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Complete Solutions to QUESTION BANK of chapter ELECTROCHEMISTRY of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. How would you determine the standard electrode potential of the system (Mg^(2+) )/ Mg ?

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  2. Can you store copper sulphate solution in a zinc pot?

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  3. Consult the table of standard electrode potentials given in the test and suggest three substances that can oxidise ferrous ions under suitable conditions?

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  4. Calculate, the potential of hydrogen electrode in contact with a solution whose PH is 10 .

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  5. Calculate 'the emf of the ceil in which the following reaction takesplace: `Ni(s)+2 Ag+(0.002 M)-- Ni^2+(0 .160 M)+2Ag(s)` Given that `E^0 Cell=1.05 V`

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  6. The cell in which the following reaction occurs
    `2Fe^(3+)(aq)+2I-(aq) to 2Fe^(2+)(aq) + I_2(s)`
    has `E_(cell)^0` = 0.236V at 298 K. Calculate the standard Gibbs energy and equilibrium constant of the cell reaction

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  7. Why does the conductivity of a solution decreases with dilution?

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  8. Suggest a way to determine `Lambda_m^@` value of water.

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  9. The molar conductivity of `0.025 mol L^(-1)` methanoic acid (HCOOH) is `46.1 Scm^2 mol^(-1)`. Calculate its degree of dissociation and dissociation constant. Given `lambda^@ (H^+)=349.6 S cm^2 mol^-1` and `lambda (HCOO^-)= 54.6 S cm^2 mol^-1`

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  10. If a current of 0.5 ampere flows through a metallic wire for two hours, then how many electrons flow through the wire?

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  11. Suggest a list of metals that are extracted electrolytically.

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  12. Consider the reaction: Cr2O7^2- +14 H^+ +6 e - ---> 2 Cr^3+ +7 H_2 O What is the quantity of electricity in coulombs needed to reduced 1mol of Cr_2 O_7^2- ?

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  13. Write the chemistry of recharging the lead storage battery highlighting all the materials that are involved during recharging.

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  14. Suggest two material other than hydrogen that can be used as fuels in fuels cells.

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  15. Explain how rusting of iron is envaisaged as setting up of an electrochemical cell

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  16. Arrange the following in the order in which they displace each other from the solution of their salts. Al, Cu, Fe,Mg and Zn

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  17. Given the standard electrode potentials
    `K^+//K= -2.93V, Ag^+//Ag = +0.8V, Hg^(2+)//Hg= 0.79 V, Mg^(2+)//Mg = -2.36V Cr^(3+)//Cr = 0.74 V`
    Arrange them in increasing order of reducing power.

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  18. Depict the galvanic çell in which the reaction `Zn(s)+2 Ag^*(aq) Zn^2+(aq)+2 Ag(s)` takes place. Further'show: i. Which of the electrode is negatively charged? ii. The carriers of the current in the cell. iii. Individual reaction at each electrode.

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  19. Calculate the standard cell.potentials of galvanic cell in which the following reactions take place: `Fe^(2+)(aq)+Ag^+(aq) to Fe^(3+)(aq)+Ag(s)` Calculate the `Delta r G^circ` and equilibrium constant of the reactions.

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  20. Write the Nernst equation and emf of the following'cells at `-298 ~K:` i. `Mg(s) I M_g^2 *(0.001 M) II Cu^2+(0.0001 M) ICu(s)` ii, `Fe(s) I Fe^2+(0.001 M) II H^+(1 M) I H_2(~g)(lbar) I^2` `Pt(s)^*` ii. `Sn(s)` I `Sn^2+(0.050 M) IHH^+(0.020 M) IH(g)(1` 'bar)IPt(s) iv. `Pt(s) IBr_3(I) IBr(0.010 M) IIH^+(0.030 M) L+H_2(~g)` (1 bar)IPt(s).

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  21. In the button cells widely used in watches and other'devices the folfowing reaction takes place: (`Zn(s)+Ag_2 O(s)+H_2 O dotD Zn^2+(aq)+2 Ag(s)+ `2 OH` - (aq).) Determine `Delta_r G^circ` and `cdot E^circ` for the reaction.

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  22. Conductance(G)conductivity(K)and molar conductivity`Lambda_m`are terms used in electrolytic conduction.
    How do conductivity and molar conductivity vary with concentration of electrolytic solution?

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  23. The conductivity of `0: 20^prime M` solution of `K C l` at `298 ~K` is `0.0248 Scm^-1 .` Calculate its molar conductivity.

