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Complete Solutions to ADDITIONAL EXERCISES of chapter WAVES of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions6
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A travelling harmonic wave on a string is described by
    `y ( x,t ) = 7.5 sin ( 0.0050x +12 t +pi //4)`
    (a) What are the displacement and velocity of oscillation of a point at x=1cm, and t =1s ? Is this velocity equal to the velocity of wave propagation ?
    (b) Locate the points of the string whcih have the same transverse displacements and velocity as the x=1 cm point at t=2s, 5s and 11s.

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  2. A narrow sound pulse ( for example , a short pip by a whistle ) is sent across a medium. (a) Does the pusle have a definite (I) frequency , (ii) wavelength, (iii) speed of propagation ?(b) If the pulse rate is 1 afterevery 20s ( that is the whistle blown for a split of second after every 20s) , is the frequency of the note produced by the whistle equal to `1// 20` or 0.05 H z ?

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  3. One end of a long string of linear mass density `8.0 xx 10^(-3) kgm^(-1)` is connected to an electrically driven tuning fork of frequency 256Hz. The other end passes over a pulley and is tied to a pan containing a mass of 90 kg. The pulley end absorbs all the incoming energy so that reflected waves at this end have negligible amplitude. At t=0, the leftend ( fork end )of the string x=0 has zero transverse displacement ( y = 0 ) and is moving along positive y-direction. The amplitude of the wave is 5.0 cm.Write down the transverse displacement y as function of x and t that describes the wave on the string.

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  4. A SONAR system fixed in a submarine operates at a frequency40.0 kHz. An enemy submarine moves towards the SONAR with a speed of `360km h^(-1)`.What is the frequency of sound reflected by the submarine? Take the speed of sound in water to be `1450ms^(-1)`

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  5. Earthquakes generate sound waves inside the earth.Unlike a gas, theearth can experience both transverse (S) and longitudinal ( P ) sound waves.Typically the speed of S wave is about `4.0 km s^(-1)` .and that of P is `8.0 km s^(-1)` .A seismograph records P and S waves from an earthquake.The first P wavearrives 4 min before the first wave.Assuming the waves travel in straight line, at what distance does the earthquake occur ?

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  6. A bat is flitting about in a cave, navigating via ultrasonic beeps.Assume that the sound emission frequency of the bat is 40 kHz. During one fast swoop directly toward a flat wall surface, the bat is moving at 0.03 times the speed of sound in air. What frequency does the bat hear reflected off the wall ?

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ADDITIONAL EXERCISES questions and complete solutions for chapter WAVES of VIKRAM PUBLICATION ( ANDHRA PUBLICATION) of Class 12