Complete Solutions to Illustration of chapter ACCOUNTING FOR PARTNERSHIP FIRMS-FUNDAMENTALS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

TS GREWALIllustration
Number Of Questions61
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Ambrish , lalit and charu are partners in a firm , they do not have a partnership Deed .
    (I) Ambrish who has contributed more capital than other parthners demands interest on capital at 10% p.a But Lalit and Charu do not agree with him .
    (ii) Lalit has devoted his full time in the business and demands a salary of Rs 5.000 p.m but ambirsh and charu do not agree with him . ,
    (iii) charu demands interest on the loan of Rs . 50.000 advanced by her at the market rate interest i.e., @ 12 % P.a
    (iv) Ambrish has drawn Rs. 10.000 from the firm firm for personal use Lalid and charu demand that interest should be charged ! 10% per annum .
    (v) profit before taking into account any of the above claims amounted to Rs. 50.000 at the end of the first year of the business Ambrish demands share of profit in the capital tario .
    How will the disputes be settled?

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  2. Atal and lal are partners in a firm , they do not have partnership Deed ,what shall be the position in the following cases ?
    (i) atal devotes more time than Lal in the business Atal demands a salary of Rs. 6,000 per month for it
    (ii) Lal has invested capital of Rs.50.000 whereas atal has invested Rs. 5.000 as capital Atal however has advanacaed Rs. 10.000 as loan to the ,what interest to his if any will be allowed to Atal and Lal?
    (iii ) Atal wants to introduce his son inder as partner .Lal objects to his proposal .
    (iv) Lal Wants that profit should be distributed in the ratio of their capitals but Atal wants that it should be distributed equally .

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  3. Harry and Garry are parthers in a firm , they have not entered into partnership Deed but had agreed on following :
    (i) salary will be paid top Harry @ Rs. 10.000 per month.
    (ii) Garry will get commission @ 10% of Net profit .
    (iii) interest will be charged on capitals @ 10% p.a .
    (iv) Interest will be charged on drawing @ 10% p.a
    (v) partner cannot be admitted without the consent of both the partners .
    how will be the following disputes resolved ?
    1. Garry demands to be paid salary as Harry is being paid because his commison in lower .
    2. Harry demands that his son sherry be admitted as patner for 25 % share to be given out of his hare of profits to which Garry disgrees.

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  4. Amit , bimal and chaman are partners sharing profits and losses equally Amit and chaman have given loan to the firm on 1st October , 2018 of Rs. 1.00.000 and Rs, 1.50.000 respectively . It is agreed that interest @ 9 % p.a will be paid on loan Books of account of the firm are clossed on 31 st March every year .
    Interest on loan is yet be paid as on 31 st March , 2019 pass Journal entries in the books of account of the firm and prepare ladger accounts of thwo two partners.

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  5. Akhil and bharat are partners sharing profits and losses in ratio 2:3 with capitals of Rs. 2.00.000 and Rs, 1.00.000 respectively .On 1st October , 2018 Akhil and bharat gave loans of Rs,4.00.000 and Rs, 2.00.000 respectively to the firm . the parthership Deed is silent on payment of interest on partner's loan Dtermine the amount of Profit or loss for year ended 31st March ,2019 in each of the following cases to be distributed among pertners :
    case 1. if the profit before interest for the year amounted to Rs. 25.000 ltbegt case if the profit before interest for the year amounted to Rs. 15.000 .
    case 3. if the Loss before interest for the year amounted to Rs. 25.000.

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  6. Ayub and amit pattners in M/s amrit papers sharing profits and losses equally . Following trial balance is prepared from the books of account as at 31st March , 2019,

    Prepare trading Account profit and loss and profit and losss Approprition Account for the year ended 31 st March , 2019 and Balance sheet as at that date after accounting the following adjustments :
    (i ) stock as at 31 st March , 2019 was Rs. 50.000,
    (ii) Rent is Rs. 10.000 per month ,
    (iii) Depreciate Furniture and fixtures and Computers @ 20 % p.a ,Machinery @ 10% p.a and
    (iv) interest on capitals is allowed @ 6% p.a .