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  24. The resistance of a conductivity cell containing `0.001 M^circ KCl` solution at `298 ~K` is `1500 Omega`. What is the cell constant if conductivity.of `0.001 M` KCl solution at `298 K` is `0.146 xx 10^-3` `S cm^-1`

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  25. How much charge is required for the following reductions: i. 1 mol of `Al^3+` to `Al` ? ii. `1 ~mol` of `Cu^2 *` to `Cu ?` 1 ~mol ot MnO_4^- to Mn^2+

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  26. How much electricity in terms of Faraday is required to produce i. `20.0 ~g` of `Ca` from `molten CaCl_2 ?` ii. `40.0 ~g` of Al from molten `Al_2 O_2` ?

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  27. How much electricity is required in coulomb for the oxidation of i. 1 mol of `H_2 O` to `O_2` ii. `1 ~mol` of `FeO` to `Fe_2 O_3`

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  28. A solution of `Ni(NO_3)_2` is electrolysed between platinam electrodes using a current of `5 am^-` peres for 20 minutes. What mass of `N i` is `d e` posited at the cathode?

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  29. Three electrolytic cells `A, B, C` containing solutions of `ZnSO_4, AgNO_3` and `CuSO_4`, respectively are connected in series. A steady current of `1.5` amperes was passed through them until `1.45 g` of silver deposited at the cathode of cell B. How long did the current flow? What mass of copper and zinc were deposited?

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  30. Using the standard electrode potentials given : in Table 3.1( book), predict if the reaction between the following is feasible: i. `Fe^2`+(aq)` and `I-(aq)` ii. `Ag+` (a q)` and `Cu(s)` iii `Br_2(aq)` and `Fe^2+(aq) .`

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  31. Predict the products of electrolysis in each of the following: ¡. An aqueous solution of `AgNO_3` with șilver electrodes. ii. An aqueous solution of `AgNO_3` with platinum electrodes. iii. A dilute solution of `H_2 SO_4` with platinum electrodes. iv: An aqueous solution of `CuCl_2` with platinum electrodes.

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  32. "Even combustion of fuels can be used to generate electricity". Comment on this statement by taking the reactions involved in `H_2-O_2` fuel cell.

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  33. How will you show that Faraday's second law of electrolysis is simply corollary of the first law.

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  34. Name, the products of electrolysis of the following a) if Copper sulphate solution using Pt electrodes. b) if Copper sulphate solution using Cu electrode.

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  35. A part of electrodes series is given. Observe the values and fill up the following based on datas given:
    '(##VPS_HSS_CHE_ XII_C03_E03_004_Q01##)'
    i Ai: Oxidation , Pb.... ii. From the given,electrodes, which are to be chosen inorder to construct'a galvanic cell which can provide the maximumi value of emf? iii. What will be the emf value of that cell? Find out the anode, cathode and chemical reaction in the cell?

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  36. A. `0.05 M NaOH` solution offered, a.resistance of 31.6 ohm in a conductivity cell at 298 K. if the cell constant is 0.367 cm^-1.calculate molar conductivity of the sodium hydroxide soIution.

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  37. Calculate the single electrode potential at 298 K of the `Cu ^2 +` / Cu electrode in which the concentration of ions is 2.0M

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  38. The molar conductances of HCl, NaCl and CH 3 ​ COONa are` 426ohm^-1 cm^2 ~mol^-1, 126 ohm^-1 cm^2 ~mol^-1, 91 ohm^-1 cm^2 ~mol^-1` respectively. The molar conductances of CH 3 ​ COOH

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  39. The measured emf at `25^circ C` for the cell reaction. `Zn(s)+Cu^2 *(1.0 M)---Cu(s)+Zn^2 *(0.1 M)` is `1.3v` calculate `E0 cell` for the cell reaction.

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  40. `NH_4OH` is a weak electrölyte whose equivalent conductance can be found using the conductance of infinite dilution of `NH_4 Cl, NaCl` and `NaOH`. weak electrolyte `CH_3` COOH can-be found using strong electrolytes: 1. Give two sets of electrolytès which can be used to find the conductance of `CH_3 COOH`. 2. Which law is applied in the above measurement? Also explain the law. 3. Apply the law in the determination of equivalent conductance of CH_3COOH using any of, the sets you suggested.

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  41. 10. A student 'tried to find out the standard reduction'potentials of copper electrode and Zinc eleetrode separately using Normal Hydrogen Electrode as reference electrode. He obtained the reduction potentials of `E^0 (Cu^(2))/ (Cu)` as `0.34` and `E^0 (zn^(2+)) / (zn)` as- `0.76 .` The, reference electrode acted here as cathode in one case and anode in theother.',
    1. In which cases NHE acts as cathode and anode respectively.
    2. Represent the electrode reactions of the NHE in both cases.
    3. Represent the cell reaction when he used the Cu electrode and NHE.
    4. Calculate the standard' potential of the cell constructed using `Zn` and Cu electrodes.

