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Complete Solutions to Exercise of chapter NUMBER SYSTEM of Class 6 book with complete answers and questions

Class 6MATHS
Number Of Questions49
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Given below are two columns – Column I and Column II. Match each item of Column I with the corresponding item of Column II.

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  2. Arrange the followng numbers in descending order:
    8435, 4835, 13584, 5348, 25843

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  3. Of the following numbers which is the greatest? Which is the smallest
    38051425, 30040700, 67205602

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  4. Write in expanded form :
    (a) 74836
    (b) 574021
    (c) 8907010

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  5. As per the census of 2001, the population of four states are given below. Arrange the states in ascending and descending order of their population.
    `{:("(a) Maharashtra", 96878627),("(b) Andhra Pradesh", 76210007), ("(c) Bihar", 82998509), ("(d) Uttar Pradesh", 166197921):}`

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  6. India’s population has been steadily increasing from 439 millions in 1961 to 1028 millions in 2001. Find the total increase in population from 1961 to 2001. What is the increase in population?

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  7. Radius of the Earth is 6400km and that of Mars is 4300000m. Whose radius is bigger and by how much?

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  8. In 2001, the poplulations of Tripura and Meghalaya were 3,199,203 and 2,318,822, respectively. Write the populations of these two states in words.

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  9. In a city, polio drops were given to 2,12,583 children on Sunday in March 2008 and to 2,16,813 children in the next month. Find the difference of the number of children getting polio drops in the two months.

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  10. A person had Rs 1000000 with him. He purchased a colour T.V. for Rs 16580, a motor cycle for Rs 45890 and a flat for Rs 870000. How much money was left with him?

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  11. Out of 180000 tablets of Vitamin A, 18734 are distributed among the students in a district. Find the number of the remaining vitamin tablets.

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  12. Chinmay had Rs 610000. He gave Rs 87500 to Jyoti, Rs 126380 to Javed and Rs 350000 to John. How much money was left with him?

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  13. Find the difference between the smallest number of eight digits and the largest number of seven digits .

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  14. A mobile number consists of ten digits. The first four digits of the number are 9, 9, 8 and 7. The last three digits are 3, 5 and 5. The remaining digits are distinct and make the mobile number, the greatest possible number. What are these digits?

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  15. A mobile number consists of ten digits. First four digits are 9,9,7 and 9. Make the smallest mobile number by using only one digit twice from 8, 3, 5, 6, 0.

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  16. In a five digit number, digit at ten’s place is 4, digit at unit’s place is one fourth of ten’s place digit, digit at hunderd’s place is 0, digit at thousand’s place is 5 times of the digit at unit’s place and ten thousand’s place digit is double the digit at ten’s place. Write the number.

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  17. Find the sum of the greatest and the least six digit numbers formed by the digits 2, 0, 4, 7, 6, 5 using each digit only once.

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  18. A factory has a container filled with 35874 litres of cold drink. In how many bottles of 200 ml capacity each can it be filled?

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  19. The population of a town is 450772. In a survey, it was reported that one out of every 14 persons is illiterate. In all how many illiterate persons are there in the town?

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  20. Find the LCM of 80, 96, 125, 160.

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  21. Make the greatest and the smallest 5-digit numbers using different digits in which 5 appears at ten’s place.

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  22. How many grams should be added to 2kg 300g to make it 5kg 68g?

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  23. A box contains 50 packets of biscuits each weighing 120g. How many such boxes can be loaded in a van which cannot carry beyond 900kg?

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  24. How many lakhs make five billions?

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  25. How many millions make 3 crores?

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  26. Estimate each of the following by rounding off each number to nearest hundreds:
    (a) 874 + 478
    (b) 793 + 397
    (c) 11244 + 3507
    (d) 17677 + 13589

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  27. Estimate each of the follwoing by rounding off each number to nearest tens:
    (a) 11963 – 9369
    (b) 76877 – 7783
    (c) 10732 – 4354
    (d) 78203 – 16407

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  28. Estimate each of the following products by rounding off each number to nearest tens:
    (a) `87 xx 32`
    (b) `311 xx 113`
    (c) `3239 xx 28`
    (d) `1385 xx 789`

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  29. The population of a town was 78787 in the year 1991 and 95833 in the year 2001. Estimate the increase in population by rounding off each population to nearest hundreds.

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  30. Estimate the product `758 xx 6784` by rounding to nearest hundreds

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  31. A garment factory produced 216315 shirts, 182736 trousers and 58704 jackets in a year. What is the total production of all the three items in that year?

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  32. Find the LCM of 160, 170 and 90.

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  33. A vessel has 13litres 200mL of fruit juice. In how many glasses each of capacity 60mL can it be filled?

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  34. Determine the sum of the four numbers as given below:
    (a) successor of 32
    (b) predecessor of 49
    (c) predecessor of the predecessor of 56
    (d) successor of the successor of 67

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  35. A loading tempo can carry 482 boxes of biscuits weighing 15kg each, whereas a van can carry 518 boxes each of the same weight. Find the total weight that can be carried by both the vehicles.

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  36. In the marriage of her daughter, Leela spent Rs 216766 on food and decoration,Rs 122322 on jewellery, Rs 88234 on furniture and Rs 26780 on kitchen items. Find the total amount spent by her on the above items.

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  37. A box contains 5 strips having 12 capsules of 500mg medicine in each capsule. Find the total weight in grams of medicine in 32 such boxes.

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  38. Determine the least number which when divided by 3, 4 and 5 leaves remainder 2 in each case.

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  39. A merchant has 120 litres of oil of one kind, 180 litres of another kind and 240 litres of third kind. He wants to sell the oil by filling the three kinds of oil in tins of equal capacity. What should be the greatest capacity of such a tin?

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  40. Find a 4-digit odd number using each of the digits 1, 2, 4 and 5 only once such that when the first and the last digits are interchanged, it is divisible by 4.

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  41. Using each of the digits 1, 2, 3 and 4 only once, determine the smallest 4-digit number divisible by 4.

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  42. Fatima wants to mail three parcels to three village schools. She finds that the postal charges are Rs 20, Rs 28 and Rs 36, respectively. If she wants to buy stamps only of one denomination, what is the greatest denomination of stamps she must buy to mail the three parcels?

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  43. Three brands A, B and C of biscuits are available in packets of 12, 15 and 21 biscuits respectively. If a shopkeepeer wants to buy an equal number of biscuits, of each brand, what is the minimum number of packets of each brand, he should buy?

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  44. The floor of a room is 8m 96cm long and 6m 72cm broad. Find the minimum number of square tiles of the same size needed to cover the entire floor.

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  45. In a school library, there are 780 books of English and 364 books of Science. Ms. Yakang, the librarian of the school wants to store these books in shelves such that each shelf should have the same number of books of each subject. What should be the minimum number of books in each shelf?

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  46. In a colony of 100 blocks of flats numbering 1 to 100, a school van stops at every sixth block while a school bus stops at every tenth block. On which stops will both of them stop if they start from the entrance of the colony?

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  47. Test the divisiblity of following numbers by 11
    (a) 5335
    (b) 9020814

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  48. Using divisiblity tests, determine which of the following numbers are divisible by 4?
    (a) 4096
    (b) 21084
    (c) 31795012

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  49. Using divisiblity test. determine which of the following numbers are divisible by 9?
    (a) 672
    (b) 5652

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Exercise questions and complete solutions for chapter NUMBER SYSTEM of NCERT EXEMPLAR of Class 6