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  7. A and B Entered into partnership on 1st april , 2018 without any Partnership Deed . They introduced capitals of Rs. 5.00.000 and Rs, 3.00.000 respectively ,ON 31st October , 2018 ,A advanced Rs. 2.00.000 as loan to the firm without any agreement as to interest .
    Profit and loss acoount for the year 31 st MArch 2019 showed a profit of Rs. 4.30.000 but the partners could not agree upon the amount of interest o loan to be charged and the basis fo divsion of profits.
    pass a journal entry for distribution of the profit between the partners and prepare capital accounts of both the parthners an loss account Of A :

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  8. Arman and Boman are partners sharing profits equally Business is being carried from the property owned by Aman on a Yearly rent fo Rs. 24,000 Aman is to salary of Rs. 1,20,000 p.a and Bomon is to get commission @ 5% of net sales , which during the year was Rs. 30.00.000 profit for the year ended 31 st march 2019 before providing for rent was Rs. 5,00,000 .
    Prepare profit and Loss Appropriation Account for the year ended 31 st March , 2019

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  9. Aseem and Nihar Started a Business on 1st april 2018 with capitals of 3.00.000 and Rs. 2.00.000 respectively ,According to the partnership Deed ,Nihar is to get salary fo Rs. 5.000 per month Aseem is to Get 10% commission on Profit after allowing salary to nihar and interest is to be allowed on capitals @ 6% p.a profit - sharing ratio between the two partners is 3:2 During the year , the firm earned net profit of Rs. 2.50.000
    Pass journal entries for division of profits and prepane profit and loss appropriation account .
    The firm l closes its accounts on 31 st March every year .

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  10. X and Y started business on 1st April , 2018 with capitals of Rs. 5.00.000 each as per the partnership Deed bth X and y are to get Monthly salary of Rs. 10.00.000 , interest in capitals @ 10% p.a Drawing s during the year were X- Rs. 60.000 and Y- Rs. 1.00.000 , interest on srawing being charged @ 10 % p.a
    During the frim incurred a loss of Rs. 2.00.000.
    pass journal enteris for the above and prepare profit and loss appropritaion Account , the firm loses its Accoutns on 31 st March . every Year.

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  11. Arun and Arora were partners in a firm sharing profits in the ratio of 5: 3 their fixed capitals on 1st april 2010 were : Arun Rs. 60.000 and Arora Rs. 80.000 they agreed to allow interest on capital @ 12% p. a and to charge on drawings @ 15 % p.a Profit of the firm for the the year ended 31st MArch , 2011 before all above adjustments was Rs. 12.600 Drawings made by Arun were Rs. 2.000 And by Arora Rs. 4000 During the year prepare profit and loss appropriation acoount of Arun and Arora Your Calculations clearly ,the interest in capital will be alllowed even if the firm incrcurrs A loss.

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  12. Ajay and vijay are partners sharing profits in the ratio in the of 3:2 ajay is non - Working partner and contributes Rs. 20.00.000 as his capital Vijay is a working partner of firm , the partnership Deed provides for interest on capital @ 8% and salary to every working partner @ 8.000 per months profit before providing for interest on capital and partners 's salary for the they year ended 31st March 2019 Was Rs. 80.000 show the distribution of profit.

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  13. A and B are partners with capitals of Rs. 60.000 and Rs. 20.000 respectively on 1st april , 2018 Net profit (before taking into - acoount the provisions of the Deed for the year ended 31 st March 2019 was Rs. 24.000 the partnershp Deed provides for the following :
    (a) B is entitled to a salary of Rs. 6.00 P.a
    (b) interest on captials is to be allowed @ 6% p.a
    (c ) interest on drawing is to be charges @ 5% p.a
    the drawing fo the partners A and B were Rs. 6.000 and Rs. 4.000 respectively and interest on drawing for a being Rs. 200 and for B Rs. 100.
    Pass the journal enteris for the and show how profit will be divided between A and B and also show the capital accounts of the partners along with their Drawing ,Accounts of the partness along with their Drawing accounts :
    (i) if they fixed ,and (ii) if they are fluctuating .

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  14. X and Y are partnesrs in a firm X is to get commission of 10 % of net profit before charging any commission Y is to get a com mission of 10% on net profit agter cahrging all commissions .Net profit for the year ended 31st March ,2019 was Rs. 55.000
    Find the commission of X and Y Also show the distribution of profit .

