Complete Solutions to SUBJECTIVE PROBLEMS of chapter p-BLOCK ELEMENTS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions36
Academic Year2023-24
  1. In phosphorus acid, If X is number of non-bonding electron pairs. Y is number of `sigma`-bonds and Z is number of `pi`-bonds. Then calculate value of ``"YxZ-X"`.

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  2. Consider the following oxyanions:
    and find the value of R+Q-P
    where P-number of oxy anions having three equivalent X-O bonds per central atom
    Q=number of oxy anions having two equivalent X-O bonds per central atom.
    R=Number of oxy anions having four equivalent X-O bonds per central atom.

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  3. For oxyacid `HClO_(x)`, fi x=y=z (x,y and z are natural numbers), then calculate the value of |x+y+z|. Where x=number of 'O' atoms
    y=total number of ions pairs at central atom
    z=total number of pi`(pi)` electrons in the oxyacid.

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  4. Consider the following representation of oxy-acid, `H_(n_(1))S_(2)O_(n_(2))`, (where S is central sulphur atom annd `n_(1) and n_(2)` are natural numbers.) if there are two possible oxy-acid of sulphur A and B contains ratio of `n_(2):n_(1)` are 2 and 4 respectively, then sum of oxidation state of 'S' atom in both oxy-acid will be:

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  5. total number of molecule which hydrolysed at room temperature and hybridization of central atom is `sp^(3)d` in transition state:
    `C Cl_(4),SiCl_(4),NCl_(3),PCl_(3),AsCl_(3),SF_(6),P_(4)O_(6),P_(4)O_(10),SeF_(6)`

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  6. The difference between total number of lone pairs and total number of `sigma`-bonds in `[B_(3)O_(3)(OH)_(6)]^(3-)` molecular ion is:

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  7. Calculate vlaue of `|x+y-z|` for the followng sillicate `[Si_(x)O_(y+z)]^(z-)` anion.

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  8. The general formula of polythionate ion is `S_(n+2)O_(6)^(2-)`. If average oxidation state of 'S' atom is any polythionate ion is equal to bond order of 'S-O' bond. Then calculate the value of 'n' for the corresponding polythionate ion.

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  9. total number of Boron atoms in anionic part of borax which participate in back bonding.

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  10. Choose total number of correct reaction.
    (i) When `CuSO_(4)` solution reacts with `NH_(3)`, complex is formed.
    (ii) When `CuSO_(4)` solution react withh `PH_(3)`, complex is formed.
    (iii) `C_(12)H_(22)O_(11) overset("conc. "H_(2)SO_(4)) to 2C+11H_(2)O`
    (iv) `underset(("excess"))(NH_(3))+Cl_(2) overset(Delta) to NH_(4)Cl+N_(2)`

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  11. Consider the following orders:
    (1) `H_(2)SO_(4) gt H_(2)SO_(3):`boiling point
    (2) `H_(2)O gt HF:` Extent of H-bond
    (3) `H_(2)O lt H_(2)O_(2)`: Strength off H-bond.

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  12. How many monovalent oxygen atoms are preset in the mineral kinoite `(overset(+2)(Ca_(2))overset(+2)(Cu_(2))Si_(3)O_(10)*2H_(2)O)`?

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  13. How many moles off given compound are decomposed in the following decomposition in the following decomposition reaction?
    `NaOCl overset(Delta)toNaClO_(3)+NaCl`

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  14. How many moles of NaOH are required to react with one mole of solid `N_(2)O_(5)`?

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  15. How many moles of hypophophorous acid are involved in its thermal decomposition reaction when one mole of each product is formed.

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  16. Consider the structure of `Al_(2)Me_(6)` compound and find the value of `(x-y)/(z)` where `x=` maximum number of atoms that can lie in place having terminal `(Al-Me)` bonds
    `y=` total number of `3c-2e^(-)` bonds
    `z=` total number of atoms that are `sp^(3)` hydrized.

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  17. Sum of oxidation state of nitrogen atom in hyponitrous acid, nitric acid and nitrous acid.

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  18. Find the value of `x` in the tremolite abestos:

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  19. Consider the following silicates
    (a) `BaTi(Si_(2)O_(9))`
    (b) `ZnCa_(2)Si_(2)O_(7)`
    Then calculate X+Y, where X and Y are total number of monovalent and divalent oxygen atoms in both silicates respectively.

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  20. Atomicity of white or yellow phosphorus is 4 annd it is represented as `P_(4)` molecule
    Calculate the value of expresion`(x*y)/(z)` regarding this molecule.
    Where x: total number of vertex angles in `P_(4)` molecule.
    y: Total number of lone pairs in `P_(4)` molecule
    z: total number of P-P bonds in `P_(4)` molecule.

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  21. Marshall's acid `overset(H_(2)O) to A+B`
    If P and Q represent maximum number of atoms that can lie in a plane of compound A and C respectively. Then, find out value of (P-Q).

