an angle `45^@`, the transformed equation of a curve is `17x^2-16xy+17y^2=225`. Find the original equation of the curve.

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  44. The vertex A of a triangle lies on the lines x+y=1 and 2x+3y=6 . If the orthocentre of the triangle is O `((3)/(7),(22)/(7))` then the equation of OA in the normal form is

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  45. The equation of the line passing through the point of intersection of the lines 2x+3y+6=0, 3x-y-13 =0 and parallel to the line 3x-4y+5=0 is

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  46. If O,G , are respectively the orthocentre centroid and circumcentre of a orthocentre whose vertices are A(2,3) , B (2,4), then `AO^(2)+9BG^(2)+4CS^(2)`

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  47. IF two sides of a triangle are given by `3x^(2)-5xy+2y^(2)` =0 and its orthocentre (2,1), then the equation of the third side of the triangle is

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  48. The equation of the pair of lines joining the origin to the points of intersection of two circles `x^(2)+y^(2)-4x+8y+5=0` and `x^(2)+y^(2)+2x+4y-3=0` is

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  49. If circle `x^(2)+y^(2)+2gx+2fy+c=0(c gt 0)` touches both the coordinate axes and lies in the third quadrant then the length of the chord intercepted by the circle on the line x+y+`sqrt (c )=0` is

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  50. If the shortest distance from (2,-14) to the circle `x^(2)+y^(2)-6x-4y-12=0` is d and the length of the tangent drawn from the same point to the circle is `l` then `sqrt(d+l)` =

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  51. The number of common tangents to the circles `x^(2)+y^(2)-4x-2y+k` =0 and `x^(2)+y^(2)-6x-4y+l`=0 having radii 2 and 3 respectively is

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  52. The centre of the circle which intersects the circle `x^(2)+y^(2)-2x-2y-2=0` orthogonally and passes through the point (2,0) and touches the X -axis is

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  53. From any point on the circle `x^(2)+y^(2)+2gx+2fy+c=0` tangents are drawn to the circle `x^(2)+y^(2)+2gx+2fy+c sin^(2) alpha +(g^(2)+f) cos^(2) alpha=0`. The angle between the tangents is

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  54. If the double ordinate of the parabola `y^(2)=8x` is of length 16 then the angle subtended by it at the vertex of the parabola is

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  55. If P and the origin are the points of intersection of the parabolas `y^(2)=32x` and `2x^(2)=27y` and if `theta` is the acute angle between these curves at P then `5sqrt(tan theta)` =

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  56. The latus rectum `LL^(')` subtends a right angle at the centre of the ellipse, then its eccentricity is

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  57. If the tangent at the point (1,2) on the ellipse `3x^(2)+4y^(2)=19` is also a tangent to the parabola `y^(2)-kx=0` then k =

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  58. The equation of one asymptote of the hyperbola `14x^(2)+38y+20y^(2)+x-7y-91=0" is "7x+5y-3=0`. Then the other asymptote is

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  59. If the mid-point of the sides AB,AC,CA of a triangle are (1,5,-1) , (0,4,-2), (2,3,4) respectively then the length of the median drawn from C to AB is

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  60. If a line makes angles `(pi)/(4)` and `(pi)/(3)` with Y-axis and Z-axis respectively then the obtuse angle made by that line with X -axis is

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  61. The equation of the plane bisecting the line segment joining the points (2,0,6) and (-6,2,4) and perpendicular to it is

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  62. `lim_(xto0)(sqrt(1+xsinx)-sqrt(cosx))/(tan^(2)2x)`=

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  63. If the function f defined by
    where `alpha` and `beta` real constants is continuous on R then `alpha^(2)+beta^(2)=`

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  64. If `f: [0,3] to [0,3]` is defined by:
    `f(x) = {{:(1+x,0 le x le 2),(3-x, 2 lt x le 3):}` , then show that `f[0,3] sube [0,3]` and find fof.

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  65. If f:R `to` R is a differentible function such that f(x+y) = f (x). F(y) for all x,y `in` R and if f'(4) =24 and f'(0) = 3 then f(4) =

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  66. `(d)/(dx)[x^(sinx)+(sinx)^(x)]=`

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  67. If x =a (t+sint) and y=a (1-cost) then `(d^(2)y)/(dx^(2))`

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  68. Find the angle between the curves xy=2 and `x^(2)+4y=0`

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  69. If the function f(x) = `x^(3)+2px^(2)+27x+16 ` is stricly increasing for all x `in` R then the range of p is

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  70. If f(x) = `sqrt(x)` and g(x)`=(1)/(sqrt(x))` for x`in` [3,12] then the value of c `in` (3,12) for which `(f'(c))/(g'(c))=(f(12)-f(3))/(g(12)-g(3))`hold is

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  71. If the distance s described in time t by a particle moving on a straight line is given by s ` =t^(5)-40t^(3)+30t^(2)+80t-250` then its minimum acceleration is

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  72. If `f((t+1)/(2t+1))=t+1,` then `int f (x)dx=`

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  73. `int(x^(8)-9x^(2)+18)/(x^(4)-3x^(2)+3)dx=`

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  74. If `int (x^(4) + 1)/(x^(6) + 1) dx = A tan^(-1) x + B tan^(-1) x^(3) + c`, then (A,B) =

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  75. `int("log"x)^(3) x^(5)dx`=

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  76. Evaluate the limit .
    `underset(n to 00)("lim") [(1+(1)/(n^(2)))(1+(2^(2))/(n^(2)))………(1+(n^(2))/(n^(2)))]^(1/n)`

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  77. `int_(0)^((pi)/(2))(cosxdx)/(sqrt(1+cosxsinx))`=

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  78. The area ( in square units ) bounded by the curves y= `2x^(2)` and y = max {x-[x],x+|x|} in between the lines x =0 and x =2 is

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  79. If a and b are arbitrary constants then the differential equation having `(x^(2))/(a^(2))+(y^(2))/(b^(2))` =1 as its gengeral solution is

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  80. The general solution of the differential equation `(dx)/(dy)+(x)/(y)=x^(2)` is

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MATHEMATICS questions and complete solutions for chapter AP EAMCET ( ONLINE QUESTION PAPER 2018 SOLVED) of TS EAMCET PREVIOUS YEAR PAPERS of Class 12