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  15. A.Band C are partners in a firm ,Accrding to the partnership Deed the parhters are entitled to draw up to Rs. 7.000 per month .On the 1st day of evry month A .AB and C Drew Rs. 7.000,Rs. 6.000 and and RS. 5000 respectively interest on capitals and interest on drawing are fixed @ 8 % and 10 % respectively profit for the year ended 31 st March 2019 was Rs. 7.55.000 out of which and Rs. 2.00.000 are to be respectively and A is to Gereral Reserve B and C are to get salary of Rs. 30.000 and 45.000 p.a respectively and A is to receive commission @10% on disbuttable profits after charging such commission On 1st april 2018v balances of their capital accounts were
    Rs. 5.00.000 ,Rs. 4.00.000 and 3.50.000 respectively .
    Prepare profit and loss appropriation account for th year ended 31 st March , 2019 ad capital accounts of partners in the books of the firm .

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  16. in a partnership ,parners are charged interest on drawing @ 15% p.a During the year ended 31 st March 2019 a partne drew as follows :

    what is the interest chargeable from the parther ?

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  17. A partner draws Rs. 10.000 per month under the pernership Deed interest on drwings is to be charged @ 15 % p.a Calculate interest if the if the drwawing are made regulary :
    (I) in the beginning of the month ,
    (ii) in the middle of the month , or
    (iii) at the end fothe month.

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  18. A.B and C are partners Sharing profits equally .A drew regularly Rs. 6.000 in the being of every month for the six month for the six months eneded 30 th September , 2018 B drew Regularly RS. 6,000 in the middle of every month for the six moths of the six months ended 30 saptember 2018 XC drew regularly Rs. 6000 in the middle of every month for the six months ended 30 th september . 2018 Calculatwe interest i drawings @ 5% p.a when tha books are closed on 31 st March every year .

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  19. Calculate interest on drawings Of Mr. siddhant @ 10% p.a for the year ended 31 st March , 2019 in each of the following alternative cases :
    Case1. if he withdrew Rs. 60,000 in the beginning fo each quarter .
    case 2. if the withdrew Rs. 60,000 at the end of each quarter .
    Case 3. if he withdrew RS. 90,000 in the middle of each quarter .

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  20. A, B and C started a firam on 1st October , 2018 sharng profits equally .A drew regularly Rs. 4,000 in the beginning of every month of the six months ended 31 st March ,019 B drew regularly Rs. 4,000 at the end of every month for the six months ended 31 st March 2019 C drew regularly Rs. 4,000 in the middle of every months for the six months ended 31st March ,2019
    Calculate interest in drawing @5% p.a for the period ended 31st MArch , 2019.

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  21. Calculate interest on drawings of Rakesh @ 10% p.a for the year ended 31 st march ,2019 in each of the following alternative cases :
    case 1. if his drewings durings the year were Rs. 30,000
    case 2. if the withdraws Rs. 2,500 per months during the year.

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  22. Calculate interest on a's drawings @ 10% if he withdrew Rs. 2,50,000 during the year .

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  23. X and Y are partners sharing profit and losses in the ratio of 2: 3 with capitals of Rs. 2,00,000 and Rs. 1,00,000 respectively pass the necessary Journal entery or enteries for the distributaion of profits / loss for the year for the year 31st March , 2019 in each of the of the alternative cases :
    case If PArtnership Deed is silent as to the interest on capital and the profit for the year is Rs. 20,000.
    Case 2. if partnership Deed provides for interest on capital @ 6% p.a and loss for the year is Rs. 15,000.
    Case 3. if partnership Deed provides for interest for interest on capital @ 6% p.a and the profit for the the year is Rs. 21,000 .
    Case 4. if partnership Deed provides for interest for interest on capital @ 6% p.a as a charge on on profit and the profit for the year is Rs. 20,000.
    Case 5. if partnership Deed provides for interest on capital @ 6% p.a as a charge on profit and th profit for the year is Rs. 2,000
    Case 6. if partners Deed provides for interest o capital @ 6% p.a as a charge on profit and th profit for the year is Rs. 18.000.

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  24. A and B have capitals of Rs. 4,00,000 and Rs. 2,00,000 respectivley and interest on capital is to be allowed @ 6% p.a their profit - sharing ratio is 2:3 and net pfofit , i.e., profit (before interest ) for the year is Rs. 30,000 show the relevant account to allocate interest on capials
    (i) if the partnership Deed provides for interest on capital ,and (ii) if the partnership Deed provoides for interest as a charge .

