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Complete Solutions to FORMATIVE WORKSHEET of chapter NUTRITION IN PLANTS AND ANIMALS of Class 7 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions69
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Statement - I : Excretion and reproduction are seen in plants. Statement, II: Respiration and movement are see in earthworm. .

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  2. Statement - I : Any substance that can be broken down through chemical processes in the body of an organism to give energy is called food. Statement, II : The entire process of taking in food and drink by living organisms and using it för the purpose of growth and daily activities is called Nutrition.

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  3. Which of the following is the type of nutrition?

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  4. Spot the error/s in the following statements and rewrite correcting them.
    Plants show heterotrophic nutrition.

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  5. Spot the error/s in the following statements and rewrite correcting them.
    Animals show autotrophic nutrition.

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  6. Pick the odd one out

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  7. Assertion (A): Green plants are autotrophs. Reason (R): They prepare their own food material by the process of photosynthesis.

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  8. Which of the following are the raw materials for photosynthesis?

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  9. Assertion (A): The process by which plants prepare their own food material is called Photosynthesis. Reason (R): This is called so because the food is prepared in the presence of sunlight.

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  10. Spot the error/s in the following statements and rewrite correcting them.
    The mode of nutrition whereby a living organism makes its own food is called heterotrophic nutrition.

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  11. Spot the error/s in the following statements and rewrite correcting them.
    The process of using the energy in sunlight to convert water and carbon dioxide into carbohydrates (starch) and oxygen is called Photosynthesis.

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  12. During photosynthesis, A is taken by leaves from atmosphere, B. is absorbed by the roots. A and Breacts in the presence of C to produce D and E. If D is stored in different parts of the plant and E is released into atmosphere, then identify A B C D

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  13. Identify the sources of the following requirements of photosynthesis,

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  14. Assertion (A): More water absorbed through root hairs. Reason (R): Root hairs increase the surface area of roots.

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  15. `CO_2` enter the leave through

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  16. Statement - I : Water and soluble nutrients enter the root layer, pass through the secondary roots, and travel through the main root into the stems and reaches the leaves through structures called xylem. Statement, II: This starch is carried to various parts of the plants through structures called phloem.

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  17. Statement - I: All plants contain chlorophyll. Statement-II: All plants can prepare their own food material by the process of photosynthesis,

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  18. Statement.- I: A naturally occurring substance that gives a particular colour to a plant or an animal part is called a pigment. Statement, II: The green leaves are green due to the presence of chlorophyll.

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  19. On an average there are about 500,000 chloroplasts per square millimeter of a leaf. If the area of a leaf of a bean plant is 10 cm2, then find the total number of chloroplast cells present in this leaf.

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  20. Choose right order of transport of water and soluble nutrients in plants.

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  21. Say True or False
    Nutrition is not the basic life characteristics of living organisms.

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  22. Say True or False
    Plants make their own food through a process called photosynthesis.

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  23. Say True or False
    Most plants are autotrophic in nature.

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  24. Label the parts in the following figure.

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  25. Label the parts in the following figure.

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  26. Statement - I : The mode of nutrition in which organisms cannot manufacture food and have to depend upon other plants and animals to obtain energy is called heterotrophic nutrition. Statement-II: Organisms which have heterotrophic mode of nutrition are called heterotrophs

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  27. Spot the errors in the given statements and correct them.
    Saprophytic plants are those which absorb food from another growing green plant, called the host.

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  28. Spot the errors in the given statements and correct them.
    Usually, parasitic plants develop special roots which penetrate into the tissues of the host plant.

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  29. Statement - I: Cuscuta is a saprophyte. Statement, II: Mistletoe is a parasite.

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  30. Match the folļowing:

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  31. Assertion (A): Dodder can cover woody plants and cause heavy damage to certain economically important crops. Reason (R): Parasitic plants harm the host plant.

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  32. Assertion (A), Saprophytes cannot prepare their own food material by the process of photosynthesis. Reason (R): They do not have green leaves and hence cannot prepare their own food.

