Complete Solutions to Objective Type Questions of chapter MCQ of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

TS GREWALObjective Type Questions
Number Of Questions30
Academic Year2023-24
  1. (i) Receipts and Payments Account shows the receipts and payments of revenue nature only.
    (ii) Receipt from the sale of an old asset is an income.
    (iii) Receipts and payments Account in a summary of cash transactions.
    (iv) Surplus of Non -Trading Organisation distributed among the member .
    (v) Income and Expenditure Account is equivalent to the profit and loss Account of a business enterprise.
    (vi) Proceeds from the sale of old newspapers are taken as income.
    (vii) Receipts and Paymants Account shows total income and expenditure.
    (viii) Only revenue nature items are shown in the income and Expenditure Account.
    (ix) Scholarships granted to students provided by government is debited to Income and Expenditure Account.
    (x) Payment of honorarium is a revenue expenditure.
    (xi) Any expenditure relating to special fund is deducted from that special fund.
    (xii) Loss on sale of fixed assert is debited to Income and Expenditure Account . Whereas gain (profit) on sale of fixed assert is credited to Income and Expenditure Account.

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  2. (i) Receipts and payments Account is _________ of the year 's _________.
    (ii) In the Receipts and Payment Account, receipts are shown on the _________ side.
    (iii) Credit balance in the income and Expenditure Account means excess of __________over _____________.
    (iv) Income and Expenditure Account shown all ________ receipts and _________ payments for an acccounting year.
    (v) Subscriptions received in advance by a club are shown on the ____________ side of the Balance Sheet.
    (vi) Life Membership Fess received by a club is shown in the _________.
    (vii) Excess of expenditure over income is ___________ Capital Fund in the Balance Sheet.
    (viii) Income and Expenditure Account is prepared by _________ concerns.
    (ix) Match Fund of Rs. 1,000 appears in the books . Match expenses for a year amount to Rs. 1,200. ______________ will be debited to the Income and Expenditure Account.
    (x) If expenditure is Rs. 16,000 and surplus credited to Capital Fund Rs. 4,500, income , is _____________.

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  3. (i)Current Accounts arer maintained in case of fluctuatig capital system.
    (ii) Partners are entitled to get interest @6% p.a. on the loan given to the firm , if Partnership Deed is silent on the issue.
    (iii) At least two persons are necessary to form a partnership.
    (iv) In the absence of a agreement , profits and losses are distributed among the partners equally.
    (v) a partner who devotes more time to a business than others is entitled to get a salary .
    (vi) A partner who has invested more capital in the firm is entitled to get interest on the difference in capital amount.
    (vii) When a partner draws a fixed sum at the end month for 12 months, interest on total drawings will be equal to interest of `5^(1//2)` months at an agreed rete per annum.
    (viii) When a partner draws a fixed sum in the middle of each month for 12 months , interest on total drawings will be equal to intersts of 6 month at an agreed rate per annum.
    (ix) If the Partnership Deed is silent , interest @6% would be charged on the drawings made by the partner .
    (x) Interest on partner 's loan is to be given @10% p.a. if silent about the rate
    (xi) Valid partnership can formulated even without a written agreement between the partner.
    (xii) Partners are mutual agents of each other so far as the business of firm is concerned.

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  4. Current Accounts of the Partners should be opened when the capitals are _____________.
    (ii) in the absence of an agreement, interest on partner 's loan shall be paid `@` __________.
    (iii) In the absence of an agreement , partners shall _________ salaries.
    (iv) When there is no agreement among the partners, the profit or loss of the firm will be shared ___________ by the partners.
    (v) __________ is an extension of Profit and Loss Account .
    (vi) Minimum number of persons required to start partnership business is__________
    (vii) Number of partners which should not exceed for partnership business is ____________.
    (viii) Salary or Commission to a partner is an ______________ out of profit.

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  5. (i) Efficiency of management does not affect the goodwill of business.
    (ii) Purchased goodwill may arise on acquisition of an existing business .
    (iii) Goodwill can be defined as the present value of anticipated profits.
    (iv) Self - Generated Goodwill is recorded in the books of account as some consideration is paid for it.
    (v) Under capitalisation of Super profit Method, goodwill is ascertained capitalising the Super profit on the basis of Normal Rate of Return.