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  25. A and B are partners in the a busines and their capitals at the end of the year were Rs, 7,00.000 and Rs. 6,00,000 respectively Calculate their openin capitals considering the following information :
    (a) Drawings of A and B for the year were Rs. 75,000 and Rs. 50,000 respectively
    (b) B introduced capital of Rs. 1,00,00 during the year .
    ( c) interest on capital credited to the capial accounts of A and B were Rs. 15 ,000 and Rs. 10,000 respectively .
    (d) interest on drawig debited to the capital Accounts of A and B were Rs. 7,500 and Rs. 5,000 respectively .
    ( e) share of profit creadited to capital Accounts was Rs. 1,00,000 each .

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  26. A and B are partners in a busness and their capitals at the end of the year were Rs. 7,00,000 and Rs. 60,000 respectively .Calculate their opening capitals considering the following information :
    (a) Drawing of A and B for the year were Rs. 75,000 and Rs. 50,000 respectively .
    (b) B introduced capital of Rs. 1,00,000 During the year .
    (c) interest on capitals to the capital accounts of a And B were Rs. 15,000 and 10,000 Respectively .
    (d) interest On drawings Debited to the capital Accounts Of A andB were aRs. 7,500 and Rs. 5,000 Respectively .
    (e) share of loss debited to capital Account of each partner was Rs. 20,000.

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  27. A and B started business on 1st april 2018 with capials Of Rs. 6,00,000 and Rs. 4,00,000 respectively During the year,A introduced Rs. 1,00,000 as addditional on 1st October ,2018 they withdrew Rs. 50,000 permonth against Profits interest On capital is to be allowed @ 10% Per Annum .
    Calculate interest payable to A and B For the year ended 31st March , 2019.

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  28. Ramesh and Naresh are parthners in a firm their capitals as n April 2018 Were Rs. 2,50,000 and Rs. 1,50,000 Repectively , they share profits equally O 1st july 2018 they decided that their capitals should be Rs. 2,00,000 each the necesary adhusment in the capitals were made that their capitals ahould be Rs. 2,00,000 each , the necessary adjustment in the capiitals were made by introducing or withdrawing capital interest n capitals is allowed @ 8% p.a cpmpute interest on capital for both the partners for the year ended 31st ended March 2019.

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  29. From the following Balance sheet of X and Y Calculate interest on capital @ 5% p.a for the year ended 31 st March 2019:

    During the year ended 31st March 2019 X. Drawings Were Rs. 10.000 Y' s Drawings were Rs. 30.000 profit for the year ended 31st March . 2019 was Rs. 60,000 the amount Of Resrve i.e., Rs. 40,000 is transferred from Currect Year 's Profit to strengthen the dinancial position of the firm

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  30. X and Y are partners sharing profits in the ratio of 3:2 On 31 st March .2019 after clossing the books of account their capitals are Rs, 10.00.000 and Rs. 12.50.000 respectively ,On 1st May 2018 X had introduced an additional capaital of rs. 12.50.000 Repectively On . 1st May 2018 X had introduced 2018 X had introduced an additional capital of Rs. 2,50,000 and Y withdrew RS. 1,25,000 form his cpital on 1st october , 2018 x, withdew Rs. 5,00,000 from his capital and Y introuced Rs, 6,25,000 After closing the accounts , it was noticed that interest on capital @6% p.a has been omitteed During the year ended 31st MArch ,2019 X's drawing and Y's drawigs were RS. 2,50,000 and Rs. 1,25,000 profits (before interest on capital ) during the year were Rs. 5,00,000 Calculate interest on capital if the capitals are (A) fixed and (b) Fluctuating

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  31. X and Y Are Partners sharing profits and losses in the of 7:3 their Capital Accounts as at 1st April , 2018 stood at X-Rs. 5.00.000 , Y - Rs. 4.00.000 partnres are allowed interest on capital @5% p.a Drawing of the partners during the yearended 31st MArch , 019 were rs. 72,000 ad Rs. 50,000 respectively prfot for the year before allowing interest on capital and salary to Y @ Rs. 5.000 per months was Rs. 8.00.000 10% of the ne profit is to be set aside as General Reserve.
    pass the journal enteris for appropricarionprepare profit and loss Approproation Account for the year ended 31st March , 2019 and capital and Current accounts of the partners .

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  32. X and Y are partners sharing profits and Losses in the ratio 7:3 their capital Accounts As at 1st April 2018 Stood AtX -Rs. 5.00.000 ,Y - Rs. 4,00,000 Pertners are allowed interest on capitals @5% p.a Drawing of X and Y During ended allowed 31 st March ,2019 were Rs. 72,000 and Rs, 50.000 Respectively .Profit for the year before allowing interest on capital and Salary to Y @ Rs. 5,000 Per month amounted To Rs. 8,00,000 . 10 % of the divisble profit is to be set aside as General Reserve .

