Class 7 | CHEMISTRY |
Number Of Questions | 100 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
Explain why some fibres are called synthetic?
Give resons why plastic containers are used as storage devices?
Classify following material which can be, cannot be recycled? Plastic toys, electrical swithces, plastic chairs, carry bags, tumblers, tooth brush plastic chapels, plastic plates, plastic buckets.
If electric swithes are made by thermoplastics what would happens?
Thermoplastics are eco friendly then thermosetting plastics. What do you say Why?
Explain following.
Explain following.
Explain following.
Explain following.
Fill in the blanks.
Synthetic fibres are also called as…….fibres.
Fill in the blanks.
Synthetic fibres are synthesized from raw material called………
Fill in the blanks.
Like synthetic fibre, plastic also…….
Fill in the blanks.
Clothing lables are………
Fill in the blanks.
Rayon is made of……
Fill in the blanks.
A silk fibre's smoth absorbs light……
Where do we use the process of recycling? How is it useful? Give examples.
What is the difference between natural fibres and artificial fibres?
Identify household articles made up of natural and synthetic fibre.
What are the merits and demerits of nylon clothes?
Where do we find rayon factories in our state?
How do we prepare rayon?
What are polymers?
Should the handle and bristles of tooth brush be made of same material? Explain.
Write five uses of synthetic fibres other than making cloth.
What are the articles made up of nylon?
What will happen, if we use cotton ropes in preparing parachutes?
What made the human beings to search for the alternative for natural fibres?
Which fibres source material is not exhaustible? Why?
Take hair, wool, silk, paper, cotton thread, piece of plastic, thread of sweater, piece of rope and carefully conduct a flame test. Based on smell and type of melting, classify them as natural or artificial fibres.
How do you test 'Bakelite' plastic?
Prepare a table of various synthetic fibres which are used to make household articles from them?
Nylon sarees are much better than cotton sarees. Why?
Firemen wear dress which does not catch fire. How is it possible?
Collect various plastic objects from your surroundings and separate them as coded or the containers, water bottles, soft drink bottles, kithenware, non-stick pan.
If we burn PET bottle, the result may be
What is the different between washing of clothes at home and washing by dry cleaning?
Explain the differences between thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics with the help of a diagram explaning interms of arrangements of monomers.
Prepare a chart which can explain recycling codes, full names and acronym of. plastic and its usage for various household articles, recycled or not, if recycled what will be made from that ?
What information do the following symbols give on plastic bottles?
What is the universal recycle symbol?
What do the following symbols show?
How much time takes to degrade the following?
Introduction of synthetic fibres in the textile industry brought revolutionary change across the world in the dressing patterns irrespective of culture and customs. How do you apppreciate this ?
Explain `4R` Principle for creating eco-friendly environment.
Plastic bags are more dangerous than atom bomb for future generations. Commen on it.
Make a list of occasions where you can avoid plastic and use alternatives.
How synthetic fibres changed our everyday life?
Nibha wants to buy clothes to parents for winter wear. What type of clothes would you suggest? Specify reasons.
If plastic is not properly disposed, what could be the consequences?
Indiscriminate usage of plastic is a serious threat to bio-diversity, What are the efforts of Government and Non-Government organizations in this regard?
Identify household articles made up of natural and synthetic fibre.
Beads and paper clips pattern
Do you find any similarity between the pattern of beads in neccklace and the pattern of paper clips in the chain.
What happerns if small unit of chemical substance is combined together ?
How do we obtain synthetic fibres?
Beads and paper clips pattern
What are the source of synthetic fibres?
Identifying fibres burining test:
If is smells like burining hair, what is the yarn?
Identifying fibres burining test:
If is smells like burining paper, what is the yarn?
Identifying fibres burining test:
If the yarn melts in the flame, what is the yarn?
How strong in nylon?
Arrange the threads in the order of increasing strength.
Do you know that if you compare nylone thread with a steel wire of same thickness. Nylon will be as strong as steel wire?
Why do we combine fibres? What is this process called?
How can you say a bottle is PET Bottlle? Collect different kinds of water bottles of your classmates and look at them carefully.
What number is marked in the center of the triangle?
How can you say a bottle is PET Bottlle? Collect different kinds of water bottles of your classmates and look at them carefully.
What number is marked in the center of the triangle?
Identification of various articles with recycling codes.
Identification of various articles with recycling codes.
What is the use of recycling codes in plastics ?
What code is observed for soft drinks and juices ?
Identification of various articles with recycling codes.
Types of plastics. Let us take two bottles made up of plastic. One is Tupperware and another ordinary. Pour some hot water in both. What do you notice?
What is the code of the deformed bottle ?
What is the name given to plastics which are deformed easily on heating?
What is the name given to plastics which are molded once can't be softened by heating?
Can you tell Tupperware is thermosetting plastic or thermo plastic?
Identify whether given plastic material is thermoplastic or thermosetting plastic by using flame test.
Biodegradable-Non biodegradable: Let's take peels of fruits and vegetables, left over food stuff, waste paper, cotton cloth and plastic bag. Keep this material in a pit. Open the pit after some days and list the material which remain a long time and those that disappear quickly.
What is the name given to certain material which can be break down into smaller fragments in the presence of water, sun light and oxygen and by bacteria?
What do we call the material which are not decomposed by natural process?
What made the human beings to search for the alternative for natural fibres?
Which fibres source material is not exhaustible? Why?
How synthetic fibres evolved to the present position?
What will happen, if we use cotton ropes in preparing parachutes?
Traditionally fishermen used cotton nets. Now they are using nylon nets. What is the advantage of using nylon nets?
Nylon sarees are much better than cotton sarees. Why?
What characteristics make rayon better than natural silk?
If you want ot purchase a door mat made of synthetic fibre, which synthetic fibre door mat will you select? Why?
If sanitary diapers and bandages are made of nylon, what will happen?
Which type of blended fabric do you find more comfortable in winter? Why?
The fabrics namely natural, synthetic and blended are available for garments. Which fabrics will you prefer to wear for rare occassions like functions and in routine? Why?
Which fabrics do you prefer? Natural or synthetic? Why? Discuss comparatively.
What is the different between washing of clothes at home and washing by dry cleaning?
Certain fry pans are said to be non-stick. What made them non stick?
Firemen wear dress which does not catch fire. How is it possible?
Are all of our clothes made of natural fibres?
What are synthetic fibres? Why do we call them so? How are they manufactured?
How do you find whether a fabric is synthetic or not?
How long is the fibre ? Is it lustrous or not ? Do these characteristics help in identifying a fibre?
Can you name few synthetic fabrics that you wear or observed?
If rayon is obtained from plant cellulose then why don't we call it as a natural fibre?
Why do we combine fibres? What is this process called?
EXAMPLE questions and complete solutions for chapter SYNTHETIC FIBRES AND PLASTICS of NCERT Chemistry(TELUGU) of Class 7