Complete Solutions to Exercise - Comprehension Type of chapter FUN WITH MAGNETS of Class 6 book with complete answers and questions

MTG IIT JEE FOUNDATIONExercise - Comprehension Type
Number Of Questions9
Academic Year2023-24
  1. PASSAGE-I : A magnetic field is described by drawing the magnetic field lines. The magnetic field lines always begin from the north pole of magnet and end on the soth pole of the magnet. They do not intersect each other. They come closer to one another near the poles but they are widely separated at other places.
    The direction of magnetic field lines outside the magnet is

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  2. PASSAGE-I : A magnetic field is described by drawing the magnetic field lines. The magnetic field lines always begin from the north pole of magnet and end on the soth pole of the magnet. They do not intersect each other. They come closer to one another near the poles but they are widely separated at other places.
    The strength of magnetic field is weak at

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  3. PASSAGE-I : A magnetic field is described by drawing the magnetic field lines. The magnetic field lines always begin from the north pole of magnet and end on the soth pole of the magnet. They do not intersect each other. They come closer to one another near the poles but they are widely separated at other places.
    The magnetic field lines

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  4. PASSAGE-II : The magnetic field of a magnet is an invisible field which is created by magnetism. Magnets are made by using electrical and mechanical methods. A temporary magnet can be made by passing electricity through a coil.
    Which of the following shows a temporary magnetism?

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  5. PASSAGE-II : The magnetic field of a magnet is an invisible field which is created by magnetism. Magnets are made by using electrical and mechanical methods. A temporary magnet can be made by passing electricity through a coil.
    The invisible area surrounding a magnet where force is experienced is called

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  6. PASSAGE-II : The magnetic field of a magnet is an invisible field which is created by magnetism. Magnets are made by using electrical and mechanical methods. A temporary magnet can be made by passing electricity through a coil.
    When the south poles of two magnets are kept close, they will

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  7. PASSAGE-III : The Earth itself behaves as a magnet. The shape of the Earth's magnetic field resembles that of an imaginary bar magnet of length one-fifth of earth's diameter. The axis of earth's magnetic field is approximately inclined at an angle of about `15^(@)` with the geographical axis. There are many theories which explains this. the possible one suggest it to be due to the movement of molten iron at Earth's core. Thus, Earth act as a giant magnet.
    The axis of earth's magnetic field is inclined with the geographical axis at an angle of about

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  8. PASSAGE-III : The Earth itself behaves as a magnet. The shape of the Earth's magnetic field resembles that of an imaginary bar magnet of length one-fifth of earth's diameter. The axis of earth's magnetic field is approximately inclined at an angle of about `15^(@)` with the geographical axis. There are many theories which explains this. the possible one suggest it to be due to the movement of molten iron at Earth's core. Thus, Earth act as a giant magnet.
    The shape of the earth's magnetic field resembles that of an imaginary

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  9. PASSAGE-III : The Earth itself behaves as a magnet. The shape of the Earth's magnetic field resembles that of an imaginary bar magnet of length one-fifth of earth's diameter. The axis of earth's magnetic field is approximately inclined at an angle of about `15^(@)` with the geographical axis. There are many theories which explains this. the possible one suggest it to be due to the movement of molten iron at Earth's core. Thus, Earth act as a giant magnet.
    Possible cause of Earth's magnetism is

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Exercise - Comprehension Type questions and complete solutions for chapter FUN WITH MAGNETS of MTG IIT JEE FOUNDATION of Class 6