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  6. (i) Goodwill is an __________ asset , but not a ____________ asset.
    (ii) Goodwill is a capitalised value of ____________.
    (iii) Under Average Profit Method , goodwill is calculated by multiplying the _____________by a certain number of year's purchase as agreed by the partners.
    (iv) ______________ is the excess of actual profit over the normal profit.
    (v) When the business is taken over by another business, the excess of purchase consideration over its net asset value is referred to as ___________.
    (vi) The value of goodwill is based on _________ judment of the value.
    (vii) Under __________ method goodwill is the excess of Capitalised value of business over Net Assets.
    (viii) Average Profit= ___________.
    (ix) Any firm that earns only normal profits or is curring loss, normally does not have__________.

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  7. (i) Change in profit- sharing ratio of the existing partners result in the reconsitution of the partnership firm.
    (ii) Change in profit -sharing ratio does not change the relationship among the existing partners.
    (iii) The parners whose shares have decreased as a result of change in profit -sharing ratio are know as sacrificing partners.
    (iv) The partners whose shares have increased as result of change in profit -sharing ratio are know as gaining partners.
    (v) Reserve, Accumulated profit/Loss should always be distributed at the time of reconstitution of partnership even if the question is silent.
    (vi) There is no difference between 'furniture rebuced by `20%` and furniture reduce to `20%`.
    (vii) After revaluation , assets and liabilities may or may not be shown in the Balance Sheet at the revised values.

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  8. (i) If the partners of a firm decide to change their profit - sharing ratio , the gaining partner compensates the sacrificing partner by paying the proportionate amount of _________.
    (ii) Change in relationship among the partners is __________ of the partnership firm.
    (iii) Revaluation of assets on the reconstitution of partnership is necessary because their present value may be different from their ________ .
    (iv) A change in profit- sharing ration among the existing partners result in _________ of the partnership firm .
    (v) Revaluation Account is a ________ Account.
    (vi) Workmen Compensation Reserve is a reserve created out of profit to meet the_____________.
    (vii) The ration in which all the parners share future profits and losses is known as__________.

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  9. (i) Assets are revalued and liabilities are reassessed at the time of admission of a partner.
    (ii) Accumulated profits and losses are transferred to Revaluation Account at the time of admission of a partner.
    (iii) Contingent liability becoming a certain liability is debited to Revaluation Account at the time of admission of a partner.
    (iv) The purpose of Revaluation Account is to ascertain the gain /loss arising on account of Revaluation of Assets and Reassessment of Liabilits.
    (v) A new partner is liable for the past losses of the firm.
    (vi) On revaluation of assets and liabilities , Capital Accounts of old Partners do not change.
    (vii) Old Partner are no allowed to withdraw the amount of the goodwill brought in by the new partner .
    (viii) Unless agreed otherwise , the new profit- sharing ratio of old partners will be the same as their old profit - sharing ratio.
    (ix) It is necessary that partner should have captials in their profit - sharing ratio.
    (x) A new partner bring goodwill into the firm to acquire right to share the future profit of the firm.

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  10. (i) A, B and C share profits and losses in the ratio of `1//2,1//3and 1//6` respectively . D ,a new partner , is given `1//8th` share . Then new profit - sharing ratio will be __________.
    (ii)The ratio in which the old partners are surrendering their share of profit in favour of the new partner is called ____________.
    (iii) Calculation of sacrificing ratio is necessary when the new partner will bring ________ in cash.
    (iv) The capital balance of A and B are Rs.25,000 and Rs. 20,000 respectively after making all the adjustments . If C, the incoming partner , is to bring `1//3rd` of the total capital of the firm , then his share of capital will be _________.
    (v) For any decrease in the value of liability , the Revaluation Account is _________.
    (vi) C, the incoming partner , is to bring Rs. 6,000 as goodwill for `1//5th` share in the firm's profit . Total goodwill of the firm will be _________.
    (vii) investment Fluctuation Reserve is a reserve set aside out of profit to adjust the difference between _________and __________ of investments.
    (viii) In case of admission of a new partner , the Accumulated Profits Reserve Losses and Fictition Assets should be transferred to ______________ Partner's Capital / Current Accounts in their __________ Profits- sharing ratio.
    (ix) If goodwill is appearing in the Balance Sheet at the time of admission of a new partner , the existing goodwill is written - off among _____________ partner in ___________ratio.

