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Complete Solutions to MATHEMATICS of chapter ONLINE QUESTION PAPER 2018 of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The set of all values of x and the set of all values of a for which the real valued funtion
    `f(x)=sqrt(log_(a)(x-[x]))` is defined are respectively

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  2. A funtion f , `R-{0} rarr` R is defined as
    If f (x) is an odd funtion, then `h(x)=`

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  3. `x^(n)+ y^(n)` is divisible by

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  4. Consider the set A of all determinants of order 3 with entries 0 or 1 only . Let B be the subset of A containing of all determinants with value 1. Let C be the subset of the set of all determinants with value - 1. Then

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  5. `{:abs((1,bc+ad,b^(2)c^(2)+a^(2)d^(2)),(1,ca+bd,c^(2)a^(2)+b^(2)d^(2)),(1,ab+cd,a^(2)b^(2)+c^(2)d^(2))):}`=

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  6. Let `lambda` and `alpha` be real. The set of all values of ╬╗ for which the system of linear equations
    `lambda x+(sin alpha)y+(cos alpha)z=0`
    `x+(cos alpha)y+(sin alpha)z=0`
    `-x +(sin alpha)y-(cos alpha)z=0` has a non trivial solution is

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  7. If `(1-10icos theta)/(1-10sqrt(3)isintheta)` is purely real, then one of the valus of `theta` is

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  8. If z and w are complex numbers such that
    `bar(z)-bar(iw)=0 and Arg (zw) = (3pi)/(4), "then Arg "z=`

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  9. Find all the roots of the equation
    ` x^(11) - x^(7) + x^(4) - 1 = 0`

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  10. If `alpha` is a root of `z^(2) - z +1 = 0,` then
    `(alpha^(2014)+ (1)/(alpha^(2014)))+ (alpha^(2015+(1)/(alpha^(2015))))^(2)`
    `+(alpha^(2016)+(1)/(alpha^2016))^(3)+ (alpha^(2017)+ (1)/(alpha^(2017)))^(4)+`

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  11. Let `E_(1)equiv a x^(2)+ bx + c,E_(2)equiv bx^(2) + cx + a,` `E_(3) equiv cx^(2) + bx + a and (a^(2))/(bc)+ (b^(2))/(ca)+(c^(2))/(ab)=3`. If these quadratic expressions have a common zero, then the quadratic expression having zeros that are common to `E_(3)`and different from the zeros of `E_(1)` is

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  12. If for any real `x,(11x^(2)+12x+6)/(x^(2)+4x+2)=` y is such that `ylt a or y ge` b, then a, b are

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  13. Given that the roots of `x^(3) + 3px^(2)+3qx+r=0` are in harmonic progression Then,

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  14. If `alpha,beta,gamma` are the roots of `x^(3)+ px^(2)+qx + r=0,` then `alpha^(3) + beta^(3) + gamma^(3)=`

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  15. The number of proper divisors of the number obtained by dividing 13! With 100 is

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  16. In an admission test,there are 15 multiple choice questions. Each question is followed by 4 alternatives to choose. Out of these there may be one or more than one correct answers. If a student attempts all the 15 question and marks the answers randomly the question paper is

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  17. The absolute value of the numerically greatest term in the expansion of `(2x -3y)^(12)` when `x=3,y=2` is

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  18. The sum to infinite terms of the series
    `(3)/(10)+(3.7)/(10.15)+(3.7.9)/(10.15.20)+..." to " oo` is

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  19. `if (3x+2)/((x+1)(2x^(2)+3))=(A)/(x+1)+(Bx+C)/(2x^(2)+3') " then " A- B + C=`

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  20. `sin 10^(@) sin50^(@)sin 60^(@) sin 70^(@)=m " and tan "20^(@) tan 40^(@) tan60^(@) tan80^(@)= n,` then `(n)/(m)=`

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  21. Assertion (A) If `alpha =12 ^(@),beta = 15^(@),gamma = 18^(@)`, then `tan 2 alpha tan 2beta + tan 2betatan 2gamma+tan2gamma tan 2alpha=1` Reason ( R ) In `DeltaABC, " tan "(A)/(2) " tan " (B)/(2)+ " tan " (B)/(2) " tan " (C)/(2) + " tan "(C)/(2) " tan "(A)/(2)=1`
    Which of the following is true?

