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Complete Solutions to ILLUSTRATIONS of chapter UNDERSTANDING ELEMENTARY SHAPES of Class 6 book with complete answers and questions

Class 6MATHS
Number Of Questions12
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A, B and C are three points such that AB = 4 cm, BC = 3 cm and AC = 7 cm. Which one of them lies between other two ?

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  2. Which method is better for comparison of line segments : observation or divider ?

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  3. Answer the following questions according to given figure.

    (i) What angle is formed if you are facing North and turn clockwise to face South ?
    (ii) What angle is formed if you are facing East and cover 1/4 of revolution anti-clockwise ? In which direction are you facing now ?

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  4. Find the angle measure between the hands of the clock in each figure. Also write it in term of a revolution.

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  5. Where will the hand of clock stop if it
    (i) starts at 12 and make 3/2 of a revolution clockwise ?
    (ii) starts at 4 and make 1/4 of a revolution clockwise ?

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  6. Give two measures of (i) acute angle (ii) obtuse angle.

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  7. Name the types of triangles formed in each of the following in two different ways.

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  8. What type of quadrilateral is formed in each of the following ?
    (i) A quadrilateral in which opposite sides are parallel and all sides and angles are equal.
    (ii) A parallelogram in which all angles are right angles.

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  9. Answer the following questions.
    (i) What kind of polygon is a eight sided figure with all the angles and sides are equal ?
    (ii) What kind of polygon is a six sided figure with five sides equal and one unequal ?

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  10. Check whether the following figures are polygons. If not, then give reason.

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  11. Name each of the following 3-dimensional shapes.
    (i) It has one triangular base and three triangular faces.
    (ii) It has two opposite pentagonal bases while other faces are rectangles.
    (iii) It has one curved face and two circular plane faces.

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  12. Identify the given figure. Also write number of faces, vertices and edges.

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ILLUSTRATIONS questions and complete solutions for chapter UNDERSTANDING ELEMENTARY SHAPES of MTG IIT JEE FOUNDATION of Class 6