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  11. (i) A Partner can retire from the firm with the consent of all other partner only.
    (ii) In the event of death , the combined share of profit of the continuing partners will decrease .
    (iii) A family member of the retiring partner will automatically become the new partner in a reconstituted firm.
    (iv) Gain or loss on revaluation of assets at the time of retirement of a partner is a capital profit.
    (v) In the event of death , profit or loss on Revaluation Account is transferred to the continuing partners in the old profit-sharing ratio.
    (vi) The amount due retiring partner , if not paid in cash , is transferred to his Loan Account.
    (vii) At the time of retirement/ death , undistributed profits / losses and reserves are distributed among all the partners in their old profit- sharing ratio.
    (viii) The amount due to the retiring partner is always settled in cash.
    (ix) The firm is under obilgation to pay an agree rate of interest for the unpaid balance to the retiring partner.
    (x) Gaining Ratio is calculated at the time of retirement or death of a partner and chage in Profit -sharing ratio.

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  12. (i) The profit or loss shown by the Revaluation Account at the time of retirement of a partner is transferred to the Capital Accounts of the partners in the ___________ratio.
    (ii) At the time of retirement / death , the undistributed profit - losses and reserves are distributed_________among all the partners in their ______________ Profit - sharing ratio.
    (iii) Unless agreed otherwise , it is presumed the continuing partners gain in their ____________ and hence their __________ is Same as their old profit - sharing ratio.
    (iv) _______________ is the ratio in which the remaining partners acquire the share of retiring or deceased partner .
    (v) At time of retirement or death of a partners in their _____________ ratio.
    (vi) When firm pays an amount in excess of total amount due to the retiring partner , then excess amount is treated as ___________.

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  13. (i) Realisation Account is a Real Account.
    (ii) On dissolution of a firm is closed , wherese on dissolution of the partnership , the share of the outgoing partner is determlned and the firm is not closed .
    (iii) Any amount realised from the unrecorded asset is credited to Realisation Account.
    (iv) Goodwill at the time of dissolution is treated like any other asset and is closed by transferring it to Realisation Account .
    (v) Assts , when realised , are credited to Realisation Account.
    (vi) In dissolution , closing balance of Cash Account will be nil at the end.
    (vii) All assets inclusive of cash are transferred to the Realisation Account.
    (viii) Dissolution of the firm means the dissolution of the partnership.

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  14. (i) When the firm is dissolved , Reserve is transferred to ________ in the profit- sharing ratio.
    (ii) Unrecorded liability paid at the time of dissolution of the firm is to be debited to_________ Account.
    (iii) When an unrecorded asset is realised at the time of dissolution of the firm, __________ Account is debited and ___________ Account is credited.
    (iv) Goodwill Account appearing in the books on the dissolution date is closed by transferring it to _____________ side of the __________ Account.
    (v) Entry for the asset taken over by a creditor is ___________ but entry for the net payment to the creditor is made.
    (vi) Debit balance of profit and loss Account is transferred to __________ Accounts at the time of dissolution of the firm.
    (vii) Expenses of realisation are ___________ to Realisation Account.
    (viii) Unrecorded asset taken by a partner is ____________ to Partner's Capital Account.
    (ix) Balance of Realisation Account is transferred to ____________.

