Class 7 | BIOLOGY |
Chapter | Model Paper-III |
NCERT TELUGU | Exercise |
Number Of Questions | 32 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
Name two chemicals used to disinfect the water.
What happens if leaves of a green plant are coated with oil?
If you see water running off from a public tap, what would you do about it?
State the differences between convex and concave mirrors.
What is cyclone and its effects on environment? What type of questions would you ask persons in the meterorological station about it?
You want to collect information about forest area and forest products in our State. For this prepare a model information table.
Forests are lungs of our mother earth. They are so many problems due to deforestation. To overcome this what suggestions you would like to implement. Suggest any four of yours.
What is adsorption ? Explain different types of adsorptions with suitable examples.
Do all flowers have same parts? Give examples of some flowers and explain your answer.
Explain your understanding about various stages in making of wool.
List out the food components which are present in the mid-day meal served at your school. Is it balanced diet? Support your answer.
Turmeric paper is a natural indicator, along with turmeric indicator paper, we can also prepare other natural indicators mentioned in the table below. Carry on tests and record your observations on the given table.
Read the following passage. Correct it into a tabular form.
Soil is make up of distinct horizontal layers called Horizons. They are divided into O, A, E, B, c and R horizons. O-horizon made of mostly of humus, Plant roots can grow in A-horizon, Water drips through E-horizon. B-horizon is also called subsoil. C-horizon consists of slightly broken up bedrock where as R-horizon have unweathered Rock.
Draw the diagram of a Anemometer and mention its uses.
Which food material is rich in fat?
Identify the correct statement.
Movement of minutes hand in a clock.
Incorrect statement of the following questions.
Insectivorous plant.
Chemical name is used in the preparation of Cake.
Lungs of the earth.
Energy giving food substances.
Acid present in curd.
Normal body temperature of a man
Choose the correct statement.
The dampnes of air is called.
Kind of cloth that protects is from cold.
Which is a true statement.
Which kind of soil retains the water molecules?
Metal that rusts due to the exposure of humidity.
Statement which is not true.
The amount of an ion liberated on an electrode during electrolysis does not depend upon:
Exercise questions and complete solutions for chapter Model Paper-III of NCERT Biology(TELUGU) of Class 7