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  33. Ram and mohan are partners in a firm. They admitted Rakhi as a partner without capital for 1/3 rd share in the profit of the firm she is blind by birth but having management qualities ,the new Parnership of the firm ,she is blind by both but having good management qualites . the new partnership agreement provides for the the following :
    (i ) 10% of the trading profit will be dnated to prime Minister 's Relierf Fund .
    (ii) 5% of the trading profit will be donated to the National Blind Relief fund.
    (iii) Products will be sold at a discount of 15% on maximum Retail price to the people living below poverty line .
    (iv) New Ratail shops will be opened in the Nexal Affected areas of the country .
    (v) New jobs of sales persons will be reserved for the girls belonging to scheduled Castes and scheduled Tribes .
    Trading Profit of the firm for the year ended 31st March ,2012 was Rs, 10,00,000,
    Prepare profit and Loss Appropriation Account of Ram ,mohan And Rakhi For the year ended 31 st MArch ,2012.

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  34. ON 1st April , 2018 precious ,Noble and Perfect entered into parnership with capirals of Rs. 60,000 Rs. 50,000 and Rs, 30,000 respectively
    Perfect advanced Rs. 10.000 as loan to the partnership on 1st october , 2018 ,the parnership Deed Ontained the following clauses :
    (i) Interest on capital @ 6% p.a .
    (ii) Interest on drawings @ 6% p.a Each Drew Rs. 4.000 at the end each quarter commencing from 31 th june , 2018
    (iii) Working partners precious and Noble to get salry of Rs. 200 and Rs.300 per month respectively ltbr. (iv) nterest on loan was given to perfect @ 6% p.a
    (v) Noble is to get rent of Rs. 2,000 per month for use of his bulliding by the firm it is paid him by cheque at the end of every month.
    (vi) Profits and losses are to be shared in the ratio of 4:2:1 up to Rs. 70,000 and above Rs. 70,000 equally .
    Profit of the firm for the year ended 31st March 2019 (before the above adjusment) was Rs. 1,35,000 Preparea profit and Loss appropriation account and capital Accounts Of PArtners if Capitals are fixed .

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  35. P and Q were Partners partners in a firm sharing Profits equally .Their fixed capitals were Rs. 1,00,000 and Rs. 50,000 Respectively .The partnership Deed provided for interest on Capital at the rate of 10% per annum . For the year ended 31st March ,2016 the profit of the firm were distributed with out providing interest on capital .
    pass necessary adjustment entry to rectify the erroe.

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  36. A and B are partners in a firm sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 3: 2 Following was the Balance sheet of the firm as at 31 st Marach , 2018:

    Profit Rs. 30,000 for the year ended 31st March ,2018 was divided between the PArtners without allowing interest on capitals @ 12% p.a and salary to A @ Rs. 1,000 per month ,During the year A withdrew Rs. 10,000 And B Rs. 20,000
    Pass necessary adjustment journal entry and show your working Clearly .

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  37. Mannu and Shrishi are partners in a firm sharing profits in the ratio of 3:2 Following is the Balance sheet of the firm as on 31 St March ,2019:

    Profit for the year ended 31st March , 2019 Was Rs. 5,000 which was divided in the agreed ratio ,but interest @5% p.a on capital and 6% p.a on drawings Was indvetently omitted interest on drwings on an average basis for 6 months Give the adjustement entry .

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  38. On 31st March , 2014 Balances in the capital Accounts Of Eleen Monu And Ahmad after making adjustments for profits and drawings were Rs. 1,60,000 Rs. 1,20,000 and Rs, 80,000 respectively . Subsequently ,it was Discovered that the interest on capital and drawings had been omitted .
    (i) Profit for the year ended 31st March ,2014 was Rs. 40,000.
    (ii) During the year Eleen Monu And Monu Each withdrew a total sum Of Rs . 24,000 in equal instalments in the begining of each month and ahmad withdrew a total sum of Rs. 48,000 in equal instalments at the end months .
    (iii) the interest on drawings was to be chaged @ 5% p.a and interest on capital was to be allowed @ 10% p.a
    (iv) THe profit- sharing ratio among the partners was 2:1:1.
    Showinng your working notes clearly , pass the necessary rectifying entry .