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  15. (i) Authorised Capital is shown in the note to Accounts on share capital.
    (ii) Authorised capital for equity share capital and preference share capital is not shown separately in the note to Accouns on share capital
    (iii) Issued Share Capital is that part of Authorised share capital that for subscription whether subscrided or not.
    (iv) Issued Share Capital can be more than the Authorised Share Capital.
    (v) Subscribed capital is that part of issued capital that is subscribed.
    (vi) Subscribed capital need not be shown separately for Equity share capital and perference share capital.
    (vii) Share on which the company has received the entire nominal (face) value, whether called or not, are shown as subscribed and fully paid - up.
    (viii) Share on which the company has not received the call made are shown as Subscribed but not Fully - up.
    (ix) A company , at its discretion may or may not prepare note to Account on line item of the Balance Sheet.
    (x) Authorised capital cannot be more than share capital.
    (xi) Subscribed share capital can be less than or equil to issued share capital but cannot be more .
    (xii) A part of share capital that will be called - up at the time of winding up of the company is reserve capital.
    (xiii) Share can issued to public at a discount.
    (xiv) Share can issued to employees at a discount.
    (xv) Share are always issued at par.
    (xvi) Securities premium received on issue of shares is credited is credited to securities premium reserve Account.
    (xvii) Securities premium reserve can be used for used for issuing partly paid bonus share.
    (xix) Securities premium reserve can be used for writing off preliminary expences.
    (xx) Pro rata allotment is made in the event shares are undersubscribed.
    (xxi) Share cannot be issued unless minimum subscription is received by the company.
    (xxii) If a company does not receive the amount called by it on share , it can forfeit the shares.
    (xxiii) Forfeited share can be reissued by the comapny on the terms as decided by it.
    (xxiv) Profit on reissue of forfeited shares is transferred to capital redemption reserve.
    (xxv) Application Money receives over and above the alloment money is always transferred to called in advance Account.
    (xxvi) In the case of undersubscription , allotment money and calls amount is demanded on the basis of share applied and shares issued.
    (xxvii) Preference shares do not have preferential right as to dividend and repayment of share capital at the time of company's winding up.
    (xxviii) Preference shares cannot be issued at premium.
    (xxix) Equity share cannot be issued at discount whereas preference share can be issued at discount.
    (xxx) Cumulative preference shares mean that arrears of dividend is payable before dividend is paid on preference shares.
    (xxxi) Preference share capital is not is not shown as shareholders' Funds but is shown as long - term Borrowings.

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  16. A company issued 50,000 shares of Rs. 10 each for subscription . It received applications for 60,000 shares . It is a case of ___________.
    (ii) A company issued 50,000 Shares of Rs. 10 each for subscription . It receives applications for 45,000 share, it is a case of ___________. (iii) A company issued 50,000 Shares of Rs. 10 each for subscription . it receives applications for 40,000 sahres, it is a case of where____________ is not receives.
    (iv) A company issued 50,000 Shares of Rs. 10 each for subscription . it receives applications for 40,000 shares , it cannot issue shares as it has not received __________.
    (v) Shares of Rs. 10 each on which Rs. 8 have been called and received will be shown as ___________.
    (vi) Shares of Rs. 10 each on which the company decides to call Rs.2 at the time of its winding up will be shown as __________.
    (vii) Shares are allotted on pro rata basis in the case of _______.
    (viii) Shares are allotted to all the applicants in the case of ________.
    (ix) A company may receive calls in advance if its______________ so authorises.
    (x) Shares are _____________ by a company , if it does not receive the called amount.
    (xi) Gain (profit) on reissue of forfeited shares is transferred to ____________.
    (xii) _____________ on reissue of forfeited shares cannot be more than the amount forfeited.
    (xiii) Shares cannot be issued at a discount except to employees as ___________.
    (xiv) A company may issue shares for ____________ for purchase of assets.
    (xv) Shares issued to promoters in lieu of their services are categorised as shares issued for ________.
    (xvi) Preference shares can be issued for ____________ to promoters or for purchase of business or assets.
    (xvii) Preference shareholders have the preferential right to receive__________ before it is paid on Equity Shares.
    (xix) Unlike __________ Preference shares , ____________ Preference shares are those shares on which dividend , if not paid in one paid in later years.
    (xx) In a Balance Sheet , ___________ for __________ Share Capital and __________share Capital is shown separately.