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  22. `cot theta - tan theta - 2 tan 2theta- 4 tan 4theta=`

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  23. If the general solution of
    `sin x + 3 sin 3x + sin 5 x = 0 " is " x = y` then the set of all values of cos y is

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  24. If `cos^(-1)2x+cos ^(-1)3x=(pi)/(3), " then "x=`

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  25. If `cosh beta= secalphacos theta,sin h beta = " cosec "alphasin theta," then "sinh^(2)beta=`

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  26. If sin A , sin B are roots of ` c^(2) x^(2) - c ( a+b) x + ab = 0 , ` then the `Delta ` le is

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  27. Let ABC be an isosceles triangle with BC as its base. Then, `rr_(1)=`

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  28. In a `Delta ABC, a ^(4)+b^(4) + c^(4) = 2b^(2)c^(2)+2a^(2)b^(2), " then B"=`

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  29. If `a = 2hat(i) + 3hat(j) +hat(k),b = hat(i)- 3 hat(j)- 5hat(k)` and `c=3hat(i)-4hat(k)`, then match the items of List - I with those of List - II.

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  30. If `2hat(i) - hat(j) + 3 hat(k),-12hat(i)-hat(j)- 3hat(k),-hat(i)+2hat(j)-4hat(k)and lambdahat(i)+2hat(j)-hat(k) ` are the position vectors of four coplanar points,then `lambda=`

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  31. A point lying on the plane that passes through the point `hat(i)-hat(j)+hat(k),hat(i)- 2hat(j)+3 hat(k)and hat(i) + 2hat(j)-3hat(k)` is

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  32. A non-zero vector a is parallel to the line of intersection of the plane determined by the vectors `hat(i),hat(i)+hat(j)` and the plane determined by vectors `hat(i)-hat(j),hat(j)+hat(k).` The angle between a and
    `(hat(i)-2hat(j)+2hat(k))` is

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  33. The equation of the plane passing through the point with position vectors `A (2hat(i)+ 6hat(j)-6hat(k))_(')`
    `B(-3 hat(i)+ 10 hat(j)-9hat(k)) and C(-5hat(i)-6hat(k))` is

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  34. If a, b and c are three vectors qith magnitudes 1, 1 and 2 respectively and `axx(axxc)+b=0_(')` then the angle between a and c is

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  35. The coefficient of variation of the first n natural numbers is

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  36. Two distributions A and B have the same mean. If their coefficients of variation are 6 and 2 respectively and `sigma _(A),sigma_(B)` are their standard deviations,then

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  37. From a certain population, the probability of chosing a colour blind man is `(1)/(20)` and that of a colour blind woman is `(1)/(10).` If a randomly chosen person is found to be colour blind, then the probability that the person is a man is

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  38. From a lot containing n good and m bad articles, if 2 articles are picked are picked at random in succession without replacment,then the probability that the second article picked is bad is

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  39. In a classroom 5% of the boys and 2% of the girls taller than 1.6 m. The class consists of 60% girl student. The probability that a randomly selected student is taken than 1.6 m is

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  40. The distribution of a random variable X is given below

    Then, the standard deviation of X is

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  41. The probability of securing a succes in an trial is three times that of a failure. The probability of getting atleast 4 successes in 5 trial is

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  42. If the line jjoining the point `A (b cos alpha,b sin alpha)` and `B (a cosbeta,asin beta)` is extended to the point `N(x,y)` such that AN : NB `=b: a,`then

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  43. A straight line `x-2y-4=0` is shifted parallel to it by 3 units away from the origin and then rotated by an angle of `30^(@)` in the anti-clockwise direction.If the slope of the new line formed is m, then the integral part of 'm' is

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  44. A straight line `x-2y-4=0` is shifted parallel to it by 3 units away from the origin and then rotated by an angle of `30^(@)` in the anti-clockwise direction.If the slope of the new line formed is m, then the integral part of 'm' is

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  45. The straight lines `x+ 3y -4=0,x+y-4=0` and `3x+y - 4 = 0`

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  46. The combined eqyation of the straight lines passing through (1, 1) and making an angle of `45^(@)` with the straight line `x+y-1=0` is

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  47. The centroid of the triangle formed by the pair of straight lines `12x^(2)-20 xy + 7y^(2) = 0` and the
    line `2x-3y+4=0 " is"(alpha,beta).` Then, `alpha + 2 beta =`

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  48. The equation of the bisectors of the angles between the lines joining the origin to the points of intersection of the curve
    `x^(2) + xy + y^(2) + x + 3y + 1 = 0` and the line
    x + y + 2 = 0 is

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  49. Consider the following statementas.
    I. The intercept made by the circle
    `x^(2)+y^(2)-2x-4y+1=0` on Y- axis is `2sqrt(3)`
    II. The intercept made by the circle
    `x^(2)+y^(2)-4x-2y+6=0` on X-axis is `2sqrt(2)`
    III. The straight line `y=2x+1` cuts the circle br `x^(2)+y^(2) = 9` at two distinct points
    Then which one of the following option is correct?