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  42. Iron metal is largely used for making ships. ln the sea, ship is in contact with saline water. Destruction of iron becomes quicker in saline medium. a)What is such processes generalty called? b). Destruction of iron can be prevented by coating with zinc, Explain the chemical reaction by-which iron gets protected. Give equations.

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  43. In Appollo space programme the fuel cells are used not only for electric power but also for prepare `H_2 O` for drinking. What do-you understand by a fuel cell? What are the advantages of fuel cells over ordinary cells?

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  44. The cell reaction for a galvanic cellIs `Ni_(s)+2Ag_(aq)^(+) rarr Ni_(aq)^(2+)+ 2Ag_(s)`.Represent that galvanic cell.

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  45. How much substance is deposited by passing 1 coulomb of electricity?

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  46. Which o of the following will have greater molar conductivity and why? Solution A- `1mol KCl` dissolved in `200 cc` of the solution. Sólution . B-`1mol KCl` dissolved. in `500 cc` of the solution.

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  47. How many moles of Na and Al are deposited by passing 1 Faraday of electricity?

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  48. A `0.1 M` aqueous solution of `Na_2 SO_4` is diluted by'adding `H_2`. What is the éffect of dilution on 1. conductance (G) 2. conductivity `(K)` 3. molar conductivity `(Lambda_m)` and 4. equivalent conductince `(Lambda_r g) ?`

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  49. It is not possible to determine the molar conductivity of weak electrolyte at infinite dilution`(Lambda_m^@)` graphically by extrapolation.
    Justify the statement giving reason.

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  50. Pt foil is used hydrogen electrode. Why?

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  51. Name the products of electrolysis of molten and aqueous sodium chloride?

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  52. Is it safe to stir AgNO3 solution with a copper spoon (E- Ag+/Ag=0.80 V, E- Cu+/Cu=0.34 V).

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  53. An electrochemical cell is set up as usual but there is no flow.of current. What do you conclude?

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  54. The standard reduction potential values of there metallic cations `X, Y, Z` are `0.52,-3,03` `-1.18 V` respectively. What will be the order of reducing power of the corresponding metals?

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  55. Why fluorine can not be obtained by the, electrolysis of aqueous HF solution, though it is a good conductor of electricity?

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  56. Iron can be protected by coating with copper or tin. But if the coating is brokèn, iron corrodes faster than it dòes in the absence of Cu or tin. Why?

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  57. Copper is conducting as such while copper sulphate is conducting only in molten state or in aqueous solution. Explain

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  58. Name the equation showing the relation between equivalent or molar conductance and concentration of a strong electrolyte?

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  59. Out of zinc and tin, which protects iron better even after cracks and why?

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  60. Name the cells used in the Apollo space programme? What was the product used for?

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  61. Write the Nernst equation for the reaction? i) `2Cr(s)+3Cd^(2 +)(aq)to2Cr^(3+)(aq)+3Cd(s)` ii) ` 2Cr+3Fe^(2 +)to2Cr^(3+)+3Fe`

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  62. Define corrosion? What is the chemical formula of rust?

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  63. Rusting of iron is quicker in saline water than in ordinary water . Give reasons

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  64. How will you increase the reduction potential of an electrode?

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  65. In Appollo space programme the fuel cells are used not only for electric power but also for prepare `H_2 O` for drinking. What do-you understand by a fuel cell? What are the advantages of fuel cells over ordinary cells?

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  66. If `fE_1^circ, fE_3^circ` and `fE_3^circ` are the standard electrode. poteritials for `Fe / Fe^2+, Fe^2 * / Fe^3+` and `Fe / Fe^3+` electrodes_respectively, derive a relation hetween `fE_1^circ, fE_2^circ` and `bE^circ boldsymbolx^*`

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  67. Tarnished silver contains `Ag_2 ~S`. Can this tarnish. be removed by placing tarnished silver ware in an aluminium pan containing an inert electrolytic solution such as `NaCl .` The standard electrode potential for the half reactions are `A g_2 S(s)+2 e^- 2 A g(s)^2+S^1--0.71 v` and `Al^4+3 e^- Al(s),-1.66 ~V`

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  68. Iron may be protected from rusting by coating with zinc or tin. Explain why zinc protects iron more effectively than tin once the protection coating has been seratched, using the data given, `Zn^2++2 e^- Zn,-0.76 ~V` `Fe^2++2 e^4 Fe,-0.44 ~V` `Sn^2 *+2 e^- S n,-0.14 ~V`

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  69. The standard reduction potential for the half cell `NO_j^-(aq)+2 H^+(aq)+e^- NO_2(~g)+H_2 O`is `0.78 ~V` 1). Calculate the reduction potential in ' `8 MH^*` ii) What will be the' reduction potential of the half cell in a neutral solution. "Assume all the other species to be at unit concentration.