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  17. (i) Debenture is an evidence of company's borrowig.
    (ii) Share are not borrowing of a company whereas Debentures are borrowings of the companu.
    (iii) Unlike shares, debentures can be issued at a discount.
    (iv) ABC Ltd . Issued 10,000, `8%` Debentures of Rs. 100 each at Rs. 98 . it is a case of issue of debentures at premium.
    (v) Debentures may or may not secured by a charge on the assets of the company.
    (vi) Debenture are relatively riskier than shares.
    (vii) Debentures are repaid after repayment of share capital.
    (viii) Debentures are normally shown as Long - term Borrowings under Non - current Liabilities.
    (ix) Debentures , out of Long - term Borrowings , that are due for redemption within 12 Months from the date of Balance Sheet are shown as Short - term Borrowings.
    (x) Debentures are always issued payable in lumpsum.
    (xi) Premium received on Debentures is Credited to Securities Premium Reserce.
    (xii) A company has issued 5,000, `10%` Debentures of Rs.1,000 each as security for a loan of Rs. 75,00,000. It may or may not pass an entry for the issue of such debentures.
    (xiii) Purchase consideration can be paid partly by cheque . an acceptance and balance by issue of debentures at par or discount or premium.
    (xiv) Loss on issue of Debentures is written off in the year the debentures are issued from Statement of profit and loss alone.
    (xv) Loss on Issue of Debentures is written off in the year the debentures are issued from Securities Premium Reserve , if it exists and then from Statement of Profit and Loss.
    (xvi) Debentures Account is credited with the amount received for the debentures.

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  18. (i) Debentures are________ of the company.
    (ii) Debenture - holders are ___________ of the company.
    (iii) Debentues Account is always credited with the__________ value of the debentures.
    (iv) Interest on debentures is paid whether the company _________ or _____________.
    (v) An entry may or amy not be passed in the Books of Account for Debentures issued as ___________.
    (vi) ________ is not paid on Debentures issued as collateral security.
    (vii) __________ is written off in the year when debentures are issued
    (viii) Discount or Loss on Issue of Debentures is written off in the year when debentures are issued first from __________ .
    (ix) A company has loss on Issue of Debentures of Rs.50,000 . It has a balance in Securities Premium Reserve of Rs. 25,000. It Will debit_______ by Rs.25,000 and __________ by Rs.22,000 in the year of issue.
    (x) A company has issued 5,000 , `7%` Debentures of Rs. 100 each at a price of Rs.94 . It will credit `7%` Debentures Account by ____________.
    (xi) A company has issued 5,000 , `7%` Debentures of Rs. 100 each at a price of Rs.94 . It will credit `7%` Debentures `@` ____________ on ____________.
    (xii) Discount or Loss on Issue of Debentures Account will not have __________ at the year end.

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  19. (i) Debenture Redemption Reserve is set aside by all companies except All India Financial institutions regulated by RBI and Banking companies.
    (ii) Debenture Redemption Investment is made by the companies required to set aside amount to Debenture Redemption Reserve.
    (iii) Debenture Redemption Reserve can be used only for redemption of debentures.
    (iv) Debenture Redemption Investment (DRI) can be used by a company for any purposes after the debentures have been redeemed.
    (v) Debenture Redemption Reserve is not set aside in cash the debentures are fully convertible only into shares.
    (vi) Debenture Redemption Reserve is set aside , in the case of partly Convertible Debentures, on the convertible part of the debentures.
    (vii) Debenture Redemption Reserve may be set aside by a company out of any reserve.
    (viii) Debenture Redemption Reserve is set aside by a company out of amount available for payment of dividend.
    (ix) General Reserve can be transferred to Debenture Redemption Reserve.
    (x) Surplus .i.e., Balance in Statement of Profit and Loss can not be transferred to Debenture Redemption Reserve.
    (xi) At least `25%` of the redeemable value of debentures should be set aside to Debenture Redemption Reserve before the redemption of debentures.
    (xii) If a company sets asids profit to Debenture Redemption Reserve . it means redemption is not fully out of capital.
    (xii) If a company sets aside profit equivalent to full nominal (face) value of debentures to Debenture Redemption Reserve, it means redemption is fully out of profits.
    (xvi) Redemption of Debentures by banking Company can be redemption purely out of capital.
    (xv) Once the debenutures are redeemed , the amount of Debenture Reserve is transferred to capital Reserve.
    (xvi) Discount or Loss on Issue of Debentures is written off from Securities Premium Reserve as section 52(2) of Companies Act, 2013 permits so