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  50. If the circle `x^(2) + y^(2) + 2kx - 4y+1=0 and x^(2)+y(2)-8x-12 y + 43 = 0 " touch each other theb k ="`

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  51. For all real values of k, the point which lies on the polar of `(k,k+1)` with respect to the circle
    `x^(2)+y^(2)+4x-8y-5=0 " is "`

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  52. The number of common tangents to the circles
    `x^(2)+y^(2)+4x=0 and x^(2) +y^(2)-2x=0` is

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  53. If `(2)/(sqrt(5))` is the length of the common chord of the circles `x^(2)+y^(2)+2x+2y+1=0` and `x^(2)+y^(2)+alphax+3y +2 = 0,alpha ne 0," then "alpha=`

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  54. Match the item of list-I with those of List-II

    Then, which of the following is correct ?

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  55. An equilateral is inscribed in the parabola `y^(2)=8x` with one of its vertices is the vertex of the parabola. Then the length of the side of that triangle is

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  56. If the straight line `8x+3sqrt(2)y=` 36 touches the
    ellipse `(x^(2))/(9)+(y^(2))/(4)= 2 " at (a, b),then " a+ sqrt(2b)=`

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  57. The eccentricity of an ellipse, with its centre at the origin, is 1/2. If one of the directrices is x = 4, then the equation of the ellipse is

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  58. If the product of the slopes of the tangents drawn from an external point P to the hyperbola`(x^(2))/(a^(2))-(y^(2))/(b^(2))=1` is a constant `k^(2)`, then the locus of P is

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  59. Let A, B, C be three points on `bar(OX),bar(OY),bar(OZ)` respectively at the distances 3, 6, 9 from origin.
    Let Q be the point (2, 5, 8) and P be the point equidistant from O,A,B,C.Them,the coordinates of the point R which divides PQ in the ratio : 2 is

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  60. If the direction cosines of two lines are such
    that `l+m+n=0,l^(2)+m^(2)-n^(2)=0`, then the angle between them is

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  61. If the line joining the points A (1, 0, 0) and B(0, 0, 1) is a normal to the plane `(pi)`which passes through the point A, them the angle between
    the planes `(pi)` and `x+y+z=6` is

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  62. The number of points at which the funtion `f(x)=(sqrt(11+abs(x)-6sqrt(2+abs (x))))/(6-2sqrt(2+abs(x)))`is discontinuous in
    `(-oo,oo)` is

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  63. If `f(x)={{:((sqrt(1+px)-sqrt(1-px))/(x)",",-1lexlt0),((2x+1)/(x-2)",",0lexle1):}`
    continauous on [ -1,1], then p =

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  64. If `y =tan^(-1)(sinsqrt(x))+ "cosec"^(-1)(e^(2x+1)), " then " (dy)/(dx)=`

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  65. If f : `RrarrR` is such that `f(3)=16,f'(3)=4,` then `underset(x rarr 3) lim(xf(3)-3f(x))/(x-3)=`

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  66. If `y=e^(x)(log x), " then " xy_(2)+(x-1)y=`

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  67. Let `f(x)=e^(x)cos x + 1.` Which of the following statements is always true?