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  70. Write the cell reaction and calculate `fE^circ` for the cell? beginarray/l Zn|Zn^2+ | Cu^2| Cu , Given that E_cu^circ=0.34 ~V and E_z_n^o=-0.76 ~V_i endarray

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  71. The standard e.m.f. of the cell Cd|Cd^2+ || Cu^2+ | Cu is `0.74V`. The standard electrode potential of copper electrode is `0.34 V`. Calculate the standard electrode potential of cadmium electrode?

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  72. fE^circ of some elements are, given: fI,+2 e^- 2 fI-, fE^circ=+0.54 fV endaligned`MnO_4^-+8 H^++5 e^r Mn^2++4 H_2 O, E_1^circ=+1,52 ~V` ``Fe^3++e^- Fe^2+, E^circ=+0.77 ~V ```Sn^4++2 e^- Sn^2 *, E^circ=+0.1 ~V` 'a) Select the strongest reductant and oxidant. in these. b) Select the weakest reductant and oxidant in these. c) Select the spontaneous reaction from the changes given below: i. `Sn^4+2 Fe^2 * Sn^2 *+2 Fe^h` ii. `2 Fe^2 *+I_2 .2 Fe^2++2 I^-` iii. `Sn^4++2 I_- Sn^2++I_2`

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  73. The standard electrode potential of Au^3+(aq)+3 e- → Au(s) is 1.42 V. Predict if gold can be dissolved in 1M HCl solution and on passing hydrogen gas through gold salt soIution,metallic gold will be precipitated or not.

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  74. Calculate the quantity of electricity that will be required to liberate `710g` of `Cl`, gas by electrolysing a conc. solution of `NaCl`. What is the amount of `NaOH`and volume.of `H_2` at `27^circ C` and 1 atm pressure is obtained during this process?

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  75. How many grams of silver could be plated out on a shield by electrolysis of a solution containing Ag ions for a period of 4 hours at a current strength of `8.5` amperes? [I `F= 96,500 C` `mol^-1`, molar mass of `Ag=107.8 g]`

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  76. How much time would it take in minutes to deposit 1.18 g of metallic copper on a metal object when a current of 2.0 A is passed through the electrolytic cell containing Cu ^2 +ions? [ Molar mass of Cu =63.5 g /mol;IF=96,500 Cmol^-1]

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  77. Calćulate the pH of the following half cell Pt, `H_2` / `H_2 SO_4` The oxidation potential is +0.3 V .

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  78. The standard reduction potential of `Cu^(2+)|Cu and Ag^+|Ag` electrodes are 0.337 and 0.799 volt respectively. Construct a galvanic cell using these electrodes so that its standard emf is positive. For what concentration of `Ag^(+)` will the emf of the cell at `25^@ C` be zero if the concentration of `Cu^(2+)` is 0.01M?

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  79. Chromium metal can be plated out from an acidic solution containing `CrO_3` , according to the following equation `CrO_3(aq)+6 H^+(aq)+6 e^-` → `Cr(s)+3 H_2 O,` Cal culate (i) how many grams of chromium will be plated out by `24000 C` and (ii) how long will it take to plate out `1.5 g` of chromium by using `12.5 A` current? (atomic mass of `Cr=52` )

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  80. A cell Cu / Cu^2+ / / Ag^+ / Ag initially contains 1 M Ag^+ and 1 M Cu^2 + ions. Calculate the change in cell potential after the passage of 9.65 A of current for I hour.

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  81. Iodine `(I_2)` and Bromine `(Br_2)` are added to a solution containing iodine `I^-` and bromide `Br^-` ions. What reaction would occur if the concentration of each species is 1M. The electrode potentials for the reactions are `E^circ (I_(2)//I^(-))= 0.54 V`, `E^circ(Br_(2)//Br^(-))=1.08 V`

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  82. In a fuel cell, hydrogen and oxygen react to produce electricity. In the process hydrogen is oxidised at the anode and oxygen at the cathode. If `67.2 L` of `H_2`, at STP react in 15 minutes, what is the average current produced. If the entire current is used for electro deposition of copper from copper (II) solution, how many grams of copper will be deposited?