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  39. X ,Y and Z are partners they have omitted interest interest on capital @ 10% p.a for three years ended 31 st March ,2019 their fixed capitals on which interest was to be be calculated throughout were :X-Rs. 10,000 Y- Rs. 8,000 and Z -Rs. 7,000 their profits - sharing ratios were : 2017 -1:2:2, 2018 -5:3:3,2019 -4:5:1 the firm earned profit of Rs. 2,500 IN each Year pass Necessary adjustment Journal entry.

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  40. On 31st March ,2019 Capital Accounts of E,M and A after making adjustments for profits drawings ,etc were as E- Rs. 8,00,000 ,M-Rs. 6,00,000, Subsequaently it was noticed that interest on capital and interest on drawingss had been omitted partners were entitled to interest in capital @ 5% p. a Drawings during the year were : : E-Rs. 2,00,00 ,M-Rs.1,50,000 and A- Rs. 90,000 itnerest on Drawings chargeable to the partners were E-Rs. 5,000 , M- Rs. 1,50,000 M-Rs. 3,600 And A -RS. 2,000 Net Profit during the year year was Rs. 12,00,000 Profit - sharing ratio of the parathers was 3:2:1
    pass necessary adjustment entry for rectifiy th above omission show your Workings .

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  41. X Y and Z are partners in a firm sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 5:3,2 their fixed capitals were Rs. 3,00,000 Rs. 2,00,000 and 1,00,000 respectively for the year ended 31st March 2019 interest on capital was credited to them @ 10% p.a instead of 8% p.a
    Showing your working notes clearly pass neecessary adjusment journal enttry .

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  42. A ,B and C are partners in firm sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 2:2:1 their capitals (fixed )are Rs. 1,00,000 ,Rs. 80,000 and Rs. 70,000 respectively for the year 2018 -19 interest on capital was credited to them @ 9% p.a instead of 12% GIve the Adjustment journal entry .

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  43. A B and C are partners in a firm partnership Deed does not provides for interest on capital , still it was caredited to partners 'capital Accounts @5% p.a for the two years ended 31st March 2018 and 31 st March , 2019 their fixed capitals on which interest was calculated throughout were:
    A- Rs. 50,000 ,B-Rs. Rs 40,000 and c- Rs. 30,000
    During the two years they shared profits as follows :
    you are required to pass an adjustment entry as at 1st April , 2019.

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  44. A,B,C and D are partners sharing sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 4:3:3:2 and their respective capitals on 31st March 2019 were Rs. 30,000 Rs, 45,000 Rs, 60.000 and Rs. 45,000 After clossing and finalisting the accounts , it was noticed that inertest on capital @6% p.a was not allowed insted of aftering the signed accouts it was decided to pass an adjusment entery on 1st April , 2019 Crediting or debiting the respective parthers's CApital?Current Accounts.

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  45. P,Q and R are partners in firm their capital Account stod at Rs. 30,000 ,15,000 and Rs. 15,000 respectiely on 1st April ,2018 .
    As per parnership deed :(i) R was to be allowed remuneratuion of Rs. 3,000 per annum ,(ii) interest @5% p.a was to be allowed oncaptal and (iii) Pfofits were to be distributed in the ratio of 2:2:1:1 ignoring th above terms net profit fo Rs. 18,000 for the ended 31s march 2019 was distributed among three partners equally .
    Pass an adjustment entry to Rectify the error . shw the Working clealy .

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  46. A B and C were patners their capitals were A -Rs. 30,000 , B-Rs,20,000 and - Rs. 10,000 resectively According to the partnership deed they were entitled to an interest on capital at 5% p.a in addition B was also entitled to draw a salary of Rs. 500 per month C was entitled to a commission of 5% on the profits after charging interest on capital but before charging salary payable to B .Net profit for the year was Rs. 30,000 distributed in the ratio of capitals without payable To Net profit for the year was Rs. 30,000 distributed in the ratio of captils witout providing for any of the above adjustments the entry showing the workings clearly .

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  47. the capitals of X,Y,and Z as on 31 st March ,2018 amounted top Rs. Rs. ,5,50,000 and Rs. 11,00,000 respectvley Profit Amounting to Rs. 3,00,000 for the year 2017-18 was distributed in the ratio of 4:1:1 after allowing interest on capital @!0% p.a During the year each partners withdrew Rs. 50,000 per month in the being of each month the partnership Deed was silent as to profit sharing ratio and intereast on drawings but provided for interest on capital @12 % op.a showing your WOrking clearly pass the necessary adjustment entry to rectify the necessary adjustment to rectify th above error.

