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Complete Solutions to Example of chapter Matric System of Class 6 book with complete answers and questions

Class 6MATHS
ChapterMatric System
Number Of Questions50
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Measuring with , a scale, the length of my pen is found to be 14.7 cm and the length of my sisters pen in 15.2 cm Let us find the lengths of pens in millimetre.

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  2. When 1.47 is multiplied by 10.Find the value

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  3. Short forms of units of length Kilometre = km, Hectometre = Hm, Decametre = Dm, Metre = m, Decimetre = dcm, Centimetre = cm, Millimetre = mm (1) 5.6 km=`_ `Hm

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  4. Short forms of units of length Kilometre = km, Hectometre = Hm, Decametre = Dm, Metre = m, Decimetre = dcm, Centimetre = cm, Millimetre = mm (2) 7 Dm=`_` dcm

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  5. Short forms of units of length Kilometre = km, Hectometre = Hm, Decametre = Dm, Metre = m, Decimetre = dcm, Centimetre = cm, Millimetre = mm (3) 8.5 m=`_` mm

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  6. Short forms of units of length Kilometre = km, Hectometre = Hm, Decametre = Dm, Metre = m, Decimetre = dcm, Centimetre = cm, Millimetre = mm (4) 2.356m=`_` dcm

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  7. Short forms of units of length Kilometre = km, Hectometre = Hm, Decametre = Dm, Metre = m, Decimetre = dcm, Centimetre = cm, Millimetre = mm (5) 4 m 20 dcm=`_`dcm

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  8. Short forms of units of length Kilometre = km, Hectometre = Hm, Decametre = Dm, Metre = m, Decimetre = dcm, Centimetre = cm, Millimetre = mm (6) 2 Hm 7 m=`_`m

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  9. Short forms of units of length Kilometre = km, Hectometre = Hm, Decametre = Dm, Metre = m, Decimetre = dcm, Centimetre = cm, Millimetre = mm (7) 5.37 Hm=`_` Dm

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  10. Short forms of units of length Kilometre = km, Hectometre = Hm, Decametre = Dm, Metre = m, Decimetre = dcm, Centimetre = cm, Millimetre = mm (8) 6.234 m=`_` dcm

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  11. Short forms of units of length Kilometre = km, Hectometre = Hm, Decametre = Dm, Metre = m, Decimetre = dcm, Centimetre = cm, Millimetre = mm (9) 6 Dm 7 dcm=`_` dcm

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  12. Short forms of units of length Kilometre = km, Hectometre = Hm, Decametre = Dm, Metre = m, Decimetre = dcm, Centimetre = cm, Millimetre = mm (10) 7 dcm 5 mm=`_`mm

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  13. Let's express 0.2 cm in metre.

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  14. Now, let us find 0.2 m = how much km. 1km = 1000m

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  15. Divide the following just by shifting the decimal point ( without convert decimal number into vulgar fraction) (a) 23 ÷ 100

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  16. Divide the following just by shifting the decimal point ( without convert decimal number into vulgar fraction) (b) 3.75 ÷ 10

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  17. Divide the following just by shifting the decimal point ( without convert decimal number into vulgar fraction) ( c) 0.562 ÷10

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  18. Divide the following just by shifting the decimal point ( without convert decimal number into vulgar fraction) (d) 22.93 `-:` 1000

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  19. Divide the following just by shifting the decimal point ( without convert decimal number into vulgar fraction) (e) 147.8 ÷100

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  20. Divide the following just by shifting the decimal point ( without convert decimal number into vulgar fraction) (f) 7 ÷ 1000

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  21. Is it possible to express this length in cm.(a) 3.7 mm

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  22. Is it possible to express this length in cm.(b) 2.52 m

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  23. Is it possible to express this length in cm.(d) 6.21 m

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  24. Is it possible to express this length in cm.(1) 91m

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  25. Is it possible to express this length in cm.(3) 715dcm

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  26. Is it possible to express this length in cm.(4) 301 mm

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  27. Is it possible to express this length in cm.5) 0.7 Dm

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  28. From market, 1 bought 250 gm of bitter gourd (karela), 500 gm of carrot and 1 kg of gourd naan/lowki). Let me convert the total weight of vegetables in kg.

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  29. 72 cg = ? mg

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  30. Is it possible to express this length in cm.
    69.2 m

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  31. 42 kg 15 Dg = ? Dg

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  32. I bought 2 litres of milk. Let me find how many kilolitres I bought.

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  33. Let us express 4.91 kl in cl

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  34. Let us express 51 kl in cl.

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  35. Tea vendor Gopal needs 55 litre milk every day. Lets calculate in kl the amount of milk he needs in a week.

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  36. 7 litre = ? Decalitre

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  37. 23.96 Decilitre = ? Decalitre

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  38. 4.07 litre = ? Decilitre

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  39. 63 Hectolitre = ? Decilitre

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  40. 2123.567 litre = ? Mililitre

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  41. I went to fish market with my elder brother. He bought fish for Rs. 877.50. If 1 kg of fish cost Rs. 175.50, let me find how many kgs of fish, my brother bought.

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  42. Unnisha Khatoon has 30.6 meters coth with which she makes frocks. If 1.7 m of cloth are required for each forek. Let’s find out how many frocks Unnisha Khatoon will make?

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  43. In my house, 48 liters of drinking water is stored. Bottles of equal size are to be filled with this wator. If each bottle hods 1.2 litre or water, let’s find how many such bottles can be filled.

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  44. From a bamboo of length 15.77 m, 2.55 m is cut off. The reaining part is divided into 4 equal parts. Let's find the length of each part.

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  45. The distance of my school from my houses is ? Km. If I would cylcing at a speed of 10.2 km per hour, how long should I take to each this school [ Putting value myself]

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  46. Let's write a story line and then work out - (a) 12 ÷ 0.3 From a ribbon of length 12 cm, how many pices of length 0.3 cm can be cut off.

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  47. Let's write a story line and then work out - (b) 48 ÷ 0.8 From a bamboo of length 48 m. If is divided into 0.8 m long each pleces. Let’s find how many equal part divided from it.

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  48. Let's write a story line and then work out - ( c) `52.2 ÷ 5.8 52.2` litres oils is stored in a big jar. Bottles of equal size are to be filled with this oils. If each bottle hold 5.8 litre of oils. Let’s find how many such bottles can be filled.

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  49. Let's write a story line and then work out - (d) 17.5 ÷ 5, 5 similar packets of chocolate weight 17.5 gm. Let's find the weight of each packet of chocolate.

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  50. Let's write a story line and then work out - (e) 0.75 ÷ 0.5 m. 0.75 m cloths are divided by 0.5 m. What is the length of each pices.

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Example questions and complete solutions for chapter Matric System of JNAN PUBLICATION of Class 6

All Exercises from JNAN PUBLICATION Class 6 MATHS Matric System