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Complete Solutions to Example of chapter Percentage of Class 6 book with complete answers and questions

Class 6MATHS
Number Of Questions64
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Let us take rectangular piece of paper, and let's draw. 10 × 10 equal cells and colour them with different colours. Let's find the percentage of different colours used.

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  2. Let us take a rectangular piece of white paper and let's draw 10×10 equal cells. Now 0.19 part is coloured red and 0.23 part is coloured green. Let's find the percentage of the cells which are not coloured.

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  3. 0.23 parts of students of our class are girls. Let's find the percentage of girl students out of all the student of our class.

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  4. Today while Rajat was going to school, he covered 0.25 part of distance on foot and rest on a rickshaw. Let's find percentage of distance he travelled by rickshaw.

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  5. Ajmera get 20 out of 50 marks in hand work but Ali got 10 out of 25 marks in handwork in his school. Lets find out who got more marks. Lets correct the marks of Ajmera and Ali in percentage and then compare.

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  6. Convert the following in decimal 19/100 = ?

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  7. Solve the following 3/5 = ?

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  8. Convert in decimal number 7/10 = ?

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  9. Convert the following in fraction 0.21 = ?

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  10. Convert the following in fraction 0.05 = ?

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  11. Convert the following decimal numbers in fraction 0.8 = ?

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  12. Convert the following in fraction 3.76 = ?

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  13. Convert the following in decimal number `2frac(3)(5)` = ?

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  14. Convert the following in fraction 2.5 = ?

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  15. Let's find the values of the following: (a) 10% of 60,

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  16. Let's find the values of the following: (b) 20% of 45,

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  17. Let's find the values of the following: (c) 40% of 160,

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  18. Let's find the values of the following: (d) 30% of 120,

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  19. Let's find the values of the following: (e) 22% of 1000,

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  20. Let's find the values of the following: (f) 35% of 240,

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  21. Let's find the values of the following: (g) 5% of 800,

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  22. Let's find the values of the following: (h) 18% of 3600,

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  23. My grandfather gave me ₨.50 for visiting a fair. I spent 70% of the money at the fair and rest I saved in my piggy bank. Let me find, how much I spent and much I saved.

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  24. In the mathematics examination, 60% students of our class got more than 80 marks. If there are 50 students in our class, Let's find how many have got above 80.

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  25. Let's express the marked parts in percent in the figures given (vi)

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  26. Let's convert the following fractions into percentage (i) `45/50`

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  27. Let's convert the following fractions into percentage (ii) `9/10`

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  28. Let's convert the following fractions into percentage (iii) `33/300`

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  29. Let's convert the following fractions into percentage (iv) `1frac(2)(5)`

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  30. Let's convert the following fractions into percentage (v) `4frac(3)(8)`

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  31. Let's convert the following decimal fraction into percentage. (i) 0.6

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  32. Let's convert the following decimal fraction into percentage. (ii) 0.02

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  33. Let's convert the following decimal fraction into percentage. (iii) 0.57

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  34. Let's convert the following decimal fraction into percentage. (iv) 1.21

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  35. Let's convert the following decimal fraction into percentage. (v) 0.003

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  36. Let's convert the following percentage into proper fractions. (i) 10%

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  37. Let's convert the following percentage into proper fractions. (ii) 70%

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  38. Let's convert the following percentage into proper fractions. (iii) 15%

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  39. Let's convert the following percentage into proper fractions. (iv) 257%

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  40. Let's convert the following percentage into proper fractions. (v) `33frac(1)(3)`%

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  41. Lets convert the following percentages into decimal fractions. (i) 61%

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  42. Lets convert the following percentages into decimal fractions. (ii) 3%

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  43. Lets convert the following percentages into decimal fractions. (iii) 105%

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  44. Lets convert the following percentages into decimal fractions. (iv) 1.26%

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  45. Lets convert the following percentages into decimal fractions. (v) 0.07%

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  46. Let us express the following in percentage and arrange them in ascending order- (i) `1/2,1/4,3/5`

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  47. Let us express the following in percentage and arrange them in ascending order- (ii) `2/5,13/25,7/10`

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  48. Let us express the following in percentage and arrange them in ascending order- (iii) `1frac(2)(5)`,`1frac(1)(2)`,`1frac(9)(10)`

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  49. Let us express the following in percentage and arrange them in ascending order- (iv) 0.02, 0.15, 0.06

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  50. (i) If 3 out of 5 candies were taken, let's find the percentage of cndies taken.

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  51. (ii) If 6 out of 24 berries are rotten, Lets find the percentage of berries that have rotton.

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  52. (ii) Today, 7 students of our class are absents. There are 35 students in our class. Let us find the percentage of students persent today in class.

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  53. (iv) A bamboo is of length 55m. 11m, of it is under muddy water. Let's find what percentage of the bamboo is above the water.

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  54. There are 2100 story books in our local library. If 30% more story books are bought, what will be the total number of story books in the library now and also find out the additional numbers of story bought.

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  55. Its raining heavily since morning. Hence only 20% student's were present in Alam's school. Total number of students in Alam's school is 1230 then Let's find how many students were acutally present in school.

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  56. Today I shall prepare orange juice, 'sherbet' (drink) myself. For preparing 300 ml of 'sherbet' I added 18% orange juice to it. Let's find how many milliliters of orange juice I added to the 'sherbet'.

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  57. Shebhan used organic fertiliger this year in his land. This increased the proeduction of paddy by 25% than last year. If last year's production of paddy is 12 quintals, let's find the production of paddy this year.

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  58. In Rasulpur Village, the population has increased by 12% than the previous year. Till last year, the populatin of the village was 775. Let's find the present population of the village.

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  59. 80 students appeared for the Madhyamilk Examination this year from our school. If 65% of students have passed. Let us find how many students have acutally passed.

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  60. A certain alloy contians 70% copper and rest zinc. In 20 kg of such alloy, Let's find how many kg of zinc is required.

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  61. Due to the rise the price of sugar we decided to reduce the consumption of suger by 4% presently, we consume 625 gm of suger every day. Let's find by how many grams the consumption of suger is ruduced and also the amout of suger consumed each day now.

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  62. Anilbabu pays 22% of his salary for house rent. If he pays ₨. 1870 per month for rent. Let's find his montly salary.

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  63. Yasina khatoon cultivates jute in 55% of her agricultural land, if she cultivates jute in 11 bighas of land, let's find her total agricultural land.

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  64. The present population of a city is 26250. If the population increases at the rate of 4% every year, then let's find what will the population of the city be next year. Also, let's find what the population will be after two years.

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Example questions and complete solutions for chapter Percentage of JNAN PUBLICATION of Class 6

All Exercises from JNAN PUBLICATION Class 6 MATHS Percentage