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  48. P,Q and R are aprtners in a firm their capital Accounts stood at Rs. ,3,00,000, Rs. 1,50,000 and Rs. 1,50,000 respectively on 1st spril , 2018
    As per the provisions of the Deed ,(I) R was to be allowed a remuneration of Rs. 36,000 per annum (ii) inereset @ 5% p.a was to be provided on capital and (iii) profits were to be distributed in the ratio of 2:2:1:1 ignorring the above terms net profit of Rs. 1,80,000 for the year ended 31 st MArch ,2019 was distributed among the three partners equally .
    Pass the journal entries to rectify the above errors.

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  49. A and B are partners sharing profit and losses in the ratio of 3:2 At the end of the year i.e,., on 31 st Mach ,2018 (after division of the year 's profit ) they decided to a take C into parnership with effect from 1st April ,2015 As C was getting annual salary of Rs. 45,000 he had also advanced Rs, 3,00,000 to the firm 's april ,205 As C was getting a interest @10% p.a During the three finacilal years firm's profits after adjustment salary toC interest on loan and interest on th capital of the partners were:
    `{:("YearEnded",,),(31st "march 2016","profit ",Rs. 4.00.000),(31st"March".2017,"Loss",Rs. 2.00.000),(31st"March .2018","profit",Rs. 6.00.000):}`
    According to the new agrreement ,C is to be given annual salary of Rs. 35,000 and 1/5th share in the profits after adjusting salary to C interest on loan and interest on the capital will carry interest @6% p.a
    Record partners ,his capital to give effect to the above arrangement .

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  50. A,B and C are partners in a firm sharing profits in the ratio of 4:2:1 it is provided that C's share in profit would not be less than Rs. 37,50 profit and loss Appropriaton Account .

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  51. P and Q were partners in a firm sharing profits in the ratio 5:3 On 1st april 2014 they admitted R as a new partner for 1/8 share with a guuarnteed profit of Rs. 75,000 the new profit sharing ratio between P and Q will remain the same but they agreeed to bear any deficiency on account of guarantree to R in the ratio of the year ended profit and loss Appriation Account of P.Q and R for the year ended 31 st March 2015 was RS. 4,00,000
    prepane profit and Loss appropriation Account of P ,Q and R for the year ended 31st March 2015

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  52. moli bhola and raj were partners in firm sharing profits and losses in the ratio 3:3:4. their partnership Deed provided for the following :
    (i) Interest in capital @5% p.a
    (ii) interest on drawings @12@ p.a
    (iii) interest on partners 'loan @6% p.a
    (iv) Moli was allowed an annual salary of Rs. 4,000 , bhola was allowed a commission of 10% of net profit as shown by profit and loss Account and Raj was guaranted a profit as shown by profit and loss account and Raj Was guaranted a profit of Rs. 1,50,000 after making allthe adjustments as provided in the partnership agreement their fixed capitals were moli Rs. 5,00,000 Bhola Rs. 8,00,000 and raj : Rs, Rs, 4,00,000 On 1st april 2016 Bhola extended a loan of Rs. 1,00,000 to the firm the net profit of the firm for the year ended 31st March 2017 before interest on bhola 's loan was Rs. 3,06,000
    prepane profit and loss Appropriation Account of Moli Bhola and raj for the year ended 31st March 2017 and their Current accounts assuming that bhola withdrew Rs. 40.000 at the end half year.

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  53. P.Q and R are partners sharing profits in the ratio 5:4:1 respectvely R is guaranteed that his share of profit in any year will not be less than Rs. 50.000 the profits for the year ending 31st march ,2019 is Rs. 3.50.000 Amount of shortfall in the profits the profits of R will borne by P and Q in the fo 3:2 respectively pass neceassary journal entry regarding deficiency borne by P and Q.

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  54. X,Y and Z are partners in a firm ,Their profit - sharing ratio is 5:3:2.Z is guaranteed a minimum profit of Rs. 10,000 every year Any defifciency arising is to be met by Y the profits for the two year ended 31st March , 2018 and 2019 were Rs. 40,000 and 60,000 Respectively prepane profit and Loss Appropriation Account of the two years .

