Class 7 | BIOLOGY |
Chapter | Seed Dispersal |
NCERT TELUGU | Exercise |
Number Of Questions | 34 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
Among the following dispersal of seed occurs through wind in
Seeds of lotus travel by
These are carried by birds.
On drying the pod explodes releases seeds with great force in
Native of India.
__________ left the seeds of Tomatoes in India.
Among the following this has a single seed.
Among the following this has a large number of seeds.
Among the following this has a large number of seeds.
Seeds of fleshy fruits can be dispersed through
In mustard plant seeds can be dispersed through
Seed dispersal is essential for survival of
Sugarcane is a native plant of this country
Cotton seeds have the following structures.
Mustard plant produces seeds more than the following
Seeds of lotus dispersal through
Who left the seeds of tomatoes in India.
This is an example for marsupials_____
Plants can compete for the following.
The following seeds dispersal through human beings
Identify the wrong statement.
Some plants having bursting mechnism of fruits for dispersal of seeds in such plants fruit is called.
Neem fruits are dispersed by
These are carried by birds.
Among the following this has a single seed.
What is seed dispersal?
What are the ways through which dispersal of seeds occur?
What are the physical features of seeds that help in their dispersal?
Observe the animals in your surroundings. Fill in the table. Tabulate the information you collected on animals which contribute in seed dispersal.
Draw a neat labelled diagram of transverse section of any three fruits.
Write the collected information on dispersal of seeds done by man.
Form group of four or five students and try to collect information about seeds dispersed by man.
Imagine what would happen if all the mustard seeds are germinated?
Teacher is teaching about fruits and seeds. While the topic is going on one of the students raised some questions on seed dispersal what questions that student might have asked. Prepare them.
Exercise questions and complete solutions for chapter Seed Dispersal of NCERT Biology(TELUGU) of Class 7