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  22. Consider following four compounds:
    (i) `C_(x) O_(y)`
    (ii) `C_(x)O_(y+1)`
    (iii) `C_(x+2)O_(y+1)` and (iv) `C_(x+11)O_(y+8)`,
    if "x=y=1", then calculate the vlaue of |p-q|, where p and q are total number of `sp^(2)` and hybridized carbon atoms respectively in given four compounds.

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  23. If following molecules undergo dimerisation then find the value of `(YZ)/(X):`
    (i) `CiO_(3)`
    (ii) `OF`
    (iii) `GaH_(3)`
    (iv) `AlCl_(3)`
    (v) `IC l_(3)`
    (vi) `BeH_(2)`
    (vi) `NO_(2)`

    Where X=Number of molecules which are hypevalennt in dimeric form.
    Y=Number of molecules which complete octet in dimer form
    Z=Number of molecules which are hypovalent in dimeric form.

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  24. Consider `Al_(2)(OH)_(6)` compound and caculate the value of `(X+Y)+Z` Wher X=total number of `(2c-2e^(-))` bond.
    Y=total number of `(3c-2e^(-))` bond.
    Z=total numbe of `(3c-4e^(-))` bond

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  25. Consider the following covalent compounds in their solid state and find the value of expression `(X+Y+Z)`.
    `N_(2)O_(5),Cl_(2)O_(6),PC l_(),I_(2)Cl_(6),XeF_(6),PB r_(5)`
    Where X=total number of compounds in which central atom of cationic or anionic part is `sp^(3)` hybridized.
    Y=Total number of compounds having `90^(@)` bond angle either in cationic or anionic part.
    Z=Total number of compounds having `109^(@)28'` bond angle either in cationic or anionic part.

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  26. Consider following compounds A to E :
    (A) `XeF_(n) " " (B) XeF_((n+1))^(+) " " (C ) XeF_((n+1))^(-) " " (D) XeF_((n+2))`
    (E ) `XeF_((n+4))^(2-)`,
    If value of n is 4, then calculate value of `p div q` here, 'p' is total number of bond pair and 'q' is total number of lone pair on central atoms of compounds (A) to (E ).

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  27. When `B_(2)H_(6)` is allowed to react with following lewis bases, then how man ygiven lewis bases form adduct through symmetrical cleavage of `B_(2)H_(6)`?
    `NH_(3),MeNH_(2),` Pyridine, `CO,T.H.F,PH_(3),PF_(3),Me_(3)N,Me_(2)NH`

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  28. What is covalency of chlorine atom in second excited state ?

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  29. Consider the following molecule:

    Calculate value of q+q, here p and q are total number of `d pi-p pi` bonds and total number of `sp^(3)`-hybridised atoms respectively in given molecule.

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  30. Consider the following structures and calculate value of `(P^(2)-Q^(2))`
    Where P=total number of correct structure representation.
    Q=Total number of incorrect structure representation.

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  31. Calculate the value of " x+y-z" here x,y and z are total number of non-bonded electron pair (s),pie `(pi)` bond(s) and sigma `(sigma)` bonds in hydrogen phosphite ion respectively.

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  32. Consider the following species:
    (i) `CH_(3)^(+)`
    (ii) `(C_(3)H_(5))_(3)Al`
    (iii) `HCHO`
    (iv) `CH_(4)`
    (v) `(C_(2)H_(5))_(3)N`
    (vI) `TiCl_(4)`
    (vii) `CO_(2)`
    (viii) `SiCl_(4)`
    (ix) `BF_(3)`
    the find out total number of species which can act as Lewis acid.

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  33. Consider the following species: `CF_(4),GeH_(4),BCl_(3),AlBr_(3),H_(2)O,PH_(3),PCl_(5),CO_(2),CH_(4) and ` calculate value of `(x-y)^(2)`:
    Where, x: Total number of species which can act as only lewis acid.
    y: total number of species which can act as lewis acid as well as lewis base.

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  34. If X,Y and Z are total number of `pi`-bond(s) in `H_(2)S_(2)O_(6),H_(2)SO_(3) and H_(2)S_(2)O_(7)` respectively then calculate vlaue of expression `|X+Y-Z|`.

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  35. Calculate value of "x+y" ffor "hypophoshporic acid", where x is total number of lone pair(s) and y is total number `pi`-bond(s) in givenn oxo-acids.

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  36. Atomicity of white or yellow phosphorus is 4 annd it is represented as `P_(4)` molecule
    Calculate the value of expresion`(x*y)/(z)` regarding this molecule.
    Where x: total number of vertex angles in `P_(4)` molecule.
    y: Total number of lone pairs in `P_(4)` molecule
    z: total number of P-P bonds in `P_(4)` molecule.

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SUBJECTIVE PROBLEMS questions and complete solutions for chapter p-BLOCK ELEMENTS of VK JAISWAL CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12