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Complete Solutions to SECTION A of chapter SAMPLE PAPER 2019 of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

ChapterSAMPLE PAPER 2019
Number Of Questions22
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Management is a. A Science, An Art, c. both science and art, d. Neither.

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  2. The purchases, production and sales managers at Sharda Ltd, a firm manufacturing readymade garments are generally at a conflict, as they have their own objectives. Usually each thinks that only they are qualified to evaluate, judge and decide on any matter, according the their professional criteria. Name the concept which will be required by the CEO Mr. Raman, to reconcile the differences in approach interest or opinion in the organisation.

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  3. Principles of management are NOT: a. Applicable only in large firms, b. Formed by practice and experience of managers, c. flexible, d. Contingent

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  4. ___________ is considered a major element of the political environment: a The extent and nature of government intervention in business, b. planned outlay in public and private sectors, c. Expectations from the work force, d. Administrative order issued by government authorities.

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  5. Name the step in the process of planning which is considered the ''real point of decision making''.

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  6. ___________ gives shape to the organisation structure.
    a) Extent of delegation, b) SQPan of Management,
    c) No of employees, d) Planning

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  7. Astra Builders has to deliver the flats to its buyers on time. Due to this there is a sudden rush of work. Therefore, the company needs to arrange workers to work at the sites at a short notice. The source of recruitment which may be used by the company to tap the casual vacancy is : a. Direct recruitment, b. Advertisement, c. Recommendation of employees, d. Employment Exchange.

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  8. SCT services CEO RajanGopinath's compensation includes salary, commission and other allowances. The company also pays for his insurance and vacations. Identify one indirect payment being made by the company to the CEO.
    a. Employer paid Insurance, b. Salary, c. Commission, d. Allowances.

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  9. At, there is no reward or appreciation for a good suggestion. Thus, the subordinates are not willing to offer any useful suggestions to their superiors. Identify the type of barrier to communication that has been created in the firm due to this.
    a. Semantic barrier, b. Personal barrier, c. Organisational barrier, d. Psychological barrier

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  10. M.R.Sarthi, the Ex-chairman of Swadesh Ltd, built up his successor before retiring. Following the norms set up by himself, he handed over the reins of the company to the co-founder Mr. Shravan, who had the potential to bring about change in the behaviour of others. Name the concept of management which was the reason why Mr. Sarthi chose Mr. Shravan to be his successor. A Motivation, B. Leadership, C. Communication, D. Staffing.

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  11. An important project at AMB consultants is running behind schedule by a month. This has upset their clients and might affect the reputation of the company in the long run. No managerial action like assigning more workers, equipment or giving overtime has been able to solve the problem. What managerial action may now be taken by the company to avoid such a situation from arising in the future A. Revise the schedule, B. Assigning additional workers and equipment to the project, C. Get permission for further overtime work, D. Both B&C.

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  12. A decision to acquire a new & modern plant to upgrade an old one is known as ______________ decision.
    a) Financing decision, (b) working capital decision, (c) Investment decision, (d) Dividend decision.

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  13. ABC Ltd. has Debt Equity ratio of 3:1 whereas Ltd. has Debt Equity ratio of 1:1. Name the advantage ABC Ltd will have over Ltd, when the rate of interest is lower than the rate of return on investment of the company.
    (a) Trading on equity, (b) Low risk, (c) Low cost of equity , (d) Greater flexibility.

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  14. Vikrant joins his father’s business of Organic masalas, near otgarh in Himachal after completing his MBA. In order to capture a major share of the market, he decided to sell the product in small attractive packages by using the latest packaging technology. His father suggested that they hire financial consultants to estimate the amount of funds that would be required for the purpose & timings when it would be required. The concept being discussed by ikrant’s father, links which financial decision with the investment decision.
    a.)Dividend decision? ,(b) Financial Planning, (C) capital structure decision, (d) Financing decision.

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  15. Raghav’s friend Raman works as a Chartered Accountant in Solutions Ltd. Raman in a meeting with the Board of Directors of the Company came to know that the firm would soon be declaring a Bonus issue which would result in increase in the price of shares. Considering this, Raman advised Raghav to purchase the shares of Solutions Ltd., who acted on his advice and bought the shares before time. Which function of SEBI can control such malpractices
    (a) Protective functions, (b) Regulatory functions, (c) Development functions, (d) All the above.

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  16. Large scale production done to reduce the average cost of production is the essence of _____________ concept of Marketing management.
    a) Product, b) Selling,
    c) Production, d) Marketing

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  17. Saumya decided to start a business of selling dress material from her house. She did various online surveys to find out about the preferences of proSQPective customers. Based on this, she prepared a detailed analysis of the business. She then made important decisions including deciding about the features, quality, packaging, labelling and branding of the dress material. Identify the element of Marketing Mix discussed above.
    (a)Promotion, (b) Market, (c) Product, (d) Place.

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  18. Tomato Ltd., a food delivery service app has recently faced criticism for the tampering of their product, by their delivery boys. Tomato Ltd. decided to put a hologram seal on the food packets in order to protect the contents from SQPoilage, leakage, pilferage, damage, along with a tag with a safety warning for the consumers to check the seal. Which concept of marketing discussed above is performing the important function of communicating with the potential buyer and promoting the sale.
    (a) Branding, (b) Product designing and development,
    (c) labelling, (d) packaging.

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  19. Asserting oneself to ensure that one gets a fair deal, is the right of a consumer.

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  20. Sheela went to a free eye camp & got her eyes operated for cataract. The surgery was not done properly, due to which she lost her vision. Where can she file a complaint under consumer protection act ?
    (a) At District forum (b) State commission (c) National Commission (d) None of above

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  21. List any three tasks that Mr. Armstrong needs to do, as a production manager, in his firm, to carry out the plans laid down by the top managers.

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  22. Enumerate the three economic objectives of management.

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SECTION A questions and complete solutions for chapter SAMPLE PAPER 2019 of XII BOARDS PREVIOUS YEAR of Class 12