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  20. (i) Debentures are redeemed without setting aside amount to Debenture Redemption Reserve (DRR). It is redemption out of ___________.
    (ii) Debenture are redeemed setting aside full nominal (face) value of debentures to Debenture Redemption Reserve (DRR) . It is redemption out of _____________
    (iii) Debentures are redeemed setting aside `25%` of nominal nominal (face) value of debentures to Debenture Redemption Reserve (DRR) . It is redemption out of _____________
    (iv) Amount should be set aside to ______ before the redemption of debentures.
    (v) Debenture Redemption Investment (DRI) should be made of an amount at least equal to __________ of the nominal (face) value of the debentures to be redeemed during the year ending March 31 of the next year.
    (vi) Debenture Redemption investment (DRI) should be made _______________ 30th April of the year in which debentures are redeemed.
    (vii) Discount or Loss on Issue of Debentures is a__________
    (Viii) It is not necessary for_____________ to set aside amount to Debenture Redemption Reserve (DRR).
    (ix) It not necessary for the India Financial indtitutions regulated regulated by RBI and Banking Companies to invest amount in __________ .
    (x) Once the debentures are redeemed, amount of DRR is transferred to ______________.

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  21. (i) 1,000, `10%` Debentures of Rs.100 each out of 10 ,000 , `10%` Debentures are redeemable within the 12 months of of the date of balance sheet . They will be shoen in the Current Liabilities as Short - term Borrowings in the Balance sheet. ltbtgt (ii) Dividend is paid on paid -up Capital.
    (iii) Debentures are shown under the head Other Long - term Liabilites in the Balance Sheet .
    (iv) Share Application Money pending Allotment is shown as a line item .
    (v) Loose Tools and Stores and Spares and Spares are shown as inventories in the Balance Sheet.
    (vi) Bills Receivable is shown as Trade Receivables in the Balance Sheet.
    (vii) Reserve Capital is part of Share Capital that a Company resolves not to call at any time it desires.

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  22. (i) Shares on which the company has called total nominal value and has also received it is shown in the Note to Accounts on Share Capital under Subscribed Capital as _________.
    (ii) Minimum subscription prescribed is __________.
    (iii) Shares on which the company has called the total nominal value but has not fully received final call of Rs.2 on 500 shares, the shares on which the final call is not received are shown in the Note to Account on Share Capital under Subscribed Capital as __________.
    (iv) A Company has resolved to call Rs. 2 per Share at the time of winding up the company . Rs 2 per share is _________ Capital.
    (v) Securities Premium Reserve is shown in the liabilities side in the Balance Sheet under ___________
    (vi) Trade Payables , unless agreed otherwise , are shown as _________.
    (vii) Prepaid Insurance is shown as ___________ in the Balance Sheet.

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  23. (i) An objective of financial analysis is to determine operating effciency and profitability.
    (ii) Determini operating effciency and profitability is not an objective of financial analysis.
    (iii) Financial anaylsis is used for credit analysis.
    (iv) The purpose of financial statement analysis by trade creditors is to determining whether the amount due to them is safe.
    (v) Financial Statement analysis does not ignore qualitative elements.

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  24. (i) The obective of financial statement analysis is ___________ comparison.
    (ii) _________ financial statement analysis is based on one year 's data.
    (iii) Financial Statement analysis is not free from _________ bias.
    (iv) Financial Statement analysis ignores price level changes . It is its_________.
    (v) __________ financial statement analysis of dynamic.

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  25. (i) Comparison of value of a firm with those of another firm is termed as inter- firm comparison .
    (ii) Comparison of values of two years of the firm is termed as intra - firm comparison.
    (iii) Revenue from Operations is not taken as 100 in preparing Common - size Balance Sheet.
    (iv) Total of Assets / Liabilities part is taken as base for preparing Commom - size Balance Sheet.
    (v) Comparative Statements are the tools of financial statement analysis.

