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Complete Solutions to CONCEPTIVE WORKSHEET of chapter RESPIRATION AND EXCRETION of Class 7 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions29
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Cellular respiration is the process wherein

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  2. Cellular respiration is the process by which cells generates energy molecules. What is not produced during cellular respiration?

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  3. The given equation represents cellular respiration. Sugar `+X to CO_2 +` water +Energy
    in the given during cellular respiration

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  4. Cellular respiration takes place inside the cells of all living organisms. Which of the following events does not occur during cellular respiration?

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  5. Cellular respiration is of two types- aerobic and anaerobic. Which of the following statements regarding aerobic respiration is incorrect?

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  6. Anaerobes are organisms which respire through anaerobic respiration. Which of the following organisms is an anaerobe?

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  7. Yeast is used in the commercial production of ___i__ and_ ii_ The information in which alternative completes the given statement?

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  8. During strenuous exercises, lactic acid is produced in our muscles because

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  9. Ayush set up the given experiment to study production of alcohol by yeast. He added some yeast to a test tube (tube A) containing fruit juice. He covered the tube with a piece of cork and connected the test tube to another test tube (tube B) containing some lime water with a delivery tube. The whole set up was maintained air tight. After some time, he noticed that the lime water in tube B had turned milky.

    Which of the following gases was produced by yeast which is responsible for the given observation?

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  10. Which process uses carbon dioxide and produces oxygen as a waste product?

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  11. In plants, gaseous exchange occurs through

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  12. Which of the following activities is a significant function of the nasal cavity?

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  13. Which of the following events does not take place during inhalation?

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  14. Which illustration represents the process of inhalation?

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  15. In the given picture there is a lime water in A and B test tubes. A boy is breathing out the air into the test tubes. Predict your answers for the following : What was the colour of lime water in test tubes 'A' and 'B' before you began the experiment ?

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  16. The given illustration represents the human excretory system.

    In the given illustration, the structure labelled X represents

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  17. Body cells produce a large number of waste products that enter the blood. These waste products need to be removed from the body for the proper functioning of cells. The organ that filters waste from blood is the

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  18. Which of the following functions is not performed by kidneys?

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  19. Human excretory system is made up of kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra. The structure that helps in the storage of urine is

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  20. The kidneys are present in most vertebrate animals. The kidneys are important because they

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  21. Dialysis is the artificial process of regulation of fluids and mineral concentration in the human body. Which organ is replaced through dialysis?

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  22. The lungs end in alveoli, which are sac-like structures. The alveoli surface allows the exchange of respiratory gases between the blood cells and air. This helps in the purification of blood." Kidneys also play a role in this process. The basic unit of kidney, where blood gets filtered, is called

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  23. Excretory organs help the body in getting rid of waste products: Which of the following organs is not an excretory organ?

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  24. Human excretory system is made up of kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra. The structure that helps in the formation of urine is

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  25. The kidneys filter waste products present in the blood and excrete them. This waste is produced due to the chemical reactions occurring in body. The basic unit of kidney is known as the

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  26. Which of the following organs is not part of the excretory system?

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  27. Kidneys produce

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  28. The kidneys are the part of the excretory system. They are present in the abdominal cavity. The kidneys perform the function of

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  29. Different animals excrete different types of nitrogenous wastes. Which of the following animals excretes ammonia?

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CONCEPTIVE WORKSHEET questions and complete solutions for chapter RESPIRATION AND EXCRETION of BETOPPERS of Class 7