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  83. EMF of Daniel cell was found using different concentrations of Zn^2+ ion and Cu^2+ion. A graph was then plotted between E cell and log[Zn2+]/[Cu2+]. The plot was found to be linear with intercept in E cell ​axis equal to 1.1 V. Calculate E cell for Z n / Zn^2 +(0.1 M) / / Cu^2+(0.0 1M) / Cu

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  84. The molar conductivity of acetic acid solution at infinite dilution is `390.7 Omega^-1 cm^2 mol^-1 .` Calculate the molar conductivity of `0.01 M` acetic acid solution, given that the dissociation constant of acetic acid is `1.8 xx 10^-5`

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  85. Copper sulphate solution `(250 mL)` was electrolysed using a platinum anode and a copper cathode. A constant current of `2 mA` was passed for 16 minutes. It was found that after electrolysis, the absorbance of the solution was reduced to `50 %` of its original value. Calculate the concentration of copper sulphate in the solution to begin with.

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  86. 4 ampere current was passed through an aqueous solution of an unknown salt of Pd for 1 hour, 3.977 g of P d^ n+ was deposited at cathode. Find n (mass of P d=106.4)

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  87. Calculate the single electrode potential at 298 K of the `Cu ^2 +` / Cu electrode in which the concentration of ions is 2.0M

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  88. The Standard electrode potentials of some electrodes are given below:
    `E^@_(Zn^(2+)Zn) = -0.76 V, E^@(Cu^(2+)Cu) =+0.34, E^@_(Ag, Ag) = + 0.80V, E^@_(H, H_2)=0V`
    Find the value of `K_e` (equilibrium constant) in the Daniell cell at 298 K

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  89. The standarid potentiat of a cell. is measured as 1.1V: The,reaction of the represented-as `Zn(s)+Cu^2+(aq) Zn^2+(aq)+Cu(s)` i. Calculate the standard free energy change of the reaction. ii Using the calculated value of `Delta_r G^circ`, find the equilibriam constant of the reaction. iii. If the concentrations of the electrólytes are `[Z n^2+]=0.1 ~mol` Mitre and `[Cu^2+]=0.2 ~mol /` litre, calculate the cell 'potentiat.

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  90. The resistivity of a `0.8 M`, solution of electrolyte is. `5 xx 10^-3`, ohm `cm`. Calculate molar conductivity.

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  91. The conductivity of `0: 20^prime M` solution of `K C l` at `298 ~K` is `0.0248 Scm^-1 .` Calculate its molar conductivity.

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  92. Conductivity of 0.02 M, KCl solution is `0.002765 S cm^-1` . If the resistance of the cell containing the solution is 400 ohm, calculate the, cell constant.

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  93. The conductivity of `0.001028 mol L^-1` acetic acid is `4.95 xx 10^-5 Scm^-1`, Calcụlate its dissociation constint if `Lambda_m^0` for acetic acid is `390.5 Scm^2 mol` :

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  94. Caleulate `Lambda_m^0` for acetic acid. Given that `Lambda_m^0(HCl)=426 ohm^-1 ~cm^3 ~mol^-1 , Lambda_m^0(NaCl)= 126 ohm^-1 ~cm^2 ~mol^-1` and `Lambda_m^0(CH_3 COONa)=91 ohm ^-1 ~cm^2 ~mol^-1`

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  95. An electrolyte is one : Which conducts electric current, Which is capable of ionisation by passing electic current, Which dissociates into ions by dissolving in suitable solvent, None of the above

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  96. Strong electrolytes are those which : dissolve readily in water, conduct electricity, Dissociate into ions at high dillution, completely dissociate into ions at all dillutions

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  97. Electrolytes when dissolved in water dissociate into ions because : they were unstable, the water dissolves, the force of repulsion increase, the forces of elecrtostatic attraction are broken down by water

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  98. Which of the following aqueous solution will conduct an electric current quite well? Glycerol, HCI, Sugar, Pure water

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  99. Condutivity of a solution is directly proportional to : Dilution, Number of ions, Current density, Volume of the solution

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  100. Electrolytic conduction differs from metallic conduction in the case of electrolytic conduction : The resistance increases with increasing temperature, The resistance decreases with increasing temperature, The flow of current does not generate heat, The resistance is independent of the length of the conductance

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QUESTION BANK questions and complete solutions for chapter ELECTROCHEMISTRY of V PUBLICATION of Class 12