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  26. (i) Comparative Statement is a tool of _________ analysis.
    (ii) Comparative Statement is a techinique of _________ of two or more years.
    (iii) In common - size Balance Sheet , each item of Balance sheet is expressed as a percentage of _____________
    (iv) Comparison of values of two year of the firm is know as ____________ comparison.
    (v) Comparison of values of two firms is called __________ comparison.

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  27. (i) Accounting ratio is a mathematical expression of relationship between two items or group of items in the financial statements.
    (ii) Price level changes are ignored in ration analysis. It is an advantage of Ratio Analysis.
    (iii) Quick Ratio establishes the relationship between current assets and current liabilities.
    (iv) In calculating Debt - Equity ratio ,all external debts are considered.
    (v) Debit balance in Surplus , i.e., Balance in Statement of profit and Loss in not deducted to calculate Shareholders' Funds to calculate Debt - Equity Ratio.
    (vi) The objective of calculating Proprietary Ratio is to measure proportion of fixed assets financed by the Shareholders ' Funds.
    (vii) In Debt to Total Assets Ratio , debt includes only long - term Borrowings and Long - term Provisions
    (viii) Interest Coverage ration Shoes the amount of profit avaliable to cover the interest.
    (ix) The formula for Trade Payables Turnover Ratio is net Cretit Purchase / Average Trade Receivables.
    (x) Loose tools and Stores and Spares and Turnover Ration are excluded to calculate Working Capital to calculate Working Capital Turnover Ratio.
    (xi) Gross profit helps in fixing selling prices and assessing efficiency of trading activities.

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  28. (i) Liquidity Ratios measure ____________ solvency of the enterprise.
    (ii) ___________ and stores and spares are not considered in computing Current Ratio.
    (iii) Debit balance in Surplus , i.e., Balance in spares are not considered in computing Current Ration.
    (iv) It is an objective of _________ ratio is to measure proportion of fixed assets financed by the Shareholders' Funds.
    (v) ___________ establishes the number of timed amount invested in trade receivables is turned over in a year in relation to Revenue from Operations.
    (vi) The formula for Working Capital Turnover ratio is __________.
    (vii) Complete the formula for Inventory Turnover Ratio: Cost of Revenue from Operations/ ___________.
    (viii) Gross Profit + Other Imcome- ____________ = Net Profit.
    (ix) _____________ and Operating Profit Ratio are complimentary to each other.
    (x) Trade Payable is the sum total of Creditoes and __________.

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  29. (i) Cash equivalents are short - term , highly liquid investments that are readily convertible into known amount of cash and which are subject to insignificant change in value.
    (ii) Operating Activities are the principal revenue producing activities or an enterprise and those activities which are not investing or financing activites.
    (iii) shares issued to promoters in considers in consideration of their services are shown as Financing Activity.
    (iv) Gratuity paid to a retiring employee is an Operating Activity.
    (v) Income tax paid is always shown as Operating Activity.
    (vi) Dividend paid is always shown as Financing Activity.
    (vii) Issue of bonus shares is shown as Financing Activity.
    (viii) Debentures issued for consideration other than Cash is shown as inflow under Financing Activity.
    (ix) Depreciation and Amortisation are added to net profit before tax and Extraordinary items , they being non- cash expense.
    (x) Preliminary expenses paid during the year are added to net profit before tax and Extra - ordinary items and shown as outflow under Financing Activity.

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  30. (i) The basis of Cash Flow Statement is__________.
    (ii) Debentures issued for consideration other than cash are not shown in the Cash Folw Statement because __________ is not received against the issue.
    (iii) Marketable Securities are included in __________
    (iv) Current investments are shown as __________
    (v) Buy back of own shares is shown as outflow in Financing Activity as__________.
    (vi) Share issue expenses paid are shown as outflow under_________.
    (vii) Discount/ Loss on Issue of Debentures written off is shown by way of deduction from _____________ of the debentures.
    (viii) Patents purchased and completely amortised in the year of purchase is added under ___________ and shown as Outflow under__________
    (ix) Purchase and sale of securitires by a financing comoany is _________.
    (x) Purchase of securities by a non - finance compant is _________.

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