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  33. Assertion (A): Though saprophytes do not perform photosynthesis, yet they can manage their nutrition. Reason (R): The fungi in the roots of saprophytes produce digestive juices which converts the dead and decaying inatter into sugar which can be then used as food by these plants.

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  34. Saprophytic plants are usually green in colour.
    Spot the errors in the given statements and correct them.

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  35. State the following statement is true or false.
    The roots of saprophytes contain living organisms called fungi. Fungi are capable of digesting dead and decaying matter.

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  36. Give two examples for the following:

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  37. Statement – I: Insectivorous plants are usually green but they canot make their own food. Statement, II: The soil in which the insectivorous plants grow are deficient in certain nutrients, especially nitrogen...

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  38. Statement - I: Insectivorous plants are plants that derive some or most of their nutrients by trapping and consuming animals, mainly insects. Statement, II: In the pitcher plant, the leaf is modified to form a tubular pitcher like structure. The inside of the pitcher is lined with downward pointing hairs.

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  39. Identify the following insectivorous plants.

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  40. Statement - I: The relation in which both the plants are benefited is called symbiosis. Statement, II: The relation in which a one plant absorbs food from another growing green plant is called parasitism.

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  41. Spot the errors in the given statements and correct them.
    Parasitism benefits both the plants in the relation.

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  42. Spot the errors in the given statements and correct them.
    Symbiosis harms both the plants in the relation,

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  43. Assertion (A): The relation between fungus and green algae is parasitic in nature. Reason (R): The relation between fungus and green algae is symbiotic in nature.

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  44. Carbohydrates and fats are important nutrients required by the body. What is their primary function?

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  45. Plants use carbon dioxide and energy from sunlight to form complex molecules. Plants prepare food in the form of

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  46. Athletes are advised to eat banana and drink fruit juice as these are rich sources of ______ i. and provide ii_ The information in which alternative completes the given statement?

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  47. Which of the following pairs of food items is rich in fats?

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  48. Foods rich in i and_ ii are known as energy-giving foods. These nutrients provide energy to the body. The information in which alternative completes the given statement?

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  49. Which nutrient helps in the growth and repair of the body?

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  50. Proteins are important nutrients required by the body. The primary function of proteins is to

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  51. _i_and_ ii are the major nutrients present in food. The information in which alternative completes the given statement?

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  52. Minerals are required by the body in small amounts. The primary function of minerals is to help the body

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  53. Which nutrient helps the body fight diseases?

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  54. i _helps the body fight against various diseases, while -_______helps the body uptake calcium for bones and teeth. The information in which alternative completes the given statement?

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  55. Which of the following fruits is a good source of vitamin C?

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  56. What is the primary function of Vitamin D?

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  57. What is the main function of vitamin A in the body?

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  58. The given equation represents the process of photosynthesis. Carbondioxidet i `underset("Chlorophyll")overset(" Sunlight ")to overset("ii")"_____"` +Oxygen
    The information in which alternative completes the given equation?

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  59. Which of the following nutrients is not digested by the digestive system but required for the correct function of the intestines?

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  60. Plants are the sources of roughage. The primary function of roughage is to

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  61. Food contains i and i i _along with the major nutrients. Apart from the nutrients, these components are also required by the body. The information in which alternative completes the given statement?

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  62. Dietary fibre or roughage is a very important part of a balanced diet. The main function of roughage is to

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  63. Plants prepare food in the form of

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  64. _i _and_ï__are nutrients that provide the maximum amount of energy to the body. The information in which alternative completes the given statement?

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  65. Some food substances are known as body building foods. These food substances are rich in

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  66. Athletes are advised to eat banana and drink fruit juice as these are rich sources of i and provide ii . The information in which alternative completes the given statement?

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  67. i are required for ii_ and for maintaining its good health. The information in which alternative completes The given statement?

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  68. Which nutrient helps the body to use calcium for bones and teeth?

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  69. The primary function of vitamin A' is to

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FORMATIVE WORKSHEET questions and complete solutions for chapter NUTRITION IN PLANTS AND ANIMALS of BETOPPERS of Class 7