Class 7 | CHEMISTRY |
Number Of Questions | 72 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
Name two organic impurities present in sewage.
Name two inorganic impuritise present in sewage.
Name two nutrients present in sewage.
What type of microbes present in sewage cause diseases such as cholera and typhoid?
Name two diseases which are caused by bacteria present in sewage.
Name one diseaases which is caused by microbes (other than bacteria) present in sewage .
write the full form of WWTP.
Name two chemicals used to disinfect water.
Name the solid waste extracted during sewage treatment.
Name two things that can be made from sludge extracted during treatment of sewage.
What is the cause of a large number of diseases in our country?
Name any four water -borne diseases which are caused by drinking contaminated water.
State whether the following statement is true or false:
Human excreta can be used in biogas plants.
Name any two low -cost, onsite sewage disposal systems for human waste.
What type of sewage disposal system will be suitable for an isolated cluster of 4 or 5 houses in an area
where there is no sewerage?
What type of toilets are most suitable for holding an outdoor music festival in a park ?
What type of toilets are the most suitable for an area where water supply is limited ?
What type of toilets are used in aeroplanes?
At a sewage treatment plant , what type of bacteria work:
in the digester tank.
At a sewage treatment plant , what type of bacteria work:
in the aeration tank.
Fill in the following blank with suitable words:
Wastewater released by house is called …………………..
Fill in the following blank with suitable words:
Cleaning of water is a process of removing…………………
Fill in the following blank with suitable words:
Dried …………………is used as a manurre..
Fill in the following blank with suitable words:
Drains get blocked by ……………..and ………….
Fill in the following blank with suitable words:
Untreated human excreta is a …………………….hazard.
Fill in the following blank with suitable words:
Untreated human excreta may cause …………pollution and …….pollution.
Fill in the following blank with suitable words:
Vermi-processing toilets use………… treat human waste.
Fill in the following blank with suitable words:
All the portable toilets are ……………… toilets.
Fill in the following blank with suitable words:
Poor sanitation in crowded public places can result in spread of ………….
What is mean by :
What is meant by :
Explain the function of bar screen in a wastewater treatment plant.
What is sludge ? Explain how it is treated .
Name two useful substances which are produced by the treatment of sewage . state their uses.
What is the purpose of bubbling air into the aeration tank during the treatment of sewage ?
Name the various wastes which should not be thrown down the drain . Why ?
why should oils and fats not be released in the drain ?
What is a vermi-processing toilet ?
Name the useful by -product obtained from vermi-processing toilets.
What will happen if the large amount of waste generated at public places is not disposed of properly ?
with the help of an example , outline your role as an active citizen in relation to sanitation.
What is sewage?
State the various ways in which we produce sewage in our homes ?
What is the name of underground pipelines which carry sewage from our homes to the wastewater treatment plants ?
Explain why , it is harmful to discharge untreated sewage into rivers , lakes or ground.
What is meant by the 'treatment of sewage ' ?
What is treatment of sewages purpose?
Draw a labelled sketch of wastewater treatment plant .
Describe the various steps involved in getting clear water from wastewater.
which fuel can be extracted during wastewater treatment plant process?
Explain the relation between sanitation and disease .
State the various ways in which you can contribute in maintaining sanitation at public places.
What is a septic tank ?
Describe the septic tank based toilet with the help of a labelled diagram .
Where are septic tank toilets used ?
which of the following statements about ozone are correct ?
A. It is essential for breathing of living organisms
B. It is used to disinfect water
C.It absorbs ultraviolet rays
D.Its proportion in air is about 3%
Which of the following is not an inorganic impurity present in sewage?
Which of the following organisms produce biogas from sludge in the digester tank of a wastewater treatment plant ?
Which of the following can be used to disinfect the clean water in a sewage treatment plant before releasing it into the distribution system?
A. Iodine
B. Ozone
D. Chlorine
Which of the following is not a water -borne disease ?
One of the following type of trees are said to help in purifying wastewater quite rapidly when planted all along the sewage ponds . These are:
which of the following are used for the safe disposal of human excreta in those areas where sewerage system dose not exist and water supply is limited or not available at all ?
Vacuum toilets are usually used in :
Which of the following organisms produce biogas from sludge in the digester tank of a wastewater treatment plant ?
A sewage treatment plant involves the following steps in its working :
Aerotion tank,Grit and sand removal tank, Second sedimentation tank, Bar screen, First sedimentation tank
Arrange all the above steps in the correct order in which they occur in the sewage treatment plant.
A sewage treatment plant involves the following steps in its working :
Aerotion tank,Grit and sand removal tank, Second sedimentation tank, Bar screen, First sedimentation tank
which step gives most of the sludge which is used for obtaining biogas fuel?
Some of the alternative sewage disposal systems for human waste are given below :
Chemical toilets, Composting toilets, vacuum toilets, Septic tank toilets, Vermi-processing toilets
which of these toilets provide high quality manure?
Some of the alternative sewage disposal systems for human waste are given below :
Chemical toilets, Composting toilets, vacuum toilets, Septic tank toilets, Vermi-processing toilets
Which of these toilets are used in aeroplanes?
Some of the alternative sewage disposal systems for human waste are given below :
Chemical toilets, Composting toilets, vacuum toilets, Septic tank toilets, Vermi-processing toilets
Which of these toilets are used at outdoor gatherings like marriages?
Some of the alternative sewage disposal systems for human waste are given below :
Chemical toilets, Composting toilets, vacuum toilets, Septic tank toilets, Vermi-processing toilets
Which of these toilets are used where water supply is limited or not availabe at all?
Some of the alternative sewage disposal systems for human waste are given below :
Chemical toilets, Composting toilets, vacuum toilets, Septic tank toilets, Vermi-processing toilets
Which of these toilets is most likely to contaminate water of a hand-pump installed nearby?
EXERCISE questions and complete solutions for chapter WASTE WATER STORY of LAKHMIR SINGH & MANJIT KAUR of Class 7