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  55. Answar, Biswas and Divya are partners in a firm . Their capital Accounts stood at Rs. 8,00,000 Rs. 6,00,000 and RS. 4,00,000 respectively on 1st April , 2013 they shared profits and Losses in the ratio of 3:2:1 respectively partners are entitled to interest on capital @ 6% per annum and salary to Biswas and Divya @Rs. 4,000 Per month and Rs, 6,000 per respectively as per the provisions of partnership Deed .
    Biswas 's share of profit including interest on capital but salary is guaranteed at a minimum of Rs. 82,000 P.a Any Deficiency arficiency arsing on that account shall be met by Divya profit For the year ended 31st March , 2014 Amounted to Rs. 3,12,000 Preopare profit and loss appropriation Account for the year ended 31st MArch 2014.

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  56. X,Y and Z entered into partnership in 1stjuly ,2018 to share profit and Losses in the ratio Of 3:2:1 X persnally into partership that Z's share of profit after charging interest on capital @6% per annum Would not be less than Rs. 36,000 p.a the capital contributed by X -Rs. 2,00,000 , T- Rs. 1,00,000 and Z-Rs1,00,000 profit fot the year ended on 31 st march , 2019 was RS. 1,38,000 prepare profit and Loss Appropriation Account .

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  57. A ,B and C are partnes having capitals of Rs. 10,00,000 ,Rs, 8,00,000 Rs. And 6,00,000 in a firm and sharing profit and losses equally ,C guaanteed aminimum profit of Rs. 1,00,000 as share of profit every year . The firm incurred a loss of Rs. 3,00,000 for the year ended 31 st March 2019 you are required to show the necessary acoounts for division for division of loss and giving effect t minimum guranteed profit to C.

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  58. A,B and C are partners in a firm sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 12: 8:5 partner C Is Guaranteed a minimum profit of Rs, 50,000 p.a by the firm , the profit and Losses of the years ended 31st March were : 2016 ,:- Profit Rs. 2,00,000 , 2017 -profit RS. 3,00,000 and 2018 -Loss Rs. 2,00,000 Pass necessary journal enteries in the books of the firm .

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  59. three chartered Accountants X. Y And Z form a partnershp , sharing profit and losses in the ratio of 3:2:1 subject to the followed conditions :
    (i) Z's share of profit is guranteed to be not less than Rs. 30,000 p.a
    (ii) Y gives a guarantee to the effect that the grosss fee earned by him of the firm shall not be less than the average gross fee earned by him during the preceding five years when he was carrying on the profession alone (the average of which workship out at ARs. 50,000 ) .
    profit for the first year (year ended 31 st March , 2019 ) of the partnership is 1,50,000 , the gross fee earned by Y for the firm Rs.. 32,000.
    ( Prepane profit and Loss Appropriation Account After giving effect to the above .

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  60. Suresh ,sahil and sumit are partners sharing profits in the ratio of 5:3:2 .During the year ended 31st March , 2019 the firm earned profit os Rs. 3,50,000 prepare profit and Loss Appropriation Account giving effect to the following :
    (i) Each of the partner is to get remuneration of Rs. 60,000 p.a
    (ii) interest on capital is to be allowed @10% p.a Capitals of suresh ,shail and sumit as on 1st April 2018 were -Rs, 5,00,000 Rs. 5,00 ,000 and Rs. 7,50,000 respectively .
    (iii) interest on Drawing charged charged was : suresh -Rs, 10,000 ,Sahil Rs. 20,000 ,and sumit -Rs, 25.000
    (iv) sumit is guaranteed minimum profit of Rs. 1,50,000 after above appropriations .

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  61. X andY are partner in a firm sharing profit in the ratio of 4:1 they decide to admit Z, their magger as a partner with effect from 2at april , 2018 for 1/8 th share in profit ,Z as a manager , was getting salary fo Rs. 8,000 per month and commission of 5% of the net profits after charging such salary and commission .
    As per the terms of the partnership Deed any excess amount which Z shall be entitled to receive as a partner over the amount which have been due to him as a manager , would be borne by X out of his share of profit .
    profit for the year ended 31 st march , 2019 Amounted to Rs. 13.56.000 before salary and commission prepare the profit and loss approperiation Account for the peiod ending 31 st March , 2019

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Illustration questions and complete solutions for chapter ACCOUNTING FOR PARTNERSHIP FIRMS-FUNDAMENTALS of SULTAN CHAND & SONS ACCOUNTS (HINGLISH) of Class 12