Complete Solutions to ENGLISH - ONLY PAPER (316(ZZ))(SECTION - A) of chapter INTERMEDIATE EXAMINATION, 2020 of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions7
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Explain with reference to the context any one of the following passages :
    (a) They were poor people to start with , they were poorer as they began their long trek, for all they could carry, was a bit of food and a few belongings. Soon they were out of food. A few after they started, they began to fall by the wayside from the weakness of hunger, and died, where they fell.

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  2. Explain with reference to the context any one of the following passages :
    (b) You can open both windows or shut both. Indeed you can go on opening them and shutting them as a sort of festival of freedom. You can have any corner you choose and try all of them in turn. You can lie at full length on the cushions and enjoy the luxury of breaking the regulations and possibly the heart of D.O.R.A. herself.

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  3. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the most suitable words given within the brackets :
    (a) The average......... labourer makes thirty cents a day. (literate, blind, unskilled, old)

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  4. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the most suitable words given within the brackets :
    (b) Society requires women of disciplined minds and manners. (restrained, arrogant, silent, insolent)

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  5. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the most suitable words given within the brackets :
    (d) I put down my paper,.......... my arms and my legs. (broke, hurt, stretched, slipped)

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  6. Explain with reference to the context any one of the following extracts :
    (a) But a smooth and steadfast mind,
    Gentle thoughts and calm desires,
    Hearts with equal love combined,
    Kindle never dying fires ,
    Where these are not, I despise
    Lovely cheeks or lips or eyes.

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  7. Explain with reference to the context any one of the following extracts :
    (b) Let eyes grow dim and ears grow faint,
    And friendship fail and love betray,
    Let fate its hundred horrors send,
    And clotted darkness block the way,
    And nature were one angry, frown,
    To crush you out - still know my soul,
    You are divine. March on and on,
    Nor right nor left, but to the goal !

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ENGLISH - ONLY PAPER (316(ZZ))(SECTION - A) questions and complete solutions for chapter INTERMEDIATE EXAMINATION, 2020 of UP BOARD PREVIOUS YEAR of Class 12