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Complete Solutions to Example of chapter Concept Of Line, Line Segment, Ray And Point of Class 6 book with complete answers and questions

Class 6MATHS
ChapterConcept Of Line, Line Segment, Ray And Point
Number Of Questions20
Academic Year2023-24
  1. (1) Let's draw 6 concurrent straight line and name them.

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  2. 5 non-colinear points are to be drawn and find how many straight lines can be drawn through them.

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  3. (3) Let's draw 5 points which are collinear.

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  4. Put ( √) for correct and (×) for wrong answers : (i) On the line segments `bar(YW)`, Y, Z and W are collinear.

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  5. Put ( √) for correct and (×) for wrong answers : (i) On the line segments `bar(YW)`, Y, Z and W are collinear.

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  6. Put ( √) for correct and (×) for wrong answers : (i) On the line segments `bar(YW)`, Y, Z and W are collinear.

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  7. Let's try and find the answers : (i) How many strainght lines can be drawn through one fixed point.

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  8. Let's try and find the answers : (ii) How many strainght lines can be drawn throught two fixed points.

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  9. Let's try and find the answers : (iii) How many line segments can be drawn through three non-collinear points.

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  10. Let's try and find the answers : (iv) How many end points are there in a line segment `bar(AB)`.

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  11. Let's try and find the answers : (v) How many end points are there in a ray AB.

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  12. Let's try and find the answers : (vi) Straight line, line segments and ray, Of these three which one is a fixed length.

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  13. Let's try and find the answers : (vii) Are the`bar(AB)`and `bar(BA)` same?

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  14. Let's try and find the answers : (viii) Are the line segments `bar(AB)` and `bar(BA)` equal? In what way they are equal.

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  15. Let's try and find the answers : (ix) What is the maximum number of points at which two line segments can meet.

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  16. Let's try and find the answers : (x) Lets find the maximum number of points at which three non - concurrent lines can in intersect.

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  17. Let's draw ourselves : (i)`bar(PQ)` and `bar(RS)` are two line segments intersecting at O

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  18. Let’s draw ourselves : (ii) Using scale, let us draw AB And CD.As two parallel line segments.

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  19. Let’s draw ourselves : (iii) Let’s draw a ray MN? On which S is a point.

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  20. Lets draw ourselves : ( iv) Let's draw, two line segments AC and DC metting at C

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Example questions and complete solutions for chapter Concept Of Line, Line Segment, Ray And Point of JNAN PUBLICATION of Class 6

All Exercises from JNAN PUBLICATION Class 6 MATHS Concept Of Line, Line Segment, Ray And Point