Class 6 | MATHS |
Chapter | HCF and LCM of Three Numbers |
Number Of Questions | 35 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
Let's find the greatest number, which will divide both 564 and 630 to keep remainder 3 in both cases.
Let's find which greatest number when divided by 78, 182 and 195. Keeps no remainder.
Mili bought few exercise books for ₨. 80.50. Her brother bought few more for ₨. 57.50. Lets find the maximum price of an exercise book and total number of exercise books bought.
Let's workout to find the least number of four digits which will be divisible by 12, 15, 20 and 35.
The length and breadth of our school hall is 2000 cm and 1600 cm. Let's find the length of the longest type which can measure both length and breadth in exact whole numbers.
Let's find the H.C.F of the following number- (a) 24, 36, 54
Let's find the H.C.F of the following number- (b) 24, 30, 40, 48
Let's find the H.C.F of the following number- (c ) 296, 703, 814
Let's find the H.C.F of the following number- (d) 160, 165, 305
Let's find the H.C.F of the following number- (e) 165, 264, 286
Let's find the H.C.F of the following number- (f) 906, 1510, 1057
Let's find the greatest number which divides 306, 810 and 2214 and keeps no remainder.
There are three sticks in our house, of lengths 45 cm, 50 cm and 75 cm. Let's find the least length of a tape which can be completely measured by each stick.
Let's find the least number which is divisible by 15, 20, 24 and 32.
Let's find L.C.M of the following. (a) 36, 60, 72
Let's find L.C.M of the following. (b) 24, 36, 45, 60
Let's find L.C.M of the following. (c ) 105, 119, 289
Let's find L.C.M of the following. (d) 144, 180, 348
Let's find L.C.M of the following. (e) 110, 165, 330
Let's find L.C.M of the following. (f) 204, 408, 306
Let's find the H.C.F and the L.C.M of the following,(a) 6 ₨ 50 paise, 5 ₨ 20 paise and 7 ₨ 80 paise.
Let's find the H.C.F and the L.C.M of the following,(b) 2 m 28 cm, 3 m 42 cm, 4 m 56 cm.
Let's find the H.C.F and the L.C.M of the following,(c ) 3 lt 600 ml, 4 lt 800 ml, 6 lt
From the pairs of numbers given below, let's find if the product of two numbers is equal in product of their H.C.F and L.C.M.
The L. C. M and H. C. F of two numbers are 2175 and 145 respectively , If one number is 725, Let's find the other number.
Let's find the H.C.F of 145 and 232. Using H.C.F, let us find L.C.M.
Let's find the L.C.M of 144 and 384. Using L.C.M, let's find their H.C.F.
Find the least number, that must be subtracted from 5834, so that the result is divisible by 20, 28, 32 and 35.
Let's find the greatest number which divides 2300 and 3500 to leave remainders 32 and 56 respectively.
Let's find the greatest number that divides 650, 775 and 1250 to keep equal remainder in all cases.
The H.C.F and L.C.M of two numbers are 12 and 720. Let's try to find, how many pairs are possible and what may be those numbers.
Let us find the least number from which, if 4000 is subtracted, the result will be divisible by 7, 11 and 13.
Let's find two pairs of number between 50 and 100, whose H.C.F is 16.
Let us find a number which is divisible by 28, 33, 42 and 77 and nearest to 98765.
Let us find the least number divisible by 13 such that when that number is divided by 8, 12, 16 and 20, it leaves 1 as remainder the all cases.
Example questions and complete solutions for chapter HCF and LCM of Three Numbers of JNAN PUBLICATION of Class 6