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  68. The radius of a circular plate is increasing at the rate of 0.01 cm/sec when the radius is 12 cm. Then the rate at which the area increases is

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  69. Let `f(x)=x^(2)e^(-2x),x gt 0.` The maximum value of f(x) is

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  70. Let f(x) be differentible on [1, 6] and `f(1)=-2.`
    If f(x)has only one root in (1, 6) then there exists c `in (1,6)` such that

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  71. If`intphi(x)dx=Psi(x)," then "int(phi_(@)h)(x)h(x)h'(x)dx=`

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  72. If `f((t+1)/(2t+1))=t+1,` then `int f (x)dx=`

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  73. `int(x^(8)-9x^(2)+18)/(x^(4)-3x^(2)+ 13)dx=`

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  74. `int(cotx cot(x + alpha) +1)dx=`

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  75. If `underset (nrarroo)" lim " underset(r=1) overset(n) (sum) (4r^(3))/(r^(4+n^(4)))=` p, then `e^(4)=`

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  76. `int_(0)^(pi//4)[sqrt([1-sin2x)/(1+sin2x)]dx=`

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  77. The area bounded by the curve
    `y=x^(3)-3x^(2)+2x ` and the X-axis is (in square units)

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  78. The general solution of the differential equation `cos (x+y) dy=dx` is

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  79. The general solution of the differential equation `(x^(3)-3xy^(2))dx = (y^(3)-3x^(2)y)dy` is where c is an arbitrary constant

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  80. The differential equation corresponding to all the circle lting in the first quadrant and touching the coordinate axes is

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  81. If `f:R rarr R` is defined by f(x)=[2x]-2[x] for `x in R`, then the range of f is (Here [x] denotes the greatest integer not exceding x)

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  82. Given that a,b and c are real numbers such that `b^(2) =4ac and a gt 0`. The maximal possible set `D sub R` on which the function `f: D rarr R` given by
    `f(x) =log (ax^(3)+ (a+b)x^(2)+(b+c)x+c)` is defined, is

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  83. For any natural number `n, (15xx5^(2n))+(2xx2^(3n))` is divisible by

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  84. For the matrix `A={:[(3,-3,4),(2,-3,4),(0,-1,1)]:}A^(-1)=`

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  85. `A={:[(k//2,0,0),(0,l//3,0),(0,0,m//4)]:}and A^(-1)={:[(1//2,0,0),(0,1//3,0),(0,0,1//4)]:}`, then k+l+m=

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  86. If A and B are the two real values of k for which the system of equations `x+2y+z=1, x+3y+4z=k, x+5y+10z=k^(2)` is consistent, then A+B =

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  87. Let z=x+iy and a point P represent z in the Argand plane. If the real part of `(z-1)/(z+i)` is 1, then a point that lies on the locus of P is

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  88. If `13e^(i tan^(-1""(5)/(12)))=a+ib`, then the ordered pair (a,b) =

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  89. If `z_(1)=1-2i, z_(2)=1+i and z_(3) =3+4i," then "((1)/(z_(1))+(3)/(z_(2)))(z_(3))/(z_(2))=`

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  90. If ` 1, omega , omega^(2)` are the cube roots of unity, then prove that `1/(2 + omega) - 1/(1 + 2 omega) = 1/( 1 + omega)` .

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  91. The number of integral vaules of x satisfying `5x-1 lt (x+1)^(2) lt 7x-3` is

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  92. For real number x, if the minimum value of `f(x) =x^(2) +2bx +2c^(2)` is greater than the maximum value of `g(x) =-x^(2)-2cx+b^(2)`, then

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  93. If a,b and c are the roots of `x^(3) +qx+r=0`, then `(a-b)^(2) +(b-c)^(2) +(c-a)^(2)`=

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  94. If the sum of two roots of the equation `x^(3) -2px^(2)+3qx -4r=0` is zero, then the value of r is

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  95. The sum of the four digit even numbers that can be formed with the digits 0,3,5,4 with out repetition is

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  96. If x is the number of ways in which six women and six men can be arranged to sit in a row such that no two women are together and if y is the number of ways they are seated around a table in the same manner, then x:y=

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  97. The number of 5-letter words that can be formed by using the letters of the word SARANAM is

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  98. The number of rational terms in the binomial expansion of `(root(4)5+root(5)4)^(100)` is

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  99. The numerically greatest term in the binomial expansion of `(2a-3b)^(19)` when `a=(1)/(4) and b=(2)/(3)` is

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  100. If `(x^(2)+5x+7)/((x-3)^(3))=(A)/((x-3))+(B)/((x-3)^(2))+(C)/((x-3)^(3)),` then the equation of the line having slope A and passing through the point (B,C) is

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MATHEMATICS questions and complete solutions for chapter ONLINE QUESTION PAPER 2018 of TS EAMCET PREVIOUS YEAR PAPERS of Class 12

All Exercises from TS EAMCET Class 12 MATHS ONLINE QUESTION PAPER 2018