Class 7 | BIOLOGY |
Chapter | Nutrition In Plants |
NCERT TELUGU | Example |
Number Of Questions | 33 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
Do you think saprophytes help us in keeping the environment clean?
Fill in the blanks and give reason:
Green plants are……………….in nature.
The food synthesized by the plant is stored as .......................
Fill in the blanks and give reason:
Saprophytes depend on……………for food.
Name the following:
Pores through which leaves exchange gases.
Name the following:
Plants that act as scavenger of nature.
Name the following:
Those plants that share food and shelter.
Name the following:
Plants which cannot make their own food and obtain it from host.
Tick the correct answer:
Cuscuta is an example of
Tick the correct answer:
Haustoria are
Tick the correct answer:
Raw materials involved in the process of photosynthesis.
insectivorous plants. Give eg.
Differentiate between following with some examples.
Parasite and saprophyte
Differentiate between following with some examples.
Host and parasite
Why are some plants called insectivorous plants. Give reasons.
Prathima said "Mushroom is also a plant". Is she correct? How would you support her?
Do you agree with Von Helmont? If nutrients absorbed by plants from soil is equal to the mass of plant/tree what will happen? Think and write your hypothesis.
Collect a leaf. Take peels from both sides of the leaf and observe stomata size, shape and number under microscope with the help of your class teacher and write your findings.
A potted plant is kept in light for a day and one of its leaves is tested for starch. The same plant is kept in the dark for two days and another leaf is tested for starch. Will there be a difference in the results of the two experiments? Give reasons for your answer.
What happens if leaves of a green plant are coated with oil?
Designery leaves - select any broad leaved potted plant. Cut a cardboard with a design of your choice and seal the selected leaf with the cardboard. Let the plant stand under the sun for a week then remove the cardboard you will get designery leaves plant. Try to make more leaves with designs and display your plant but don't to prevent your write up.
Collect information about experiments of Joseph Priestly and Ingen Houz from Internet and make a brief note on them.
Photosynthesis is the way plants make food in every leaf by using different items. Write your feelings on this.
meaning of symbiosis?
What is nutrition?
From where do the plants obtain nitrogen?
does starch is present on leaves
write about stomata
What is herbarium?
Explain symbiotic relationship in lichens.
If stomata are absent in plants, what consequences occur in the plants?
Write the information you collected from the farmers and farming field about absorption of water and minerals by root and stem to enhance nutrition of plants?
what is heterotrophs. Justify the answer.
Example questions and complete solutions for chapter Nutrition In Plants of NCERT Biology(TELUGU) of Class 7